Ou voudrais-tu vivre en France? :) A Paris, j'imagine?
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Long hiatus but im back!!
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Teen French expressions
For if you want to make hip young friends.
Disclaimer: French people complain a lot. A lot. Don’t be surprised if 90% of these expressions are complaining.
Non mais oh - say this if someone does something mildly annoying and you want to express your shock and distaste.
Tu me fais chier - (alt. tu me fais chier, là.) literally ‘you make me shit’. means you’re pissing me off.
Carrément - translates to ‘squarely’. Means ‘literally’. If someone tells you something surprising or annoying, you can answer simply “ah carrément.” see: tu me fais carrément chier.
J’hallucine / je rêve - are you annoyed by something? say these.
C’est pas possible - a classic. anything bad happens - c’est pas possible. There is no cheese left? It’s not possible. I’m hallucinating. This is a burden on me that solely I can bear I cannot believe this is happening.
Ça commence à me gaver - I’m starting to get real sick of this. see: Ça commence carrément a me gaver là, putain.
T’es relou - verlan slang for ‘lourd’ meaning someone’s heavy, personality-wise. They’re tedious.
Ça me saoûle / ça me gonfle - similar to gaver, means something’s pissing you off, you’re sick of it.
Grave - totally.
C’est clair - totally/that’s clear. Like ‘claro’ in spanish. “Justine elle est trop relou” “C’est clair. Elle me fait chier.”
J’en ai marre - I’m sick of this.
J’en ai ras le bol - I’m sick of this.
J’en ai ras le cul - I’m sick of this (vulgar).
(J’en ai) Rien à battre - I don’t give a damn.
(J’en ai) Rien à foutre - I don’t give a fuck.
C’est bon, là. -  That’s enough.
Perso, euh, - “Personally,” generally used at the start of a complaining sentence, to express how personal the matter is to you. Perso, euh, c’est bon là. J’en ai ras le cul.
Rôh là - general expression of distaste. Le longer the rôh, the more annoyed you are. Rôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôh, c’est quoi ce bordel.
C’est quoi ce bordel ? - translates to “what’s this brothel”, means “what’s this shit?!”
C’est de la merde - It’s shit.
C’est une blague ? - Is this a joke?
Idem - ditto
J’ai la dal - I’m hungry
Ça caille - It’s freezing
Ouf - two meanings 1. phew or 2. verlan for “fou”, meaning crazy (as a noun or adjective). “Kévin, c’est un ouf! Il fait du vélo sans casque!” “Ouais carrément, c’était un truc de ouf!”
Kévin - there’s a running joke that all the young delinquents seem to be called Kévin.
Crever - slang for “to die”. Va crever, connard!
Connard/Connasse - c*nt, but a lot less vulgar in french peoples eyes
And finally,
T’es con. No English translation can express the power behind the words “t’es con”. While it may sort of translate to “you’re a c*nt/idiot”, it expresses something much deeper. You really are a god damn fool.
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French - Medical Vocabulary (With Quiz)
Hello followers! I just made a new quizlet class exclusively for you guys where I will be posting quizzes for French and Italian. Basically I will make a vocab list here on my langblr, and at the bottom I will link it to the class so you guys can take the quiz when you feel like you know the material. Please reblog this post if you enjoy it and find it helpful so my blog can grow!
Un pansement- a bandage
Un plâtre- a cast
Une pastille- a cough drop
La grippe- the flu
Un rhume- a cold
La nausée- Nausea
Un analgésique- a painkiller
Un médicament- a medicine
(La) douleur- (the) pain
Une ordonnance- a prescription
Un antibiotique- an antibiotic
Des courbatures- aches
Une fièvre- a fever
Une piqûre- a shot
Une infection- an infection
Se brûler- to burn oneself
Se fouler- to sprain oneself
Lancer- to throb (literally: to throw)
Prescrire- to prescribe
Faire un piqûre- to give someone a shot
Aller bien- to feel good
Faire mal- to ache, to hurt
Avoir mal à- to have a (something) ache
For the two reflexive verbs, Se brûler and Se fouler I want to give an example:
    -Je me suis brûlé(e) la main!
In French we read this as “I burned my hand!” but directly translated it says “I have burned myself th hand!” When speaking about injuries to body parts we do not say “I have burned my hand” we simply use the reflexive verb to say “I have burned myself” then almost as an afterthought we state which bodypart we burned, in this case the hand.
En vente libre- Over the counter
Ça me fait mal- It’s painful
^Follow this link to take the quiz when you feel ready! :D
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