laben22 · 4 months
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laben22 · 4 months
LE MANTE “LE MANTE” è il nuovo progetto di Cristina Abati e RILABEN per spazi non convenzionali, nato dalla collaborazione decennale tra lə due artistə, su contenuti e formati creativi e ironici del duetto tra musicista e danzatore, qui entrambi performer. Il progetto, vincitore del Bando per Residenze d’artista di MAD-Murate Art District-Firenze, nell’ottobre 2023, è costituito da 5 azioni brevi…
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laben22 · 8 months
RESIDENCY AT MADmurateartdistrict Firenze
Call for artists in residence DU MANTE is the new project by C. Abati and RILABEN for unconventional spaces born out of the ten-year collaboration between the two artistsə and aimed at reiterating the creative and ironic conversation on the contents and formats of the duet. The collaboration between the two performers finds in the spatial and social relationship between body, sound and qualified…
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laben22 · 9 months
write me a pm to confirm
DEARLUCY BERLIN 25th January 2024 DEARLUCY @flutgraben 25th January 16h till 21h. Performative Installation Free entrance, pre booking here or [email protected], entrance suggested 16:30/ 18:00 / 19:30. https://www.lakeside-kunstraum.at/…/statement-19… RILABEN PAZ with Valentina Lapolla.  http://DEARLUCY @flutgraben 25th January 16h till 21h. Performative Installation Free entrance,…
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laben22 · 10 months
DEAR LUCY prima italiana
mercoledì 20 dicembre ore 19.00 PARC (ex Scuderie Granducali, Piazzale delle Cascine 4/5/7) Dear Lucy Dear Lucy è un progetto multidisciplinare basato sulle lettere scritte dal nonno di Rilaben, Don Peppe, alla sua famiglia durante il periodo in cui ha vissuto e lavorato come medico tra Etiopia ed Eritrea, a seguito delle truppe coloniali fasciste. Queste lettere, indirizzate soprattutto alla…
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laben22 · 1 year
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laben22 · 2 years
Statement #19 | Rilaben/Paz — Dear Lucy
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laben22 · 2 years
IMPORT/EXPORT, un progetto europeo ideato da un gruppo internazionale di sei artisti – Maria Novella Tattanelli, Darius Bogdanowicz, Tiina Lethimäki, Sharon Estacio, Alexander Zain, Enrico L’Abbate – che operano nel campo della performance art, in collaborazione con le organizzazioni culturali mo-wan teatro di Livorno, Flutgraben di Berlino e U10 di…
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laben22 · 2 years
https://ackerstadtpalast.de/share-interferenz-p%c3… soon Ackerstadtpalast 16. Dezember 2022, 18 Uhr # 05 Ana Kavalis & Michael Vorfeld # 06 RILABEN & Erik Drescher 17. Dezember 2022, 18 Uhr # 05 Ana Kavalis & Michael Vorfeld # 06 RILABEN & Erik Dresche
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laben22 · 2 years
WORK CULTURE guidelines first presentation https://www.radialsystem.de/de/veranstaltungen/choreographic-convention-lab-3-work-culture/?date=1668877200
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laben22 · 2 years
Dear Lucy video presentation
Dear Lucy video presentation
RIlaben/Paz Presentation of the project. Dear Lucy is a performative project about the multiple lines of connection between personal and collective history, between our bodily presence and our historical past, starting from our common experience of family members who fought in Ethiopia in the colonial army during the 30s.The performance is intended as a form of meditation and mourning, a bodily…
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laben22 · 2 years
Next performances:
a performance as part of the festival 10 years of Acker Stadt Palast December 7 – 18, 2022 https://ackerstadtpalast.de/en/open-call-share-interferenz?fbclid=IwAR2YIakxWqUprWpJdnz1XozZlGhE48lYTNzn7ZgNJzatkeQsgIVCfrPGWEE January 2023 DEARLUCY Looking forward to this opportunity for #DEARLUCY , performance series, January 2023 with Tina Salvadori Paz, Fosca, Universita’ di Pisa con…
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laben22 · 2 years
takes part as partecipant to workshops and conferences of the aboutdance series 2021/2022
takes part as partecipant to workshops and conferences of the aboutdance series 2021/2022
Five inaugural forum weekends took place over the spring and summer of 2021. They were supported by NEUSTART KULTUR #TakeAction, and hosted by artists Mårten Spångberg, Alex Viteri, Kareth Schaffer / Construction Company, Olympia Bukkakis, Marcela Giesche, Gabi Beier, Julek Kreutzer, Diethild Meier, Lea Martini, Noha Ramadan,  Antje Pfundner, Johan Forsman, and Jeremy Wade.   In 2022, the forums…
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laben22 · 2 years
Tanzplattform 2022 - Dance and Transformation / english with simultaneous german translation
Tanzplattform 2022 – Dance and Transformation / english with simultaneous german translation
Arbeitsgruppen geleitet von: AG Work Culture (Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V.) Kasia Wolinska, Enrico L’Abbate aka Rilaben und Barbara Greiner, Maximilian Haas und Sandra Umathum, Tischgesellschaft von Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft mit Lea Martini & Magdalena Meindl, Moderation: Nadine Vollmer https://vimeo.com/688328460
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laben22 · 2 years
SOLOPI77A workshop
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laben22 · 3 years
10 Jahren in der Berliner Performance-Szene
Liebe Blutwurst Ensamble, Sowieso bar, Tristan, es sind jetzt zehn Jahre in Berlin, mit vielen Reisen und Italien, aber zehn Jahre. Danke für diese Zeiten des Experimentierens. Ich bin jetzt hier in der Nähe. Ich danke Ihnen. https://vimeo.com/user11222166 https://x.facebook.com/bblutwurst/ https://www.sowiesoberlin.com/ https://www.discogs.com/artist/341455-Tristan-Honsinger
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laben22 · 3 years
Fallen Bird
Performance for outdoorspace and staircase and lift music by JD ZAZIE performance and concept RILABEN ph.rehearsal picture by Lola Lustosa https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3714508605343481 We are glad to share our programmFriday 10th December 19:00 – 22:0019:00 Exhibition Opening19:30-19:45 “Lauratibor” performance opera by Lause10 Lause Bleibt20:00-21:00 Panel21:00-22:00 “Fallen Bird”…
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