Ooc: So I did mean to do replies and meme replies but last week was very hectic and then guess where I managed to be on Saturday night? London. Yeah. Unpleasant.
I’m okay, a little shaken and we got totally stranded and had to check into a hotel at 2.30am.
Scary shit but I’m alive and unharmed and will get around to stuff soon I promise.
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softer world sentence meme.
❛ i miss doing nothing with you. ❜ ❛ when i look at you all i can see are the mistakes we’re going to make. ❜ ❛ i wish being a good person could erase the bad things i’ve done. ❜ ❛ everyone you love will eventually die. but sure, go have another nap. ❜ ❛ if we couldn’t carry our dead inside us, we would be empty. ❜ ❛ when live gives you lemons take the lemons and be thankful you got anything. ❜ ❛ i don’t know how to make things right. so i’ll just keep pretending that nothing’s wrong. ❜ ❛ if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of hell. ❜ ❛ there’s two ways we can do this. the easy way, or i cut you. ❜ ❛ the hospital sounds restful. i could use a rest. ❜ ❛ I’m in love with the you I wish you were. ❜ ❛ you and i were meant to be together, even if we weren’t meant to be happy. ❜ ❛ sometimes i want to ruin my whole life so i can start over without feeling guilty. ❜ ❛ the only thing we leave behind when we die is fear. ❜ ❛ i wonder what kind of person i’d be if i didn’t worry so much about what kind of person you wanted.  ❜ ❛ even monsters are welcome when your home feels empty. ❜ ❛ ah, unrequited love. when your best isn’t enough. ❜ ❛ love is a drawer for knives to rust in. ❜ ❛ there’s no silence worse than the silence of a friend. ❜ ❛ looking at you is like looking in a mirror except i like what i see. ❜ ❛ when my cage is by the window i can see the sun. ❜ ❛ my body is a temple and there’s another funeral today. ❜ ❛ infinity does not have your picture in its locker. ❜ ❛ i have never seen them scared before. ❜ ❛ you can’t get any further away before you start coming back. ❜ ❛ nobody grows tired of something they can’t have. ❜ ❛ there’s a lot that can go wrong in a life. ❜ ❛ i was lost until i found you. now i’m lost and on the run from the cops. ❜ ❛ happiness is not a house where you can live. ❜ ❛ when they look back on their lives, they’ll smile. ❜
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popular text posts + ask memes
❛ i don’t know what i’m doing with my life, but i know i’m doing it wrong ❜ ❛ i am so cute and bitter ❜ ❛ my life is one part ‘wait’ and another part ‘what’ ❜ ❛ my #1 talent is saying stupid things to people and immediately regretting it ❜ ❛ i love sleeping to avoid problems ❜ ❛ i hate myself a lot but i get offended when other people do ❜ ❛ i’m hungrier than the neopet i neglected for nine years ❜ ❛ hit me up if you wanna date a piece of shit ❜ ❛ we need some new and more powerful swears ❜ ❛ i get progressively uglier throughout the day ❜ ❛ i’m so miserable, but i laugh at everything ❜ ❛ i need something that is more than coffee, but less than cocaine ❜ ❛ just because you’re trash doesn’t mean you can’t do great things. it’s called garbage can, not garbage cannot. ❜ ❛ 90 out of 10 people agree that math is fucking lame ❜ ❛ if you think i’m ugly now, you should have seen me in 2009 ❜ ❛ 2010 me would literally be terrified of 2016 me and i love it ❜ ❛ i have a rare skin condition called close the fucking blinds ❜ ❛ hey babe, i made you this mixtape for valentines day. i don’t know many love songs, so it’s just uptown funk 18 times in a row. ❜ ❛ there are people who know me in real life who think i’m straight and that’s really funny to me ❜ ❛ i was cursed with expensive taste and a low budget ❜ ❛ yo dude i trusted you wtf the fuck? what the fuck?? what the fuck what the ❜ ❛ open flannel shirts and lingerie are the hottest thing and nobody can convince me otherwise ❜ ❛ i’m the weird dad, wine mom, vodka aunt, and gay emo cousin all in one person ❜ ❛ that awful moment when you wake up ❜ ❛ damn haha i’m going to have to deal with that sooner or later ❜ ❛ are we gonna fucking hold hands tonight or what bitch ❜ ❛ people our age have children what the hell i am a children ❜ ❛ i don’t like your clothes. take them off. ❜ ❛ why am i only motivated to sort my life out at 4 am? ❜ ❛ after i die, i’ll probably still complain ❜ ❛ people are so petty and then here i am, me, an angel ❜ ❛ if i don’t insult you daily, it means i don’t like you ❜ ❛ do something with your life that would make a 1950s straight white man angry ❜ ❛ i need to get laid… to rest. put me in a coffin. let my soul ascend. ❜ ❛ i’m trying to be a better person, but some people are testing me ❜ ❛ i’m overstressed and underfucked ❜ ❛ i can’t wait to be a piece of shit with a bachelors degree ❜ ❛ my emo phase never went away, it just aged like fine wine ❜ ❛ my whole life consists of wondering whether or not to make the bitchy comment ❜ ❛ i don’t have time for people who don’t believe in aliens ❜ ❛ the lack of cuddling i am experiencing right now is upsetting ❜ ❛ why do good concert tickets happen to bad people ❜ ❛ i can’t play hard to get i’m already hard to want ❜ ❛ i’m still pissed off about growing up ❜ ❛ if you listen carefully, you can hear me whisper ‘shut the fuck up’ at least once every five minutes ❜ ❛ when i die i want my heart donated to NASA so they can finally see what a black hole looks like up close ❜ ❛ single and ready to take a 20 hour nap ❜ ❛ write ‘nothing is set in stone’ on my grave as both a witty joke and a subtle warning that i will be back ❜ ❛ how do people even put up with me like i can’t even put up with me ❜ ❛ the opening riff to mr. brightside could literally raise me from the dead ❜ ❛ stale cinnamon roll, been in this world too long, too cynical  ❜ ❛ sorry, i’m poor. i can’t afford to pay attention ❜ ❛ aziz ansari’s voice in the back of my head faintly telling me to treat myself is going to be my downfall ❜ ❛ is it too late to wrap myself up like a baby and drop myself off on a billionaire’s doorstep? ❜ ❛ my neutral expression makes me look like i’m always in a bad mood which is convenient because it’s usually true ❜ ❛ i never run voluntarily so if you ever see me running you should start running too because something is coming ❜
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@kyuketsukikishi liked for a starter.
♔ If Leo cared about things like nice weather or whatnot he might actually have taken more than three seconds to appreciate the day. Warm but not overtly sunny - cloudy without the looming threat of rain over the city’s broad expanse.
When he passed by a bench he didn’t even think twice about the figure lying down on it until he made the connection that the tuft of black hair reminded him an awful lot of someone else he knew. “Ritsu! Ah, I didn’t know the aliens got you too!” Leo gripped the other boy by the shoulders and began to shake him from his (probably peaceful) slumber. “Or did I summon you? Is that a superpower I just got?!”
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Everybody was right, sleeping around the city was a terrible idea, being shaken was a less than pleasant way to be woken and Ritsu was on the verge of bitching whoever had dared out for doing it. However he stopped himself when he realised he recognised that voice, and that smell, and the orange hair and… Too sleepy to put up a front of standoffishness Ritsu made a quick grab for the boy and attached himself.
“Ousama!” It came out flooded with relief and no pretence of not being overjoyed. “Yeah, the aliens got me too.”
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For the first time since arriving in the city he feels safe, less homesick, even with Leo babbling about aliens and superpowers, maybe especially with that. “I’ve been here a while, Ousama, maybe I summoned you.”
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ooc: Right that’s my drafts cleaned out for now, but if anybody wants to plot or just for me to do them a starter let me know!
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Seriously, this is the truest thing. It’s bad enough there are murder bots but its worse when this guy wants to try for smalltalk while they’re jogging for their lives. Jesus. 
“Almost two years. It sucks balls.”
Shit. Shit, that’s a really long time, is he going to be stuck here that long? Ritsu can feel his blood go cold, that’s the literal last thing he wants.
“Fuck... That’s a long time.”
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Chiaki echoed in confusion, until he realized who the other man meant. Ah, Sakuma (older)! 
It appeared his companion realized the mistake too, to which Chiaki just laughed.
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     “Yup, it looks like I am! And so are you! I see you haven’t changed a bit, even in this world! You’re lucky I spotted you; it’s dangerous to just sleep anywhere, you know! Especially here!“
Chiaki paused, peering at the younger Sakuma. How long had he been in the city, he wondered? 
      “Well, I’ll stay here with you if you still need sleep, but wouldn’t it be more comfortable to sleep at home? I can go with you if you want!”
“I thought you were my stupid bug of a brother.” Ritsu grumbles, nothing like waking up and embarrassing yourself immediately, Ritsu wanted to slam his face back into the surface of the table but instead made a show of yawning and stretching and hoping that his face wasn’t betraying him and turning red.
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“Besides, I can’t help it, you know,” his passing out whenever he got too tired habit was at least half the reason Ritsu was repeating second year, the other half was better left shoved away in a mental box labelled ‘don’t think about this’. “If I have to sleep then I sleep.”
He contemplates the offer of being walked home with a slight frown, on one hand company would be quite nice but on the other then somebody will know where he lives and possibly even see the untouched state he’s left everything in, maybe Chiaki will think he’s just really tidy but there’s a slight chance he’ll pick up that it’s actually because Ritsu has spent the time since he arrived wallowing then at best will ask and at worst will force him into stopping doing that. Anzu and Mao would be so disappointed, “You can walk me back if you want, but I can’t offer tea or anything.”
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“Fuck” Sentence Starters
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Fuck this.”
“Get the fuck out of here.”
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Fuck that!”
“I fucking hate him/her/them/you.”
“Shut the fuck up.“
“Get your fucking act together.”
“Keep your shitty nose out of my fucking business.”
“Leave me alone, or I’ll fuck you up.”
“Get your fucking hands off of me!”
“Stay the fuck away from me.”
“Who stole my fucking shit?!”
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”
“You wanna fucking go, punk?”
“Get the fuck over it.”
“Where the fuck have you been?”
“What the fuck do you want from me?”
“Fuck life.” 
“No, I’m not fucking over it.”
“Why the fuck did he/she/they have to go and die?”
“What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”
“Why did things have to go so fucking wrong?”
“I’m gonna eat fifty fucking cartons of ice cream and then pass out and die like a warrior.”
“Try to fucking stop me from leaving my room. It’s not gonna happen.”
“The love of my life just decided that I was worth fucking nothing.”
“I fucking miss him/her/them.”
“Who the fuck cares?”
“All of this fucking shit was for nothing.”
“I fucked up my own life.”
“I can’t believe I did this fucking shit all over again.”
“Fuck you!”
“I fucked your mom last night.” 
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
“You just think you’re fucking hilarious, don’t you?” 
“Who the fuck died and made you king/queen/ruler?” 
“Go to fucking hell, you piece of shit!”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Wow, that’s fucking small.”
“Get the fuck over yourself.”
“Fuck me.”
“I don’t ‘make love’, I fuck.”
“I’d fuck you all night long.”
“You look like a fucking dog in heat.”
“You look so fucking hot right now.”
“FUCK, I’m gonna come!”
“I’ll fuck you right here, right now.”
“Babe, fuck–not here.”
“You’re one cocky motherfucker. Let’s go back to my place.”
“I want to bend you over and fuck you until you can’t walk.”
“I want you to fuck me until I can’t walk.”
“I’d let you fuck me any day.”
“You better use a fucking condom.”
“Tell me what you want me to fucking do to you.”
“Do you want me to fuck you while everyone’s watching?”
“Fuck, it’s big.”
“Let’s make a fucking baby.”
“Give me a break. I’m in the fucking hospital.”
“How are YOU mad at ME when I’m the one who’s in FUCKING JAIL?”
“Help me set this fucking thing on fire.”
“I’m gonna need a fucking lawyer.”
“This is all YOUR fault, you dumb fuck.”
“It’s not MY fault we’re in fucking handcuffs.”
“Fuck, I’m so wasted.”
“What the fuck did we do last night?”
“Where the fuck am I?”
“Fuck. SHIT. There goes my car.”
“Wait–fuck. Isn’t that my house?”
“Fuck it. Might as well have fun, if we’re going to get caught.”
“Why the fuck do you have gasoline?”
“Where the fuck did that baby come from?!”
“It’s not a party until someone almost fucking dies.”
“FUCK, you scared the shit out of me!”
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ooc: I am literally The Worst and I have literally TWO things to reply to on here and I’ve literally procrastinated on both for a fortnight, I’m sorry, my only real excuse is that pyjama Ritsu didn’t come home and I’ve been ignoring him as a character that exists because I’m petty and mad about it
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Badou looks at him with a twist of his neck, just looks at him for a moment and considers if Ritsu will last long enough to remember his name.
“Its Badou.”
Short and sweet.
Nope this is going to be awkward the whole way, as if it wasn’t bad enough that there were murderbots, well there’s nothing much he can do about it, but then again now Ritsu has the urge to try and make a conversation happen if only because being as annoying as possible is his modus operandi at almost all times.
“How long have you been here, Badou?”
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♮ Hearing his name called out so suddenly startles him briefly–he’d only really come into contact with Tenshouin at this point, and for a moment his brain doesn’t register the difference in voices, leading Shu to find himself tensing up and preparing to offer some verbal counter-attack against whatever it was going to be this time.
Except he turns, and he’s greeted with a shock of black hair rather than blonde, and his initial edge softens just a bit. 
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But it still takes him a moment to register the face; the features are familiar, reminds him of someone else–ah, right. This boy is related to someone he’s well acquainted with. 
“You’re right!” Despite the lack of edge to his reaction, he still uses Mademoiselle as a method of speaking up, letting her do the talking for him while he gazed over the younger boy standing before him as though sizing him up. “You recognized us pretty well, huh~? Ah, and you’re Rei-kun’s brother, right? You are.. Ritsu-kun? Did they bring you here too? It’s a pretty scary place, isn’t it…” 
Briefly, he does consider speaking up on his own, but decides against if for the time being. Perhaps if this were Rei himself, or Natsume, Wataru, Kanata… he’d shift Mademoiselle aside and initiate conversation. As it was, though, he wasn’t all too familiar with the younger Sakuma, so gauging how the conversation would go beforehand was probably the better option.
Oh, the doll thing, he hadn’t thought about that. He only knew very vaguely as he did try to avoid Anija, at least publicly. But it’s fine, he can cope with a little weirdness, and besides now he’s closer something about the boy smells right, maybe he’s been to the flat? Ritsu isn’t sure, Anija certainly used to bring friends over a lot and he’s buried his face into the couch cushions only to find that they smell like somebody new has been sitting on them enough times. Either way...
“You two are pretty distinctive,” Ritsu replies with a shrug and a hint of a smile, “And good afternoon, Madamoiselle,” He’s talking to a doll, he’s sure the city must have some strange magic that’s made him accept things he wouldn’t normally. That or he’s just really homesick. He did almost give in to the urge to shake her tiny hand, “I am indeed...” Ugh God, fine, he’ll use Anija’s name, for once, “Rei’s brother.”
Ritsu rubs the back of his neck, “It’s definitely scary, I got myself dumped into a situation with murder robots when I got here and it looks like you haven’t fared much better,” One of her eyes is gone, that must have been upsetting for both of... For Itsuki. He fumbles trying to think of a bright side but there just isn’t one really so he settles for; “It’s not so bad though, I mean it could be worse...” 
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“Who knows what they want with a bunch of idol school boys though, I don’t see what they hope to learn from us.” Except maybe every prime napping spot in the city.
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✎ = speaking in a different language .
Out of all of Anija’s friends Ritsu probably likes Natsume the least, because he’s annoying, it’s certainly not because he gets jealous of the way Anija dotes on the boy, at all (it’s absolutely that) but he can’t help but be intrigued by the unfamiliar words that the boy just uttered.
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“Was that some weird spell? What are you cursing?”
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☽ = wandering alone at night 
It’s almost getting strange how many of Ritsu’s schoolmates he’s managed to run in to, but there’s yet another one. You’d think a bunch of teenagers would also know better than to walk around a potentially dangerous city in the middle of the night too, clearly none of their parents have instilled a sense of self-preservation in any of them, then again Ritsu doesn’t mind too much, messing with his school mates is fun after all and really, what’s Eichi going to do? Tell him off?
He waits in the shadows until Eichi is just past him and steps out the alley he’s been skulking in and runs his fingers softly across the back of the boys neck.
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“Good evening,” 
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send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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( ⚡ ) Tsumugi sighed. It had been a few days now since he mysteriously found himself in Hive City. The worst part was that the teen was without money, much less his phone. This really left the Tsumugi in a bad mood, as just simply wandering about with nothing to do was reaching its limit on him. 
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He pouted lightly, he had heard that the city would provide him with a cell phone if he stayed here for a month, but how was he going to live for a month with out it! He can’t even check his fortune without it, much less try to contact his friends! How was he he supposed to live without knowing how his fortune was going to be for the day without his phone!? He wouldn’t even know if there was a chance he would die that day! 
“Oh what am I going to do…. What if I can’t even go outside at all until I get a phone?” 
Over hearing things is kinda Ritsu’s jam at this point, he does it enough when lying around in semi-concealed places, he’s actually overheard some pretty interesting things at school but he never repeats them. Ritsu opens an eye to see the speaker, who seems to be talking to himself, mostly because he has a weird twinge of recognition.
Ritsu himself should probably have a phone by now, he hasn’t checked, it might be in the box he found a while ago and tossed into a corner, but he has no real need for it, he’s not sure he can get his mobage here and he only really texts Maakun and Nacchan at home.
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Ritsu stretches and yawns and makes himself a little more visible from the shaded patch he’s been resting in. “Why would you need a phone to go outside?”
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⛅ ➜ Heavy sighs escaped the teens lips, as he wandered about the night. This sort of action wasn’t particularly common for him, but recent events put him in a foul mood, unable to sleep. It was hard being here, in this unknown city again, with only a few acquaintances. The last time he was here… he didn’t really want to think about it. So, he’d continue on, wandering about a different sector (far better than his own, if he might add) trying to clear his thoughts. Nighttime was a good time for that for the teen– he’d hardly run into any meddling, hot headed, upperclassmen that way. 
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Midori sighed again, not particularly paying attention to his surroundings as he walked on, and before he knew it someone had come up to him– an uncharacteristic scream leaving his mouth. Turning, he’d find Ritsu Sakuma standing before him. “G-geez, Sakuma-senpai y-you scared me…!!”
It was a rotten trick to play and Ritsu knows it but he sniggers anyway, besides it got the perfect reaction, sometimes people just jump a little but Midori had actually screamed. What was even the point in wandering around late at night if you couldn’t scare people sometimes?
Besides, he wasn’t just being mean, Ritsu has been on enough night time wanderings by now to have seen things other than him lurking in the shadows of other districts, it actually isn’t safe. 
Ritsu folds his arms, it’s hard to look authoritative when you’re at least half a foot shorter than somebody, “What are you doing out this late?”
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⛅ ➜ Well, it didn’t take long since Midori started placing groceries on top for the second year to wake up. Midori had a slight air of disappointment– he had thought the other wouldn’t wake up so fast, seeing as they could sleep soundly on a bench without so much as a care in the world. But of course, that’s simply what the first year gets for simply judging a book by its cover. 
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As the other gathered their senses, Midori would pick up a few of the fallen groceries, placing back into the plastic bags that they were originally in before he had placed them on the other. Of course, after these course of actions, Midori had no idea what to do. He was simply entertaining himself, expecting the time to pass slowly as he waited for his upperclassman to wake up. Rather, he was actually kind of embarrassed. What am I going to do… He probably thinks I’m really weird now…!!
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A nervous laugh escaped from his lips, a hesitant answer accompanying it, “… Th-that’s right.”
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Ritsu is sure that he should know the name of the first year, but it’s totally escaped his head for the time being. He should also probably help clean up the groceries but he didn’t ask for them to be stacked on him like he’s some kind of Buckaroo game so he doesn’t, he merely rubs his eyes again and places his hands in his lap.
At least this is somebody he knows, albeit not well, seeing other Yumenosaki students is comforting in a way. The city seems to emphasise how awkward he feels around anybody outside of his inner-circle though, usually it only happens in school where he feels comfortable or in his home, where he can easily escape to his room, here it’s... different, strange and discomforting.
Ritsu sighs and forces himself to stop playing with his cuffs, a nervous habit he’s had since childhood, and pulls himself up a little straighter. This is more often than not the part where Maakun would step in a chide him for forgetting his manners and being generally terrible at social interaction, but he’s not here, so this is unfamiliar territory. 
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“I seem to have forgotten your name,” Ritsu admits finally, “I’m Ritsu Sakuma,” and with nobody there to nudge him to shake hands or anything he doesn’t.
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