kyladeva · 2 months
Drinny fic rec (biased 😝)
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What Happens Here by @60coyote ❤️
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kyladeva · 3 months
Drinny fic recs part 5 or 6 or more...
On this lovely Monday, @60coyote wrote me a gift. So I figured I would type up another rec list of the Draco and Ginny fics I have been reading over the past few months.
What Happens Here by @60coyote (mixture of absolute chaos and soft boi draco in vegas for Theo and Harry's pre wedding activities)
Through a Long and Sleepless Night by @superfriction (premise intrigued me and love the author, mystery through dreams)
These Hallowed Halls by Myriads (one chapter left!! bonding through quidditch)
Dirty Blood Dynasties by @fearlessuntamed (English translation, an EPIC, dark Voldemort and Pureblood politics from the beginning)
Ashen by Ludii (gives me life, cruel + calculated Ginny and Draco, post Hogwarts survival)
Forgive the Children We Once Were by kinglady (post hogwarts, and then they were roommates)
Pride and Prejudice by @paradoxicallywrites (any p & p retelling or crossover, I am in)
A Certain Romance by @superfriction (one shot, arranged marriage)
Maybe You Could Be The One To Make Me Stay… by @aldreantreuperi (one shot, post hogwarts, intrigued by each other years after the war)
Yes, some are repeats but also because I am still following them and loving them!
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kyladeva · 3 months
Wake up, babes! Chapter 4 of The Laws Have Changed just dropped!
Pairing: Draco/Ginny Title: The Laws Have Changed Rating: M Summary: On May 2, 1998, Draco Malfoy died during the Battle of Hogwarts, just shy of his 18th birthday. He remembers the events leading up to his death clear as day. So why does he wake up in the middle of the night during his sixth year, still very much alive? With the understanding that he's been given a second chance, he moves forward, determined to change his fate. But fate doesn't like to make things easy, does it?
Fic snippet: She recalled how part of her liked knowing what he smelled like — an interesting mix of a bitter dark chocolate and petrichor. She recalled what he felt like pressed against her — his lithe frame felt remarkably strong despite his appearance. She recalled feeling relieved by that knowledge since she began to notice how thin he looked in comparison to last term. She recalled how exceptionally soft the blonde peach fuzz on his cheek was when she pressed her lips to it. She recalled how her stomach had almost leapt into her throat as she whispered her Christmas greeting in his ear. She wasn’t surprised or even disappointed when he didn’t returned her hug. She knew she was toying around with something that she wasn’t sure she should be toying with, but she was growing curious now; even if the infamous saying about indulging in one’s curiosity felt especially true for her interest in him.
What did end up disappointing her, though, was his avoidance of her when they got back from their winter hols. She thought whatever was happening between them, in whatever form it was taking, was slowly progressing, but it seemed like he had decided to put a stop to things.
She sighed, stretching her arms above her as she prepared to stand. She was well aware of what it was like for a boy to make an effort to forget about her. Michael had done it and she could tell that Dean was on his way sooner rather than later.
But she thought she’d come to an understanding with this one particularly frustrating blond boy and maybe that was why it hurt her more than the others.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56071870/chapters/143792218
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kyladeva · 4 months
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kyladeva · 4 months
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just a heads up to all the Ginny/Draco shippers!
...there is a wonderful fic which is not G/D centric but they have a very in-character feisty school years subplot in the later part of the fic that i am greatly enjoying and thought others might also. in one of the recently posted chapters they have an angry duel which is fucking excellent:
Hauntingly by ObsidianPen
i'd tell everyone to read the whole fic but if you want to just skip to the Ginny and Draco duel it's a bit over halfway through Chapter 35 ;D
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kyladeva · 4 months
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kyladeva · 4 months
2023 Draco/Ginny fest
The first fic is OUT!!!
"What Lies Ahead ", by Anonymous. check it out!!
This was written for the 2023 Draco/Ginny fest. Prompt #24: Draco/Ginny is lost, and the other one (grudgingly) goes looking for them.
“Why did you follow me?”
The truth is too embarrassing to say out loud: ‘I couldn't bear the sight of the sun being swallowed by darkness.’
It’s hardly an answer. He has no idea why he followed her. He has no idea what's about to happen to them. And once they meet ... whatever it ends up being ... what will they need to do to escape? Is escape even possible at this point?
What the &&&& was he thinking coming after her? Who does he think he is? Harry bleeding Potter? He's no hero. He’s no villain, either. He's no ... anything. He's just a boy who has failed at literally everything he's ever tried. And he's about to fail at this, too.
“Stop sulking, Malfoy! Last person to whatever terrible thing lies ahead is a pickled toad!”
We will also start a thread for it in the dgff-fic discussion channel. Join our Discord!!
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kyladeva · 4 months
I didn’t know you also read drinny!! It’s my og ginny ship. Do you mind sharing the 2 stories that made it work for you? :)
Hi Anon! Thanks for the request.
I mentioned in a previous post that there are two Drinny fics that made the pairing work for me. I hesitated to share these recs because people are very opinionated about ships and also some of the trigger warnings below, but as always with my rec lists, these are just my personal taste. What works for me doesn't work for everyone.
I decided to go ahead and share a few other stories alongside your request since they're all not my OTP, but I enjoyed these fics anyway!
Fic Recs: Not my OTP (Not Harry/Ginny)
Ok, so sometimes I dabble in the dark arts and read Ginny/Other pairings. I usually can’t read any Harry/Other pairings, but possibly because there just aren’t enough good stories about Ginny in the world, I sometimes read Ginny/Other – even though I often end up crawling back to my OTP for some love and sunshine. So really, this rec list is probably not for my usual followers, but...there are some really well written stories that I thought I’d share just in the rare case someone is interested.
Anything with an * is a WIP.
Mistletoe Kisses by Northumbrian
One-sided Neville/Ginny. This is an adorable fic that goes through how Neville could have had a one-sided crush on Ginny over the years (oh the pining), but also ends with Neville finding someone who is right for him.
Not A Gentleman So Much As A Gentle Man by Rozarka
THIS story with Neville and Ginny (and side characters Luna, Dean, and Seamus) are just so on-point. Their friendship to lovers through the complicated proposal that Ginny makes gets me every time (even though my heart aches for Harry/Ginny because my shipper self can't help itself).
Pumpkin Pie by Rozarka
Surprised by this pairing? I was too! But Rozarka makes Zacharia's annoying personality work in a hilarious way that makes you love to hate him and hate to love him at the same time. It works so well in this vulnerable moment between him and Ginny in the midst of a war. And it helps that in my head, this world still ends with Harry/Ginny.
The Law of Complementary Colors* by @could-have-beens
Ok, I really don't ship Tom/Ginny, but there is an intriguing dynamic between them because I always want to explore Ginny's trauma. I don't really have much interest in time-traveling / enemies-to-lovers, but this story so well-written. It helps me understand Tom and Slytherins that followed him when he was nothing but a perceived Muggleborn in Slytherin. Plus there's loads of angst Harry/Ginny here that give me life. I keep telling telling @could-have-beens that I don't know why I keep reading when I am dreading the (eventual) Tom/Ginny pairing, but the writing keeps me coming back.
Let's Go There by teenage_hustler
A hilarious Healer!Ginny story with patient!Draco who keeps showing up. It's been years after the war, and with it, Ginny discovers how (despite still being a prat) Draco isn't all that bad anymore. It's light-hearted and the subtle way they change their minds about each other made this story work really well for me.
Saṃsāra by Ely_Baby
Warning: Infidelity. Draco, Ginny, and Mr. Lovegood are on a mission in Napal to find their children – or what remains of their children. 
I began reading this story without realizing the infidelity tag and once I figured it out, I was already intrigued. For the hardcore Harry/Ginny and Draco/Astoria shippers, this story probably isn’t for you, but what made Draco/Ginny work so well for me that this is not a love story. The extraordinary circumstances lead to Ginny and Draco coming together out of what feels like necessity, and that feels more real to me than a Draco/Ginny romance.
Prelude and Fugue by shes_gone
I know!!! I can’t believe I’m rec’ing a Harry/Other story when I don’t usually read any. I really don’t ship Harry/Ron because I see them much more as a brotp, but this story is so well written and Harry is so emotionally constipated that I couldn’t help myself.
Feel free to check out my other rec lists if you are so inclined!
All-time Favorite recs
Muggle AU / Coffeeshop AU recs
Post-War Canon recs
Missed Moments recs
Pregnancy recs
Outsider Perspective recs
Amnesia recs
In Every Universe recs
Angst recs
SugarQuill recs
Muggle and Wizard/Witch recs
Rivals to Lovers recs
Humor & Gen recs
Married recs
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kyladeva · 5 months
Hello! I was hoping you could help me figure out what D/G fic I'm thinking of. I first read it 10-15 years ago. Sadly, I can't remember many details. It was post Hogwarts and re-examined/re-imagined the rules of magic (IE, I believe there were certain magics that purebloods were able to do better than muggleborns). Both D & G were challenged in their way of thinking. And I think part of it took place on a dragon preserve? Or someone where an adventure vibe. TIA for any help you can provide!!
The first stories I thought of were The Dragon's Keep and Sentenced to Sanctuary from the 2009 D/G Fic Exchange on LiveJournal.
If not those, could it be another LJ exchange fic? I poured through the master lists to see if anything sounded right. Dreaming About The Things That We Could Be from the 2013/2014 fic exchange also mentions a dragon preserve.
Here are links to the master lists if you'd like to look for yourself:
2006-2010 fic exchange master lists
2011 fic exchange master list
2013/2014 fic exchange master list
Does this story sound familiar to anyone?
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kyladeva · 6 months
I'm an absolute Drinny newbie, I've only read Allegiance by mugglehugger. Could you please rec all the fanfics I HAVE to read? Like, the Drinny versions of Isolated? Thanks!
OKAY, so everyone recommends Isolation when people ask for Dramione fic recs, and I’m not sure if Draco/Ginny has a single story that is almost universally popular like that. But I’ve provided some of the classic/popular DG authors with links to their profiles as well as some classic stories. I tried to provide a good mix of genres and lengths without bogging you down with too many recs (I might’ve failed in that regard - sorry!).
Keeping Christmas on the Death Train - 119 chapters - Extremely Naughty (This one actually isn’t complete and it’s possibly abandoned, but I felt like it needed to be included. You should definitely read Anise, though. IMO, she’s one of the best writers out there.)
Bound - 15 chapters - Extremely Naughty
Nineteen Years Later… The Truth - 69 chapters WIP - Extremely Naughty
annie penrose:
Ginny Weasley and the Curse of the Firstborn - 18 chapters - Rated M
Arabella & Jedi Boadicea:
The More is My Unrest - 1 chapter
Rising From Ashes DELETED
cinnamon badge:
Three Thousand Days of Innocence - 49 chapters - Definitely Naughty (I’ve seen people asking about this story more than once at dramioneasks. :) DELETED
Draconis and Ginevra - 16 chapters - Extremely Naughty DELETED
Broken Things - 11 chapters - Sorta NaughtyDELETED
Truth Will Out - 14 chapters - Extremely Naughty
Dark Directed - 11 chapters - Definitely Naughty (This is one of two stories that convinced me to ship DG eleven years ago.)
Hearts Cadence:
Misconceptions - 45 chapters - Definitely Naughty
Not Quite Fate - 37 chapters - Sorta Naughty
Jade Okelani:
Our Winter - 20 chapters - Rated M (The second story that convinced me to ship DG!)
Mynuet (One of the creators of The Fire and Ice Archive, which is now owned by Anise):
Over Time: First Friends - 3 chapters - Definitely Naughty
Hesperides’ Apple - 33 chapters - Definitely Naughty
Sarea Okelani (unfortunately, she removed her higher-rated stories from the internet :( ):
Kissing Booth - 1 chapter - Not Naughty
Atypical Lesson - 1 chapter - Extremely Naughty DELETED
Smoking in the Head Boy’s Room - 4 chapters - Extremely Naughty
The Head Boy’s Laundry - 1 chapter - Extremely Naughty
Not necessarily classics but newer stories that I personally highly recommend are:
The Good People by derryere - 3 parts - PG-13/R
What Ginny Forgot by Keeperofthemoon0 - WIP - Rated T
Slytherin Squad by HalfBloodDragon - 26 chapters - Sorta Naughty
the albatross did follow by chromeknickers - 8 chapters - Rated T
Notes on Falling Out of Love by fallingskyes - 19 chapters - Sorta Naughty
27, Female, Pureblood by Ha’niqua - 1 chapter - Rated M
Decapitated Chocolate Frogs by Ha’niqua - 8 chapters - Rated M
Recommendations from our Facebook group and Tumblr:
Domino by Boogum - 8 chapters - Definitely Naughty
A Faraway Place by Boogum - 4 chapters - Sorta Naughty
Of Cliches and Truffles by Boogum - 1 chapter - Sorta Naughty
A Recipe for Love by Boogum - 1 chapter - Rated T
The Heavens Above by Diesel Malfoy - 15 chapters - Rated M
More Than You Think You Are by idreamofdraco - 11 chapters - Sorta Naughty
Double-Pointed Needles by idreamofdraco - 5 chapters - Rated M
An Everlasting Tuesday by idreamofdraco - 12 chapters - Sorta Naughty
The Dating Charade by idreamofdraco - 17 chapters WIP - Explicit
A Second Beginning by Sannikex - 18 chapters - Definitely Naughty
The Only Exception by Elle Blessingway - 2 chapters - Rated K+
Il Dragone by rowan-greenleaf - 13 chapters WIP (possibly abandoned) - Rated M
Finding Comfort by MrsDanielRadcliffe - 5 chapters - Extremely Naughty
I highly suggest checking out my fic recs tag for more! 
At The Fire and Ice Archive, you have to be a member of the site to read stories rated Extremely Naughty. If you have problems registering, please let me know. We’ve been having issues with registration for a while.
FELLOW DG FANS, which story would you recommend to new passengers of the S.S. Fire and Ice??
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kyladeva · 7 months
Drinny Recs. Sharing is caring!!
What We Should Be by ashlin1296 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11720952/1/What-We-Should-Be
Shades Of Green by TJ King17 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10134481/1/Shades-of-Green
How To Seduce A Weasley by cuddlebear 992 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8364802/1/How-to-Seduce-a-Weasley
Through Poison by ingsception https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11939527/1/Through-Poison
Anything by @idreamofdraco. https://www.fanfiction.net/u/761665/idreamofdraco
Charm School by night.drive https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10026221/1/Charm-School
A Second Beginning by Sannikex https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10253612/1/A-Second-Beginning
Serpent’s Bride by reiko https://www.fanfiction.net/s/610745/1/Serpent-s-Bride
Innocence by xxxfire-feariexxx https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2470630/1/Innocence
The Weasel and the Kneazle by Davesmom https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1048175/1/The-Weasel-and-the-Kneazle
The 7 Signs Of Madness by ForbbidenTreasures https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2716530/1/The-7-Signs-of-Madness
Kitten by Tulips and Jill https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2911968/12/Kitten
Diamonds And Rubies by WeasleyIsMyKing540 (yeah shameless plug. Currently re-editing and revamping) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11937834/1/Diamonds-And-Rubies
Rescue Me (another one by be lol) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11955496/1/Rescue-Me
Beware! Beware! by @idreamofdraco http://dracoandginny.com/viewstory.php?sid=7556&textsize=0&chapter=1 Actually go to www.dracoandginny.com and get your life Tutoring Services by TigerLily8806 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5203614/1/Tutoring-Services
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kyladeva · 7 months
I'm an absolute Drinny newbie, I've only read Allegiance by mugglehugger. Could you please rec all the fanfics I HAVE to read? Like, the Drinny versions of Isolated? Thanks!
OKAY, so everyone recommends Isolation when people ask for Dramione fic recs, and I’m not sure if Draco/Ginny has a single story that is almost universally popular like that. But I’ve provided some of the classic/popular DG authors with links to their profiles as well as some classic stories. I tried to provide a good mix of genres and lengths without bogging you down with too many recs (I might’ve failed in that regard - sorry!).
Keeping Christmas on the Death Train - 119 chapters - Extremely Naughty (This one actually isn’t complete and it’s possibly abandoned, but I felt like it needed to be included. You should definitely read Anise, though. IMO, she’s one of the best writers out there.)
Bound - 15 chapters - Extremely Naughty
Nineteen Years Later… The Truth - 69 chapters WIP - Extremely Naughty
annie penrose:
Ginny Weasley and the Curse of the Firstborn - 18 chapters - Rated M
Arabella & Jedi Boadicea:
The More is My Unrest - 1 chapter
Rising From Ashes DELETED
cinnamon badge:
Three Thousand Days of Innocence - 49 chapters - Definitely Naughty (I’ve seen people asking about this story more than once at dramioneasks. :) DELETED
Draconis and Ginevra - 16 chapters - Extremely Naughty DELETED
Broken Things - 11 chapters - Sorta NaughtyDELETED
Truth Will Out - 14 chapters - Extremely Naughty
Dark Directed - 11 chapters - Definitely Naughty (This is one of two stories that convinced me to ship DG eleven years ago.)
Hearts Cadence:
Misconceptions - 45 chapters - Definitely Naughty
Not Quite Fate - 37 chapters - Sorta Naughty
Jade Okelani:
Our Winter - 20 chapters - Rated M (The second story that convinced me to ship DG!)
Mynuet (One of the creators of The Fire and Ice Archive, which is now owned by Anise):
Over Time: First Friends - 3 chapters - Definitely Naughty
Hesperides’ Apple - 33 chapters - Definitely Naughty
Sarea Okelani (unfortunately, she removed her higher-rated stories from the internet :( ):
Kissing Booth - 1 chapter - Not Naughty
Atypical Lesson - 1 chapter - Extremely Naughty DELETED
Smoking in the Head Boy’s Room - 4 chapters - Extremely Naughty
The Head Boy’s Laundry - 1 chapter - Extremely Naughty
Not necessarily classics but newer stories that I personally highly recommend are:
The Good People by derryere - 3 parts - PG-13/RWhat Ginny Forgot by Keeperofthemoon0 - WIP - Rated TSlytherin Squad by HalfBloodDragon - 26 chapters - Sorta Naughtythe albatross did follow by chromeknickers - 8 chapters - Rated TNotes on Falling Out of Love by fallingskyes - 19 chapters - Sorta Naughty27, Female, Pureblood by Ha’niqua - 1 chapter - Rated MDecapitated Chocolate Frogs by Ha’niqua - 8 chapters - Rated M
Recommendations from our Facebook group and Tumblr:
Domino by Boogum - 8 chapters - Definitely NaughtyA Faraway Place by Boogum - 4 chapters - Sorta NaughtyOf Cliches and Truffles by Boogum - 1 chapter - Sorta NaughtyA Recipe for Love by Boogum - 1 chapter - Rated TThe Heavens Above by Diesel Malfoy - 15 chapters - Rated MMore Than You Think You Are by idreamofdraco - 11 chapters - Sorta NaughtyDouble-Pointed Needles by idreamofdraco - 5 chapters - Rated MAn Everlasting Tuesday by idreamofdraco - 12 chapters - Sorta NaughtyThe Dating Charade by idreamofdraco - 17 chapters WIP - ExplicitA Second Beginning by Sannikex - 18 chapters - Definitely NaughtyThe Only Exception by Elle Blessingway - 2 chapters - Rated K+Il Dragone by rowan-greenleaf - 13 chapters WIP (possibly abandoned) - Rated MFinding Comfort by MrsDanielRadcliffe - 5 chapters - Extremely Naughty
I highly suggest checking out my fic recs tag for more! 
At The Fire and Ice Archive, you have to be a member of the site to read stories rated Extremely Naughty. If you have problems registering, please let me know. We’ve been having issues with registration for a while.
FELLOW DG FANS, which story would you recommend to new passengers of the S.S. Fire and Ice??
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kyladeva · 10 months
The Draco/Ginny Fic Fest 2023
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The next D/G Fic Fest fic is OUT!!! "True North.” Check it out, read, review!!
There’s also a discussion thread for it in the dgff-fic discussion channel after you’ve finished reading this amazing fic.
Join our Discord for all things D/G!!!
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kyladeva · 1 year
DG Advent 2016: Day 10!
Winged Wishes by Lyndsie - FIA Rated Not Naughty | Complete | 1 chapter | 1,451 words A daughter reflects on family traditions, and what she really wants to wish for. A Christmas drabble series from my “Paper Owl” universe.
Christmas Wish by Dorthey Star - FIA Rated Not Naughty | Complete | 1 chapter | 1,432 words Draco goes with Ginny over the Christmas holiday to the Burrow. During or Post-Hogwarts, your choice.
Ginny’s Christmas Wish by idreamofdraco - AO3 & FFN & FIA Rated K/Not Naughty | Complete | 2 chapters | 2,942 words Skeptical of Muggle Christmas traditions, Ginny writes her own letter to Santa, unaware of the surprise that awaits her under the tree.
A Christmas Wish by CCC - FIA Rated Sorta Naughty | Complete | 1 chapter | 1,796 words A grownup Ginny reflects on her childhood romance with Draco. Will a wish on a star make her dreams come true, or is Draco destined to remain just a passionate memory?
Day 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
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kyladeva · 1 year
idreamofdraco’s exchange fics
All of the fics (or art) that I’ve written (or made) for a fic exchange. Draco/Ginny.
The Never-Ending War (LJ) FFN | FIA
An Everlasting Tuesday (The DG Forum) FFN | FIA
The Cottage (LJ) AO3 | FFN | FIA
The Secret Revealed (art) (LJ) DA
Under Her Skin (pinch-hit) (The DG Forum) AO3 | FFN | FIA
More Than You Think You Are (The DG Forum) AO3 | FFN | FIA
Warmth (pinch-hit) (The DG Forum) AO3 | FFN | FIA
Double-Pointed Needles (LJ) FFN | FIA
One-Night Stands and Drastic Plans (pinch-hit) (LJ) AO3 | FFN | FIA
The Dating Charade (The DG Forum) AO3 | FFN | FIA
Beware! Beware! (The DG Forum) AO3 | FIA
Malfoy’s Patented Daydream Scheme (The DG Forum) AO3 | FFN | FIA
Learning to Fall (The DG Forum) AO3 | FFN | FIA
Dude, Where’s My Wand? (pinch-hit) (The DG Forum) AO3 | FFN | FIA
memento tempus vincit omnia (The DG Forum) AO3 | FFN | FIA
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kyladeva · 2 years
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appreciation post for charlotte's fancy new lingerie
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kyladeva · 2 years
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