l05tm4l1a-blog · 7 years
17 things I’ve learnt in 17 years:
1) Treat others how you would like to be treated. Always, even if it’s difficult.
2) Take pictures. Take endless pictures everywhere and anywhere you go. Memories are the only happiness we have in the end.
3) Instead of buying the £500 bag to keep £10 in it, buy the £10 bag and keep £500 in it.
4) Always have a close relationship with your grandparents. They’ve been around for longer than you, they're wiser and full of important life advise.
5) Never go to sleep on bad terms with someone, solve the situation as soon as possible, even if it’s 3am.
6) Never hang up without saying ‘I love you.’
7) Create a memory box, keep small things from places and events you’ve been to. It’s important to reminisce on the good in your past. It keeps us going.
8) Losing friends is a part of growing up, it’s important and it has to happen. We mature and our personalities change to no longer fit the personality of what once was your best friend.
9) Drink water, drink plenty of water.
10) The truth will set you free, even if it pisses you off at first.
11) You can resit the exam, you can’t relive the party.
12) Put yourself before anyone else, you come first, this is your life.
13) Learn to love yourself. How can you expect anyone to love something that you don’t.
14) Set an alarm. Abide the alarm. Never be late.
15) If you're unsure, ask. Seek help if you feel you need it.
16) A best friend is essential, so choose wisely.
17) Always be able to take what you can give. When you say something to someone, ask yourself if you would be okay with them saying the same to you.
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