kzhas · 17 days
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kzhas · 17 days
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kzhas · 18 days
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kzhas · 18 days
There are two possible versions of timeskip Kenma in my head. The widely accepted Private Stand-Offish Gamer Kenma who doesn’t share his personal life with his viewers at all, and the only reason his viewers know that he and Kuroo are dating is because Kuroo posts about it.
This is very cute, very sweet. Always makes for some cutie scenes where Kenma glances off screen and then shuts off his camera and mutes his mic so he can talk to Kuroo without a word. I like that, it’s sweet.
I also LOVE the idea of Kenma telling his viewers EVERYTHING like he has a strict streaming schedule and on Sundays he plays cozy games. And it’s so chill it’s basically a just chatting stream. He kicks back in his chair, one knee up and plays consoles games rather than PC for simplicity’s sake. Usually he gravitates towards Animal Crossing and Stardew but he’s played other cozy games on stream before. Either way, it doesn’t matter, because while Kenma plays he talks with his chat about his day, his cats, his work, his friends, and most importantly his boyfriend.
And his fans EAT IT UP. They are always so eager to hear about Kuroo’s most recent antics and escapades, and Kenma is more than happy to share them. He talks about when Kuroo was being funny, embarrassing, cute, all of it, and the chat eats it up. At some point they start calling Kuroo “our boyfriend” which Kenma doesn’t really mind in the end, it’s not like any of these people really know Kuroo, and Kenma knows how much Kuroo loves him.
Sometimes, while he’s talking, Kuroo will duck into the room and it’s like a spark, Kenma’s face brightens just that little bit as Kuroo leans over to kiss him on the forehead, which Kenma leans into like a cat. When it’s been a good day, Kuroo will pull over his own chair and he and Kenma will wordlessly rework until Kuroo can play the game with him and they’ll talk to chat in tandem, Kuroo sharing stories about his day, and then about Kenma.
When it’s a bad day, Kuroo will reach his hand out to cover the camera and kiss Kenma on the lips. Tehcnically, they’re hiding it but Kenma’s mics not muted and the chat can hear the light smack when they pull apart. Kenma will then cover his mic, muffling his words and they’ll share a few soft words until one of two things happens, Kuroo waves goodbye to the chat wordlessly then leaves with a gentle squeeze of Kenma’s hand, or Kenma stands up and Kuroo takes his seat before Kenma resettles in his lap and lets his boyfriend nuzzle into his neck while he keeps playing and chatting for a while, no words exchanged, no explanation given.
Either way, Kuroo usually returns to his normal lively self quickly, either re-entering the room post-shower and snack to join the stream or slowly coming back online after some time just listening to his lover’s voice.
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kzhas · 18 days
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2/ Observer
Kenma has always been naturally observant, it comes with being the self-consious introvert that he is. Ever since he was young, he would notice patterns of behaviour in the people around him and respond accordingly.
Kenma knows Kuroo. He knows when Kuroo is happy, when he’s sad, when he’s bored, when he’s frustrated—so sometimes, even exercise-hater Kenma would step up and be the one that initiates play dates. (“Do you want to go level up?)
Kenma also notices patterns with Kuroo. Such as when Kuroo would be noticeably pent up after weekend visitations with his mom and her other family. Kuroo doesn’t talk about it, and Kenma doesn’t feel the need to ask. Instead he would just quietly get changed out of his pyjamas on those Sunday afternoons, and wait for Kuroo to come find him.
my kuroken headcanons # 1 | #2
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kzhas · 18 days
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kzhas · 18 days
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kuroken day!!
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kzhas · 18 days
I find it so funny how during their childhood, Kuroo would just barge into Kenma's house whenever he pleased. You see Kuroo peeking through Kenma's door when Kenma is lying sick.
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But also, when he catches Kenma up at 5AM playing video games?
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Like boy just has the keys to the house cus I guess he can waltz in to see what Kenma is doing before the sun is even up.
And now the movie adapting this panel, but having it as a sequence of Kuroo barging into Kenma's room over time, and one of them when Kenma was still in the middle of changing (I wish I could get a screenshot)
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Like, it's so funny and cute that Kuroo just invites himself into his friend's house unannounced, and no one questions it. Kenma's parents are probably just like "oh you're here again :)" and they just go about their day like seeing a stray cat that drops by from time to time.
The two were most definitely still like that throughout high school, too. During the little sequence of young Kuroo coming into Kenma's room in the movie, I thought you'd see him growing up every time the door opened (which would've been so sweet but sadly no).
I could be remembering wrong, but I vaguely remember hearing about tidbits of the Haikyuu characters grown up, and apparently Kenma's friends will just crash at his place when they like. So, it seems Kenma is pretty used to it now, thanks to Kuroo lol
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kzhas · 18 days
The haikyuu movie should be called "kenma and his two boyfriends" because damn
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kzhas · 20 days
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eat the rich!!
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kzhas · 23 days
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cant wait to see these two losers tmrw
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kzhas · 23 days
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kenma doobles pt. 2
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kzhas · 23 days
haikyuu setters are so funny bc some of them can be swapped around just fine and others absolutely cannot be.
Suga and Akaashi swap places for the day? Absolutely fine. Bokuto misses Akaashi, but the novelty of playing with someone new keeps him going through the day, and Karasuno is thrilled to be able to learn from Akaashi and are happy that Suga gets a chance to learn over at Fukurodani.
Kenma and Oikawa swap places for a day though? I dont even want to touch whatever nightmare horrorshow is going on at Nekoma. Just think about Seijoh. Kenma is standing on one side of the gym, shaking, and Iwaiuzmi, Makki and Mattsun and Mad Dog are on the other, and their coach isnt even there because Oikawa usually runs practices and so Iwaizumi tries to say "hey come here lets start practice" but what he does is shout "HEY-!" to get Kenma's attention and Kenma just immediately turns and starts powerwalking out of the gym. Absolutely not. Kenma locks himself in an empty closet and Iwa + and the Idiots Three are scrambling around looking under tables and on top of shelves trying to find the goddamn setter because they have to return him to Nekoma at the end of the day and they do NOT want to take the fall for losing him.
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kzhas · 25 days
It's a Sano thing
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kzhas · 29 days
Kenma at the gaming centre (re-upload)
(All credits to the original source. Please do not claim and reproduce it as your own!)
Keep reading
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kzhas · 30 days
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haikyuu 318 was an extremely good chapter
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kzhas · 30 days
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