kxmihia-blog · 8 years
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
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“Cadets? You don’t look a day older than fifteen.” Nevertheless, his anxiety eased. He wasn’t used to being the figure of experience in the conversation, but something about their shared predicaments eased the weight. “What’s a Shiro? I haven’t heard of a species like that.”
English-as-a-Second-Language speaker or not, he’s proud of how well he’s remembering his high school lessons for how long ago they were. 
Taking his cue from Pidge’s lead, Randel rose to his feet. And, although he remained somewhat hunched, the hair on the top of his head all but brushed the cafe ceiling.
“Understood. No food from Coran. If your commander wants, I could repay you with work. I’ve been doing that for years ━ hitching rides around the galaxy by working for a berth. I know a bit about running a ship, these days.”
“But sir- technically, I- my whole team- deserted too. We’re three cadets,  a dropout- kinda, its a long story-two aliens, and Shiro.” The menu was confusing- Pidge reminded themself to start studying. 
“Sure! There’s always extra- I’m not sure what it is, but it hasn’t killed us yet. And if Coran offers you anything, don’t take it.” A bit of a grin. “He’s… not really the best cook. Hunk is, though.” 
Setting their menu down, Pidge stood. “We’re gonna have a bit to walk- Allura wouldn’t let me bring Green, and made me wear my armor just in case. But I’m sure she won’t mind me bringing you. I mean, I’m sure you’re not working for the Galra.” 
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
I don’t think I should accept other people’s suffering because I suffered. Just the opposite, because I suffered I don’t want others to suffer.
Elie Wiesel (via aliquamprimus)
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
“No no, you don’t need to!” Randel reached out to forestall the salute, but Pidge’s hand was already lowering. “I, uh, kind of deserted. I mean, I had my reasons for it, but ━ I’m not the sort of person you should salute for.”
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The weight of the menu in his hand forced his train of thought onto a new line. He blinked down at the card, taking in the alien characters. He could speak a little of the Galactic Standard, but the written language thus far was beyond him.
“Um. If there’s food where you’re staying, maybe I could have some of that? I can’t really taste much food anymore, but I hear the food here is good, so you should buy yourself some and I’ll eat whatever your commander has to spare.”
As soon as they heard the word Corporal, Pidge’s hand was up in a salute, eyes wide. “S-sorry, Corporal. I didn’t know- I’m just a cadet. So you’re a higher rank than me.” A soft sigh, before the hand was lowered. Technically, they shouldn’t have, but they were reaching for a menu to hand to Randel. 
“I think I have forty or so? Order whatever you want. I have food back at the castle- it’s not the best, but I’ll be fine. And you sound hungry- no offense. If you need, I’m sure Shiro- my commander, kinda, he’s the head of Voltron- won’t mind sheltering you as long as you need. I mean, our food isn’t great, but at least it’s food.” 
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
“Oh.” Randel searched for the words to express his sympathy, and found none. He’d had a family once, but he was the one who had been taken. He couldn’t quite imagine what it felt like from the other side.
Instead, he said, “I’m sorry. I hope you find them.”
His stomach chose that moment to gurgle. Loudly.
His face flushed red, and he tucked his hands beneath the table and looked away, anticipating a reprimand. “I ━ that would be wonderful, if you don’t mind? I have enough credits for a salad. Salad is nice, but it’s just... not enough.”
Embarrassment fading just enough to allow him to look back at Pidge, he belatedly remembered their question. “My name is Randel Oland. I was a corporal once, but... not anymore, I don’t think.”
At the mention of the Galra, Pidge made a face, before looking away. “That’s who we were fighting against- the Galra.” A soft sigh, and Pidge slowly met his gaze again. “They took my family- that’s a large part of why I’m out here.” That, and a mystical bond with a giant robotic lion, but they could leave that part out for now. 
“I don’t believe I ever asked your name, by the way. I’ve just kinda been rambling- sorry about that. I tend to ramble when I’m overexcited and seeing a human that isn’t someone I live with is a little refreshing- and there I go again. Sorry.” A sheepish grin crossed their face. “Are you hungry? I should have enough to pay for a couple meals, if you want. And I can always go bug Allura and Coran for some credits if I don’t have enough.”
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
“Nice to meet you, Pidge.” Randel blinks, digesting their next words, then turns back to the bar vidscreen, staring with eyes wide in naked surprise. “You were driving that robot?”
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The planet is not much more than a staging point on the edge of the galaxy. They might have damaged something, but he has a suspicion that it would not have been anything anyone would have missed.
“No, uh, there’s not a lot out here. Galra research stations, but I don’t know what they’re researching.”
Returning his attention to the diminutive Paladin, he finds himself lost for words a second time. This is not an unusual occurrence ━ he’s always been awkward in conversation, as long as he can remember ━ but something in the experimentation has made it worse.
He brushes a hand through his shaggy mop of hair, thick scarred fingers tangling in the roots, and offers them a reassuring smile. “I’m fine ━ just off with the fairies, you know.”
“Thank you!” Pidge slid into the seat, looking up at the older man. He had an almost tired air about him, which made Pidge wonder- what had happened to him? And the scars… No, they weren’t gonna ask. 
“Oh- I didn’t realize I hadn’t introduced myself. I’m Pidge- Paladin of the Green Lion. The arm of the robot on the screen.” A small, awkward laugh, and Pidge rubbed the back of their neck sheepishly. “We didn’t cause a commotion way over here, did we? I mean, it’s on the news- kinda- so we did, but did anything happen here?” 
A moment of silence, and the Paladin studied the other human’s face. “Is everything alright, sir?”
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
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      「 If I am a KILLER and a MONSTER, then SO BE IT. 」
                                                                                   ( i’ll just keep on having the n i g h t m a r e s. )
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
Randel gestures toward the empty seat on the other side of the booth, reading the scuffed armor and short hair and concluding soldier. “There’s a seat here, if you want?”
Human? Barely, these days. 
The thought is followed with a long beat of fuzzy silence, his internal narration going quiet and the noise of the cafe around drowned out. He focuses on the other, filling the silence with green and friendly smiles. Then, as quick as it came, the silence is gone. 
He gives a gentle shake of his head to clear the remaining fuzz. “Neither did I. There aren’t a lot of us. It’s nice to meet you, uh...” English honorifics. What were they again? 
“I’m sorry; what’s your name?” 
Thank god- finally some rest. The morning had been hell, and- Really? They were playing a recording of the morning’s battle? Of all the things… Oh, well. At least this planet was peaceful and Galra-free. 
Of course, the last thing the Paladin was expecting to see was a human. At the greeting, their head jerked up, brown eyes widening. No. No way. 
Nevertheless, the smile was returned, as Pidge wove their way around the waitresses. God, this man was a giant- they probably didn’t even come up to his waist. “Hey! Didn’t expect to see a human all the way out here!” Nevermind the fact that they were still in their scuffed armor. Another human.
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
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He’s been stuck on this lonely planet at the edge of the galaxy for several weeks now, waiting for a transport he can work his way back to the central system with. It has been terribly boring for the corporal thus far. 
Currently, he has crammed himself into the last free booth at the spaceport cafe. It seems as though the whole settlement is in here today; all faces turned toward something on the vidscreen above the bar. It looks like a movie ━ something with a lot of giant robots.
Randel Oland is anticipating nothing but his dinner, but he won’t say no to a show as well.
A few minutes in, movement on the other side of his booth draws his attention. He recognises a human; the first he has seen in a long time. Without conscious prompting, he cracks a good-natured grin.
“Good morning!”
( It’s not actually morning, he realises a moment after the words leave his mouth. Good job, Corporal. )
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
༗. ooc: tag dump
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kxmihia-blog · 8 years
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An M3 Lee flying. Welp, looks like our predecessor has surpassed us. @m4a1-shermayne
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