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kyuu-te · 2 years
If you’re an IG page and want to repost this, don’t forget to tag the creator: @sacerdotess4 on IG
Don’t plagiarize, you were born original, don’t die a copy.
* DISCLAIMER: There aspects aren’t strictly connected with homosexuality, astrology’s pretty complex and aspects/planets in signs could mean many different things *
🏳️‍🌈 Aquarius Venus/Mars: these are pretty gay positions, there’s nothing else to say. GAY VIBES.
🌈 Gemini Venus/Mars: Gemini’s associated with Mercury, the androgynous planet, these people could be attracted to androgynous people or more than one gender, it could also mean that they like to present themselves as androgynous people and prefer a gender-free aesthetic (Gemini Venus).
⭐️ Pisces Venus: these people are generally in love with love and tend to create a strong spiritual connection with their partner that goes beyond the physical connection, I noticed that a lot of LGBTQ+ people have this position in their charts.
🏳️‍🌈 Sagittarius Venus/Mars: these people are attracted to intelligence and prefer a strong intellectual connection over the physical one, it could mean that these individuals don’t care so much about the gender of their partner.
🌈 Pisces/Libra/Cancer Mars and Libra Venus are pretty common in gay men charts.
⭐️ 5th / 7th / 8th house cousp in Aquarius, Gemini or Pisces could be indicators of gay/bisexual tendencies.
🏳️‍🌈 Mercury conjunct Venus: it could be similar to Gemini Venus, these people could like to adopt an androgynous style or be attracted to androgynous people.
🌈 Mars in aspects with Mercury
⭐️ Venus/Mars in aspects with Uranus
🏳️‍🌈 Sun/Moon in aspects with Uranus
🌈 Uranus or Mercury in the 5th / 7th / 8th house
⭐️ Aquarius Moon: I DON’T KNOW WHY but I noticed that A LOT of lesbian or bisexual girls have this position, maybe because the Moon is connected with motherhood and expressing your femininity in general and Aquarius generates an original and not traditional way to express these qualities.
🏳️‍🌈 Mars in aspects with Neptune: common in gay men charts
🌈 Mars or Venus in the 11th or 12th house
⭐️ Aquarius or 11th house stellium
🏳️‍🌈 Gemini or Pisces stellium
🌈 Mutable signs dominant
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kyuu-te · 2 years
Elemental Correspondences
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Direction: West. Time of the Day: Sunset. Season: Autumn. Colors: blue, purple. Sense: Taste. Cycle of Life: Maturity. Instruments: anything that is resonant. Plants: underwater plants, algae, lily, plants living near water. Animals: water animals (frogs, water insects, fish, swan, crab etc.). Places: lakes/ponds, sea/ocean, beaches, swimming pools, bathroom, cold climate, tides.
Gender: Feminine. Tarot: Cups/Chalices/Goblets. Zodiac: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer. Planets: Moon, Neptune, Pluto. Energy: Receptive. Emotional. Changeable. Crystals: blue crystals. Mythical Beings: Mermaids/Sirens, Water Fae, Nymphs/Nereids, Rusalka, Selkie, Kraken, Nessie, Leviathan, Titans, Undines.
Ritual Tools: fish bone, shark teeth, teapot, teacup, mirror, crystal ball, sea shell, sand, spray bottle, seaweed, comb, bowl, pearls, fishing nest. Ritual Forms: brewing, making tea, cooking with water (boiling), cleaning (windows, floors, dishes), taking a bath, cold herbal infusions. Ritual Types: divination, enchanting, cleansing, dowsing, astral travel, lucid dreaming, healing, lunar magic, scrying.
Introducing water magic to everyday life is the easiest of all the elements!
While making tea, imagine putting good energy/intention into it and then drink it to have a good day! Afterwards (if you have time and skills) you can feel free to do divination, using leftover tea leaves.
While taking a bath/shower in the evening, imagine the water pouring onto you to be white/light in color and the water dripping off of you to be black/greyish color. I use it to cleanse myself of all the negative energy.
Looking into mirror as a divination is a very disturbing experience for me! Like, it’s effective, it can get weird though.
Water in a spray bottle can be used for space cleansing if you don’t wanna use incense all the time. Also it’s good for the indoor plants if you have any! 
Washing dishes is another ritual of mine and it’s a good way to meditate. I just get lost in thought. 
If you want to practice water magic, follow moon phases and use them to your advantage! 
Water magic is not necessarily only gathering water and using it, but also perfoming spells or doing anything spiritual during specific weather conditions (ex.: raining, storm, snowing, hail stones).
Moon Water - great for all kinds of spells and craft! Moon water can have different abilities, all depending on during which moon phase we charged it in. The best water is the one charged during full moon or super moon as it is the most powerful. 
Sun Water - keywords: positivity, strenght, happiness, courage, good health. 
Rain Water - good for cleansing, meditation and relaxation. Keywords: growth, regeneration, cleansing, rest.
River Water - good for warding or spells with a clear goal as river water has a focused energy. Keywords: movement, action, flow.
Lake/Pond Water - I find it good for connecting with nature or animals. Could be used in animal magic. Keywords: wildness, nature, hidden, isolation.
Swamp/Mud Water - good for curses, hexes, binding, wishing someone bad health. Keywords: disease, dirty work, sticky, messy.
Sea Water - good for protection, banishing and any form of spell that needs powerful but calm energy. Keywords: vastness, life, fear.
Dew Water - keywords: vulnerability, peace, refreshing, delicate, calm, waiting. Good for Fae communication or any creature that is elusive.
Storm Water - good for spells that needs a lot of power. Be warned though, it’s very different from the sea water; it’s uncontrolled, chaotic and doesn’t last long. There’s a lot of anger and destructive energy.
Ice/Snow Water - keywords: endings, change, patience, harmony, growth.
Cemetery Water - good for necromancy, of course. You can put some in a spray bottle and spray it in a room in which you want to communicate with the dead. 
Well Water - keywords: wishing, domesticity, home, family, community. Could be good for communicating with spirits/creatures living near or in your house. 
Fog/Mist - keywords: invisibility, mystery, hidden, blindness. Spells including ‘clouding someone’s judgement’, those in which you want to stay anonymous as much as you can or those who will slowly start working over time.
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kyuu-te · 2 years
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kyuu-te · 2 years
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kyuu-te · 2 years
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Blood moon
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kyuu-te · 2 years
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kyuu-te · 2 years
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kyuu-te · 2 years
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Inst @njoodkm
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kyuu-te · 2 years
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