kwsoojung · 2 years
so silly little me forgot to make sure that all my pages are finished, but they are now!here is her bio and her profile!! <3 
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hello!!! i’m so glad to be here after a few months of not being in the rp scene due to school and other messy responsibilities @_@ my name is clem (they/them) and i’m the mun of miss tak soojung, your local theater kid who thinks she is the star of the entire universe! she goes by another name (kira) and she will do all that she can to introduce herself as that, but just ignore her and call her soojung because she’s just being annoying with it. i’m going to list the basics about her underneath the cut but if you guys are interested in plotting, SMASH that heart button and i’ll hit u up in the tumblr dms!! i also have a discord and twitter (just ask for them and i’ll share) if that makes communication easier for u (i actually prefer plotting on there anyways hehe) 
that being said, let’s get this show started!
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kwsoojung · 2 years
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hello!!! i’m so glad to be here after a few months of not being in the rp scene due to school and other messy responsibilities @_@ my name is clem (they/them) and i’m the mun of miss tak soojung, your local theater kid who thinks she is the star of the entire universe! she goes by another name (kira) and she will do all that she can to introduce herself as that, but just ignore her and call her soojung because she’s just being annoying with it. i’m going to list the basics about her underneath the cut but if you guys are interested in plotting, SMASH that heart button and i’ll hit u up in the tumblr dms!! i also have a discord and twitter (just ask for them and i’ll share) if that makes communication easier for u (i actually prefer plotting on there anyways hehe) 
that being said, let’s get this show started!
basic background 
born in gangnam to a loving mother and father. a few years down the line, she gets a new baby brother named soohyuk whom she absolutely ADORES and would do absolutely anything for
soohyuk, however, is quite the weakling in health compared to her. while he was able to have a mostly normal childhood, that started being messed up because of how sickly he was. he would have to visit the hospital often and it got so bad to a point where he ended up staying there for a few years. 
before he got admitted in the hospital for a long while, the two kids were taken to a musical by their parents and it inspired soojung so much. what’s most important though is she took immediate notice of her brother’s bright smile because she was always used to looking at him be a little more sadder. she also noticed how everyone else was smiling while watching the performance and basically gave herself a goal: to make others smile like these performers did. 
her first official “performance” was actually her playing pretend with her brother’s toys in the hospital room just so he could laugh and cheer up from being sad that he was missing out on “normal” life because he was stuck in the hospital all the time. 
she decided to fully invest herself into that goal by becoming more involved with performing and also just general theater activities!!! took part in theater clubs, acted in lots of plays until more people noticed her steady improvement. 
her brother does eventually get healthy enough to leave the hospital and be able to live the normal life he wanted! 
he even went to see soojung’s last high school show in person and when she saw him, she almost cried onstage and then when the show was over, she immediately got out of the back doors that led to the hallway and like was a whole baby about it
that explains how she ends up at kyungwon in the performing arts dept!!! she’s majoring in musical theater, is the president of the glee club (i promise she will not be rachel), and is just trying to get through her life as a student with big dreams!!!! 
(for my weeb rhythm game fans: she is based on yohane yoshiko tsushima from love live sunshine and tenma tsukasa from project sekai/colorful stage)
this video explains her soojung vs kira dynamic 
this video explains her overall attitude 
loud as HELL. whenever she says something that makes her sound cool, she always ends it with a loud “HA HA HA HA!” with her chest puffed out and her hands on her hips. 
if she is not loudly proclaiming how amazing and cool she is, she is most likely making a loud screaming noise
despite her acting as though the entire world revolves around her and that she is great and almighty, she actually genuinely cares about those around her. she works her hardest as a member of her clubs, even if she does come off as arrogant. she will also hype up her fellow glee club members and theater club members because she sees great potential in all of them and wants to encourage them every step of the way 
the only time you’ll see her stressed out is if things are going wrong for everyone during a show because she thinks that she can pull of things well on her own but she gets worried for her fellow castmates if they get hurt / flustered / sick, etc.
she’s also very much vocal about how wonderful her brother is and how she wants the best for him. whenever she’s able to, she drags him to the mall with her so that they can talk and also enjoy doing “normal, teenager” things together. 
making others smile if they look down is definitely her biggest priority. if you look sad at all, she will do anything to make you laugh or smile even if it’s her making a fool out of herself. 
works at an escape room just because she’s able to act in character and get people excited about getting themselves in a puzzle and seeing how they react in the trapped situation they’re in, but also sees teamwork as admirable... as a performer who is fond of teamwork in her own field. 
you will not see any “scary” rooms that have big bugs in them because she hates bugs. when she was training with the one scary room that had a big giant spider, she quite literally passed out. for her sake, they had to change the room into something else and never brought that room back. 
a soprano (obviously). has a humidifier in her room so that her voice remains perfect to a t. also has her own tap shoes and dance shoes (for other choreographies) 
good at piano. will willingly play any show tune song just so she (and others who know the songs) can sing to them. 
she’ll probably play a few pop songs too... like wedding dress by taeyang or all of me by john legend bc she’s dramatic.
basically lives life as if she’s a main character. 
fellow club members!! specifically glee and theater so she can bother the hell out of u 
broadcast members too, but she will most likely be annoying with you.
you call her by her nickname in a /gen way bc u like how excited she gets hearing u call her that
you call her by her nickname in a /j or /s way bc u like messing with her and making fun of her 
the theater club president... her arch enemy... bc she wanted to be theater club president... BUT U TOOK THAT FROM HER 
the one dumb friend who gets her into shenanigans and she’s always trying to get u out of trouble 
the one daredevil friend (in theater) who wants to see her get herself into wild and crazy situations aka u suggest having a wire tied to her during a show so that she can fly. she thinks ur ideas are crazy as hell, but she does them anyway so that u arent disappointed
the one person who pranks her all the time or jokes around w her bc u think she’s a weirdo. fake plastic bugs or saying there’s something on her shoulder when there’s not. whenever u see her being all loud, ur like “OH BROTHER NOT THIS HEADACHE” 
childhood friend with a little sibling (in high school) who is also a seoul native !!!! u guys reunite in this school and basically go on about how different ur siblings are now than when they were smaller </333 
a childhood friend who saw comfort in her presence, as she was always willing to make you and her brother smile no matter what. you had a rough past and she was there there to treat u like family and that u were appreciated. she basically sees u as a sibling figure. 
the one friend she goes to for advice. her “mom” friend, if u will... bc she’s such a mess
customers of the escape room who think she’s good at her job !! or not !!! idk she tries her best even if the pay is not the greatest
i am currently empty brained.... so brainstorming is also always an option!
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kwsoojung · 2 years
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tag dump!
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kwsoojung · 2 years
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kwsoojung · 2 years
Smiley^^ Survey Team Theme feat. Wonderlands x Showtime & Hatsune Miku - Jesus-P (Wonderful Opportunity!)
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kwsoojung · 4 years
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kwsoojung · 4 years
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