lacascabel · 4 years
How to draw Afro textured 4c hair - an explanation/Tutorial
For those of you that don’t know what 4c hair is, 4c hair is a hair texture type that contains coils to small and tight that the hair appears to be more puffy rather than curly ( like to photo below ) this is in NO WAY to be confused with curly hair. there is a drastic difference.
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As a black artist that primarily draws characters with 4c hair, I’ve been asked many times to do a tutorial on 4c hair so here we go~
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before we get into 4c hair, lets take a moment to fully understand it by talking about hair texture in a general sense first
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let’s take a look at this example of straight hair vs curly hair ( 1 type straight hair vs 3 type curly hair )
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If you take a moment to compare the two you’ll notice straight hair is flat, it has no texture. Straight hair perfectly hangs down similar to liquid-like silk. It’s lack of curl pattern is the reason as to why it hangs perfectly flat.
curly hair on the other hand doesn’t lie down flat and silky like straight hair, It’s more thick. Curly hair in it’s raw and unstyled state has a trapezoid like shape this is because the sides of the hair spread more outward.
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So why is this? Why is straight hair flat and curly hair thick?
the answer to that question is a thing called piling up. When it comes to hair texture, the shape of the hair strands aren’t the only thing that matters, its how the strands coexist with each other, Curly hair strands coexist by piling up on top each other.
moisture also effects hair texture too, different hair types absorbs moisture differently, thus the thickness of each hair type is different. 
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…..soooo, how does this all relate to how to draw 4c hair?? 
Well let’s take a look at the drawing below. Notice how the arrows go outward more as the hair texture gets curlier. As we’ve already discussed, this is because hair piles up, The curlier the hair texture, the more it piles up on each other, the bigger it gets, the more outward the arrows go.
Out of any hair texture, 4C hair has the most curls. Because of this, the hair piles up on each other so much that it doesn’t lie down flat like straight hair, nor does it make a trapezoid like shape like curly hair, it instead becomes more cloud like.❤️
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This is what you need to take into account when it comes to drawing 4C hair.
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Think of it as piling up a bunch of cotton balls on each other. The most cotton on top of top to lead to a bigger patch of  cotton. this is 4c hair.
How to not draw 4c hair:
Garnet fanart. Let’s talk about Garnet Fanart. I notice a trend that when artists draw Garnet from Steven universe, her hair texture is usually changed to 3 type curly like texture. This subtle form of White washing has confused me because this is inaccurate. 
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Garnet’s hair is in the shape of a cube. Though 3 type hair piles up on each other, it isn’t curly nor thick enough for their hair to stay in the shape of a cube. Curly hair lies down more than 4c hair. So garnet’s hair being in the shape of a cube is a dead giveaway that it is 4C. Why do you think hairstyles like flat tops are usually seen on black men with 4c hair? It’s because, the 4c hair texture is thick and strong enough to stay in whatever shape you put it in.
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please, if you’re drawing a character with 4c hair, avoid drawing it like curly 3 type hair, this is very anti-black and texturist.
So, how do you draw 4c hair?
honestly, its the most easy thing in the world
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i wanna clarify that blobby looking 4c drawings ( like the one on the top left ) can work depending on how cartoony your art style is.
Another thing that I want to greatly clarify when it comes to drawing 4C hair is, YOU. DONT. NEED. TO. DRAW. EVERY. HAIR. STRAND!…..like, seriously. I’ve gotten many messages about how 4C hair is hard to draw, and it’s always left me confused; but then I find out that the same people that have trouble drawing 4C hair, attempt to draw every single strand of hair. This is unnecessarily time consuming because it’s merely impossible to get every single detail down, especially when you have a simple cartoon style. 4C hair does not require much effort, all you’re doing is drawing lumps. It’s that simple, nothing more nor nothing less.
The reason why I greatly advise all of you to avoid drawing every single hair strand is because in real life, when you look at a 4C textured Afro, your eyes don’t pick up on each individual hair strand like straight or curly hair. 4C hair, appears to be more undefined and cloud like, so attempting to draw each and every individual strand is unnecessary and will most likely end up looking inaccurate.
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Anyways! that’s it for now! there will be a part 2 to this tutorial that will come out next week! i hope you guys have learned from this and apply it to your black character in your art!~
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lacascabel · 4 years
Women: “Hey, can we hire fewer blatant misogynists to direct and create media? We’d support that.”
Nerdy Male Director: “Well-spoken. Have you considered hiring me, a man who is afraid of women?”
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lacascabel · 4 years
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‘Tadpoles’ by Andrea Gibson
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lacascabel · 4 years
Joss Whedon’s work was once considered feminist for the same reason that when you are starving the dollar menu feels like a feast.
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OCEAN’S 8 (2018)
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lacascabel · 4 years
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Illustrator Turns Everyday Moments with His Wife into Funny Relatable Comics
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lacascabel · 4 years
The ultimate power move in a vampire/fairy rivalry would be the fairy inviting the vampire over for tea. The vampire has natural dominion over anyone who invites them into their home, the fairy has natural dominion over anyone who violates the laws of hospitality, and neither can refuse the appointment without showing weakness, so it’d just be a constant headgame of the vampire trying to manoueuvre the fairy into a position where the obligations of hospitality allow the vampire to eat them, and the fairy trying to trick the vampire into doing something that would allow the fairy to declare them a poor guest.
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lacascabel · 4 years
thinking about how orpheus turning to look back at eurydice isn’t a sign of mortal frailness but a sign of love
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lacascabel · 4 years
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there are many young merfolk out there, so i felt the desire to create a badass elder for mermay :) she’s as much derived from as she is dedicated to the vuvalini of MMFR– i also sincerely hope she brings joy to my mutuals older than me who always delight and inspire me, and to all older women in fandom, really, who i continuously thought of while working on her
i hope it’s obvious but just in case: she’s beluga / inuit. and yes, a name and backstory eventually developed! haha
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lacascabel · 4 years
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Alexander Pierce + healthy villainous emotions
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lacascabel · 4 years
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they thought.
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lacascabel · 4 years
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When you don’t know what to draw, draw Parks and Rec Bonus:
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lacascabel · 4 years
Zuko: And finally, allow me to introduce the Avatar, Aang.
Aang: Ambassador Aang.
Zuko: Ambassador of what? You’re the only member of your nation.
Aang: And whose great-grandpa’s fault is that?
Zuko: Touche, ambassador.
Aang: I changed my mind now I’m King Aang.
Zuko: What.
Aang: King of the Air Nomad.
Zuko: That doesn’t even make any- whatever. Let’s just proceed with the meeting.
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lacascabel · 4 years
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lacascabel · 4 years
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I saw this tumblr post and HAD to draw it, please accept my humble A:TLA offering.
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lacascabel · 4 years
Hot take but we actually do need more representation of healthy M/F relationships in media, and I personally feel like deriding intimate partner abuse as “straight culture” does a disservice to everyone. 
People in M/F relationships shouldn’t only see representation painting their relationships as inherently unhealthy and bad, because it normalizes abuse and makes it easier for abusers to take advantage of others. If “that’s just how straight relationships are,” fewer people will be able to recognize the warning signs of a dangerous situation. Also, not every M/F relationship is “straight,” because queer people can absolutely be in M/F relationships, and deserve to see themselves represented, too.
On the flip side, queer people shouldn’t be led to assume their relationships will never be unhealthy and bad. The vast majority of my social circle is queer, and I have seen some truly vile things happen to my friends because they didn’t really get an education on what abuse in queer relationships can look like.
I just feel like it’s irresponsible to paint toxic relationships as “a straight people thing.”
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lacascabel · 4 years
I have been thinking of the ways we tell people things. My father's hands shake, but he holds the phone up so I can watch the video from six feet away. My mother emails me the recipe of her beef stroganoff at 6 in the morning with the comment - woke up and didn't want to forget to do this! On the highway, we sing so loudly my voice grows hoarse; on the beach I sneak nice rocks into people's hands so they have something to hold; on the floor we all sit quietly in the same agreeable silence. We are all saying the same thing.
My friends say "Oh you know, keeping busy." This means they are having a hard time but making themselves survive it. I ask them to help me walk me dog; this is me telling them it's okay sometimes to just be present and talk about young adult fiction. When I cancel again because I can't get out of bed, she tells me she's on her way with cookies.
I point out the sunset. She shares her fork before I ask for it. He calls me at 1 AM just because I'm on the road alone, we talk about stupid shit. She waits for me to get indoors safely before driving away. He says - nah, forget it, I'm happy to do it for free.
People are saying it, you know? They say it often and loudly. Sometimes, you know - you just have to be listening.
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