kyonarra · 4 months
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[I think you're due for a timeout.]
they've got claws like a cat :3c
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kyonarra · 4 months
ISAT fandom I love you so much.
Thank you sm for telling me this, now I need to have some words with my YT recommended because that animatic NOT being there is a crime.
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kyonarra · 4 months
Hello isat tumblr you may ignore me.
Finished the game and few days later I decide to listen to EPIC's Underwolrd Saga again...
Am I crazy or is No Longer You such a Siffrin song? Like-
It FITS???
Still not sure who would be the Prophet since there are few candidates
Gonna go off about the lines later, probably
The need to make an animatic is real
If I am wrong, have this Sif doodle as an offering
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kyonarra · 7 months
a few reminders because i’m tired and angry
fandom is a hobby, not a form of activism
adult women aren’t inherently creepy for being in fandom and having hobbies apart from raising babies and doing taxes
the vast majority of people pushing back against the worrying trend of instigating harassment over fictional characters and relationships aren’t incest supporters or pedophiles, actually
liking a m/f ship doesn’t make someone a dirty heterosexual invading your space
preferring gay ships doesn’t make you ‘’woke’’ and good
no one owes you a disclaimer that they are a good person who recognizes that their favorite fictional villain’s actions are evil and that they don’t condone those actions irl
liking a fictional villain is in no way comparable to advocating abuse/murder/genocide/etc and you’re a fucking idiot if you believe that
just because a woman is attracted to a fictional villain doesn’t mean she’s promoting toxic relationships or going to end up in a toxic relationship. assuming women can’t tell fiction and reality apart stinks of internalized misogyny 
some rando’s a/b/o fanfics have none of the level of influence that popular tv shows and movies spreading propaganda have
no one owes you a detailed description of their traumas and mental health problems
abusive relationships are not the same as enemies to lovers ships
y’all need to chill the fuck out over people, relationships, actions and events that don’t actually exist and learn how to enjoy and discuss them like normal people
fandom is a hobby, not a form of activism
feel free to add more
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kyonarra · 8 months
The Final Round!
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Jellie: She is a cute, attention seeking cat during scar's videos and streams. She has been a character in Minecraft since 2018
The Nefarious Anglerfish: I like them :) [Super cool!!!!] One of the best memes of 2023
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kyonarra · 1 year
Doomed by the Narrative: Side B - Round 2
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kyonarra · 1 year
Fragment headcanons <3
For those who don't know, these are fragments:
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Art credit: me ;)
They are caused by Watchers eating up a player's negative emotions and visualize as these cracks in the body.
Note: I'm going to slap all Double Life fragments onto the heart. It just makes sense. So this headcanon list will be for 3rd/Last/Limited unless there is a special difference (Grian + Pearl + Jimmy + Ren). Just so I don't have to write over the heart several times.
The only fragment he has stretches across the back of his hands from where he had to beat Scar to death in 3rd Life.
He keeps the Watchers off him for the rest of the series by bringing a silly and goofy vibe to the games though. They hate him so bad so they haven't given him any more fragments. They would rather just ignore him.
3rd Life fragment wraps around his head like a flower crown.
Last Life fragment hits him in the shoulder then another on the bottom of his foot, spreading inside his body like lightning. (Think Aang's scar from Avatar the Last Airbender)
Limited Life fragment on the left side of his back, giving him a fragment on both sides of his heart. This is due to how hard his heart would have been pounding every time he was hunted for sport.
Last Life, Pearl is granted 6 lives and has a habit of using/giving those lives to help Scott, her closest ally. The fragment is small and over the heart.
Pearl's experience in Double Life with heartbreak was so intense, and since she already had a fragment over the heart, her fragment for that season ended up huge. The cracks over her heart are wide and bright. But the Watchers loved her so much they sent her back in even though she wasn't ready. Meaning she held onto her emotions for Tilly and had to be swapped out with Lizzie for an episode.
Limited Life fragment is placed between her eyes and above on her forehead. Like a third eye for being a nosey neighbour and watching.
Martyn (We actually get to see his fragments at the end of Lim Life.)
3rd Life fragment spreads down the cheek like tears for when he cried losing Ren.
Last Life, on the back. The backstabber was backstabbed. He was completely willing to betray Grian in order to get himself, Mumbo, Jimmy, and Impulse somewhere nicer. Somewhere safer. The end. Only for the Watchers to reveal that was never the case.
Limited Life, over the hand his weapon was held in in which he had to kill Scott twice with.
All of Jimmy's fragments spread across his back like canary wings.
3rd Life, spreads across his chest from where that first creeper blew him up. The first death. Seems rather fitting for the guy who can't keep his shirt on.
Last Life, through his mouth, built from all the lies he spoke.
Limited Life, matching placements with the Clockers on the right forearm like a family tattoo.
3rd Life, a few small cracks spread around like dog bites.
Last Life, one of the biggest fragments and spread through his entire body. For every kill he got, he got a matching crack as if he was the one who died. His insanity means he has axe, sword, arrow, explosion, and fall damage cracks because with each kill he got worse.
Limited Life, kind of hidden based on just how many cracks Joel has, but starts above his chest and out through the bottom of his foot. Another lightning scar.
3rd Life, cracks spread from his finger tips up from digging his hands in the dirt to plant dark oak saplings.
Last Life is hard to place a fragment. Because I know he would get one for never giving Bdubs one of his lives but I don't know where that would place on the body. Back of the head for not thinking? Over the heart for the ache of regret? I'm not sure.
Matching fragment with the Clockers but it's on the wrong arm (left).
Bdubs is similar to Grian to me in a case where he brings a very goofy mood to the series. So I want to say he doesn't have a fragment for 3rd Life. Like, he betrays Impulse with 0 remorse.
Last Life, on the back where Grian shot him. That was the moment he realized Etho didn't love him as much as he thought. Shot for doing what he asked and never receiving another life. Etho's name on the tip of his tongue as he dies alone.
Limited Life, Clocker fragment, right forearm.
3rd Life, similar to Etho, I'm not sure where to place this one. But I think BigB would have a fragment for loneliness. BigB spends a lot of time that season on his own. And it's not like other seasons with lonely characters. Last Life Joel + Scar, Double Life Pearl, etc etc, they all still sort of had someone. Like Joel and Scar still technically had each other + Pearl technically had Scott, Martyn, and Cleo. BigB is mostly just doing his own thing for a good portion of 3rd Life and doesn't join a team till late season.
Last Life, matching stab fragment with Cleo because his betrayal on her hurt just as badly for him.
Limited Life, matching third eye fragment with Pearl for being a nosey neighbour.
It's so easy to betray this guy. Both 3rd and Limited Life fragments are on his back from being backstabbed by both Bdub and Martyn. Though, the one left by Bdubs in 3rd life is more prominent and fractured.
Impulse doesn't get a fragment for Last Life. He didn't do much this season and thankfully was able to avoid any huge heartbreak.
I think... despite not being in Double Life, Skizz has a huge fragment over the heart. It's not massive like Pearl's despite all 3 fragments being there simply because Skizz is filled with so much love. Love for his teammates and love for even his enemies.
3rd Life, he dies for his nation. Rushing in because he's tired of his friend being pushed around. (I will also never be over how Skizz RAN to Dogwarts when he heard Martyn beheaded Ren. He thought Martyn had betrayed Ren and was ready to CATCH HANDS despite only being in golden armour.)
Last Life, even when team BEST kicks him out, he's sure to stop in the middle of his threats to tell Tango that he's on Skizz's good side. And even though he's mad at his team, when he dies, his ghost watches over them anyway. Being the only one to hear Bdub's final words.
Limited Life we of course got the affirmation station. And when his time was up, he let Etho kill him so his whole team could stay in the game just a little longer even if Skizz could have kept trying for another 20 minutes. He loves so much it kills him almost every time.
Fragment hidden in his hair for his rage (hot-headed).
For the most part, Tango goes under the radar for the Watcher. His deaths are anticlimactic and there's never enough drama for him. They only pay attention to him when he's angry and this neglect means he holds onto grudges and hosts a furious rage for most people who have hurt him the most. Bdubs constantly being the one to take his lives in Last Life and inflicting the first rage. Martyn just never being a positive presence for Tango's POV meaning he doesn't trust him one bit. Like. Tango is Martyn's most frequent victim with 4 kills.
Another case where I'm unsure where to put it. I think Cleo would have a fragment from the stress she had to endure from stealing and hiding Pizza.
Last Life, Cleo gets a stag fragment on her back for being backstabbed by BigB. The thing that makes this fracture special is how it doesn't stay the same. The Watchers forgot to remove part of her negative feelings towards BigB after this betrayal. As the series goes on, this fragment gets bigger and bigger since Cleo never forgives BigB for this betrayal.
Limited Life, Clocker fragment, right forearm. Additionally, part of her Last Life fragment settles down thanks to her short swap with Gem.
A crack around the neck, fracturing from the back where Martyn beheaded him. Similar to Scar's explosion fragment being important because he's the first death of the series, I think this fragment is also significant since it's the first PvP kill. The first weapon drawn.
Like Skizz, Ren is also a lover. Filled with love, loyalty, and dedication to the people he cares about. His heart fracture spreads across his heart for the same reasons. He would lay his life on the line for his allies. And I think BigB leaving him for Grian broke him so much inside he couldn't return to Limited Life.
She wasn't built for this series. Wasn't built to be killed in cold blood by her soulmate Joel and his red life insanities. But she was healthy enough to be brought because just a little to stand in for Pearl.
He also wasn't built for this series. They snapped him in half bro. Being killed by Grian was too much.
If you disagree with anything or have any of your own ideas please let me know in the comments/tags <3
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kyonarra · 1 year
Sad boy WIP
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kyonarra · 1 year
So thank to Erin Winn posting this concept art we’ve learned that the official name of Summer’s weapon is “Sundered Rose” !
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This essentially means Ruby named her own weapon in homage to her mother’s 🥹
Aside from that though, the naming of both weapons is very interesting to me
Sunder(ed) is a verb which means to divide, split apart, etc
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While Crescent is typically associated with a noun to describe a curve, bend, etc. Such as the crescent phase of the moon
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However, a literary adjective for Crescent can mean growing, increasing, or developing
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While the more likely answer is that Summer’s weapon is named Sundered Rose because it’s an axe that cleaves or splits things apart, and Ruby’s is Crescent Rose because of it being a scythe which is curved, a deeper perspective could be that Summer had to split apart from her family to go on that mission and Ruby had to go through some personal and emotional growth and development in the Ever After
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kyonarra · 1 year
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kyonarra · 1 year
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Tapestry of fate
Winners woven
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kyonarra · 1 year
This will be the day we’ve waited for This will be the day we open up the door
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I don’t wanna hear your absolution Hope you’re ready for a revolution?
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kyonarra · 1 year
V9 is the first volume since V4 that Ruby hasn’t used her silver eyes - and yet, it’s the volume that emphasized them the most. 
 the opening
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the silver light transitions
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summer’s eyes
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the wood cracking on ruby’s eyes
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the explosion of silver light
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the silver shine of her emblem
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the focus on her eyes after she breaks free
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Silver eyes are powered by love. Self-love is love, too.
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kyonarra · 1 year
The Winners.
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rbs and compliments are appreciated <3
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kyonarra · 1 year
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Some quick sketches cause I was having feelings after the episode yesterday….
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kyonarra · 1 year
I never posted this apparently??? gotta change that
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kyonarra · 1 year
If Jimmy is an omen of death, Scott is definitely an omen of victory
Grian allied with him in third life, (red desert alliance) and he won
Pearl was his soulmate in double life and she won
Martyn was his ally in Limited life and now he’s won
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