kywht · 6 months
@rusticmetal said: Wanders over to Kaye from behind and leans forward just enough to gently press his face into her soft blonde hair on top of her head. He is still half asleep from his impromptu nap in his study, half mumbling what sounds like a 'thanks for the blanket, little bird'
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she'd been in the midst of a new painting when she'd heard the telltale sign of her fiance moving around upstairs. it's no surprise that he managed to find his way down into the basement and over to her, even half asleep as he seemed to be. brush is set down, hand instead reaching behind her to find his and give it a gentle squeeze.
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' anytime, lion, anytime. feel better after your nap ? '
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kywht · 6 months
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practiced fingers move diligently with needle and thread. it reminds her of when she was a girl and her father taught her how to do it and how she'd used the skill numerous times to help him fix little tears in his clothes. brings a soft look to her eyes at the memory.
' it does suck. when i was learning, i would stab my fingertips all the time. ' the amount of bandages she had on them was ridiculous. she blinks a little and then laughs softly. ' a thimble ? they certainly are helpful. i don't think i've ever used one but i like knowing exactly where my needle is coming from when i work. ' a strange thing, perhaps, but still.
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Once settled beside Kaye, she moved in slightly closer not wanting to miss any tiny detail. Making sure to keep her focus on what the other blonde was doing with her hands, along with what she was telling her as she worked.
"Mmhmm...." Kit responded in a low hum so Kaye knew she was listening, her eyes still fixated on the movements the other was doing with her hands and the needle. It looked simple enough, at least with Kaye moving her fingers slowly in order for her to follow. "That doesn't look too bad... And yeah, would suck to accidently stab your finger with such a tiny needle, sure one of those.... uh.... what the hell are they called? The metal thing that sits on a finger and or thumb thing, to protect it from stabs?" She paused, wrinkling her nose in thought, trying to recall what it was called. Her Mum used one all the time. Just what was the damn thing called?
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kywht · 7 months
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focus settles on the jacket in hand, making sure she doesn't stab her fingers as she pushes the needle through. once kit is sitting beside her, she shifts just enough to show what she's doing.
' what you wanna do is push it through at the start of the rip or cut like this. ' she gestures to the way she'd already done so. and then she starts a simple stitch, moving the needle and thread slowly so that the other can follow what she's doing. ' then you just start your stitch. you have to be careful not to stab yourself, though. '
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"Naw, I'd just find other ways to keep you around" She teased, reaching out to gently ruffle Kaye's hair. Making sure not to mess it up in the process and or move her around too much.
"Wait... really?" She paused a bit surprised by her offer, her hand still sitting gently on the smaller blonds head. But should she really be that surprised? Of course she'd suggest teaching her and she wasn't going to refuse such a kind offer from one of the kindest people she knows. "Sure! I'll do my best to take notes, well mental notes but uh... notes?" Kit chuckled, moving her hand away before carefully sitting beside Kaye to observe her sewing easier.
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kywht · 7 months
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' aw but if you took lessons, i'd feel obsolete. ' a joke, of course. she knows that it would be beneficial for kit to learn the trade so that when she was out and about she'd be able to help herself. ' sit. i can show you how to fix a tear like this while i work on it. sound good ? '
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"As much as we try not to let them happen, yeah" She nodded while watching Kaye carefully place the jacket in a better position to sew it. "I am quite lucky, I'm uh... not the best with sewing and I should really take lessons from you honestly." she smiled a bit sheepishly, remembering a few times she's ruined trying to fix them.
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kywht · 7 months
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' accidents happen. ' she hoists the jacket into her lap that she's sewing for the other. ' you're just lucky i was around to help sew it up nice and neat. '
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At least Kaye found it amusing, suppose it was in a way. "I'm always careful..." she paused before letting out a laugh "mostly anyway"
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kywht · 7 months
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a soft laugh escapes. ' perhaps if you were more careful, you wouldn't have torn it. ' / @theserpentsheart ( kit )
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kywht · 7 months
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#KYWHT ─── a friends & mutuals only blog for kaye white, an oc for fullmetal alchemist. originally est. in 2012, reest. 2024. loved by lani ( 30 / she|they / cst ).
─── please make sure to read rules before interacting.
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( carrd )
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kywht · 7 months
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blows dust off blog
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kywht · 3 years
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▐│∶x∶; —                                 he grunts, waving his hand a little to dismiss the apology. wasn’t any need for one.
             ❛ you alright? ❜
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     ‘  uh yeah...yeah i’m good. mostly tired.  ’
     fingers tap lightly at the table. lack of sleep, lots of work. much that’s been done and much that still needs to be done.
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kywht · 3 years
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▐│∶x∶; —                                 …she’s got that hollow look in her eye. and a cool, weighted feeling. he can’t really think of anything to compare it to, just that it’s heavy but not necessarily uncomfortable. he wads up a straw wrapper and flicks it at her shoulder.
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     blinks and then looks at him. ‘  ...i zoned out again, didn’t i ?  ’ oops. a huff as she reaches to rub at her face. ‘  sorry.  ’
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kywht · 3 years
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     what’s she thinking ? who knows. but she’s been staring at the wall for a long time.
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kywht · 3 years
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▐│∶x∶; —                    time is stupid. anyone who’s ever experienced some sort of loss or trauma can tell you as much. it’s the one thing in life that no one can ever get back, yet it’s deceptive as all hell in just how much goes spent, wasted, or creeps past without being noticed. all this to say: he had no idea how long he sat in that bathroom. long enough for the stream of water to go from warm to ice cold, sending chills and prickles through every inch of his skin. he could have tolerated the sensation… if it hadn’t been quick to trigger memories of “washing days” back underground, where frozen water was the usual and warmth may as well be considered currency.
it lingers on his skin even after he’s dried and back in his clothes. he keeps catching himself scratching–at his wrists, forearms, what remained of the scabs around his collar ( and he can hear sakura chiding him; just enough to coax him to try to stop each time ). finding her in her own home isn’t hard, and he soon pushes through the door of the studio in near silence. only to freeze in his tracks.
… he hadn’t seen much of them that day. glimpses of faces and eyes in the chaos. bodies, turned away–and no time to check for the chance of a pulse. ghosts. the fact it’s merely interpretations of their features on a canvas does nothing to soften the blow of “facing” them again. he sees bido. martel. roa.
but it’s owen’s easy-going smile that forces him backward and out of the room.
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            ❛ … ❜
he’s always been light on his feet. quiet. there’s a chance she’d never noticed he’d started to walk in to begin with. that’s what he hopes for, anyway. and he quickly moves back down the hall to the room she’d left him in.
      even as stealthy as he was, growing up the way she did meant she often took note of people even when they were trying hard not to be caught. but she’s lost enough to her grief, to her thoughts, that she doesn’t note him enter as she usually would. forehead still pressed to the floor, she finds her form shaking. her mind races through all of the things she’ll have to do within the next few days. she’d have to tell edward so that he could understand why she was grieving. and then she’d have to tell daniel. her little danny who had come to be as attached to the nesties as she had.
     the very thought of him learning about what had happened had a sob ripping from her throat. she didn’t want to think too much on it yet, didn’t want to face that reality. for the time being, she would need to get a lock on her own feelings to try and appears somewhat normal to her family.
     eventually she pulls herself from the floor. her hands are rubbed over her face to try and get the tears to go away before she makes her way up the stairs. but she makes no move to go to her room, makes no move to even try to go get some rest. her brain is running too many miles per hour to even try and think of calming down and settling. besides, she knows she won’t sleep. kaye knows she’d only be plagued by their faces in her dreams.
     instead, she finds her way to the living room and settles on the couch. a blanket is tugged off the back and wrapped around herself before she lets herself settle into the cushions.
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     her fingers grip at the blanket tight enough to turn already fair skin white at the knuckles. and then her eyes focus on the wall, blankly staring. while she sits there, she goes over her last run to the nest. goes over every detail of the bar to the gang. and before she knows it the tears have started to flow again.
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kywht · 3 years
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Transparent bg Bido, Dolcetto, and Roa bc,,,,, Men
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kywht · 3 years
@kywht​ asked: oh? holding of hands? she can’t help but get in on that u_u 
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▐│∶x∶; —                                 there’s an initial flinch at her touch–a reflexive withdrawal of the hand. his other senses kick in, thankfully, before he has the opportunity to react in a more hostile way ( he’s in her home, after all, with the strong scents of paint, flowers and hardwood ). 
kaye’s fingers only ghost over the tips of his own. from her seat across the table, she’s looking at him with heavy eyes and an even heavier heart. he can feel it in his own chest. the beat slow and aching. 
even after the months of healing. the damn scars he had to see every shower or change of clothes. none of it felt real. every few hours, he’d catch himself thinking he needed to be back in dublith before a certain day or time–be back to help owen at the bar, roa in the main lounge, or sit in on an exchange with greed. only to realize in a sudden wave of cold that none of that was waiting for him. the old bar wasn’t even standing anymore.
neither of them had slept. a restless night, filled with desperate distractions or long strings of dissociation. and at the end of it all, winding up here at the kitchen table. silent. each with an untouched mug of coffee in hand that was slowly growing cold. 
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             ❛ … ❜
dol moves his fingers, gathering her hand into his and gripping her palm tightly. aside from her. from sakura. there wasn’t anything left. for the second time, everything and everyone had been taken ( martel could have escaped with those kids, hope murmurs; but it’s lied before ). 
he knows he can’t stay here. he can’t. but, even in the most literal sense and as his hand carefully tightens its mold, he doesn’t want to let her go.
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kywht · 3 years
@dolcetters replied: didn't need my emotions today thank u
the worst part is that she’d know dolcetto was still alive and in hiding and what not. which means if someone questioned her, she’d have to get in contact with him in some way to tell him to not come around. which would hurt her a lot to do. and she’d have such a hard time trying to do it so he’s still safe.
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kywht · 3 years
because hannah replied and now i’m thinking about it
the fact that kaye would 100% hang the portrait of the dng she painted up somewhere in the house hurts for so many reasons. one because its just a daily reminder of what is gone. two because she loved them sm that she wants to always remember them. but three because if someone who knew them ever came into her house and saw them, how the fuck is she supposed to explain how she knew chimeras that were escaped military experiments that ended up dead by the hands of the very same military?
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kywht · 3 years
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another birthday come to pass, and another beautiful edkaye drawing to add to the collection. kit treats me too well.
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