l-ermite-blog · 7 years
╰♪╮   One would think, after the first time, you would learn to keep your balance. But after the fifth time? Or, well, far more than that but Yosuke didn’t want to say he was keeping count, you wouldn’t have any excuse. So, of course, the first thing he saw after coming down the steps of a building,  would be the concrete. Up close and personal, too!
    That wasn’t the worst part about the whole ordeal. What made it worse was the fact he could hear laughter, and not just chuckling, but full blown laughter coming from a girl that had apparently became a witnessed.  A girl of all things, what a way to make an impression. Sitting up, all Yosuke could do was just rub at his face from where he hit, and through his fingers, he could still see the girl laughing at him. “Are you done yet?! It wasn’t that funny!”
It was rather rude to laugh, but Futaba didn’t care nor would she ever begin to care. The poor boy that had fallen at her feet looked irritated and incredibly embarrassed, so she decided to care and have a heart for a few moments. She calmed her laughter, ending with a long dramatic sigh of relief, and squatted quickly to the floor to get closer to her new friend.
“I’m done,” she stated a-matter-of-factly, pushing her glasses up on the bridge of her nose before they could slip off. “It was really funny though. The sound you made was the funniest... SPLAT.” Instead of offering him any real help, she stayed beside him, squatting and grinning, which was her own way of offering support.
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
Yukio was heading back home after a long day at work when he noticed the girl a few steps ahead of him seemed to be struggling with her grocery bags.  They didn’t look that heavy, but who was he to judge.  Actually, he was starting to feel bad for her and was ready to offer to carry one for her when a bag slipped out of her grip and fell to the ground.  Even he had to sniff at the lost food…truly, a modern tragedy.
“Uh, excuse me miss.  Would you like some help carrying the rest of that?  I’d hate for you to lose more of your dinner.”  Yukio jogged to catch up to her and held out his hand.  Now that he was closer to her he saw the visceral reaction she had to her bag falling and found it a little off putting.  “Are you, uh, okay?  It’s just udon, it’s no big deal.”  Maybe she just had a bad day?  Still, he continued to hold out his hand to take at least one of her other bags.
“You might drop more when you try to open the front door, so let me help.”
Futaba didn’t know what to say or do, not when her life had just been ruined, not when there was some weirdo telling her that it was no big deal. She continued to stand still, glaring at the outstretched hand like it was the hand that had brought on the demise of curry. Sadly she put the last bag of curry in his hands, and then dramatically fell into a squat over her fallen comrade. 
“G-g-give me a moment,” she said feebly, dramatically, as she mourned the greatest loss she’d ever felt in her life. Until a few moments later, when she decided she was done, and stood up. Leveling her gaze upon the stranger, and nodded. “Thanks. My name is Futaba.”    
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
“ i wanna say that my life would be better if i was a power ranger, but that sounds like a whole lot more work, so fuck that. ”
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grif isn’t really fazed by the sudden, energetic approach. her excitement is maybe even reminiscent of kaikaina’s. “ military. uh. i guess you could say i am ― was, i don’t even fucking know anymore ― part of the UNSC. ” he was definitely part of the chorus army, at least. used to be? he’s supposed to be retired, but it’s always the same shit different way, so who knows.
she stayed silent, not really paying attention to what he was saying, not yet at least. she’d logged the answer in the back of her head, and she’d get back to them when she wanted. now, the gleam on the armor called to her, and when she couldn’t get too much of a clear view through the glass of the helmet, she squatted on the ground to poke around at his feet. she prodded at the shin guards, pushing her glasses up on the bridge of her nose.
“are you ugly?“ futaba looked up at the walking action figure, almost ignoring everything he’d said before, “your helmet isn’t see-through. you must be hideous.”
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
A harmless prank, really, when you thought about it. Akira had after all seen the mask before, Akira knew that it was her, so the thought of appearing at his door in the middle of of stormy night didn’t really seem like it was going to be a problem. Was she hoping to get some sort of reaction from him? Of course.
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“Akiiiiirraaaaaa~” she said loudly, after knocking several times with both fists, with as much tremor and terror in her voice as she could muster. Quickly, she stuffed her head into the helmet and let out a few ‘kekekekes’.
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
It happened in slow motion, and she could see, clearly, moments to help, to step in and change fate. But really, when it was all said and done, things never actually happened in slow motion, and Futaba never actually had any chance to help. Instead, she stood with wide eyes as this poor, poor boy collided with the floor. And, when it was all said and done, Futaba never actually wanted to help. Not when it was such a comical fall, not when it allowed her to laugh harder than she’d laughed in a long while, one hand stretched out pointing at him on the ground and the other hand on her belly as she cackled and cackled and cackled. 
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
“You ready to get destroyed?” was the first thing that Futaba said when Makoto walked into view. A dark expression covered her face, and she started to grin like she was holding onto a secret no one else knew. She pulled the front of her coat closed, and shoved her hands into the pockets. “Akira told me that you’re pretty good, but you haven’t faced me.”
There’s no doubt in her mind that she would absolutely wreck the Queen -- after all, she only the Queen. Futaba was the Oracle. 
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
Going back and forth from her room to people watching to what was slowly become her absolute favorite restaurant was becoming a nice habit -- if by habit, you actually mean something that happened only on a rare occasion. She’d become more accustomed to going out yes, but not more accustomed to actually speaking. 
Because of this, whenever she sat down at the restaurant to order, her interactions with waiters and waitresses were limited to nodding and shaking her head aggressively, and pointing with too much force at the menu, and very pointedly avoiding any eye contact.
Her server this time around was a boy she’d seen several times before, but she made sure to not make it obvious that she found slight comfort in that fact. Futaba went on like she usually did, pointing at the curry ramen, then at the hot tea, then nodding. “Thank you.”
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
It took long enough, but with how reclusive she was, finding friends, or running into, wasn’t ever something that was going to be easy. 
She’d followed the Ann Takamaki look-alike from her room, unable and unsure if it was the real thing. But after a few minutes, Futaba grew impatient, and from around a corner outside the Hummingbird Hotel, started to whisper loudly.
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“Hey. Psst. Panther. It’s Oracle. Come over here,” she did her best to be slick, to not attract much attention -- after all, they could really be in an elaborate palace here in this weird, strange world. 
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
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C H R I S T 
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
Years of minimal physical activity had left Futaba relatively weak. The time running around with the Phantom Thieves had negated some of that, yes, but not most of it. Her arms were still noodly, unable to carry much for long amounts of time. The bags holding several to-go cups of curry udon (it was easier, even preferable to buy as much as she could in one go, and eat everything throughout the week) weren’t heavy at first, but she found that they started to get much, much heavier as she started to head back to Hummingbird Hotel. 
Only a mere minute away from the front door the absolutely unspeakable happened... a bag fell. There was a dull thud, as Futaba closed her eyes, unable to look at the tragedy, the ruin, the wasteland beneath her feet. She stood incredibly still, a rush of adrenaline enabling her to keep an iron tight grip on the other bags. Those bags may be safe, but there was still the fallen solider, no longer tasty and delicious on the dirty, foul concrete. She kept her eyes shut tight, her body still frozen, shaking only slightly.
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
“YOU!” Is the only Futaba offered in the way of a greeting, as she scurried up to the great, orange armored person. Pushing her wire rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose while standing as far as she could up on her toes so that she could maybe get a chance to see through the opaque helmet. “Android? Military? This armor is incredible, you’re like a figurine I’ve got in my room,” She started off aggressively, her face scrunched up and her gaze scrutinizing. But then she gasped, eyes opened wide, “SUPER SENTAI?” 
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
It wasn’t often that Futaba genuinely, absolutely didn’t like someone. Sure, this strange, elusive man did remind her slightly of Sojiro -- she ignored a small (big) sting in her chest -- but there really wasn’t much besides build and hair color to link them together. There was something rather off about him. Perhaps it was the lack of coolness surrounding him, perhaps it was something else. Whatever it was, it gave cause for Futaba to not only never want to speak to him, but to also actively and petulantly stare at him whenever she did see him. She was incapable of hiding emotion, no matter how rude or tactless it was, but she was also never one to care or do anything about. So as this man, wiry and actually quite friendly looking, walked passed her in the lobby, she stared and did absolutely nothing to hide it. 
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
@bekkaltin liked for a starter!
People watching had become something of a habit, especially when her room suddenly became too empty, too lonely for her to handle. A small journal is what she’d take down to the lobby of the Humming Bird, and grin to herself as she wrote her observations down. They were mainly totally completely wrong (she wrote small fanfics of the people she frequently saw, complete with backgrounds and tragic backstories to rival her own). There were strange characters, but there was one she saw that did, honestly, remind her a lot of Akira: tall, face unmoving, mysterious. 
“Hey!” she called out one day as he was walking passed her, chewing diligently on the end of her pen, “What’s wth the face? Are you always frozen like that? All super, ya know.” She imitated him, though it was poor, much grumpier than his actual expression.
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
 @weretxger liked for a starter!
It was only natural that as soon as things settled down, everything had to go an turn themselves upside down again. Is this a palace? had been her first thought, waking up in a different bed, in a different place. There were weird people about, but they didn’t seem like shadows... though, maybe they were. Regardless, her exploring was short lived: the dramatic change in scenery, and sheer amount of random people around were enough to scare her back into her room.
Staying inside with little to keep her addled and fast mind occupied, however, was proving to be the absolute worst thing she’d ever been through. So, she decided to go out to buy food (she’d done it all by herself before, why wouldn’t she be able to do it again?) 
With a small map that she’d found in the lobby of the Hummingbird Hotel, Futaba set out with her boots and her large hood pulled forward as much as it could be without completely obstructing her vision.
But really, how was she supposed to get there? Map? No, there weren’t maps, not where she could see them. Signs? Maybe, but, she didn’t even know where it was that she was supposed to be going. Ask a stranger? Before she even had time to convince herself to not ask someone on the street, she readied herself and steps directly in front of someone, and held her hands out so that they quiet literally, physically, stopped this stranger in their tracks. Head down, eyes pointed at her feet, she said, perhaps a little too quick, a little too loud, “EXCUSE ME BUT WHERE IS THE NEAREST PLACE THAT I CAN BUY FOOD.”
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l-ermite-blog · 7 years
uh, hello!! i’m cuba and this is my first time ever joining a tumblr panfandom rp~*~ this is also my first time playing futaba, so please be kind to me as i sort her character out. i tried following everyone but tumblr has a stupid follow cap for the day so i’ll get to everyone eventually!!!!!!!! if u wanna follow me on twitter it’s @giadibro. i’m there for most of the day if u wanna yell or holler at moi
BUT i’ll just go with the flow for now. smash that like button for a starter my guys and i’ll just say that it’ll be uncapped for the time being >:)
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