kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
( @kyougaku, i’ve certainly never seen the likes of you in the shadows. )
          “ Isn’t it rumored to be dangerous just walking around here? ” Imagine that, a teen but still a child saying that to someone years older than him. On his back, though barely visible in the shadows, is a lengthy cross spear, and less seen, his evoker ( though few would perceive even a model gun as such ) rests at his side; the only thing in one of his hands is a fiery candle and matches to spare. “ Everyone keeps whispering about monsters in the dark… I don’t believe it, but to be in the dark anyways? I can’t really see, but you’re either recklessly brave or completely prepared. ”
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          “ I’ve never even seen you around before— at least, not in the apartments. Whether or not you live close to here, what purpose would you have to be here? ”
It doesn’t surprise him to have his actions questioned. Considering the situation at hand, it was reasonable, or perhaps it was more like a decent safety precaution. There could very well be monsters, yes, but surely every person who roamed in the darkness wasn’t filled to the brim with pleasant intents either. Briefly, Wataru wonders to himself if he appears at all suspicious, but he’s got nothing on him to signify such, especially compared to the boy before him who seems to have something upon his back.
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“Fufu... perhaps calling it ‘reckless bravery’ is correct ✰.” There’s nothing else he could call it, after all. “However! To be quite honest, I have no sort of purpose to my actions. It was simply a matter of finding myself lost within the darkness; that is all there is to it. And from the looks of things, while I am perhaps the recklessly brave sort, you seem to be decently prepared ✰. But that is far more reasonable.” 
Definitely more reasonable than what he’d been doing himself, for sure.
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
Sometimes, things happen that you’ve got no possible way to be prepared for. Wataru was one for surprises, he invited them into his life, but there were exceptions. Including some exceptions that he had no idea needed to be made until they happened.
Like seeing a glimmer of light out of the corner of his eyes, and then not even a split-second later seeing what he could only describe as a laser shoot by mere feet in front of his face. His first question being ‘what the hell;’ his second question being ‘why on earth;’ and his final question being ‘where is this coming from and is this something he should be deeply concerned about?’
Well, there was only one real way to find out. Reckless foolishness had to occur sometimes.
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“What--” he sounds almost exasperated for a brief moment (absolutely justified) before he collects himself. “--on earth was that? If someone intends to do such a thing then perhaps it is best to keep an ear out for your surroundings a bit more clearly ✰!”
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
It wasn’t the most brilliant of ideas, surely. By all means at a time like this, Wataru should keep himself sheltered somewhere inside, but something like that also felt useless. There was barely if any light to be found across the city. Inside or outside, he’d be buried in darkness.
He continues to mull over this to himself as he pushes forward regardless of the fact. Maybe he should, but he hates the idea of simply holing himself up somewhere--wait a second.
Wataru is pulled out of his thoughts upon hearing a recognizable voice, and a part of him wants to laugh if only out of mild disbelief. A time like this, and that boy was still going off making a ruckus? Maybe he couldn’t see, but at least his ears were tuned enough that he could follow the sound of the voice... probably.
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“My my, mage-kun! If I can hear you making such a fuss already, what would something say if it were lurking in the dark ✰?”
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
💚 (tbh, given wataru riles schezz up a lot, and i can see schezz returning ti out of frustration at first but eventually to goof off - that would be a unique basis for a 'friendship' i think?)
send me one if you want to plot one or more of these!
💚 - friendship 
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THAT’S DEFINITELY SOMETHING... schezo you’re going to have to not get so riled up by him because that only fuels him. you are making him Stronger. and he finds that fun so either way you’re stuck with him, if you make friends that’ll make it easier to handle, right-
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) 💔 - past relationship 💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💟 - friends with benefits ❤ - romantic relationship
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
“ Who are you? “
the five w’s.
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“Oh? Did you forget already? I am quite heartbroken, you know! I have no choice but to tell you again! Fufu; good evening once more, it is yours truly, Hibiki Wataru... ✰“
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
“ What are you? “ (ooc amused note: now wataru has confused two of my muses lol)
the five w’s.
“What am I?”
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“Fufufu. I wonder ✰. Perhaps a magician? An actor? A superhuman? Or perhaps I could be a being you might only see in stories? That is my deepest secret ✰.”
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
currant, mallow, honey!
colorful headcanons.
currant: what's something that absolutely disgusts your muse (can be a person, place, thing, ect)?
wataru is... surprisingly hard to disgust. or at least it’s really hard to get him to express that he’s disgusted. he hides and masks up so many things; the easiest way to tell he’s not pleased is if his remarks start to seem almost passive aggressive. getting him to show outright that he’s disgusted though is really something. as an actual concise answer, though: seeing someone back down from something they’re perfectly capable of achieving doesn’t sit right with him. that’s one thing, at least.
mallow: what sorts of things might remind your muse of those close to them? any scents, objects, sounds?
there’s a good number of things, though he generally doesn’t outright mention them. at least not here, because there’s no use dwelling so much on people he can’t reach. but things like tea, sounds of the ocean, needles and threads, the ‘creatures of the night...’ those are some blatant reminders, but occasionally there are smaller ones, too.
honey: when your muse loves someone (whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial love), how do they show it?
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he watches out for them a lot, despite it more often than not being in his own peculiar ways that sometimes confuse or unsettle people. he pushes them to achieve things he knows they can, or to move forward so they don’t remain forever at a standstill. he spends more and more time around them, doing what he can to offer cheer or simple little wonders throughout the day. he teases them more relentlessly than usual. he is willing to reach out further to help, though he still likes to remain guarded and keeps all he can about himself hidden. he might slip and offer out information about himself that is unbeknownst to most people, but even when it’s someone he has some sort of affections for, he’ll still want to backtrack. it’s part of his nature. he’ll offer little gifts, gestures, and he’ll basically make himself more of a known presence the more he gets attached to somebody.
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
“Who knew you’d be here?”
five word prompts
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“Fufufu ✰. Why, no one, of course! I am as elusive as trying to grasp moonlight with your own two hands, for you never know where I will be, or when I will leave! But now I am here; good day, it is Hibiki Wataru... ✰”
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
“you can’t be here now.” o uob
five word prompts
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“Oho...? Is there something here that is not meant for my eyes to see? How intriguing! Saying such a thing is only going to allure people into wanting to remain, you know. Like myself, for example ✰...”
More like he’s just being an instigator now, but hey.
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
“hello? it’s me. i was-”
five word prompts
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“You were...? My, were you trying to sing for me? That is the beginnings of a song, after all! Or are you intending to leave me guessing? In that case, I could certainly fill in the blanks to create a colorful story ✰. Shall I begin? ‘I was searching for the truth behind the magician’s tricks, however...!’”
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
✿ = buying them flowers .
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
✿ = buying them flowers .
Well, this was fairly unexpected. At least in this place, it was; back home it wasn’t surprising to get spontaneous gifts from people, considering he was an idol and all. But here? It wasn’t like he was still some well known idol from a well known school out there making a name for himself. He was simply a wild card wandering around, that’s all.
Regardless, an amused grin spreads across his lips as he takes the flowers offered to him with a thoughtful eye. They were a kind common for simple gift giving, and Wataru wonders if he’s being thanked for the impromptu magic performance he’d offered. If that were the case, he could always offer some more.
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“To receive such things still in a place such as this--why, I am quite honored! I must express my gratitude as well, you see! Like so--” He takes one of the flowers in between his fingers, and with a swift movement, what then appeared was a simple sprig of bluebell. While Wataru didn’t expect everyone (most people, rather) to be versed in flower language off the top of their heads, at least he was aware it held meanings of gratitude. Besides, it looked pretty, too. “--Yes? Ah, how amazing... ✰!”
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them .
“My, you certainly must not be fond of the rain!”
It was more an idle statement than anything; he didn’t think the youngster standing a few feet away had been particularly bothered, but he could be wrong. Simple chatter was always a good way to find out, and besides, it felt like there was a little something peculiar about the kid.
He could be wrong, again, though. Wataru was rather perceptive, but even he had his limits. Maybe the sudden onslaught of a storm put him on edge a bit--ah, then he should shake that off! No use letting the weather bring him down.
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“Fufufu... Well, when it is something so sudden, it is quite troublesome, isn’t it ✰.”
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
tarot card asks
fool: what's the biggest risk you've ever taken?
magician: list 3 of your talents
high priestess: do you pay more attention to your heart or your mind?
empress: how dependent are you on others?
emperor: describe your relationship with your father
hierophant: do you value tradition?
lovers: does someone need to share your values for you to pursue a relationship?
chariot: in what situations are you most assertive?
strength: how impulsive are you?
hermit: what are you like when you're alone?
wheel of fortune: how's your luck?
justice: do you value fairness over mercy?
hanged man: how do you feel about martyrs?
death: do you like change?
temperance: do you tend to focus on the past, present, or future?
devil: is there anything you're addicted to?
tower: what do you most want to change about yourself?
star: what religious beliefs do you have?
moon: do you have any recurrent dreams?
sun: do you believe optimism is always good?
judgement: how confident are you in yourself?
world: what do you hope to accomplish before you die?
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
This wasn’t the first time things have gone awry here, was it. He recalls the first time--a rise of the undead, that’s what it was--but at least during all that, he was able to see.
But now? Now he was just trying to make do with all his other senses at the forefront, especially thankful in the moment for his above-average hearing. Though in the end, even that didn’t provide him much solace at all, considering he could hear and feel the world shifting around him, and he’d heard whispers from around him concerned about things lurking in the dark.
Maybe he should start carrying a candle and matches around from now on.
This wasn’t the time to be worrying about that, though. It was doubtful he’d be able to get much of anywhere like this, so he really should find something to help remedy the situation a little. Far easier in theory than in practice, but at least the longer he wandered through darkness, the more his eyes stared to adjust to the outlines of shapes (yet even that was little reassurance, what with how often things were moving). It was fine, it will be fine--and then the distinct sounds of human movement catch in his ears. Assumed human, anyways; regardless, Wataru turns his head towards where he assumes the source is coming from, an unseen smile on his face despite the sense of unease washing over him.
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“It is not quite a good idea to sneak up upon others at a time like this,” as soon as he starts speaking he wonders if that’s a good idea, considering he has no idea who or what is there, but it’s too late now. “so by all means, if someone is there, do make yourself known... ✰“
Is he unsettled? Yes. Is he going to let that be known? Absolutely not. Who do you think he is?
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
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what’s that? i can’t see
just making a little note here, i’m probably not going to put up an ad this time, but if you want an event part two: non-electric boogaloo thread then feel free to im me or shoot me an @ on twitter. thanks ✰
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kyougaku-blog1 · 7 years
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