l0v31ygl4ss · 2 years
This account will forever be unactive, I can’t figure out how to delete my account yet but if anyone prefers to unfollow that’s ok :)
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
I don't have an eating disorder, i do ✨advanced dieting ✨
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
I fucking hate it when you’re in such a fantastically giddy mood and then you see one simple little thing that makes you think, “oh” and then you just get this empty feeling in your chest and you get nauseous and the world just crumbles and you want to just lay under a blanket and close your eyes and fall asleep and never wake up. 
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
anytime someone checks in w/ me to make sure I’m ok, half of me is really grateful and the other half is berating myself for being so dramatic that a separate physical entity had to stop the process of their life just to make sure my bricks were still up in a wall
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
if u think my posts are concerning and or bad just keep in mind I actually refrain from posting a lot of stuff and ur seeing like. the final cut. this is me at my best. I know. dissapointing
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
manifestation circle:
🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯
🕯 lose 40 pounds 🕯
🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯 🕯
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
If your ed is rooted in gender dysphoria, clap your hands 👏👏
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
An apology
I'm sorry if I help fuel your ed
I'm sorry if this account is one of the reasons you have an ed
In sorry if you looked on my page out of curiosity then stumbled down the rabbit hole
I'm sorry if my page influenced your ed in anyway
But let me say something
It might be too late for those people but please I'm BEGGING you if you don't have an ed and are at the "curiosity" stage let me tell you the saying "Curiousity Killed the Cat" has never rang more true, so LEAVE. I'm not asking you nicely I'm telling you FUCKING LEAVE.
I don't care if I seem rude to you, get the fuck off tumblr RIGHT NOW. I ignored these when I saw them and I regret it this disorder is one of the WORST things that happened to me, you know anorexia is the most deadly mental illness ? If you don't recover you will DIE.
I want to scream through my phone, I am so fucking angry, I don't want to influence any eating disorders !!!
As the sister of a recovered anorexic being their family member is horrible, seeing someone slowly deteriorate, hearing the fights escalate, not knowing when you would see them for the last time, wondering why they won't eat this. When I was 8, my parents FORBADE ME FROM WAKING MY BIG SISTER UP IN FEAR I WOULD SEE HER DEAD BODY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?! THEY THOUGHT A CHILD, A BABY, WOULD SEE THE PERSON SHE LOOKS UP TO DEAD.
And as an anorexic let me tell you, it's even worse. You will cry in front of the mirror, pinch your "fat" until it's red, shower in the dark, the scale will be your best friend and worse enemy, you will hate yourself so much more, you will MISS FOOD, you will miss being able to eat fries or pizza or spring rolls or crisps or potatoes, you may be thinking "I'll still let myself eat them from time to time" NO YOU WON'T, you will probably have a breakdown when you have them on your plate, you might purge, you might starve for the next day or more. Your personality will dissolve, you will be constantly angry and irritable.
Oh and also, if you have siblings or cousins I would like to inform you that people are more likely to have an ed if a family member had one and I KNOW you care about your family. (I am not accusing any one of purposefully influencing family members it's just for information)
If you have an already existing ed you can stay, if not then get the FUCK OFF MY PAGE YOU BEAUTIFUL PERFECT HUMAN BEING AND GO HAVE A SNACK. This illness is not beautiful and aesthetic, it's torture.
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
An apology
I'm sorry if I help fuel your ed
I'm sorry if this account is one of the reasons you have an ed
In sorry if you looked on my page out of curiosity then stumbled down the rabbit hole
I'm sorry if my page influenced your ed in anyway
But let me say something
It might be too late for those people but please I'm BEGGING you if you don't have an ed and are at the "curiosity" stage let me tell you the saying "Curiousity Killed the Cat" has never rang more true, so LEAVE. I'm not asking you nicely I'm telling you FUCKING LEAVE.
I don't care if I seem rude to you, get the fuck off tumblr RIGHT NOW. I ignored these when I saw them and I regret it this disorder is one of the WORST things that happened to me, you know anorexia is the most deadly mental illness ? If you don't recover you will DIE.
I want to scream through my phone, I am so fucking angry, I don't want to influence any eating disorders !!!
As the sister of a recovered anorexic being their family member is horrible, seeing someone slowly deteriorate, hearing the fights escalate, not knowing when you would see them for the last time, wondering why they won't eat this. When I was 8, my parents FORBADE ME FROM WAKING MY BIG SISTER UP IN FEAR I WOULD SEE HER DEAD BODY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?! THEY THOUGHT A CHILD, A BABY, WOULD SEE THE PERSON SHE LOOKS UP TO DEAD.
And as an anorexic let me tell you, it's even worse. You will cry in front of the mirror, pinch your "fat" until it's red, shower in the dark, the scale will be your best friend and worse enemy, you will hate yourself so much more, you will MISS FOOD, you will miss being able to eat fries or pizza or spring rolls or crisps or potatoes, you may be thinking "I'll still let myself eat them from time to time" NO YOU WON'T, you will probably have a breakdown when you have them on your plate, you might purge, you might starve for the next day or more. Your personality will dissolve, you will be constantly angry and irritable.
Oh and also, if you have siblings or cousins I would like to inform you that people are more likely to have an ed if a family member had one and I KNOW you care about your family. (I am not accusing any one of purposefully influencing family members it's just for information)
If you have an already existing ed you can stay, if not then get the FUCK OFF MY PAGE YOU BEAUTIFUL PERFECT HUMAN BEING AND GO HAVE A SNACK. This illness is not beautiful and aesthetic, it's torture.
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
An apology
I'm sorry if I help fuel your ed
I'm sorry if this account is one of the reasons you have an ed
In sorry if you looked on my page out of curiosity then stumbled down the rabbit hole
I'm sorry if my page influenced your ed in anyway
But let me say something
It might be too late for those people but please I'm BEGGING you if you don't have an ed and are at the "curiosity" stage let me tell you the saying "Curiousity Killed the Cat" has never rang more true, so LEAVE. I'm not asking you nicely I'm telling you FUCKING LEAVE.
I don't care if I seem rude to you, get the fuck off tumblr RIGHT NOW. I ignored these when I saw them and I regret it this disorder is one of the WORST things that happened to me, you know anorexia is the most deadly mental illness ? If you don't recover you will DIE.
I want to scream through my phone, I am so fucking angry, I don't want to influence any eating disorders !!!
As the sister of a recovered anorexic being their family member is horrible, seeing someone slowly deteriorate, hearing the fights escalate, not knowing when you would see them for the last time, wondering why they won't eat this. When I was 8, my parents FORBADE ME FROM WAKING MY BIG SISTER UP IN FEAR I WOULD SEE HER DEAD BODY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?! THEY THOUGHT A CHILD, A BABY, WOULD SEE THE PERSON SHE LOOKS UP TO DEAD.
And as an anorexic let me tell you, it's even worse. You will cry in front of the mirror, pinch your "fat" until it's red, shower in the dark, the scale will be your best friend and worse enemy, you will hate yourself so much more, you will MISS FOOD, you will miss being able to eat fries or pizza or spring rolls or crisps or potatoes, you may be thinking "I'll still let myself eat them from time to time" NO YOU WON'T, you will probably have a breakdown when you have them on your plate, you might purge, you might starve for the next day or more. Your personality will dissolve, you will be constantly angry and irritable.
Oh and also, if you have siblings or cousins I would like to inform you that people are more likely to have an ed if a family member had one and I KNOW you care about your family. (I am not accusing any one of purposefully influencing family members it's just for information)
If you have an already existing ed you can stay, if not then get the FUCK OFF MY PAGE YOU BEAUTIFUL PERFECT HUMAN BEING AND GO HAVE A SNACK. This illness is not beautiful and aesthetic, it's torture.
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
An apology
I'm sorry if I help fuel your ed
I'm sorry if this account is one of the reasons you have an ed
In sorry if you looked on my page out of curiosity then stumbled down the rabbit hole
I'm sorry if my page influenced your ed in anyway
But let me say something
It might be too late for those people but please I'm BEGGING you if you don't have an ed and are at the "curiosity" stage let me tell you the saying "Curiousity Killed the Cat" has never rang more true, so LEAVE. I'm not asking you nicely I'm telling you FUCKING LEAVE.
I don't care if I seem rude to you, get the fuck off tumblr RIGHT NOW. I ignored these when I saw them and I regret it this disorder is one of the WORST things that happened to me, you know anorexia is the most deadly mental illness ? If you don't recover you will DIE.
I want to scream through my phone, I am so fucking angry, I don't want to influence any eating disorders !!!
As the sister of a recovered anorexic being their family member is horrible, seeing someone slowly deteriorate, hearing the fights escalate, not knowing when you would see them for the last time, wondering why they won't eat this. When I was 8, my parents FORBADE ME FROM WAKING MY BIG SISTER UP IN FEAR I WOULD SEE HER DEAD BODY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?! THEY THOUGHT A CHILD, A BABY, WOULD SEE THE PERSON SHE LOOKS UP TO DEAD.
And as an anorexic let me tell you, it's even worse. You will cry in front of the mirror, pinch your "fat" until it's red, shower in the dark, the scale will be your best friend and worse enemy, you will hate yourself so much more, you will MISS FOOD, you will miss being able to eat fries or pizza or spring rolls or crisps or potatoes, you may be thinking "I'll still let myself eat them from time to time" NO YOU WON'T, you will probably have a breakdown when you have them on your plate, you might purge, you might starve for the next day or more. Your personality will dissolve, you will be constantly angry and irritable.
Oh and also, if you have siblings or cousins I would like to inform you that people are more likely to have an ed if a family member had one and I KNOW you care about your family. (I am not accusing any one of purposefully influencing family members it's just for information)
If you have an already existing ed you can stay, if not then get the FUCK OFF MY PAGE YOU BEAUTIFUL PERFECT HUMAN BEING AND GO HAVE A SNACK. This illness is not beautiful and aesthetic, it's torture.
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
An apology
I'm sorry if I help fuel your ed
I'm sorry if this account is one of the reasons you have an ed
In sorry if you looked on my page out of curiosity then stumbled down the rabbit hole
I'm sorry if my page influenced your ed in anyway
But let me say something
It might be too late for those people but please I'm BEGGING you if you don't have an ed and are at the "curiosity" stage let me tell you the saying "Curiousity Killed the Cat" has never rang more true, so LEAVE. I'm not asking you nicely I'm telling you FUCKING LEAVE.
I don't care if I seem rude to you, get the fuck off tumblr RIGHT NOW. I ignored these when I saw them and I regret it this disorder is one of the WORST things that happened to me, you know anorexia is the most deadly mental illness ? If you don't recover you will DIE.
I want to scream through my phone, I am so fucking angry, I don't want to influence any eating disorders !!!
As the sister of a recovered anorexic being their family member is horrible, seeing someone slowly deteriorate, hearing the fights escalate, not knowing when you would see them for the last time, wondering why they won't eat this. When I was 8, my parents FORBADE ME FROM WAKING MY BIG SISTER UP IN FEAR I WOULD SEE HER DEAD BODY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?! THEY THOUGHT A CHILD, A BABY, WOULD SEE THE PERSON SHE LOOKS UP TO DEAD.
And as an anorexic let me tell you, it's even worse. You will cry in front of the mirror, pinch your "fat" until it's red, shower in the dark, the scale will be your best friend and worse enemy, you will hate yourself so much more, you will MISS FOOD, you will miss being able to eat fries or pizza or spring rolls or crisps or potatoes, you may be thinking "I'll still let myself eat them from time to time" NO YOU WON'T, you will probably have a breakdown when you have them on your plate, you might purge, you might starve for the next day or more. Your personality will dissolve, you will be constantly angry and irritable.
Oh and also, if you have siblings or cousins I would like to inform you that people are more likely to have an ed if a family member had one and I KNOW you care about your family. (I am not accusing any one of purposefully influencing family members it's just for information)
If you have an already existing ed you can stay, if not then get the FUCK OFF MY PAGE YOU BEAUTIFUL PERFECT HUMAN BEING AND GO HAVE A SNACK. This illness is not beautiful and aesthetic, it's torture.
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
Let me show you some cotton candy pickles
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It's very simple to make. You just get some cotton candy and wrap it around the pickle! :)
I honestly would never try that but I’m glad you and so many other people are obsessed with it :}
0 notes
l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
If your ed is rooted in trauma, clap your hands 👏🏻👏🏻
If your ed is rooted in gender dysphoria, clap your hands 👏👏
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
For me it’s being out in public in general :/
trying not to cry at school is like an extreme sport
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l0v31ygl4ss · 3 years
TW maybe? You don’t have to read it’s about a dream
I had one of the worse dreams last night. It’s very vivid so I’ll try me best to remember, I had a dream I went to a hospital aka wherever you go for recovery and I got weighed and it said I weighed 83 lbs. I can’t fully remember where I was at nor what really happened but I think I started to feel dizzy in my dream??? I just mainly remember feeling stressed,vulnerable, angry, and felt like I was going to cry. I don’t fully understand why I had that dream because I don’t usually have those types. But anyways thought it would be nice to share
Also PLEASE don’t think you can’t go to recovery because of this weird dream I had. You deserve it, really you do. So once again please don’t think I’m trying to make you scared to get help, it’s just my mind playing with me ig.
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