kwkdngmn · 3 years
changho feints confusion, tilting his head with a furrowed brow. “hyung — i can call you hyung right?” the pledge questions, before continuing on without hearing the answer from dongmin. “ is it okay for me to answer these questions out in the open? you know i thought everything was hush hush.
regardless, the younger man hums, “ it was fine, i’m still a bit confused on why i was there, i feel i’m pretty average in most aspect of my life,  i can’t say that i had a bad time, i saw a pretty girl, eat good food, drank some nice wine.” 
“it was a bit boring though.” changho says after a moment of silence, his true intentions peeking from the concern tint of his voice. “i hope there’s more in store.”
maybe there’s something a little cute about changho, in his earnestness. while dongmin knows the majority of it is for the sake of formalities (in public, it’s so much easier to be the polite, well-mannered individual who loves his classics and enjoys a good round of archery now and then…), there’s still something about his demeanor that dongmin finds genuinely endearing. he smiles to himself, absentmindedly scribbling lines down on his notebook. 
“it’s just a party, right?” dongmin gives a wide smile. “nothing too hush hush about a back-to-school party.” 
as changho lists off the events of the evening, dongmin’s memory slowly comes back into focus from the night. pretty girl, good food, good wine… changho’s back disappearing into the crowd of people, a glimpse of his side profile as he slips away into some hallway, his flushed face after he’s had his fair share of refreshments… dongmin scribbles a small, wobbly smiley face in the corner of his page. it does sound like a good time, after all.
but changho’s words make his pen still. a bit boring… dongmin can’t hide the spark that jumps into his eyes, the eager smile he’s plastered on ever growing. a society party… boring? well, dongmin has never heard a pledge utter those words so plainly, so … nonchalant in its delivery as if it were just a matter of the weather report. i knew i did the right thing when i targeted you…
“oh, don’t worry!” dongmin nudges changho gently with the tip of his pen. “things definitely get more exciting the longer the year progresses.”
“besides,” dongmin has a sly smile. “our line is always the most fun.”
changho… he really never disappoints. dongmin’s mind is darting into so many different directions, so many ways in which he could poke and prod and get the information he’s just dying to know… but he knows that he and changho are not at the point of usually joyful conversation, and that the way he presents himself is determining whether he’ll get this opportunity again. 
“do you feel confident?” dongmin asks. “about either competition, really.”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
perhaps it would have been better to compare himself to a watch crown—ilhwan has always been keen on watches. the crown, a crucial component of a wristwatch, provides the energy necessary for internal movement to occur… but that movement still relies on cogs to tick along, and he requires many, many cogs to fulfill his ambitions.
“it’s interesting you tell me not to trust jaehyun,” ilhwan says. “it’s not like you to be altruistic without a price in mind. unless… your shared history is behind your sudden generosity?”
19th century master… yeah, of course you would…. 
there are times when dongmin wonders why he ever tries to interact with do ilhwan. in all of their interactions, dongmin finds himself being more annoyed than fulfilled, and oftentimes dongmin also struggles to feel as though he’s making any headway. as someone who has always been heavily decorated in accolades and accomplishments, it’s difficult to fail. and even more so, it’s difficult to fail in the face of a personality so familiar. 
after countless years of being raised on society ledger books, old records of past lineages, the expectations to be Different, to be the Best… there’s a part of dongmin that feels as though he’s only ever going to amount to what he is in the society. his old man has always been a constant reminder of it with his brisk text messages and reminders that stand in stark contrast to his mother’s tendency to simply gossip monger and ask for dongmin to report back his findings. in this vein, wouldn’t he be taking after his mother more? and yet, he’s always seen as the proper son of kwak heejae, who is fated to carry on the temperance excellence and turn around their persistent dark mark. 
part of him had believed that by going off to skku, despite all of the hovering family connections, he could be a bit more of Himself here.
and yet, staring ilhwan in the face, it feels as though he’s never left home.
“i’m hurt that you think i always have ulterior motives,” dongmin frowns, finally placing down his plate on some passing server’s tray. “am i not able to just simply look out for an acquaintance?”
the tail end of ilhwan’s sentence lingers in the back of his mind, digging at the old scars that still have yet to be fully healed. he has half a mind to grab some more champagne, but he also knows that he’d do better than to get hazy in the head around ilhwan.
“maybe you think you’re going to do so much better than me by his side,” dongmin cranes his neck to watch where the Elephant is stationed. “but, honestly, not to like.. brag or anything, but i did a damn good job for him.”
he pauses, hesitates. “maybe this was because i was acting out of a place of a friendship…? sometimes i wonder if you’re even capable of making friends, ilhwan.”
part of him knows that ilhwan will more likely cite Friendship as the source of his weakness which led to him being kicked to the curb, and while dongmin would typically agree... well, maybe he isn’t only putting on the airs of being naive. something in dongmin Wanted to believe that he and jaehyun could be friends, and that friendship would triumph over the society’s persistent chokehold on the both of them. us against the world... that’s what dongmin had always imagined...
execution does not always match the plans.
“i’ll be your first friend, ilhwan,” he does a bit of a dramatic bow. “it’d be my honor! and my first action as your new best friend is to simply give you a word of warning.”
that something that struck up dongmin’s spine returns. it is persistent and buzzing and insisting on being uncovered. it promises him personal satisfaction, the ability to exact the most petty revenge, and possibly (as a fun bonus) get do ilhwan to convert over to his side... at present, he will have to plan it some more. more research is required. what matters now is the ilhwan before him.
“you don’t want to end up like Me, do you?” dongmin looks ilhwan up and down. “i think you’re worth so much more than being demoted to just common trash.”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
“next moves… are never based on whims,” ilhwan continues, gently swaying his champagne. “next moves insinuates you know what plans are, and i doubt you’ve ever worked in tandem with someone to accomplish them.”
while still feeling akin to pulling teeth, dongmin relishes in the way that ilhwan seems interested, his eyes drifting around but his attention still finely honed onto the conversation. can dongmin formally declare this a victory, yet? when it comes to ilhwan, it’s common for the success to be pulled back as fast as it came. ignoring the faint feeling of security, dongmin opts to fiddle with the edges of his plate, looking around at the people and emanating an air of … worry? apprehension? or maybe he’s just a little distractible..
in any case, he takes his time looking around upon ilhwan’s inquiry. he waits just long enough before he feels ilhwan’s patience begin to wear thin. 
“i wouldn’t say i’m interested in any of the pledges in particular, but they’re interesting, right?” he taps his fingernail against the plate idly. “i mean, look at my lineage… they’re fun. they’re fresh-faced, they’re… so not like you.” 
maybe it’s a low blow, but maybe also dongmin is more wounded than he wants to admit… wounded by something he refuses to acknowledge at present. dancing around it, kicking it under the rug, slamming the door shut… yes, he’ll just keep it at more than an arm’s length. 
and yet, ilhwan’s words are digging just a bit deeper than he would prefer tonight. 
“hm, well, i decided that working in tandem isn’t really my style,” his eyes drift over to a certain figure who’s laughing jovially amid his group of yes men. dongmin’s hand is gripping his plate. “i think maybe you would know the risks of working with someone else…?”
the feeling dissolves back into the deep crevices of his brain, the tension leaving his shoulders. he takes a deep breath in, allows himself to continue.
“and on the subject of that, i always thought you were more of a lone wolf type,” dongmin quirks an eyebrow at his conversation partner. “didn’t think partnerships were your thing? and with that person of all people…”
and maybe there’s a light that flicks on in the faint corner of dongmin’s brain. a shiver up his spine. yes--
“i know you don’t listen to a lot of things i say,” dongmin leans forward. “but if you listen to anything…. i wouldn’t get too comfortable with him.”
leaning back, there’s a glint in his eye. “it’s a bit too Risky… no matter the steps you have planned ahead.”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
     “history—” she blinks, now genuinely taking the time to get a better look at her ‘victim’. namely, the glassy eyes and unshed tears that she reckons he’d prefer she not speak on it. oh. it’s him. it’s— “you don’t have gum do you?” hanui gives his jaw a squeeze to open, eyes flicking down to double check the inside of his mouth, all the while her mind struggles to come up with the information; crap, what was his name? 
it was a chance encounter at some family friend formal. it would’ve been otherwise unremarkable if he hadn’t been so horribly wounded by it: both physically and mentally. it was a game of teasing gone wrong, their childish spiteful interactions becoming more and more mischievous as their time left unattended continued. one thing had led to another and dongmin’s wad of bubblegum had landed ungracefully into the locks of hair of his playmate. feeling regretful (although there was also a shock of satisfaction that spread throughout him at the sight), he attempted to try to maneuver the gum out of her hair as she wailed, him barely able to console her as she thrashed about trying to dislodge the gum from her hair.
and it’s with this thrashing that her hand smacked into his nose and unfortunately caused blood to go rushing out of his nose. 
needless to say, two kids were sobbing that day, and it was quite a mess to clean up. 
dongmin had otherwise put all of it behind himself, thinking that he would never have to see the dreaded jin hanui ever ever again, acknowledging that their circles didn’t merge so often that it would be intolerable. he felt a certain peace settle over him, a relief that he would never have to take his chances at being bashed in the face ever again. 
that is, until he was sitting in at the virtue deliberation, and her name came up in the discussion. 
sometimes he really has the absolute worst luck known to man. 
as hanui turns his chin this way and that, his eyes are misty enough that the lights and faces are beginning to blend into each other. he tries to remove her hands from his face, but it just turns into him swatting at the air. 
“of course i don’t have gum,” he manages around the wads of tissue and her prying hands. “and even if i did, it would’ve gotten knocked out by your swing.” 
when he finally manages to break away from hanui’s hold, he inspects himself in the mirror. the tissues have stopped the bleeding as best as they can, the wads shoved up his nose already beginning to have a trace of red seeping down from the section hidden within his face. there’s already a faint bruising along the bridge of his nose, his face a ghastly pale. 
“oh my god,” he mumbles around the tissue. “did you get stronger since last time? jesus christ--”
he fusses over the papers, head buzzing and his ears ringing. he can still hear the music faintly through the door, can hear the various shouts from the livelier attendees. he doesn’t really have the motivation to check his phone, but he knows the party is pretty deep into the night. 
his eyes trail over to the stalls behind him, and the awareness slowly glides back into him.
“holy fuck, hanui, you brought me into the women’s restroom??” he turns to look at her, wincing when he turns his head too fast. “you’re telling me i’m gonna die here of all places?!”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
lunar eclipse. occurring during his third year | @mariontte
in the summer before his third year, dongmin’s mother makes some passing remark that the son of her friend would be enrolling into skku in the fall. she’s wearing an excitable expression: lips curling around the brim of her glass, fingers curling tightly around the flute, lipstick stark red against the white of her teeth. her eyes are twinkling (maybe it’s the fact that she is two glasses deep into the wine bottle… or maybe it’s the feeling that she is excited about what’s to come…) and she’s looking at dongmin with an intensity in her eyes that he rarely sees. 
“it’d do you some good to finally introduce yourself to him,” his mother sighs, eyes trailing over to the painting on the wall. “wouldn’t it be nice if our sons could be friends as well?”
well, his mother has always been a little more simpleminded than his father. 
it’s a little refreshing, honestly, to be able to think of forming connections for reasons other than the society--
“you’ll point him in the best direction for pledging, right?”
ah, of course. maybe he spoke too soon.
and so, in the fall, word gets out around the elite circles that a certain jeon doyun is hosting a fall/winter show. it’s a grandiose entrance into skku, with the venue being just a few blocks away from campus, and doyun himself just finishing with move-in before the show is set to start. 
dongmin would be stupid to not take advantage of the glorious opportunity. 
he sits off to the side of the runway, watches the swirls of patterns and feels the thump of the music… he’s never been one to fully understand fashion, but he finds doyun’s work surprisingly palatable. he politely claps at the end of the show, stands up when doyun comes out to bow at the end, and then instantly sets off toward the backstage area. 
he holds up his skku press badge, says he’s some college kid just looking for a scoop on a fellow college kid, slipping through the security with hardly more than a few quick quips and maybe a couple hand shakes. it’s not too long before he’s sidling up to the Man of the Hour who seems a bit uncertain(? is that it..?) at his presence.
striding up, dongmin wears his glowing grin and lighthearted tone, hand already extending for a handshake.
“i’ve only heard of you through phone conversations,” dongmin beams. “pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, doyun.”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
she’s all too fast in plopping herself down, ignoring the subconscious nagging against freshly-cut grass staining cashmere with a heavy sigh. her arms lazily spread out on either side as her head nestles into the comfort of dirt—how poetic.
and yet, of course, her moment of peace is quickly interrupted by the call of her name and a following grumble from the pit of her throat. “what do you want?” she aimlessly snaps. “don’t you know better than to talk to me in public?”
after all of his years of arduous research and devoted study under his father, the society’s inner circle has always been a subject of interest for kwak dongmin. for one, there’s something about socialite circles that are so comical but also so intriguing. the upper members of society persistently pride themselves on being different from the masses, and yet, they always seem to fall into the same patterns, habits, pitfalls... leading to them being no more difficult to analyze than the guidebook for the statewide exam. if you know the cues, you know how to use... or something like that. dongmin has always been a natural at identifying how to maneuver those of the upper crust. 
one such family of note has always been The Han’s. their presence in the alumni gatherings, their persistent need to be on top and to prove themselves... well, dongmin used to be a bit intimidated in his younger years. but nowadays, he’s come to realize that the han’s are just as predictable as the rest, and that when bringing yourself eye-to-eye with them... they’re much more predictable than others.
maybe it’s the way in which they’ve all been raised to seek out the same goal: a goal that dongmin is all too familiar with himself. 
(maybe it’s like looking in the mirror a little bit.. or maybe it was just a trick of the light...)
in any case, when dealing with any of the members of the han’s, dongmin has always opted to move with caution, treading around them like one would waddle around a wet floor sign. he’s known to push buttons, and members of the han family tend to not want their buttons pushed. 
however, when it’s han inhwa... well, dongmin just can’t help himself from prodding a little bit. 
walking from one of his lectures, en route to pick up food before hunkering down by his laptop, dongmin sees han inhwa lying down in the campus quad, eyes shut and expression somewhat at ease. eyebrow quirked and curiosity immediately piqued, he moves over to her and calls out:
“hey, inhwa!”
her response makes him snicker, so perfectly peeved that he finds his feet drawing him nearer even against his greater judgement. she’s fun when she’s unfiltered, more real.
“i just wanted to make sure you weren’t like, i dunno, dead or something,” he crouches down in front of her. “shouldn’t you be glad i’m looking out for you like this?”
he grins at the way her eyebrows are pinched, her lips curling and ready to swear at him.
“hungover?” he says, tone playfully taunting without malice. “i told you to get some pear juice, didn’t i?”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
dongmin’s inquiry does make him wonder, however, who the other’s backed. there are several different names that rise to the top of his head, but something about his assertations feel off, as though he’s missing something right in front of his eyes. he hides his frown behind the hand he raises to his glasses again.
ah yes, he should never really anticipate ilhwan taking any of the bait that he drops. for ilhwan, it’s easier to be remarkably blunt and state your case as opposed to dancing around formalities and wandering through conversations with no end. dongmin always prefers navigating discussion like a tranquil gallery walk, taking in the meanings and the motifs and the mindless ramblings that others would forget as quick as they heard it. conversations are where dongmin thrives, and perhaps that’s why he always feels a bit snubbed when he’s faced with ilhwan... can’t the other humor him a little bit..? sad.
“oh, i see,” dongmin gives a quirk of his eyebrow, smile still delicately playing on his lips. “you want to keep it a secret? wise. i’ll give you that much, at least.”
dongmin’s fingers are fiddling with the crumbs on his platter, words weighing heavily on his tongue as he flips back and forth between strategies. he’s getting a bit impatient, faintly remembering that dongha could possibly Still be holding the two cups of alcohol out to his sides unless someone took mercy on him, so he resolves to take the more direct path--something he hopes ilhwan appreciates.
“what’s your next move, ilhwan?” dongmin’s eyes glint, something predatorial but still a bit childish. “what’ll you do this year?”
he pauses, before laughing a bit. “i know you’re gonna say ‘i don’t think you’re privvy to that information, dongmin.’ or something stuffy like that, but come on, you and i both know this pledge class is something else this year.”
dongmin watches the faint movements of ilhwan’s face, the way that they’re standing in this little pocket away from all of the rest of the ruckus. that initial hunger is building up in dongmin’s stomach, something that makes him so eager he’s ready to pounce... but good things always come to those who wait, and dongmin has never had any problems with playing the long game.
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
“did you get permission from my coach?” changho questions, his attention on dongmin sharp, “ i’m willing to answer your questions but..”  his voice is cordial, with a hint of worry tinted with it, changho’s eyes darting back at the middle-aged man not far from them.
“i would really hate to get into any trouble, you see this is my first tournament with the team…”
there are a few things that one should always note about kwak dongmin. for one: he’s someone who craves the constant need of attention on him, the reassurance that he is Seen and Perceived and Remembered. secondly: one should note that he is so stupidly curious that once he gets a particular scent, he’s on its trail until he’s received all the answers he wanted.
when it comes to ryu changho, it’s as if dongmin can never quite get all of his questions fulfilled. 
changho is someone who commands those around him even without saying a single word. his aura, his nonchalance, his incredibly interesting family history… all of it combines together to be an amalgamation of entertainment and intrigue. maybe it’s a little wrong of him to be so caught up in scandal and drama and things that are very personal and very private but, well, who is dongmin if he is not a reporter.
“oh, your coach has seen me in here many a times,” dongmin waves his hand around flippantly. “after all, i had to reach editor-in-chief somehow, right?”
dongmin fiddles with his notebook, pretending to be poring over something while changho waits before him. his pages are all blank before him, pencil all but forgotten in the spine. 
“anyway, did you like the party?” dongmin asks. “curious to know your feedback of the whole thing.”
he’s doodling something between the notebook lines now, awaiting changho’s response. in his head he’s thinking of all the corners changho was in, all the conversations he partook in. the connections he has… where did they all begin, dongmin wonders. stewing away in his lines of thought, he only perks up when changho replies...
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
except… ever since they met face-to-face over a year ago, dongmin has approached him time and again to offer a certain proposition: a tempting devil’s bargain with high risk and high reward, but something that would uproot all of his designs currently in play. and despite his exceptional ability to calculate his benefit margins, do ilhwan is not a gambler.
he adjusts his glasses, fingers slightly splayed as he pushes the bridge of the wire frames further up. “is there something in particular you needed? or are you here yet again to receive a resounding no from me?”
"ooouuuchh,” dongmin holds his chest, wincing with a glint in his eye. “harsh as always. rejecting me before i even get a word out?”
the faint twitch of annoyance that flickers over ilhwan’s face sends a jolt of satisfaction through dongmin’s veins. there’s a certain degree of pride he enjoys when he can chip away at ilhwan’s carefully constructed stoicism. it’s as if the little traces of irritation or annoyance lend themselves to reminding dongmin that, yes, ilhwan is an actual human being with feelings. at least, to some degree. ilhwan operates on such a mesmerizing degree of Perfection that it becomes difficult to believe that he Is human. but despite his victories, ilhwan has his own share of faults as well.
"anywayy,” dongmin starts back up again. “i did have a question for you, actually.”
ilhwan looks like he’s about to reject dongmin once again, but dongmin cuts in before he can cut their dialogue short. 
“i’m not extending my offer again or anything,” dongmin holds up his free hand as a form of surrender. “i was just going to ask what you thought of the pledge class this year.”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
in between exciting retellings of a young starlet supposedly sleeping with the cfo of a large restaurant chain, someone sidles next to him, quick enough to alert him out of his surveilling, close enough to make him uncomfortable fairly fast.
he glances to his left, then sighs and offers his now-lukewarm flute to a passing waiter. “dongmin,” he greets, taciturn. “what do you want this time?”
throughout the course of their pledging, ilhwan and dongmin have circled around each other in separate orbits, only interacting when forced together but never truly having moments to themselves. where dongmin exuded this bright, rambunctious energy that was similar to a neighborhood dog, ilhwan was quiet and composed and remarkably transparent. noticing ilhwan was like noticing the little mirage of light at the corner of your vision: you blink and it disappears as quick as it appeared. 
their current circumstances have pushed them even further out of their respective travel paths, with dongmin effectively curbed at the hands of the insufferable charity virtue--he who shall not be named, for dongmin gets in a sour mood when he hears it--and ilhwan quickly taking the spot that he once claimed. a part of dongmin wants to be mad at the other virtue, but he can’t bring it in him to hate someone who has such remarkable intellect. amidst the others who react emotionally, ilhwan matches dongmin’s mapped-out, carefully coordinated plans.
for these reasons, dongmin wants nothing more than to make ilhwan a useful key part of his plan. after all, a partnership of the two most promising virtues... what could be better than that?
dongmin finds his window within the pledge initiation, drifting his eyes over the various heads of young society. a certain hunger is growing inside of him. he can see ilhwan’s head across the crowd, blank face the perfect display of Observation, hands clasped around a flute of champagne but almost seeming to be forgetting he’s holding it. 
yes.. it is the perfect time to make his move. 
he slinks throughout the various groups of people talking, keeping his ears pricked for any topics of note, before slowly maneuvering himself to be right beside ilhwan. he picks up one of the plates of hors d’oeuvres on his way, schooling his smile into something a little looser and little bit more relaxed. ilhwan stiffens slightly, but the tension fades quickly. 
ilhwan’s greeting is so very much him...dongmin almost wants to laugh. 
“aw, c’mon... what kind of greeting is that?” dongmin tuts, shaking his head and busying himself with his tiny plate. “i just wanted to y’know... say hello and all..”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
and it felt like time passed so slowly... | @saerinity​
“are you sure you want to pledge?”
dongmin had asked it many times over all their years of knowing each other, tone shifting between hesitant or pointed or thoughtful. their conversations had always drifted back to this topic at some point, inevitably dipping back into their fated prophecy, the path that their families had forged for them with a path custom-made. while there was a certain air of importance that came with the expectations (dongmin always relished in the attention that their reputation brought. when the various alumni came to visit them for dinner or for business or for leisure, it was always dongmin that got to be the star of their night), as the years passed them by, the air of importance began to feel imposing and it became increasingly clear that their routes were all but paved off save for the inevitable future they had at sungkyungkwan. 
for dongmin and saeri, it had always been obvious what their answer would be. 
in high school, at the celebration of dongmin’s graduation, dongmin had stood off in the corner of the room to allow the adults to mingle. as saeri sidled up to him, he once again asked:
“are you sure you want to pledge?”
the way she looked up at him then… yes. it was always obvious what her answer would be.
and now he’s standing here in the great hall, eyes drifting over to where saeri and kit are huddled together, blindfolds still on everyone’s eyes. something bubbles up inside him, hot and prickling, searing throughout his chest, dipping between the gaps of his ribcage. he focuses his eyes straight ahead once more, concentrating on his breathing and the motions he had gone over for months. this process was so much bigger than himself.
but why did they have to all be here?
his eyes trail back over to dongha, who was standing apprehensively in the group, to saeri, who was whispering words of encouragement to kit. the three of them had always been bound to success, lineage, bringing home the pride for their parents because, really, it was the least they could after all of the connections and opportunities their parents had provided… 
but it was all for the society at the end of the day.
dongmin hand clenches hard enough to leave crescent moons in his palm.
when the blindfold drops, saeri and dongmin’s eyes meet across the room. for a split second, he feels so remarkably sorry for their circumstances. 
he passes by her on their way to the afterparty, in between his perfectly timed punchlines and pats on the back. as he moves by her, his hand gently pats her head, eyes shooting back to look at her for just half a second, expression holding something proud but also remarkably disappointed all at once, before it schools itself back into his amiable front. he’s moving forward, so effortlessly interacting with all the pledges and virtues alike, so seemingly comfortable in his position and himself. 
but really, why did he have to end up here?
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
two ships passing in the night (in their 2nd year, before initiation) | @goldvnboy​
[to: future president | 01/18/2019,10:45pm] hey i found something that could be interesting for us
[to: future president | 01/18/2019, 10:45pm] i know you’re at home tho so i’ll wait for you to come back before i say any more 
[to: future president | 01/19/2019, 11:38pm] hey did you make it back to campus okay?
[to: future president | 01/19/2019, 11:55pm] i just haven’t heard from you yet..
[to: future president | 01/21/2019] ok are you avoiding me or
[to: future president | 01/22/2019] is something wrong ? are you okay?
dongmin doesn’t really know Why he’s trekking across the campus for someone who has seemingly wasted his time for the past few days. since jae had returned to skku, there was a considerable amount of radio silence from him, and his peculiar behavior had set up occupancy in dongmin’s mind. it wasn’t as if dongmin was completely frustrated by the lack of response, more so the drastic switch that happened seemingly overnight. it wasn’t like jaehyun to completely pull away without explanation, and even through his more extreme bouts of angst, he typically asked dongmin for advice as soon as possible. most of all, dongmin did not like to appear clingy and he was one text away from it. 
dongmin didn’t mind distance. in fact, he thought it was important to not put too many eggs in one basket, to keep everyone at a solid arms length in case things started to sour or go south. but with jae, their dynamic was different. even if dongmin wasn’t the number one friend, he hoped that jae would at least let him know that he got back alright.
and he did. when he posted his large party on his instagram story. 
a party that dongmin was not invited to, and in fact, hadn’t even heard about. 
so with all of this in mind, dongmin is trekking to jae’s dorm at one in the morning, bracing himself for anything with only his black hoodie and his own swirling thoughts. he could hear the music even from out on the grass, the stairs seeming to shake from the bass and the noise as he ascended them, the hallway booming with the sheer magnitude of the party at the end of the hall. with every step he takes down that stretch of hallway, dongmin’s apprehension grows. by the time he’s at jae’s door, it’s as if the Bad Feeling has spread throughout his stomach and is increasingly encroaching upon his throat. he swallows it down, grabbing hold of the door knob, and then pushing his way inside. 
typically, those uninvited don’t even make it past the front door, as jae’s parties are reserved for those he wants and no one else. however, dongmin has spent enough time at jae’s side that he’s given a sort of privilege, a status that has been pressed down upon him like an afterimage. even with the packs of people crammed into the studio dorm room, they still manage to make way for dongmin.
it seems as if everyone knows what he’s here for. has he always been this transparent?
he catches sight of jae near the back part of the dorm, his laugh rising above the music, piercing through and instilling something unsavory within him. dongmin pushes past the last few people and strides up to sidle right in front of jae. the conversation dissolves around the two of them, dongmin’s squared shoulders and pursed lips a sign of impending drama.
there are so many things that dongmin could say, but he can’t settle on an option that will leave him the least socially scarred. there’s a cold, dark worry that also settles over his brain, of being seen as the fool. but then again, dongmin has always presented himself as naive and trusting and everybody’s friend… but he isn’t naive. he knows Everything, right? and who has ever rejected him? Him?
standing there in front of jae, who is staring at him with an expression that feels so annoyed and in-control, like dongmin is the one who’s ruining the plan. (what plan is there anyway? he’s always the one who makes the plans anyway, jae was only in charge of listening and being Obedient.) despite the flare of heat that buds at the base of dongmin’s neck, he opts for the words that have been on the tip of his tongue since the first day jae returned.
“hey, did i do something wrong?” he says, voice low so that only jae can hear. “you can tell me if i did, yknow? i’m not gonna be mad..”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
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dark hair sunwoo my beloved
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
deja vu. | @nectcr​
the music is pulsating, shaking the walls and making the edges of his vision vibrate. the party has been in full swing for awhile now, with the pledges finishing the formalities and finally having the opportunity to let loose. dongmin has never particularly been a big partier (he spends many nights just tapping away at his laptop, getting his ducks in a row, always preparing for something), and thus despite all of his seemingly sociable disposition, he’s always a little at a loss at parties. 
at parties, people are unpredictable. there aren’t any pre-rehearsed scripts or designated times for handshakes. instead, it’s as if it’s a never ending free-for-all, where anyone and anything is fair game. the silver-lining (if there is one) lies in the fact that everyone is shedding their walls, letting their defenses trickle down with each shot they toss back. 
and it seems that dongmin is not exempt from having his own defenses dropped.
as he’s walking about, trying to make out the faces through the flashing lights and the haze, he barely has enough time to process the hand that is careening straight towards his face. in fact, he isn’t even able to defend himself before the hand collides right at the bridge of his nose. even though he can’t see whoever collided with him (and is currently slurring out drunken apologies), he gets a peculiar feeling of deja vu.
“it’s fine, it’s fine, fuck, i think i’m bleeding--” 
and as he’s trying to stop his nose from bleeding out all over everyone’s designer heels, his attacker yanks him across the room despite his protests, leading both of them to stumble through the women’s restroom door (“hey! do you know where you’re going???” he calls out, but he goes unheard). once they’ve crossed the threshold, he’s then covered in a flurry of tissues that he struggles to catch with his free hand that is not pinching his nose closed to prevent him bleeding out in a public restroom.
it’s in between these sheets of tissue that dongmin gets a good look at his attacker. there’s something so familiar about her that stirs something in the deepest parts of his chest. it’s dark and brewing and it’s been locked away for Years. he’s looking dead into the eyes of someone he never thought he’d see again--no, he hoped he would never see again.
“of course it would be you,” he manages around the other person’s frantic hands throwing tissues at him. “history really does repeat itself, huh?”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
family ties. | @sdongha​
maneuvering his way throughout the various groups of people littered throughout the room, dongmin narrowly avoids having three drinks spilled on him and has to absentmindedly catch a pledge who stumbles against him. running a hand through his hair, he moves nimbly throughout the afterparty in an attempt to find the person he’s most interested in seeing. there’s something pulsing in the back of his head, stinging and sharp...
something that intensifies when he catches sight of the other’s face through the crowd. 
swiping a couple cups from the tables, their contents sadly neglected amidst the revelry, he approaches dongha. the other is pressed up against the wall next to the table of various beverages. there’s an unreadable expression drifting across dongha’s face, but his eyes are just the slightest bit glassy. the sharp pain in the back of dongmin’s head grows ever larger.
“what a surprise seeing you here,” dongmin says, sidling up in front of the other. “enjoying the party?”
before dongha can respond, dongmin thrusts out the two near-overflowing drinks he had picked up on his journey over and motions for dongha to take them.
“hey, do you mind holding these?” dongmin’s voice is pleading, a little sweet. “someone asked me to watch them, and, agh, i need to go find them, actually.”
forcing them into dongha’s hands, he steps back a bit, feigning a few looks over his shoulders. “and hey, can you hold them reeeallllyyy far apart so they don’t touch? they’re a little particular about their drinks. yeah, like, as far apart as your arms can go...”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
dogs and wolves. | @chxngho​
there’s a certain aura that ryu changho exudes, one that feels simultaneously ice-cold and white-hot all at once. he’s reserved, not one to formulate a response if he feels it’s extraneous, someone who says well, this is me, like it or not with every motion. among all of the other pledges of the year, changho is like ice water on a hot day: shocking and refreshing. 
that’s why dongmin is lingering at the corner of the archery club’s practice space. his notebook is in hand, pen lightly tapping out some unheard rhythm on the spiral binding. his eyes are locked onto the taller figure that stands out against the rest, and the way that he aims with a silent understanding. 
changho never misses his target.
dongmin is here on business, technically. the university’s newspaper is running a spread on the upcoming tournaments, and one cannot discuss university athletes without changho--especially considering he’s in two of the most anticipated tournaments. 
or, rather, that’s how dongmin pitched the interview to his editing team. in all honesty, dongmin’s curiosity has been piqued by the other boy ever since he entered the university. the pledge initiation party passed by in a blur without any moments of interaction, and dongmin couldn't pass up an opportunity to see changho up close. his intrigue just won’t allow it.
when changho takes a moment’s pause to go and retrieve the arrows he’s already shot, dongmin proceeds to walk over to his spot, a smile already slipping into place and the tell-tale light glinting in his eyes. changho notices him on his way back to his post, eyebrow raising but otherwise showing no signs of recognition or acknowledgment. 
“yes, hi, changho, pleasure to see you today,” dongmin says, flipping open his notebook and opening his pen. “i’m kwak dongmin, editor-in-chief for the university paper, and i’m here to interview you for our upcoming student-athlete spread.”
changho stands just a short distance away, hands still wrapped in position on his bow. there’s an arrow notched in the slot already, the string pulled back loosely. dongmin’s eyes flicker down to the bow for just a moment. changho’s fingers tighten around the string. a moment passes between them, heavy and silent.
“i was wondering if you would be able to answer a few of my questions?” dongmin cocks his head to the side a bit. “it shouldn’t take too long, anyway…”
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kwkdngmn · 3 years
hello everyone !! i am yongii (they/them) !! nice to meet u all hh,, this is my first rp like,, Ever so pls go easy on me,, i hope u all are excited to work with kwak dongmin, who is the temperance virtue and someone who makes a much better friend than an enemy !! his tldr will be under the cut !!! @virtuemedia​​ BIO | PROFILE | PLOTS
dongmin’s father (kwak heejae) was a stand-out temperance virtue who would go on to become a cardinal,, his mother (shin minah) was a hope virtue who brought skku many awards for her operatic singing.. both of them were a picture-perfect couple that would go on to be heavily involved as alums: his mother donates heavily to the society and his father does the bookkeeping
due to this, it was expected they would raise a standout virtue society kid and that just happened to be dongmin
from a young age he was basically raised on virtue society history, customs, and the best way to rise to the top... his parents expected nothing less than him flawlessly sweeping the pledging process and solidifying himself as a virtue, and then become a cardinal like his father.
dongmin is someone who likes being in the spotlight and needs constant attention.. he thrives off of social interaction and being able to have dialogue w other people.. his father is more reserved and quiet and in the shadows .. .and a part of him hates that his father doesn’t seem to have a backbone nor have drive to rise above the society
dongmin takes it upon himself that he’s gonna tear apart the society for stripping him of any sort of childhood or independence for himself... tired of being the loyal pet that the society expects him to be, he sets off to expose everything they’ve done
as for his personality he’s very amiable, very social ! it’s easy to make friends w him and he gives off an easygoing and almost naive exterior. professors love him, his peers adore him.. he seems like the picture perfect student
capable of forging handwritings if he has enough exposure to it (will typically find ways to get ppl to write in front of him or collect samples) ... is also capable of imitating voices to a degree (he still struggles with feminine voices, but he’s getting there).. used this to his advantage during his pledging year
likes to play god,,, thinks he’s got this amazing master plan that no one can intrude upon.. always 10 steps ahead and seems to know everything.. if he likes you, he’ll definitely go out of his way to assist you, but if he doesn’t... expect to be sabotaged every step of the way, with no way to prove it’s dongmin doing it..
editor-in-chief for uni newspaper currently... stages interviews w everyone and anyone.. asks lil harmless, mundane questions that end up playing exactly into what he needs to know,, does some great editorial work but also has been known to use it to sway public favor....
if you have any other questions lemme know !!! he’s a little annoying but he’s a lot of fun and just wants to seek revenge on his shitty upbringing :”) you can dm me on tumblr or on discord to plot or if u have questions !!
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