kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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   “ and you don’t exactly seem like a walk in the lush, green forest either, lady, ” daimon answers, rolling his eyes.  except now she gets a unctuous sort of smile for her trouble.  “ lush and green though you might be yourself. ”  daimon sticks his trident against the ground, leans part of his weight against it.  “ daimon hellstrom, by the way. ”
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ivy’s eyes narrow at the man. his smile and flirtation lessens her glare slightly. this man be useful to her. “ you’ve gotta be the first man to say that to me. most run when they see my natural form. seems green skin can be a bit of turnoff. ” she takes a few steps closer to him. “ i’m known by most as poison ivy. but my friends just call me ivy. ” she eyes his trident. “ mind telling me where you’re from ? ”  
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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   “ this f*@$ing bullshit is really throwing off my plans !! ”  daimon wanted to emerge from hell with dramatic flair and purpose.  really freak this new world out.  put the fear of god in ‘em, as it were.  but he didn’t sign up for fucking jurassic park.  ( he doesn’t know it, of course, but his already – fiery nature is being exacerbated already )  
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“ could you be any louder throwing yourself a pity party ? ” ivy questions as she steps toward him, not exactly meaning to stumble upon another person. his complaining had caught her attention nonetheless. at the very least, he isn’t one of those reptilian creatures. “ i don’t think anyone wants to be here. if there is anyone here besides us. and i truly hope there is because you seem like horrible company, ” she bit out, glaring at him. 
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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♛ | ❝ Question, because i find myself curious - have you ever seen that one program on the investigation discovery channel, DEADLY WOMEN ?? don’t take this as an insult at all, but you strike me as 
 the type of woman who would be on a show as such. it’s quite the show 
 once a girl convinced her internet roleplaying boyfriend to kill her father. ❞ 
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Ivy’s eyebrows raise, but a smile is curling up her lips. “ i have, actually. it’s one of my favorite programs on that channel. i don’t take it as an insult at all. i think that’s the best compliment i’ve ever received. it means a lot you get that feeling from me. ” she nods as they talk about one story that had been on the show. “ i remember wishing i could have been that manipulative at her age. do you remember the one where the woman was a sex worker and killed men who were her clients, and spent their money on her girlfriend ? ”
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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the blonde gripped down on her lower lip with her teeth, grinding down on it as she giggled mischievously. she wiggled in response, coiling the blanket tighter around herself as her face ripened with delight. “uh-huh,” she cooed, lifting her brows tauntingly. but as the brunette’s hand lingered near her stomach, harley could already feel the tickling of ivy’s fingers before they even touched her skin. “oh no, red- you ain’t doin’ none of that!” harley pleaded, shaking her head. “ don’t- don’t you DARE.”
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watching harley’s enjoyment grow with each moment, ivy’s own excitement rose. her wiggling under her brought a giggle from herself, as well, grinning down at the blonde. once it hit her what she was going to do, her hands only moved closer to her sides. “ doing none of what ? ” ivy asked as innocently as she could. “ i really don’t know you mean. ” her fingertips finally brushed against her. there was no going back now, and she began tickling at her sides, ready to get harley to give up that blanket. 
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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   “ yeah, i know. ”  dick falls silent for a few moments.  probably too long, but he doesn’t know what else to say.  this moment had gotten heavier than he had been prepared for, frankly.  he’s probably an idiot for being this open with ivy, considering they don’t exactly have a positive relationship.  but whatever.  he closes his eyes, takes a couple breaths in and out.  “ you wanna go get a drink or something ??  i could use a beer. ”
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ivy enjoys silences, most of the time. this isn’t one of those times. the air is too thick. there’s too many things running through her usually organized mind. of all the people to open up to, she chooses dick. if it wasn’t actually happening, she’d laugh at the absurdity of it all. his sudden break of silence startles her out of her thoughts, and she gives him a questioning look at his offer. after a moment, it fades and she nods at him. “ yeah. i could use a drink, too. ” 
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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“Wayne Foundation contributes millions annually to environmental protection and Wayne Tech has been innovating on renewable energies for years. I think I have the leeway to stomp on a few man-eating plants.” A slide of humor, not something he dabbled in often, but couldn’t help seemping out with his irritation at Ivy. What he mentioned of coruse, wasn’t all that is properties were involved in and that was probably exactly not good enough by his environmentally maniacal counterpart’s books. Not that that’ll stop him from arguing with her.
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“ You came prepared. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t have flashcards. I have to say I’m so proud of you for memorizing all that. ” Ivy snorted, shaking her head at the mogul. “ But have you found a way to make that batmobile of yours electric? I’d think with all that tech of yours, you could at least figure that one out. ” She tilted her head. “ Although, I could be overestimating you, ” she pondered outloud. “ Have you set up a composting system at your company? Or even in your own home. And I’m sure the issue of deforestation isn’t a constant worry on your mind, which I’m not even sure how it can’t be. ”
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
❁     cleo laughed happily at the voice of someone repaying the compliment and she turned around. “oh, i definitely was trapped by the rain! i went grocery shopping and now i was just on my way to tend to the succulents i bought my friends.” the alien was unaware that explaining her whole agenda was probably not the most common earth thing. a soft and almost calming aroma seemed to waft through the air when the woman moved and her eyes widened in happiness. “you smell like a wet garden. do you have one? may i see it?!”
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ivy’s interest piqued even further at the mention of the woman being on her way to water her succulents. it’s not as if it was rare that other people in the city gardened, but it wasn’t common she met them. she would have brought up her own planting habits, had it not been for the stranger being able to tell already. “ thank you, ” she replies, even though it wasn’t phrased as a compliment. “ i do. a whole greenhouse, actually. i’d love to show you, ” she adds, a bit of eagerness to her tone. there is  a voice in the back of her head tells her to slow down. “ may i ask how you were able to tell so quickly ? most people aren’t able to. ” there could be a perfectly innocent explanation. or she was dealing with someone who was sent to get knowledge on what she was doing within her sanctuary. one could never be too cautious in gotham. 
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
❝Someone I met in college❞ Tony said with a small dismissive hand gesture ❝but now I don’t even know if they would’ve appear in one of these cities
❞ he let his mind wander for a little bit. ❝Do you mind if I ask what is that you are working on here?❞ and how it can help us fix this mess? the last part he kept to himself, perhaps later he could bring it up. 
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“ Right. Your world is currently ━ indisposed, ” Ivy remarked, before narrowing her eyes slightly at him. There was obviously another reason Tony had come to visit. She preferred people to be upfront with what they desired from her. She didn’t have all day. “ How about this, you tell me why you really came here and I’ll tell you what I’m working on. ” 
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pamela & tony
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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harley was beyond thankful for ivy’s friendship. the blonde was never one to enjoy being alone, she found comfort in being with other people, but after everything with the joker- harley hadn’t been able to sleep soundly when she was around other people. it was almost as if she was scared someone would hurt her when she was most vulnerable- when she was asleep. but ever since the maze, the thought of being alone for more than a second frightened her beyond belief, and she wanted nothing more than to have a powerful, loving friend like ivy protecting her. “i ain’t a dork,” harley stubbornly replied, curling her lips into a pout as she tucked the covers up and over her head. “ you gonna have to fight me, red. i ain’t sharin’ nothin’! ” then, peering over the rim of the blanket- large blue eyes mischievously sparkling as they met the irises of their counterparts. 
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if someone had described harley to her before they met, ivy probably would have said there was no way she could tolerate her. when they did meet, she certainly didn’t picture the future they had now together. but everyday with her, it became more difficult to picture her own life without her. it would feel as if a piece was missing. the idea of waking up without harley singing her lungs out in the shower, or not seeing that pout whenever ivy told her no to something ( which she rarely did ) seemed like a foreign concept to her now. there was an unexpected connection ivy found with her that she never wanted to lose. she couldn’t hide her grin as harley denied being a dork. “ it’s a challenge, now, huh ? ” she sat up a bit, gazing back at those eyes with her own filled with mirth. “ you’re on, quinn. ” she reached over, hovering her hand near her waist. “ you wouldn’t be...ticklish, would you, harley ? ” she asked playfully, hand moving closer and closer as she did. 
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
❁     the sudden crash of thunder and then downpour of rain caused cleo’s nose to wrinkle as she looked up at the sky. the alien hadn’t prepared to be caught in the rain and holding her bag of groceries over her head, she searched for momentary shelter. upon finding it under the entrance to an apartment building, the woman began to fling water from her body. “there’s nothing lovelier than spring rain. except me, of course.” cleo laughed softly as she jokingly tooted her own horn.
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ivy loved the rain. it was a convenient way to water plants all over, and the sound of it was calming to her. she had watched it from the window in her and harley’s apartment, deciding after a moment she should probably check on her greenhouse. even with bruce’s repairs, she wanted to make sure it wasn’t getting soaked. plants could be overwatered. grabbing her coat and an umbrella, she headed out the door. what she didn’t expect was to run into someone right away as she left the building. “ i can always appreciate a woman with confidence, ” she replied at her comment, eyeing the girl over. “ trapped by the rain or were you coming up to visit someone ? ”
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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Bruce would roll his eyes if he wasn’t so ready to be done with all this. It’s been a frustrating evening and he’d really rather get back to the punching instead of the interrogating. But alas. “If daffodils are the only things you’re planting and they’re as harmless as you say, I would. But our history tells me otherwise. So, why the sudden return of interest to the city outside your garden?”
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“ Aw, Bruce, you do pay attention. You knew what kind of flower they were, ” Ivy mocked. Her eyes fell to the flowers once more. “ Our history is you attempting to destroy what beautiful nature we have left, and me simply trying to protect it. So maybe if you focused more on protecting our ecosystem, you wouldn’t have to worry about me so much. ”  She shrugged with a smile that wasn’t all that kind at his question. “ Simply brightening up the city. Provide more oxygen within the polluted streets. Ever thought of using all that money to find a way to reduce carbon emissions ? ”
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
(( @kxssofdeath ))
❝Dr. Isley?❞ Tony said in a cautious tone, ❝I’m sorry for the intrusion. My name is Tony Stark❞ he introduced himself with a smile, ❝and I just wanted to tell you that your work reminds me of that of a friend. Acquaintance.❞
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“ Hm ? ” Ivy looked up from the microscope she had been bent over, glancing at who had disturbed her study. “ Tony Stark, ” she repeated with a less than thrilled tone, knowing his face vaguely from the news. An eyebrow raised at him. “ Oh ? And who is this acquaintance ? Botany is truly such an underrated field. ” 
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pamela & tony
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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    there’s been practically countless experiences to name, in his time behind a mask.  and before that with his parents.  dick falls silent, thinking about ivy’s answer, wondering for a moment who ‘her’ is.  he’s got a pretty good idea, though, but he doesn’t want to push it too hard.  “ my brother.  robin.  he died protecting me. ”
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his lack of probing is a blessing in more ways than one. being bruce’s son, she expected him to go into interrogation mode. the apple falls farther from the tree than she assumed. his talk of his brother has her go quiet for a few minutes. she doubts his brother’s name isn’t actually robin, but she isn’t going to ask. secret identities are important to them. “ i’m not going to say it’s not your fault. i’m sure you’ve heard it a thousand times already, ” she finally says. “ i...don’t want to say i understand. shit, i never talk about this. but i know you can’t help what people do. they can make the choice you don’t agree with over and over again. you can only try to influence it, but most of the time, the same thing will happen. ” she shakes her head. “ it’s not their fault either. the person who’s doing the evil...that either forces you to need the protection or reels someone you love back in...it’s always their fault. no one else’s. ” 
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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   emma gives a rare smile when the flower is offered to her.  she takes it carefully, cocking her head as she watches ivy for a few more seconds.  “ it takes quite a bit to scare me off, miss isley.  i’ve graded some absolutely ghastly essays.  but yes, of course.  i’d be more than happy to give you a demonstration. ”
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the smile ivy receives from emma is as lovely as she imagined. she laughs at what she says next. “ i could show you my true...nature, then. ” she tilts her head back at her. “ so you teach as well ? when you’re not saving the world, of course. and i would love a demonstration from you, miss frost. ”
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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        she was a plant, or maybe an alien ? no, definitely a plant. she had vines like him. ‘ i am groot ! ‘ he nods. 
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the repetition of his words gave ivy the idea that’s all he could speak. at least, he could gesture, too. “ it’s nice to meet you, groot. ” she wonders if she can communicate telepathically of sorts with a sentient plant such as him, but she isn’t sure. “ i suppose you’re an alien lifeform, then ? ” she smiles to herself. “ although, some would assume that about me, with how i usually look. so i could be wrong. ” 
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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           ‘ i am groot ! ‘ the small tree pulls at the newcomers pant leg. and for the FIRST time, that’s what he says is what he means, to introduce himself. 
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ivy’s eyes widen as she looks down at the tree that had somehow pulled at her plant leg. she’s dealt with sentient plants, but none that could talk. “ i’m pamela, ” she replies, still looking curiously at groot. “ can you speak like this to all humans ? ” 
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kxssofdeath-blog · 7 years
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   it’s just like ivy to cut to the heart of the issue.  to bypass the bullshit with the subtlety of an anvil.  it’s actually sort of refreshing.  but it makes him think about things he’s been desperately trying to ignore.  “ it’s easier to get over when you’ve seen the real thing, i think. ”  
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“ you speak from experience. ” it isn’t a question. ivy doesn’t ask who or when, figuring if dick wants to tell, he can. “ you’re not alone in that. ” she runs a hand through her hair with a sigh. “ i thought seeing death, real or not, would be easier once i’d killed someone. that i’d be able to cross that line, if needed. but i can’t help her if i’m not there. and the maze was one big reminder of that. ” 
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