kvtyes · 3 years
hey, guys! i definitely dropped off the face of the earth for a cool minute there and that’s my bad kjgldbsagbj i started with a new psychiatrist today after i’ve been unmedicated for going on three months now? which is... not great for me. but! i’m back on meds as of today and i’m feeling pretty solid so i’ll be around to catch up on things / toss out starters / generally let wren and kat run amok here pretty soon ♥
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kvtyes · 3 years
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“i know that this isn’t ideal,” selene started, unsure how katye would react to the fact that they’d ended up in an apartment together so soon after getting engaged, “but it’s - i think we should make the most of it. it’ll be easier to get to know each other, if we’re in each other’s space. if it’s - if we end up killing each other, obviously we’ll know we’re not compatible before everything goes public.” 
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“i’m not worried about sharing space,” katye said, tugging at the hem of her shirt with restless fingers. it was, as a matter of fact, quite low on the long list of things she’s worried about in general or since their engagement, specifically. no, she was fairly certain selene would be perfectly lovely to live with as she seemed to be perfectly lovely in ever other way. katye pursed her lips, resting her chin in the palm of her hand as she studied selene with a furrow between her eyebrows. “i suppose i’m more worried it’ll take all of a day for you to figure out i’m not all that interesting. cute, maybe -- but... i mean -- you’re... far too good for me, i think.” it was the one nagging thought she’d had since her father had informed her of the engagement in the first place but to have it and to voice it were two very different beasts altogether and it was all katye could do to keep her eyes on selene as she spoke. 
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kvtyes · 3 years
hi, friends! now that i’ve gotten some of the busy work out of the way with wren i could use some threads with both of my dumbasses. so, go ahead and react and i’ll get some starters written up at some point! 
☕ for katye !
✌ for wren !
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kvtyes · 3 years
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kvtyes · 3 years
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Aslan had lost his footing in the initial quake and he was pretty sure that was a cut on his forehead he could feel bleeding. Istanbul experienced earthquakes less often than the coast but he certainly had experience with the aftermath and knew that they needed to get off this mountain. He didn’t even recognize the two women in that moment, just stopped to say, “They’ll be sending rescue crews up. All we’ll do is make their jobs harder if we stay.” Besides, he thought, Layla was back at the resort. He had to get back to her. He looked at the women then and sighed internally. The Cyprus princess. Right. “I don’t think we’re far. A few miles.”  @selcncs​
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there was a moment where selene thought: this couldn’t get much worse, could it? and then, like everything in her life, it did. aslan’s appearance popped the bubble of relief that she had for katye escaping the fallen branch, as she realized that they were stuck with him. unfortunately, their chances of survival were greater if they stuck in groups - and as much as selene hated them, she wasn’t going to abandon aslan when layla was pregnant. earlier in the year, she might’ve just walked away. she took katye’s hand, trying to hold herself together carefully, sure that she was probably squeezing too tight. the situation was officially getting to her, “no, it’s - we shouldn’t go that way, there’s too many trees. we should probably try to avoid going into the forrest, i think? just - as much as we possibly can, in case katye decides to get in the way of another branch.”   //   @kvtyes​
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it was something of a relief to have something to focus on other than the brief terror that the earthquake had inspired to begin with; not that katye was particularly excited to be in the middle of something she was already aware she didn’t fully understand. she could compartmentalize for the moment, at least - and focus on getting the three of them away from the present danger. she squeezed selene’s hand in what she hoped was at least a vaguely comforting gesture, studying the blood on aslan’s face with a brief flicker of concern before she fumbled, briefly, shrugging off the backpack she’d packed for the day to retrieve the first aid kit tucked away in it. “here, um -” katye paused, raising their joined hands to kiss the back of selene’s hand in a placating gesture before she dropped it entirely, glancing at aslan with a quirked eyebrow. “i can help with that before we go any further? i’m not exactly a professional but,” she paused, shrugged as she held up the first aid kit with an absent wave of her free hand. she took a moment to retrieve a sterile pad, holding it out to aslan before she pointed to the spot on her own forehead that matched his injury, “hold it there for a bit. don’t worry - you won’t bleed to death. i’ll give you a bandage in a minute and we can sort out where the fuck we’re going.” // @vslvano​
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kvtyes · 3 years
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consider adopting ...
KALEV JAKOBSON,  prince of estonia, duke of tartu.
“ this is the mark of a really admirable man: steadfastness in the face of trouble. ”
to the people of estonia the royal family was something to be proud of — though ‘down to earth’ had never been a description anyone would think to apply to royals of any sort, it seemed that king artur and queen consort sofia were royals of the people. they seemed to care a great deal about the health and happiness of their subjects and within the first year of his rule artur had made it a point to enact countless public works programs geared towards improving the infrastructure of the country in several key ways-- combating poverty, homelessness, unemployment and countless other issues.
it seemed a given that such a happy couple would go on to produce heirs in some way and the announcement of sofia’s pregnancy was met with great fanfare by both the common people and the political elite. the birth of the jakobson twins, while expected, was met by fanfare even greater than the announcement of the pregnancy had been and it seemed that the expectations being placed on them, even as children, were immense.
as they grew older it became clear that kalev had more of a gift for the ins and outs of being royalty than katye — he was gentle and steadfast in a way katye could only match with intensity and an inherent impatience that made them a wonderful complement to one another as their personalities began to develop. still, the fifteen minutes that separated them meant that katye earned the title of crown princess and kalev would be second in line to succeed to the throne should something happen to his sister - god forbid anything ever did.
where katye seemed poised to maintain alliances by sheer force of will and a reluctant charm, kalev could always be counted on to soften the rough edges his sister left in her wake — he was poised, wickedly intelligent but always ready with a kind word and a particular shyness that people who interacted with him seemed to find more charming than anything else. to katye he has always been a powerful motivating force in her life -- without him she was never quite sure she’d have reached her thirties with even a shred of her sanity intact; they are one another’s closest confidants, attached at the hip in a way only twins ever seem to be and as far as katye’s concerned, kalev is her favorite person in the world - the one person she can count on for anything at all, at any time, for any reason. 
kalev is the more personable of the jakobson twins. he tends to handle political matters more deftly and can often be found at katye’s side during events when they’re both in the country. throughout their lives katye has made it a point to make herself more present in the limelight, so to speak, because it has always made kalev a bit more uncomfortable and he generally prefers to work behind the scenes to get things done. he’s a very gentle, overall affable person - the first person to offer a hand if someone needs help, kind almost to a fault, and probably one of the only people who can simultaneously keep katye in check when she’s being ridiculous and encourage her when she has her mind set on just about anything. kalev is like, a teddy bear of a man, basically.  
NAME : kalev taevas jakobson.
AGE : thirty-three ( he is katye’s twin brother & they should be the same age ).
FACECLAIM OPTIONS : william moseley, luke mitchell, lucas till, oliver stark, utp ( as long as they can pass as being related i’m really alright with anyone! )
TITLE : his royal highness, prince of estonia & duke of tartu.
GROUP : @highsocietyhq.
CONNECTIONS : katye jakobson ( @kvtyes / fraternal twin, crown princess of estonia ). anneli talvitie ( @vnncli / first cousin, princess of finland ). yi “dianna” dahye ( @diannayi / ex-girlfriend, princess of south korea ). 
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kvtyes · 3 years
( @kvtyes·· - after first reply, it’s totally hijackable! )
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“oh no,” selene says, the second the ground starts to shake. she’s sat through plenty of small earthquakes, but all of them in the comfort of her home in nicosia. “we should - katye! we - move away from the trees - it’s - the old limbs will fall, quickly,” selene reaches for her hand, dragging her to the side just as a few limbs come down right where she was standing. she knows her hands are shaking, but she’s not sure how she manages to steady her voice, “come on, it’s - it’ll be safer this way, until the aftershocks pass.” 
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earthquakes are by no means something katye has a great deal of experience with— the worst to hit her home country occurred over a decade before she was born and nothing since, to hear her parents tell it, was nearly as harrowing. she steps away on command, the tone of selene’s voice unfamiliar and finds it difficult to focus on anything other than the crumbling landscape around them and the hard pounding of her own blood in her ears. “ fucking hell, alright. i - we don’t really - earthquakes are not my area of expertise. how far do you think the resort is? or - fuck, anyone else for that matter. should we look for more people? ”
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kvtyes · 3 years
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“um… yes?” selene says, a little unsure of the entire thing. she’s not really an… outdoorsy type. but katye had seemed so excited, she couldn’t help but sign up for saturday’s hike. she wanted this to work, so she’d spent a lot of time trying to get into things katye liked. “oh, don’t do that - he’s weirdly intense… and they’re better to stay here - you can buy me flowers when we get back, i’m sure…” selene gives katye a bright smile, knowing that will probably set her fiancee into another bout of stuttering. she thought it was adorable, so she kept encouraging it, “do you think we’ll be up here until sunset? the ocean would look amazing, then.” 
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“ is that your final answer? ” the smile on her face softens the question and it’s amusement more than anything that prompts it to begin with-- between the fresh air and her own acclimation to being slightly less of an awkward mess around her fiancée, things seem to be going quite well. katye blinks slowly in response to selene’s smile-- her own smile widening even as she feels a flush beginning to creep up the back of her neck and into her cheeks that has absolutely nothing to do with the heat. “ i don’t think the flowers would be nearly as lovely as they could be next to you... ” she trails off, pauses for a split second to process what she’s said before her blush deepens and she sighs. “ one day i’m going to sort out how to talk to you like i’m, you know, a functioning adult woman and not like i fell out of a romance novel or something. unless you think it’s cute-- then i make no promises. as for the sunset— i expect we’ll be here for the day so it seems likely, doesn’t it? i can fine tune my mediocre photography skills for the occasion. ” 
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kvtyes · 3 years
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“ i definitely won’t be blamed for this. ” she shouldn’t have complained about anything. being able to hike in argentina was a wonderful opportunity, and it had been voluntary. “ don’t be so sensitive, bulk up next time, ” she teased katye and shot her a grin. “ oh ? she’s here ? which one ? ” the options were very limited. there was only a handful of faces she was absolutely clueless about. “ i’ll go as far as to pretend to twist my ankle so you can look better. how’s it going between the two of you ? ”
“ you’re so dreadfully mean to me. ” it isn’t a sincere comment by any means-- anneli is as close to a sister as katye’s ever had but she delivers it with a huff and a pout at the teasing being thrown her way. it’s much easier to fall back into a familiar dynamic than it is to explain exactly where her anxieties about her engagement have settled in the short time she’s known selene. she glances around them as best she can without drawing attention to it, pointing selene out before she sighs, “ she’s... lovely. ‘out of my league’ -- isn’t that what the americans say? i can’t imagine what her brother was thinking chaining her to me or why my parents agreed. but... i suppose i feel lucky, in the grand scheme of things. she might as well be a princess from a disney film. i might be one of those little cinderella mice-- jaq was quite cute so maybe i have that going for me. ”
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kvtyes · 3 years
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“ we most definitely have, ” anneli laughed, a hand rising to pat katye’s shoulder. “ and it’s because you got too big. if you were forty centimetres shorter, i’d consider it. ” she let her pace slow down so that talking became easier. “ missed you too, ” anneli replied quietly as she turned her gaze back to the path to keep herself from tripping over some rock or root. “ i have to admit, i’d rather be carrying my full gear in a cool forest than this rucksack in this heat. hell, i’d even be knee deep in snow. ” there was just something terribly unbearable about the inescapable warmth. “ but i like the nature so i suppose i’ve been having fun. what about you ? are those twigs you call legs still working ? ” 
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“ oh, it’s my fault ? ” katye retorts, her eyes widening in feigned surprise moments before she rolls them skyward and chuckles -- even in the midst of teasing she appreciates having family around. it’s a comfort she hadn’t expected to miss all that much in the grand scheme of things but without kalev’s steady presence at her side she finds that even the vague reminder of home that being with anneli brings is enough to lift her mood exponentially. “ it does feel a bit like we could melt away at any moment, ” she muses, her thoughts drifting towards winters spent in finland-- her mother’s stories of her own childhood enriching every step katye had taken through the finnish countryside. it’s been quite some time since she’s visited and she wonders if it’ll be the same should she return after all of the conflict that’s plagued their small corner of the world. “ we can’t all be amazonian women, anneli,” katye grumbles, shoving at anneli’s arm gently even as she grins. “ i’m fine. having a quiet anxiety attack about being on a hiking trip with my fiancée but fine, all the same. if i pass out, though, you’re obligated to catch me. ”
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kvtyes · 3 years
( @vnncli​ )
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“ have we outgrown the stage in our lives where i ask you for piggy back rides? ” katye asks, a mischievous smile clear on her face as she approaches her cousin and wraps anneli in a warm hug. “ i’ve missed you! i was relieved to find your name in this group -- you having fun? it’s not quite home but it’s something special, isn’t it? ”
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kvtyes · 3 years
( @selcncs​ )
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“ are you enjoying yourself? ” katye asks, turning to find selene somewhere over her shoulder as they walk. she’s never known many of her royal compatriots to be particularly outdoors-y but she’s never taken an extensive amount of time to learn anything at all about them; it is, if nothing else, a blessed change of pace. “ it’s beautiful here -- i was going to pick you a few flowers but i’m slightly concerned the guide would strangle me for it, ” she continues, her voice a low, conspiratorial murmur that softens as she grins and flashes a wink in selene’s direction. 
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kvtyes · 3 years
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kvtyes · 3 years
i’m FINALLY at my laptop for the night — if anyone would like a starter from my surprise nature loving nerd, please like this and i’ll do my best to get them out!
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kvtyes · 3 years
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selene can’t stop the blush that passes across her face. she’d always had the same reaction to pretty girls complimenting her, she can’t help but allow the smile to cross her face. god, is it that easy? it was like anyone could just smile at her and suddenly she’d be making heart eyes at them, like an absolute idiot. she shakes her head, trying to snap herself out of it, lest she get hurt again. “thank you,” selene replies, “your photos on google didn’t do you justice, either. they were all a bit… posed, too professional, you know?” she turns, looping her arm with katye’s, and starts to lead the way towards the elevators, “come on, there’s a place across the street with great food. sometimes they have live music, too. i don’t speak enough spanish to get the meaning, but… it’s nice to hear, at least?” she pauses for a few seconds before the doors of the elevator open, looking over at katye for a long moment, before managing an awkward sentence, “you’re… an architect, right? i thought i read that somewhere. do you, um, build… things?” 
it’s a testament to just how endearing she finds the combination of awkwardness and genuine kindness selene is offering her as they speak that katye finds herself relaxing more and more by the second until she finds herself biting her lip to stave off a rough giggle that catches in the back of her throat; she wonders exactly what photographs pop up on any given google search but she imagines none of them do much to hide the fact that she has-- at best-- a resting bitch face when it comes to dealing with the media as a whole. “ i’ve got a bit of a habit of making myself as unavailable to photographers as possible so those must be official shoots-- if you’d dug a bit harder you might’ve found my brother’s instagram -- which he insists on using to post the most embarrassing photos of us in existence, ” kat explains, shaking her head in faux-distress at the mention of the ridiculous pictures kasper’s allowed to live for all time on his social media accounts.
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“ i won’t be any help on the spanish speaking front, either, ” she admits, a sheepish air to her expression as the silence passes for all of a beat before she glances at selene out of the corner of her eye, “ languages are sort of an obsession for me these days. spanish might be on the list after-- um-- after greek and turkish. ” she isn’t quite prepared to admit that she’s learning them for selene specifically but the knowledge in her own mind is enough to make her blush and look away until selene asks her a direct question and katye’s attention returns to her, fixating on her wife-to-be with an easy, crooked grin. “ i am! i have a shiny handful of degrees to prove it, ” kat says with a chuckle. “ for the most part i talk my mother into letting me add on to the palace-- at least for the last year or so. but yes, i’m an architect-- it would be nice to build more than... family related things but there’s a time for everything, i suppose.”   
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kvtyes · 3 years
Roman let out an amused hum before bringing his glass to his lips. She hadn’t exactly stumbled upon a new notion. “Isn’t that the reason why parties are so popular? It’s socially acceptable to be tipsy at a party, and you’re expected to be social.” The ice cubes in his glass clicked against the crystal. “It’s the best way to meet new people, and to get along with people you otherwise wouldn’t spend a minute with.”
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“ at this point i imagine i’ll be surprised if anyone wants to spend a minute with me. ” it’s another sign of the fact that katye is perhaps too hard on herself-- her mother’s lectures were at the forefront of her mind during most social interactions but try as she might it took everything in her to focus on being an interesting person to converse with rather than playing the perfect princess. “ the things i manage to do at parties are likely the reason my mother’s going grey, ” she delivers the comment with a smirk, a huff of laughter following in quick succession. “ at least... it’s certainly the excuse she’ll give me if i ask. what is it you’re drinking tonight? it may be time for a bit of a change on my end. ”
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kvtyes · 3 years
❝ Not at all ! ❞ It could help the other woman actually. A drink or two would likely make her more comfortable. ❝ Red hair and a love for alcohol, are you sure you’re not Irish ? ❞ Aisling joked. Katye clearly did not have an Irish accent and if she was from the emerald isle, the princess would probably know her. 
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“ i wouldn’t count it out, ” katye quips, her smile widening before she takes a slow sip of her drink. “ seems to me there’s always room for someone to be a long lost relative of sorts, doesn’t it? i can’t tell you how many times i’ve had people try to run that story by me in my day-to-day life.” she finds it genuinely hilarious every time-- often finds herself wondering why people would want to be long lost royalty of estonia, of all places. “ but if that’s all it takes to be irish then i suppose i qualify, hm? ” it’s more a playful comment than anything, softened by the way kat smiles around the rim of her glass.
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