kyohei-takahashi · 7 years
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I'm opening commissions again everyone! If you're interested in any of these, message me and let me know! We can work out prices and everything any time (✿´ ꒳ ` ) Thank you all for supporting me so far! You can always message me if you have any questions! ❤️️
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kyohei-takahashi · 7 years
I love it when you call me big chungo.
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kyohei-takahashi · 7 years
Body Reaction || Kyohei || But No-one Replied
Kyohei was sure that no one would fall for the silly motive they’d given the students. Murdering for money was unfathomable to him- why would anyone kill over something like that?… He was content with the life and family that he had, and wouldn’t even think of murdering over something so trivial. It was for this reason that the death of Sutori Kareta came as such a shock to him. Upon seeing the body, he had just stood there at first, gazing at the corpse of his fellow classmate with the inability to respond.
“Hh… Hhah….”
A few gasps escaped from Kyohei’s lips, and the boy began to shiver. there weren’t many coherent thoughts running through his mind- only fear and remorse. Upon his first instinct, Kyohei raised his hands, beginning to call Sutori’s name in a quavering voice, 
“Kareta-san?… K-Kareta-san?!”
His voice rose in volume as his panic built, the realization that the girl before him was dead slowly beginning to sink in. She was dead. Someone had killed her.
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
Chieko couldn’t help but let herself be pulled into a hug. Her head snuggled into his shoulder, and she rose a hand to rest over his hands. Really, she liked affection. It was the best way to be her friend. Unless you’re Kotori. Kotori gets a free pass.
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“I… I should really appreciate you, Sorrel-chan and Oneiro-chan…”
She said, but she couldn’t help herself from crying. She held onto Kyohei tightly, crying quite a bit. Well… I say cry. She was sort wailing a bit. Mostly because she’d just sort of been down and kind of teary with the other two, she had yet to just full-on cry. So poor Kyohei had this. After a moment she spoke up.
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“Big bro Kyohei huh? I’m not sure you’re like my big brother Aki… He’s such a downer… He’s more likely to try and fight whoever made me cry honestly… He’s really protective… Nori and my parents are the same… And Tsukade-sama.”
Over-protective family and mentor. Thanks guys.
Kyohei fully returned the hug, taking up the girl in his strong arms and resting his head against hers. He let out soft, comforting shushing noises, running his hand through her hair and down her back. Lucky for Chieko, Kyohei was an affectionate guy as well. The boy had let out all of his crying early on, and now felt that he could comfortably help to console the other without worrying about bottling up his own emotions. When he’d needed to cry, he’d done it, and now he’d let the other cry as well.
Once Chieko felt as though she could speak again, Kyohei leaned back and let his hands rest around her gently. He smiled,
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“There there... it’s good ya got ta get all a that out, yeah?... Now you’ll feel a whole lot better. A good cry always makes ya feel more relaxed in the end...”
He listened to the girl talk about her own family with interest. So she had a brother of her own, huh? Kyohei wondered what it must be like to have siblings.
“Ahh, I see... I’ll try to protect ya like yer big bro would want, although fightin’s not really in my nature anymore... still- I’ll do the best I can not ta letcha get hurt, okay? I’ll be yer ‘stand-in’ bro while he’s away, alright? Then I’ll return ya to ‘im safe an’ sound.”
He gave the girl a thumbs up, showing that he was confident about protecting the girl.
Run To Exhaustion | Chieko | Day 5 Evening | Open
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
Chieko allowed herself to be pulled along, but as they were walking, she pulled out her iPod to turn off the music. She had just pulled off the headphones earlier after all.
“I know that… I know, I really do… I just… We need to get home. Just sitting around and moping… I don’t want to do that. I have to be positive for everyone!”
No, honey, you don’t.
“I have to help in the best way I can…”
She took the glass of water, drinking come of it, before glancing to Kyohei. And then back to her lap. Definitely down. Despite moping all the day before, she was still down.
As he sits down, Kyohei notices just how down the girl really was. The way she glanced downward.... He really felt bad for her, despite also feeling the same way. He continued to rub her back gently, giving the girl a smile. 
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“Oi, Chieko-san... I got an idea. Why don’t we take turns bein’ cheerful an’ mopey, alright? I’ll do the smilin’ for the both of us right now so you can take a break, and then when I’m feelin’ sad, you can be cheerful and peppy again- that way ya won’t feel like ya ain’t bein’ useful either, yeah?”
He grinned wider, putting on his best smile for the girl and scooting closer to affectionately wrap an arm around her shoulder,
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“Just relax an’ let big bro Kyohei take care a everythin’ right now! You look like you had a long day. I’ll stay here with ya as long as ya need, okay? Just relax... let it aaall out...”
Run To Exhaustion | Chieko | Day 5 Evening | Open
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
 Kyohei didn’t seem to notice Komaka at first when she approached him, jumping suddenly at aggressive-sounding jabber and unrecognizable slang. He blinked- he wondered... was this girl yelling at him? He honestly couldn’t tell. He’d been too enveloped in his thoughts to notice when the girl had walked over, and now the way she was speaking to him brought the boy into a state of utter confusion.
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“E-Eehh? What’re ya...”
He relaxed slightly as she began to explain. Although he still didn’t know what a “1930’s Superman’s pal Jimmy Olsen look” was, he was sure it was an honest mistake. Smiling and scratching the back of his head with a laugh, shook his head,
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“Heheheh! I ain’t really know what that is, but that was a pretty funny way t’ speak just then! Although I ain’t really got room t’ judge, my accent is pretty heavy m’self. Curse this dialect! Heheheh....”
The boy looked down at the coin as it was tossed towards him, picking it up and turning it over in his hand. He seemed to be quite interested in it.
“Whoa... where’d ya get one a these? This is American money, ain’t it? Looks real old... You from America er somethin’? In any case, th’ papers in this bag ain’t fer sale! They’re mostly like... ‘good luck papers,’ ya know? I ain’t been able ta get a fresh stack a papers t’ deliver on this boat. I can show ya some a them though, if ya like! They’re pretty outdated- I think the newest one is from my birthday almost a month ago!”
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT | Komaka | Day 1 Evening | Closed for Kyohei
Kyohei sits at a table in the dining lounge when suddenly a very usual person walks up to him.
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“Alright shee, ya gonna gimme the lowdown on the clam-bake! I see coppers all over the place and they can’t know about the hooch, shee?”
Komaka. You’re a Japanese highschool student from the 2010’s. Why are you talking about prohibition in the United states?
“… oh I deeply apologize,” Komaka said, her expression returning to ‘normal’.
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“It thought there was a bit going on here. You got that, 1930’s Superman’s pal Jimmy Olsen look to you and I thought… I’m sorry Takahashi-san. I’ll just take one of your papers,” she says apologetically as she flips a coin out and it lands in front of Kyohei on the table.
… it’s a legitimate American dime from the 1930’s- where did she get that!?
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
8am is actually pretty late in the morning for Sorrel, who tends to rise with the sun. It’s easy to forget not everyone is a morning person though, he’s constantly amazed to see people still yawning around this time… and he’s even more amazed as he pauses in the hall on his way towards the Guest Services desk and watches in fascination as the sleepy boy trudging down the hall just walks right into him without stopping.
Sorrel why didn’t you just move? You saw him coming. It’s super hard to sneak up on Sorrel even if he isn’t already facing you, and he was definitely watching Kyohei the whole time. I think he just wanted to see if the boy would notice or not. Bumping into him is a bit like walking into a cuddly wall, by the way. His jacket is thick and soft, but he’s very solid and doesn’t budge an inch from the impact. He does quickly put his hands on Kyohei’s shoulders to steady him as he stumbles back though.
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“You look like still sleeping. Should go back bed, sleep more. Not like have classes or anything. Like this you going fall off ship or something. Or just pass out somewhere, which against rules, so that bear maybe try punish you. Not good.”
Kyohei shakes his head. He appreciated the other’s concern, but he wasn’t ready to go back to sleep- not yet. Despite how weary he felt, he knew he’d probably just be drifting in and out of sleep again if he tried to rest any longer. The boy raised his hand and waved it dismissively,
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“Nahhh.. nahh, I’m gonna be fine. Thanks fer worryin’ but I gotta make sure I keep t’ my usual routine.... This is pretty late fer me, ya know?... I usually get up much earlier than this. If I keep sleepin’ in I’ll... I ain’t gonna be able t’ deliver th’ papers on time when I get home...”
He wobbled a bit, but it looked like he was really struggling to try and wake up. 
“Sorrel-kun... We could hang out! That’ll probably wake me up... have ya eaten anything yet?... a lil’ breakfast would wake me up too...”
Kyohei || Chapter 1 || Morning person || Closed for Sorrel
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
Sango had been jogging. The “luxury” of this cruise had been eating at her since day one, and in the new paradigm created by the bear, she really couldn’t stand just sit around doing nothing. Jogging at least gave her some feeling of fulfillment. It also gave her enough reason to move about the ship and keep an eye on how people were doing. She had enough experience on the sea to know that morale could sink pretty low, and that when it did, it tended to spread. Being in close quarters with everyone caused people’s attitudes and moods to mix pretty quickly.
So long as morale was high… people were safe. Nobody that was happy would kill, yeah? If people gave into despair though?
Sango was just making her round down by the cabins when she caught Kyohei exiting behind her. She paused for just a moment before turning back around to see what he was up to. “Hey! Takahashi-san!” She shouted behind him, trying to put some amount of cheer in her voice… even if it was fake, maybe it could help counteract the declining atmosphere in the ship.
As she caught up, she slowed down. “Hey. How ya doin’?” Judging by the puffy eyes, not terribly well, but hopefully it would open up a dialogue. “What’s with the waterworks?”
Kyohei jumped slightly as he heard the girl’s voice, turning towards her and blinking curiously. It was refreshing to see someone looking much more cheerful than he did. Kyohei had always been a very emotional person- when bad things happened, he was quick to sadness and despair. It was really comforting knowing at least someone on the ship had it together. He’d known others were taking it better than he was, and seeing each one made him worry less and less. It must mean the threat wasn’t so bad, right?
Kyohei approached Sango, hastily wiping his face on his sleeve and putting on a smile. If Sango was going to be cheerful for him, he might as well return the gesture, right?
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“W-Wako-san, right? Thanks fer checkin’ up on me! Heh, sorry ya had ta see me lookin’ all gloomy right then. Maybe I ain’t been takin’ everythin’ too well, but... we-... we’ll all find a way outta this!”
He sighed and scratched the back of his head. He wasn’t going to lie about it, of course. He had been quite shaken up. No use in pretending to be fine and dandy when a friend was concerned.
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“I just been... worried about my family, ya know? What’re they gonna think when they hear about this whole fiasco? I ain’t never want them to be worried.... and... what If I ain’t gonna see them again? I know I shouldn’t be obsessin’ over it, but this is a real scary situation...”
He cleared his throat and tried to pull himself together a bit more,
“Ahhh- hopefully ya ain’t been as much of a worry-wart as I have, yeah? Ya seem like a real tough girl!”
Kyohei || Chapter 1 || Skidding to a stop || Open
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
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“I… don’t want to think about it. I can’t think about it or I’ll get upset. I… I need to get home to Tsukade-sama and my family, but… I just get sad. I can’t be useful if I’m sad…”
Chieko sighed.
“Water is… water is a good idea…”
It’s not like she didn’t know it was better to feel, it was more… she couldn’t help if she felt.
Kyohei’s brows furrowed. His hand slipped down from her shoulder to her hand and he grabbed it gently, leading her towards the snack bar on the front deck to go get a drink. He was getting more worried about the girl as he heard her retort. It was admirable that she still wanted to be useful, but... He knew it wouldn’t be healthy.
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“Oi.... ya ain’t gonna let yerself think about it at all?... Ah... uh... well- somethin’ my momma told me is... sometimes it’s good to feel upset. It helps keep ya from gettin’ all numb an’ stuff.. ya know? Bein’ emotional is good! I know it firsthand- I’m a real emotional guy! That ain’t a bad thing, though... you shouldn’t bottle all a that up, ya know?... It’ll make it even harder on ya....”
He leads her to the bar and gets her some water himself, setting the glass down in front of the girl and sitting next to her. He reaches over to rub her back gently,
“There ya go... have a drink. ‘S important ta stay hydrated, or you’ll get a real nasty headache!”
Run To Exhaustion | Chieko | Day 5 Evening | Open
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
Kyohei || Chapter 1 || Skidding to a stop || Open
It had been a day or two since everyone’s initial shock from the announcement. There’d been some fairly drastic reactions, but Kyohei’s had definitely been one of the most. After letting the information sink in, he’d been sobbing, banging on the walls, doing anything to try and get them out. It had taken him a while, but given some time to think, Kyohei’s outbursts had died down and the boy found himself feeling a little less terrified than he had before.
He’d thought long and hard about their situation. Someone would come and rescue them eventually, right? Seeing that they couldn’t contact the people in charge would worry Hope’s Peak, wouldn’t it? Kyohei began to build confidence about their eventual rescue, and his overwhelming panic ceased. Still, it was evident that Kyohei was shaken up over the whole thing. He’d holed himself away, and only now was he leaving his cabin for something other than food. He needed to clear his head and walk around a bit.
“Guuhhh…. sniff…”
It was pretty obvious that Kyohei had been crying a bit before he left. Still, he tried his best to wipe the tears away and pull himself together.
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
Chieko glanced up when she noticed the other beside her, but continued the run. She wasn’t going particularly fast, since she had been running for so long already, but it was a moderately good speed. She reached up for her headphones before Kyohei spoke.
“…” She was silent for a bit before bringing herself to a stop, and holding onto the side to catch her breath. Chieko seemed to look at him more directly as she took a moment. “I… can’t let my routine fall apart just because we’re stuck on this boat…”
Except that you’re running for far too long. “And… I guess to clear my head.”
Kyohei slowed to a stop alongside her, blinking and nodding as she spoke. It was healthy to keep yourself active in a time like this, he thought. He sure as hell knew that staying in his room all day had only made things more unbearable. It was refreshing to be getting a good run in- for him, at least. He hoped it was helping Chieko as well. He did take note of just how exhausted she seemed, however.
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“Mmmh. Yeah, exercise always helps me.... just make sure ya ain’t pushin’ yerself too hard, alright?... It ain’t been long since that... announcement er whatever, sometimes ya just gotta... let yerself be sad fer a while, ya know? Let yerself feel all that. Ain’t good ta get too tuckered out ta even think....”
He reached out to rest a hand on her shoulder gently,
“Ya wanna go get some water?”
Run To Exhaustion | Chieko | Day 5 Evening | Open
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
Kyohei had also been quite the shut in after the announcement, having spoken to no one since then- not even his own roommate. It wasn’t until the next evening that he dared to venture out of his room. As he made his way to the deck, however, he noticed the figure of a girl running briskly past him. Without thinking, the boy quickly began to run to try and catch up with her. It was in his nature, after all. Besides- he hadn’t had a good run in ages.
After running up alongside her, Kyohei turned his head towards the Chieko, speaking to her while they jogged,
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“Oi oi, out fer a run? *puff*... Good way t’ getcher mind off a everythin’, yeah? *puff*... Whenever I need t’ clear my head, I always go fer a bike ride! *puff*... Can’t do that here, but runnin’s the next best thing, ain’t it?”
He gave the girl a small grin, putting on a positive air for the conversation. He wasn’t about to be all mopey in front of a future friend!
Run To Exhaustion | Chieko | Day 5 Evening | Open
After she’d panicked at the announcement of murder, Chieko was pretty much gone for most of the day. Sorrel and Oneiro were likely the only people who had talked with her - Sorrel because he helped her… Oneiro was her roommate after all.
Chieko was… sort of back to smiles the next day. Strained smiles, but smiles nonethless.
“Sorrel-chan is right. There’s no point fretting about this. It’s just empty threats!”
That’s what you think, but she doesn’t know that yet. She nodded her head to herself. Instead of her usual outfit, she had a running outfit on, consisting of shorts and jacket that were made for running in. Hachiro just got to see her when she was running to explore.
Headphones in, she was determined to keep up her routine. So at 6:30pm, she went on her run as normal. Her regular evening run. Anyone on deck probably thought her mad, let’s be honest. She was still running 30 minutes later though, obviously tired.
Why the hell was she still running? Was someone going to stop her?
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
Rules for Fools
Monomi, still in tears, turns away from the crowd for a moment. She falls quiet, perchance refusing to answer, or just too upset to even bother. During these brief moments, a murmur ripples among you all. A fog of discomfort and confusion clouds your thoughts.
Then, Monomi turns back around, seemingly a bit more composed, though not exactly… perfect, to say in the least.
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“… Rules. Th-there’s some rules we need to share to uhm… Uuuu… make sure everyone is safe.”
She pauses and pulls out… an electroID of her own. She boots it up and swipes (or what looks like swiping, with her stubby paws), lifting it up to reveal a new app reading ‘Rules’
Do not litter and hurt the environment! Keep all things inside the boat. Anyone found throwing things into the sea will receive a lecture!!  Be strictly punished.
Night time begins at 10PM, and some locations may open or close with the time.
Don’t sleep outside of the cabins! That’s unsafe. Please make sure you’re wrapped up comfortably inside a bed.
Mascots are not allowed to directly get in the way of your actions, though advice and chats are welcome.
Don’t hurt or damage the mascots or cameras! We’re very important, I promise.
If anyone hurts kills another student, the two students will be separated and lectured. “Blackened” will be considered for graduation, unless they are discovered.
Captain Monokuma reserves the right to add field trip regulations as necessary.
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Monokuma steps forward, flashing his claws at the students. “I recommend you read these rules BEAR-y carefully. I’ve made some modifications you may find rather important. After all, rule breakers will be punished… with EXTREME prejudice.”
“Well, with all that taken care of… Welcome to the melancholic seas kiddos. Have fun with the whole killing thing.” With that, Monokuma turns his back on the students and walks away.
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Monomi lingers behind a little longer, continuously glancing back towards you. “Y-You guys can… talk to me if you want. I’ll hear you out…” Soon enough, she’s gone as well.
So they just… left you like this? In a clump of people, confused and filled with all sorts of emotions. All you have are questions and paranoia. Who here could be trusted?
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
Hot seat
Monomi, suddenly on the spot, sweats. You glance around at each other. W-Was… the bear serious? Where was the rest of the crew, anyway? There’s a long silence, and she looks to Monokuma for a little help, almost, before clearing her… throat?
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“… Hha… I-I guess that’s how it is right now? The crew sure is missing… And I… You can…”
She freezes, as if anxiety was really able to take root within a robot. There’s… probably someone controlling her from behind the scenes. After a few more moments, Monomi begins… crying? It’s hard to tell if that’s actually water or some other substance, but her half-closed eyes were definitely leaking something or other. In reaction to the wailing of the rabbit, Monokuma’s eye glows a dim red, though he merely watches her blubbering.
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“U-Use this time to make friends…. With each other. And love and accept each other and don’t hurt anyone, promise? Uuuwwwuuuu…”
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“Tsk tsk Monomi. You should know better than that. That’s terrible advice! After all… if they do that then they really will be stuck on this boat forever. Upupu~” Monokuma’s eye glows brightly as he returns his attention to the class. “Oh, did I forget to mention that? There IS a way to bring a premature end to your voyage. That’s right! I, your captain have a special system for anyone who wants to leave. Graduation! Upupupupu~” The bear’s laugh is disturbing to say the least. “You guys can follow Monomi’s advice and stay here singing Kum Ba Yah for the rest of your lives, or… if someone were to ruin the peaceful atmosphere of these melancholic seas… They, and they alone would be allowed to leave! Upupupupu~” The bear’s laugh sends a chill down your spine.
The bear glances over to Monomi for a moment, pausing briefly before continuing. 
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“What I mean is nothing short of… MURDER! Upupupupu~” And the bear’s laugh is already getting old. “Don’t care how. Beat ‘em, stab ‘em, suffocate ‘em, cut off some appendages, and let them bleed out for all I care. What you need to take away from this is you can’t go home unless you kill someone. You kill, and you’re golden. Understand?” The bear covered its mouth, holding back another bout of laughter.”I think that’s about everything…” Monokuma turns to Monomi. “Did I miss anything?”
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
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“Hey! You started without me! What the hell Monomi? And after we’d planned out our grand entrance and everything… Where’s the showmanship?” The voice belongs to yet another animatronic animal. This one’s a monochromatic bear, BEARing a red eye. “Thank you all for gathering here so early. I am your new captain! Monokuma!” The bear gives a grandiose bow. “And this wuvly wittle wabbit is Monomi!”
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“I… I don’t talk like that! I have some, uh… d-dignity.” she whines.
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“You mean you don’t talk like that ANYMORE.” Monokuma chided. “Admittedly that got annoying faster than expected. Glad we could patch that out.” He crosses his arms and shakes his head disapprovingly at the whiny rabbit before returning his attention to the students. “See… We had this whole thing planned where she’d jump out of a giant hat and… Nevermind. What’s important now is that we’re all finally here!”
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“Just because I’m cute and fluffy like a bunny doesn’t mean you should pull off embarrassing gags… Gosh!!” She shakes her tail, emphasizing the ‘cute and fluffy.’
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“Oh yeah, because going with my plan would just be un-BEAR-able, right honey-bunny? Now… everyone’s very aware you’re fuzzy and adorable, so would you please try not to interrupt me. I’m trying to build dramatic tension here!” The bear’s red eye shines brightly conveying some amount of malice. After taking a deep breath, Monokuma continues.
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“Well, ANYWAY, I hope you all have been enjoying your stay thus far. This ship is quite beautiful don’t you agree? And that view of the sun? Mmmmmm. Just take it all in. Aren’t you guys lucky that you get to live in this paradise… FOREVER? Upupupu~” The bear covers its mouth in an attempt to cover up its chuckling. “That’s right! Your cruise has been extended… indefinitely! Isn’t that right Monomi?”
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
Down the Rabbit Hole
A particularly… agitated stuffed rabbit paces back and forth on the deck, yet… She’s mumbling worriedly. Talking? … Is this one of those animatronic animal toys that talk and respond to–
No, she’s looking at you all. Presses her paws together… You exit the elevator and give audience to the increasingly panicked bunny. She backs up a little, rather nervous after looking everyone over, yet… she makes a misstep and before she can get a word out, falls backwards onto the deck. Are animatronics supposed to do that?
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Quite an… eccentric way to fall, certainly. You recognize the cry as the softer voice muffled during the announcement previously. She picks herself up and theoretically brushes the dirt off of her before speaking.
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“Uhm… Hi. I’m Monomi, I guess. … W-Welcome to The S.S. Ikutaaa~! … I’m sorry, I just… I’m worried, and I don’t want anything to happen to you guys but it’s…”
She’s cut off by the shrill voice from earlier.
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kyohei-takahashi · 8 years
A loud thumping sound rouses you from your slumber. It takes you a moment to realize that it’s coming from the ship’s PA system. An odd, high-pitched voice pierced your awareness. “Is this thing on?”  There’s another voice whining in the background. It’s equally high pitched, but has an element of softness that the previous one did not. You can’t quite make out what it’s saying. A few moments pass. “Alrighty! Goooooood morning students! It’s 7:00 AM. Time to WAKE UP! Upupu~ Everyone meet up at the observation deck RIGHT NOW. See ya sooon~”
Weird… There hadn’t been any morning announcements previously, so what made this one different? Supposedly, you were allowed to sleep til whenever for the duration of stay, but here you are, bright and early, awake. The sun has barely risen in the sky, and like it or not, you’re awake.
You exchange a glance or two with your roommate, perhaps a quip. The two of you gather with the rest of the students and trudge through the halls. You become increasingly aware of the surveillance cameras in every corner of every room… were those always there? You don’t remember.
And even if the surveillance cameras were always there… the… wedding hall? Out on the deck? … That DEFINITELY wasn’t, the whole view entirely new to you.
You climb into the elevator. As the doors slide shut, you begin to feel sick to your stomach, be it seasickness or existential dread. Though, if you had seasickness before, it’s definitely back twofold. Ding. You pass the locked floors as the glass elevator rises. Ding. The waters out below reflect the sun, barely above the horizon. Ding. You get the feeling that things were not going as planned.
Ding. The doors slide open.
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