Broken Stone
Chapter 1 Part 1 On a cloudy day, one that started off on a normal note was peaceful until suddenly, a large looking ship bursts through the atmosphere with a roaring boom. It falls uncontrollably fast in the sky with blue and green flames coming from it. It soon crashes down hard with an explosion that sends off rays that lights up the sky with what appear similar to the aurora borealis. The rays dance in all directions of the crash all going so far that it effects the sky even over human cities far out of the radius of the crash. At the site; however, a fire of blue and green lit up the crater of which is full of wreckage. From this, a feminine figure crawls her way out of the rubble frantically until she found a less cluttered space. Her form flickers harshly as she looks around the area, only to see heavy smoke and cinders pass across her vision as she looks down at her flickering hand. 'Why....' she thought as she let out an ear crackling cry with tears falling down her cheeks.          *Hours earlier* A small transportation vessel lands on the boarding dock of the White Diamond military mothership. The small ship lands on a section next to other small ships similar to it. The door of the vessel opens and a blue gem steps out with a few amethysts. The blue gem walks through the somewhat busy dock with the amethysts behind her and they walk into the main section of the mothership. The amethysts look around at the busy place with so many gems doing so many different things. The blue gem calls for their attention and they quickly catch up to her. "Keep close. You would not want to become lost on your first day here. Trust me.~" The gem says as she glances back to the amethysts with a soft but assuring smile as she leads them down the bridge. Eventually she leads them into a corridor leading them until finally reaching a great large training arena. The blue gem walks them over to a bulky golden brown gem. The brown gem looks down at them and smirks at the small group of amethysts " HooHooo~~ Whats this? New recruits huh?" The brown gem says, putting her hands on her hips as the amethysts stand up straight and saluting. The blue gem nods proudly. "Indeed. Each has been given basic training and gone through through inspection and are fully prepared to begin true combat training." The brown gem grins brightly with a chuckle. "Hahaa~~ PERFECT!! Labradorite you just made my DAY!!" Labradorite steps aside as the brown one walks over to look at the amethysts for herself. Labradorite watches carefully as while the amethysts are looked over. "Tigerseye.." She says as the brown gem walks back next to her, wearing a pleased smirk. "Please be somewhat cautious I've noticed recently some of them are... reacting poorly to negative vibes given off" Labradorite looks at up at Tigerseye somewhat worriful while saying this.  Tigerseyes' smirk fades and she looks more serious then says "Then they better get over it.." She looks at Labradorite and continues, "However, if we can't knock it out of their system I'll be sure you're informed and have them sent to you" Labradorites' worry fades and she smiles cheerfully "Perfect.~ Thank you Tiger.~" She says as Tigerseye rolls her eyes at her. Labradorite looks at the amethyst, wishing them luck and then nodding her head to Tigerseye approvingly before walking back to the corridor. As she leaves she hears a loud roaring commands coming from Tigerseye, Labra glances back to see the amethysts reacting better with the roars of their new supervisor than she'd seen any do with Holly Blue. She smiles, feeling impressed and leaves without any more worry. 'Good. Now to have some time to relax.' She thinks as she walks back onto one of the main bridges. Labradorite travels through the many corridors throughout the massive ship with a single destination in mind. She makes her way up to the higher levels of the ship until she finally reaches the living quarters of the ship. She smiles finally reaching this area and continues on with a soft skip in her step. Eventually she comes upon large golden doors with a sun symbol engraved on it. She sighs with a smile and rings the bell before long the doors open with a young male with cat like ears. His expression quickly goes from empty to having a sparkle of joy upon seeing her and he bows with a gleeful twitch in his tail as he greets her " Hello Lady Labradorite ~ Madame Sunstone will be joyed by your presence~" Labradorite smiles and nods to him as she walks through the doors " Hello Roku" she turns to face him as he closes the doors " How have things been since my last visit?" She continued with concern in her tone. Roku turned to face her and his ears dropped for a moment at her question " ..uhm.. " he seemed unsure how to answer and before he could say anything else he suddenly bowed. Labradorite turned to look behind herself and was greeted with a gentle hand caressing her cheek " I was hoping on seeing you again soon~ " said the very gem whom Labradorite came to see " Sunstone" Labradorite say looking into her fiery orange eyes. Sunstone smirked stroking Labradorites cheek softly as she dismissed Roku. Labradorite put her hand to Suns as she spoke " Of course I came .. You are my Shimmering Sun-" before she can finish Sunstone kisses her deeply holding her close. Labradorite returns the kiss where they stay in bliss until Sunstone breaks away from it to say "I have missed you .." she smiles at Labradorite " Will you join me my dear ~ " Sun says as she takes Labradorite's hand. Labradorite chuckles softly nodding as she follows Sunstone into her the lounging room. Sunstone offers Labradorite a seat " Is everything alright my Sun?" Labradorite asks as she sits looking at Sunstone with tender concern. Sunstone chuckles at the question stroking Labradorite's cheek " Of course it is. Besides I feel I should be asking you that .. from what I've heard it seems Blue Diamond has requested more humans to be add to that zoo." Sunstone sits across from Labradorite having a slight annoyed smirk as she speaks of the humans. Labradorite's face softens for a moment as then she says " Yes, she wishes to preserve as much of what Pink Diamond loved and cherished. And since the cluster has not yet emerged yet it's the perfect chance to go and bring as many humans as possible." A smile forms on Labradorite's face as she explains more " I was asked to begin studying the humans recently so that when more do arrive -" she stops seeing Sunstone's unamused look. "....Honestly I don't understand how you put up with so much .." Sunstone says coldly. Labradorite looks at her confused " What do you mean?" She asks and Sunstone shakes her head. " I understand your Diamond is mourning still but I cannot understand how or why she ignores her duty as a Diamond.. It's simply ridiculous is all." Labradorite frowns at this " Sun... This 'time' is hard for her just as it is for you.. " she gets up and kneels in front of Sunstone's lap. " You both just deal with the pain differently.. " she continues placing a hand over Sunstone's.  Sunstone looks down and her for a moment then sighs " I just don't understand the use of gathering a useless race such as humans.. They're not like maoling.. They're frail, lazy and do not have long lives. Maoling can atleast be put into battle and cause some rather decent damage." She says as she gently pets Labradorite's head. Labradorite sighs seeing that even if argued she wouldn't be able to change her mind. She rests her head on Sunstone's leg closing her eyes  relaxing. Sunstone smiles as she watches Labradorite relax in her lap and she ponders to herself ' ..I should tell her.. But what would she say?.."           ...  To be continued~
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