kwamp-blog · 11 years
this is the first time i've logged in to tumblr since...july?
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
My open letter to Governor McDonnell
(I wrote this in 10 minutes, so it's not great. But I think it gets the point across...)
Governor McDonnell, I am writing to you as a rising fourth-year student at The University of Virginia. I know you are well aware of the events that have unfolded in Charlottesville over the past few weeks, but since I am unable to be in Charlottesville to voice my opinion there, I felt it was necessary to write you and let you know of my concerns. I had no real opinion of Teresa Sullivan as the President of our University, and without such an opinion, I felt it wise not to say anything during the first few days of this debacle, as it was unclear how the actions of the Board of Visitors would eventually impact me as a student. However, the increasing opacity of the BOV, specifically of Rector Dragas, has concerned me. Now that esteemed faculty members such as William Wulf are beginning to resign, I am beginning to feel the impact of the Board's decisions on my education, and I am not happy about it. I came to The University of Virginia from a small suburb of Louisville, Kentucky, excited about the opportunities such an esteemed institution could allow me. Throughout my first three years at UVA, I have been satisfied by the challenging, thought-provoking liberal arts education I've received at UVA. The thought that as a fourth-year student, I might not be able to receive the same standards of education because faculty have left due to discontent with the administration is almost as unfathomable as the thought that future students of UVA will not be able to receive the same quality education I did, or the thought that in the future, the degree that I have worked so hard to attain will be tainted by the actions of this BOV. As the parent of two UVA students, you must realize that this is a legitimate concern. As the governor of Virginia, with the power to appoint and reappoint board members, you also must realize that the onus is on you to rectify this situation. Please pressure the Board of Visitors to account for their actions. Please pressure Helen Dragas to follow in the footsteps of Vice-Rector Kingston and resign, and if she does not, I urge you not to reappoint her as Rector of the Board of Visitors. Please consider the fact that the BOV's actions, and your actions, have a considerable impact on the educations of thousands of young minds - young, impressionable minds who will one day lead this Commonwealth, nation, and world. This is your opportunity to show what being a Virginian is all about - transparency, accountability, and most importantly, honor. Respectfully, Kathryn Wampler UVA Class of 2013
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
I went to the Newseum this weekend.
First of all, it was awesome and I highly recommend it. 
Secondly, I think I have a future career. 
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
I love when I'm writing a paper, and my intro paragraph/thesis are gold and make me sound like a genius. But then I realize I only have about three hours left to write the paper, and I'm like, "...welp...this is the best it's gonna get."
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
If this were my actual plan I probably would've chosen Sociology.
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
look like death. feel like death.
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
This describes the last 2 weeks pretty perfectly.
me trying to write my final paper
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
this is me today.
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
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Lace Sleeve. Fucking awesome.
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
when anybody tries to have a dance-off with me, i'm just like
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
this is so cool.
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
i've never wanted time to pass so quickly as i want the next two and a half weeks to fly by. but at the same time, i'm worried that i won't have enough time to do everything i need to do. 
on a semi-related note, i am one more sleepless night away from completely losing my sanity.
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
This guy retired from rapping four days ago. What a shame.
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
don't let a man try and make you think that you should feel ashamed to be smart.
how are we gonna be embarrassed of that?
just because i read a few books doesn't make me an aristocrat.
obviously on a doc brown kick.
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
life is cruel blood, i'm tired of school  your mind's a tool, don't play by the rules  that's the truth; i've been trapped since youth  my heart's bruised but i still won't lose 
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kwamp-blog · 12 years
Is it bad that I resent anything that starts with the words "Keep calm" and does not end with "and carry on"?
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