laal-ishq-diaries · 3 years
flower || tamaki amajiki
january 18, 2021
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synopsis: in which you have trouble falling asleep and your hero arrives to lull you to dreamland. 0.6k words.
writer’s note: inspired by flower by johnny stimson (although, there aren't many references to the song itself or flowers). i just listen to it for peaceful sleep. i’ve worked on this fic for an obscenely long time and have been mia bc of it, smhhhhh.
warnings: pro-hero tamaki. fluff. sweet, sweet domesticity. 
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it was the early hours of the morning when tamaki returned from patrol. rays of sunshine barely pierced the sky’s dark clouds, much less your partially closed shades, leaving the apartment casted in a frosty glow.
tamaki crosses the living room and tries to remain as quiet as possible in fear of waking you up when he enters your shared bedroom. spotting the sleeping lump of you, he smiles; if there’s anything that makes night patrols and being a hero worth it, it’s seeing you safe and sound.
tamaki begins removing his hero costume and putting on sleepwear until he hears shifting behind him. turning around, he spots motion coming from under the covers and moves to investigate. removing the covers from your body, tamaki is met with the sight of you wide awake and smiling sheepishly (instead of your supposedly sleeping form). “morning sweetie, how was patrol?” you greet.
tamaki’s hand caresses your face and his words lace with concern and confusion. “it was good, bunny, but did i wake you up? i’m sorry.”
you groan and a bout of anxiety washes over tamaki, worried that you may be hurt or distressed. “nooo i was already awake. i've been awake. couldn't fall asleep,” you clarify with a pout.
“love, you've been awake all night?” you glumly nod. “alright. let me fix that.”
he finishes changing into more comfortable clothing and slides under the covers to your left. “are you comfortable, love? do you need anything?” “no, im fine,” you murmur while he cocoons the both of you in lighter blankets and fluffs up your pillow before tucking your figures under the main comforter.
tamaki’s right hand goes up your shirt to rub circles into your back. you turn to fully bury your face into his chest and circle your arms around his waist, prompting his arms to encircle your body and rest his chin on top of your head. you stretch your legs before intertwining with his and pressing your torsos together. 
“bunny, do you have a headache?” a muffled “kinda” cues him to lightly massage your head and hair with his left hand and plant small kisses.
you yawn and shift closer to tamaki. looking up at him with your adorable face, you ask, “babe, can you talk to me?”
“about what, sweetheart?” “about anything. i just need to hear your voice.”
“does patrol sound good?” “yeah, it’s perfect,” you dreamily breath out.
tamaki begins his tale of a relatively easy patrol with dashes of takoyaki and minimal suspicious activity, and you send little responses his way to show that you’re attentive. at each of your little hums and murmurs, he gently squeezes your frame, conveying a heart so full of love—conveying how blessed he is for the ability to bring you peace.
your eyelids slowly grow heavy, ready to welcome sleep. and despite what your body and mind crave, you attempt to stay awake for just a little longer. eyelashes flutter against tamaki’s chest, a futile effort to keep you sentient with him instead of in dreamland. eventually, your breathing evens out and all that can be heard in the room is tamaki’s soft voice and your faint snores.
noticing that you’re no longer responding, tamaki smiles and whispers to your resting form. “sleep tight, my little flower.” with one final kiss to your head, tamaki drifts off to join you in dreamland.
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laal-ishq-diaries · 3 years
black and white || satoru gojo
january 1, 2021
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synopsis: in which strange feelings arise as the man you despise brings a date to your hangout spot and you do the very mature thing: serenade him. 1.5k words.
writer’s note: i've only watched like 6 episodes of jjk so i don't even know if my characterization of anyone is on point but i'm obsessed with this idea. the song that inspired this fic was “black and white” by nasty c and ari lennox (which i do not own). enjoy and pls leave some feedback. btw happy new year!!
warnings: allusions to sex. nothing strong but proceed with caution. swearing. alcohol usage. pettiness. 
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you fucking hate him. you hate his stupid face and his stupid arrogance. who the fuck does satoru gojo think he is? people think your hatred of him is misplaced because he’s apparently “nice” and “civil” to you but it’s all for show! he is so rude and patronizing and petty. like tonight. when he brought a date to unofficial weekly drinks with colleagues. 
“well, why are you so mad he brought a date?” muses shoko, tapping her fingers on your shared wooden table.
“i’m not mad he brought a date, i’m mad that he’s flaunting her around,” you clarify, arms flailing and gesticulating wildly.
“flaunting? god, he hasn’t even introduced her to us.” “yet,” you seeth.
“well are you going to say anything to him?”
you shoot her an affronted look. “no. why would i?” shoko rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh. “you’re clueless,” she mutters. “excuse m—” “oh look, they're coming.” fuck.
through the dim, yet warm, lights of the bar, you see gojo walking over, arm in arm, with a relatively pretty woman clad in a short black dress. sandy brown hair, tucked behind her ears, cascade down her back and black heels accentuate her long legs. however, your eyes were drinking in the shaman dressed in a tucked in button-up (with the first few buttons unbuttoned, of course), casual black pants, and tan moccasins. his hair was let down from it’s usual gravity-defying updo and dark, round sunglasses replaced the blindfold.
“hey guys, this is sana,” gojo introduces. the aforementioned woman waves and smiles. you could feel shoko’s eyes on you, screaming be nice so you mutter out a greeting and introduction before she, begrudgingly, takes over socializing. 
you silently nurse your drink as your glare resumes. gojo, noting your expression, raises an eyebrow and questions, “what’s that look for?” 
taking a sip of your drink, you shoot back a fake smile and a “nothing. just wondering how your atrocious personality ensnared her.”
he lightly laughs and responds, “you know, lots of women find me attractive.” 
you lean in and whisper into his ear, “physical attractiveness doesn’t cancel out skyscraper levels of entitlement.”
“no, it just gets me a hot date. you wouldn’t be jealous, would you [nickname]?” gojo asks in mock concern. his index finger traverses your cheek before you knock his hand away and sneer, “go fuck yourself.” he exclaims, “don’t need to!” and then grabs sana’s hand and bids farewell to shoko.
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“now that,” you point to their retreating bodies, “was flaunting.”  
“you’re paranoid,” she drawls.
“no, i’m fucking not,” you shoot back. “and frankly, i am offended you would think that!” 
“you’re always offended, [name]. especially when it comes to satoru.” you open your mouth to defend yourself but she raises an index finger to your lips and continues, “we’re here to relax. get another drink and watch the performance in peace.” shoko gestures to the stage where the same (surprisingly talented) guy has been singing for the past fifteen minutes, courtesy of the bar’s “Karaoke Night” every Friday. caught up with your inner thoughts, you failed to notice that she was still scolding you.
“… and i’d probably respect you more if you actually did something to prove your point rather than dish out petty insults.” silence dawns upon you two as shoko challenges you. that is, until widespread applause interrupts your interaction and reveals that the karaoke guy (named aki, apparently) finished performing another song. a surge of courage overcomes you, and you abruptly stand up and slam your hands onto the wooden table. “fine, you want me to do something?” shoko makes a noise of confirmation. “watch.”
you lose the leather jacket to reveal a sleeveless, flowy burgundy top and lace up your combat boots before marching towards the stage. truth be told, you didn’t know why you wanted to do this. and you didn’t know what you had to prove. but the whiskey in your blood and the uneasy feeling bubbling in your stomach whenever you saw gojo with his arms around his date pushes you onto the stage.
from across the bar, gojo sees you whisper something into aki’s ear before he announces, “alright, [name] will be joining me for the next song, which is”—he pauses as you whisper something else into his ear—“a surprise!” the applause and cheers drown out sana’s inquiries towards gojo of whether you were a good singer. not that he’d be able to respond, anyways, considering that his brain was swarmed with thoughts of why you were singing in the first place and how fucking hot you look.
up on the stage, aki asks, “is this your first time singing here.” “yeah,” you breathe out. “are you nervous?” one glance back to gojo, and then to shoko who gave whatever she could muster into an encouraging smile, you mutter “i need a drink after this.”
the music starts and your partner sings:
“… let me in your temple
show me what you into
it could be so simple
black and white, yeah …”
your right foot taps in tune with the beat against the floor in front of the microphone as you patiently awaited the female part. you mentally prep for both singing in front of everyone while being half-drunk and how ruined everything would be if this made things awkward with gojo. while the two of you may be at each other’s throats, at least it was smooth dynamic. if he found this uncomfortable, there goes your personal and professional life.
before you can contemplate running out of the bar, ari lennox’s part begins and you sing the chorus, along with aki. you mentally thank the bar patrons who lightly cheered, as if they could sense your apprehension. your solo verse soon begins and you look to aki for a boost of confidence before belting out:
“so call me, baby
'cause you be putting it down on me”
the adrenaline pumping through your veins emboldens you to make direct eye contact with gojo and run your left hand through your hair seductively while continuing with:
“in my bed, on your stairs
when we loving you know we don't care”
across the room, gojo’s eyebrows shoot up; he wasn’t expecting your lyrics to be directed to him. for all the resentment you throw in his direction, he assumed you despised him. a small part of him gathered that you possibly might have feelings for him but he thought they were repressed, at best. seeing you up on stage declaring that, at the very least, you lust for him makes gojo want to take you, right then and there.
on your side, there’s an inkling of doubt that you went too far, until you see him lick his lips and smirk. your expression mirrors his for a moment until you increase the seduction.
“all mine, like wine
say ain't no bitch that got your heart pumpin' like i
fall in love deeply when i look in your eye
fantasy the way you carry me, mariah …”
whistles and cheers from the audience nearly drown out the last line. confidence oozes out of your stage presence and want for gojo oozes out of your every pore, a want that is reciprocal. you see sana go red in the face (most likely because her own date is eye-fucking you). a small part of you feels awful for her but an even larger part feels victorious because, fuck, despite never getting along with him, the two of you have an unbreakable connection. the thought of another woman getting the time and attention he devotes to this connection, to you, drives you insane. god, it makes you want to rip that button-up off and stake your claim all over him.    
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the rest of your performance continues with relative ease. once finished, you and aki say your goodbyes and compliments to each other (with him insisting that you have to sing with him again and you responding with a “some other time”) as you depart back to your table. locking eyes with shoko, you receive a look of approval and a nod towards the direction of a certain jujutsu sorcerer approaching you.
“nice singing,” gojo calls out.  
taking a moment to recover from your adrenaline rush, you exhale a simple “thanks.”
“although,” he drawls, “you didn’t need to get up on stage and sing it. you could've just told me that you wanted me.”
“i don't know what you’re talking about,” you say, feigning ignorance.
“oh really?” his fingers gently take hold of your chin and, in spite of his sunglasses, you know that his eyes are staring at your lips. “because i could make it worth your time”
“where’s your date?”
“she left. something about other women who are in love with me being ‘rude’ and ‘offensive.’”
“good,” you whisper, standing on your toes, “because you’re all mine.”
“am i?”—he leans down so your lips now hover over each other’s.
“want me to prove it?”
“let’s get out of here.”
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laal-ishq-diaries · 3 years
jjk entries
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→ black and white [jan. 1, 2021]
synopsis: in which strange feelings arise as the man you despise brings a date to your hangout spot and you do the very mature thing: serenade him. 1.5k words. 
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laal-ishq-diaries · 3 years
showering with them || mha guys
december 26, 2020
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writer’s note: nothing to say about this. little blurbs on what it’s liking showering with some mha men. i just love showering and self-indulgence. 
warnings: implied intercourse (tagged under #pyaas). descriptions of the female body. hurt/comfort. 
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when kai, who usually showers all by his lonesome, requests your presence in the bathroom one evening, you know he’s craving some sweet, sweet intimacy. you head into the shower together and bask in the warmth emanating from the water for a few minutes before he pushes your back against the wall of the shower and drops to his knees in front of you. making eye contact with you, kai lathers you up with your body-wash. he starts from the soles of your feet before moving up and using his strong touch to ease out the tension from your body. by the time he’s lathering up your inner thighs and hips, you’re leaning against the shower wall with your eyes closed and in absolute bliss. your eyes snap open when you feel a cool substance being dabbed onto your cheek and realize that it’s body-wash and the damn culprit is now standing in front of you with a cheeky grin of his own. one playful huff of indignation later, you take the opportunity to wash your face—an excuse to do something other than quietly melt under his touch—as he skillfully kneads the flesh of your bottom, abdomen, and breasts. afterwards, he turns you around and presses your front into the wall in order to wash your back and arms before taking the removable showerhead and washing the suds off your entire body (all the while pressing kisses across each newly cleansed patch of skin). showering with him is a rare blessing given your busy schedules but he still makes you feel desired and every atom in your body is now screaming at you to return the favor.
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you’re already in the shower when keigo comes home from a particularly stressful mission. he quickly undresses and joins you. all he does is wrap his arms and wings around your body and inhale your scent—he missed you so damn much so just let him have this for a few minutes. in return though, it is up to you to initiate any actual bathing. your arms stretch to grab shampoo (yours, because keigo loves how you smell) and massage a generous amount into his unruly hair. his satisfied coos and chirps spur you on as you wash away the physical and mental grime of the mission. as you rinse the suds and condition his hair (also, with your conditioner), he curls into your body even more and his wings twitch in satisfaction. you make a mental note to give his wings some TLC after your shower but you settle for massaging the base of his spine where his wings emanate, for now. similarly, keigo’s avian instincts urge him to take care of you; he massages body-wash into whatever skin he can reach while you are still in his embrace and nonsensically murmurs loving sentiments. i got you baby, let’s stay like this, and you’re so soft all tug on your heartstrings and, god, what you wouldn’t do for this man. go give him some love, birdboy deserves it!
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this man is extremely stressed and sleep-deprived, so your showers are supposed to make him lethargic and ready to curl up in bed. these showers are in the middle of the night with the lights off; the only source of illumination in your bathroom is from the city lights and moon shining through the windows. the water is nearly on its hottest setting and the steam is fogging up the windows and mirror. there’s a thin layer of sweat on your bodies but you’re both shivering, whether from the cold only body heat can neutralize or in anticipation. shouta is clingy, but not too much. he still has an air of aloofness and mystery, and you don't know what his intentions are tonight. hell, you don’t know what your intentions are. the warm water was supposed to lull him to sleep, not your body. but you can’t complain when he kisses and strokes and bites with so much adoration and lust. you can take a proper shower in the morning; his only concern right now is intertwining with you and wearing you both out until you’re dozed off under covers.
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surprisingly, dabi is not touchy at all. the two of you do your own thing in the shower and make a little bit of idle small talk but your backs will be to each other while bathing. other than enjoying quiet time, showering together is so emotionally intimate that dabi is truly at a loss for words. occasionally, you two will turn around and kiss each other and bump noses playfully. there is nice, soothing music in the background, which he always lets you pick because he loves making you happy (even if it’s just the little things). showering with dabi is so peaceful because this is his relaxing time away from the league of villains, hero society, and his fucked up family. it’s just him and his girl vibing. at times, he glances at you with those eyes that scream you’re the most precious thing in the world and that he’d do anything to protect you. his heart bursts even more when you end up making eye contact and smile or tilt your head in confusion. at that point, he needs to feel more of you. the touches start small—when you begrudgingly go under cold water to rinse your hair, dabi will lightly activate his quirk and rub your sides to warm you up. when you’re done showering, he’ll take your towel and pat the moisture off your body and dry your hair. in turn, you’ll gently moisturize his skin. any other time, dabi would've cracked a joke about you wanting to feel him up and being “too clingy” but not right now. he has completely lost himself in your love. there are parts of him that just want to leave this life and take you away to keep you safe. but he knows he’s too far in to walk away. and you’ve accepted that. the only time he feels in control of his circumstances are these quiet, little moments he steals with you.
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laal-ishq-diaries · 3 years
jamming out to 90’s bollywood || mha guys [entry i]
december 22, 2020
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writer’s note: this is idea has been living rent-free in my head and it’s completely based on what i personally associate with each of the mha guys when i’m jamming. some of these songs may be from the early 2000’s but it has similar vibes (and artists and actors) as the 90’s so close enough. and yes, this is the first entry out of multiple featuring different mha guys. enjoy!
warnings: all characters are aged 18+
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for shouto, being in love is an inconvenience because he falls hard. he went from a focused and motivated young man to thinking about you all the damn time. his friends don’t notice, at first, because shouto does tend to keep to himself but spacing out during class or training is quite unlike him. and don’t get me started on his sleep—absolutely restless. he’s consumed by thoughts of your wellbeing, your beauty, your voice. on one particularly fitful night, shouto heads to the common area for reprieve and finds you quietly singing chori chori sapnon mein. after sharing the meaning of the lyrics to him (“someone quietly sneaks into my dreams and keeps me up all night”), he can’t find a more fitting song to describe his love for you.
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remember the play he put on during the school festival? well, imagine that level of drama on x games when bindiya chamke comes on. you and neito will dance around your shared home on a lazy day (probably in pajamas) and alternate between following the choreography and just running into each other’s arms and twirling around, giggling and smiling the entire time. also, all of the lyrics are memorized and perfectly belted out. this man intends to serenade you so expect him to grab your hand, spin you into his arms, and sing “arre dil yeh de doon, jaan bhi de doon // kar de agar tu ishaare” (aka “give me a sign and i’ll give you my heart and life”) while leaning down to kiss you.
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ishq kamina is definitely his favorite throwback bollywood song, mostly because of how your hips move in time with the beat and your sensual whispers of “ishq, ishq, ha.” shinsou can’t decide whether he wants to continue watching the show you put on for him from afar or hold your hips from behind and join you. dancing isn't his forte but he can't deny that the way your body moves against his is as equally intoxicating as it is amusing.
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from the beat to the lyrics to the cinematography, pyar kiya to nibhana is the epitome of sweet. your relationship with tamaki is filled with soft touches and gentle reassurances that you’ll always be there for each other. pyar kiya to nibhana is a testament that you’ll never stray far away from him, and vice versa. in fact, a good end to a particularly stressful day would be the two of you cuddling under blankets with tamaki resting his chin on the top of your head and running his fingers through your hair while you hum the tune of this song.
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akhiyaan milaoon kabhi is playful and cute, but also super romantic—similar to keigo. he catches you, one day, dancing around your home like a dork and singing lyrics to photographs of him about how he has “casted spells [on you]” or how his gaze has made you “blossom.” keigo will tease you non-stop but a surefire way to get him to shut up is to lip-sync the female singer’s parts while gazing up at him from under your eyelashes. (“dheere dheere duniya se door hui // ishq mein tere main toh choor hui” aka “I slowly became separated from the world and devoted in your love” always gets him weak in the knees).
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laal-ishq-diaries · 3 years
my hero academia entries
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→ showering with him [dec. 26, 2020]
→ jamming to 90′s bollywood [dec. 22, 2020]
→ flower [jan. 18, 2021]
synopsis: in which you have trouble falling asleep and your hero arrives to lull you to dreamland. 0.6k words.
→ showering with him [dec. 26, 2020]
→ jamming to 90′s bollywood [dec. 22, 2020]
→ jamming to 90′s bollywood [dec. 22, 2020]
→ jamming to 90′s bollywood [dec. 22, 2020]
→ showering with him [dec. 26, 2020]
→ jamming to 90′s bollywood [dec. 22, 2020]
→ showering with him [dec. 26, 2020]
0 notes
laal-ishq-diaries · 3 years
december 22, 2020
disclaimer: i do not own the following shows. they belong to their respective creators, writers, illustrators, etc.
all works that i write may not be plagiarized, reposted, or used in audio recordings on this platform or any others.
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about the writer
heyyy, it’s the writer of laal ishq diaries. I’ve been an avid reader of fanfiction for years but i’m new to writing fiction, so i’ll try my best. some things about me: i’m an 18 year-old woman, desi, and i can speak hindi.
this blog is sfw!!! but content may be suggestive and some reblogs may contain nsfw content, so view with discretion, please. my blog is composed of female!readers × male!characters that are mostly based on songs (bollywood, r&b, etc). i do not take requests, however, my ask box is always open to discuss ideas, personal headcanons, feedback, and so forth. the only rules are that you act respectfully—there is no tolerance for misogyny, racism, or homophobia.
#laal-ishq entries- original works of literature
#ishq excerpts- scenes and snippets from completed/to-be completed entries     
#entry topics- masterlists
#laal-ishq answers- my asks
#laal-ishq dialogues- posts of mine that aren’t fics
#laal-ishq recommends- fic recs
#pyaas- suggestive/nsfw content
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entry topics: 
my hero academia
one piece
jujutsu kaisen [on hiatus]
miscellaneous [noragami, fma:b, fairy tail, naruto, samurai champloo]
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