lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
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I didn't stay long. The whole night was worthless, at least I looked hot.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
I barely got to wear my dress for the ball so I can return it now.
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What a great time.
Alright, what’s not wrong then?
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
What's wrong? Babe, I don't have time for that. You might as well ask what's not wrong.
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What a great time.
Uh oh, what’s wrong, Lace?
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
It is sarcasm, Johnson. Tonight just really fucking sucked, doesn't matter though. I'll be fine.
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What a great time.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
What a great time.
Yeah, I forgot why I love dances here so much.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
Alright, I'll start saving canned vegetables and batteries. The mutual hate is nothing new, babe. If you think it is, you've been living under a rock since you started here.
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Oh really now? Would you really do that, because I personally wouldn't mind...
So, I've got a feeling.
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The end is near. I’m doing my homework and, you know, there’s a mutual hate for each other weaving throughout the student body.  It’s stupid. I’m tempted to rid myself of all my clothes and running through campus screaming bloody murder just to get a little bit of movement.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
Nope, sorry, I don't. You'll have to walk to the cafeteria to get a spoon. What the hell caused you to want to go blind anyway?
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I do, would you like to fucking give me one? Or bleach. Whichever.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
You did your homework? Sweet fuck that's almost as sad as me attending classes. Should I get the fallout shelter ready now?
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I agree with you, though. St. Mary's has the same pulse as Dracula right now.
So, I've got a feeling.
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SMA’s known for it’s excellent academics, but that’s probably because kids actually do there homework.. only because there’s literally nothing else to do. Even I did my homework. What is this? Liven up guys, come on. 
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
Do you need spoons to scoop your eyes out with or something?
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Some girls should know how to close their curtains.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
What are you pissed about, babes?
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What happened to blondie boy?
Wow, I'm just so pissed off right now.
We really must be. I hear that happens when you spend a lot of time with someone.
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Well, funny enough, I’m not currently seeing any boy.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
Wait, really? Holy shit, are we synced up mentally or something? I've thought about stabbing puppies all fucking day.
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Awe, babe. Shh, don't talk like that. I'll have to steal you away from whatever boy you're seeing right now.
Wow, I'm just so pissed off right now.
God, I just really fucking hate everyone right now.
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Except for you, of course. I could never hate you, babe.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
A-fucking-men, baby girl. You let 'em have it, 'cause chances are they deserve it. 
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Wow, I'm just so pissed off right now.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
Maybe, maybe not. I'm a bit much for some people.
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I won't leave this time, I promise. You always seem to tense up when I call you by your last name, most guys think it's hot. Like it's some sort of power trip, dominance type thing. I don't know. Alright though, Dani. That's what I'll call you. I mean, if I had true freedom, I'd call you babe, but that could get awkward. I'm rambling again, sorry...
Oops, I did it again...
If that’s the case, then most people are idiots…
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But, yeah. I’m not complaining, I guess. Just…uh, glad to have you back. And, please. Call me Daniel or Dan or any other silly nickname that comes to mind. Mr. Allison just sounds too…formal.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
Yeah, it would. I'm the kind of girl most people don't really miss having around, apparently.
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Look, you weren't hiding in your dorm room, growing a beard and becoming a hermit. Two friends is better than none. Awe, in a weird way that's very sweet. I missed you, Mr. Allison.
Oops, I did it again...
Would it really surprise you if I did?
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And oh man. Proud? I thought it was kind of pitiful, but I guess proud is better. But really—it was weird without you around. You’re really one of a kind, you know.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
Lacey's heart had a difficult time adjusting to the idea that she had a physical connection with Daniel. For her it was rare to find a person who either cared enough, or was stupid enough to get close to her. It was all new, it was a little frightening to be honest. She kept her eyes directed towards the ground, watching her feet shuffle across the pavement of the courtyard. "Walking, yeah. I mean, it's sunny out, I might as well tan. Besides, my thighs are touching a bit too much these days, need to work that off." You're an idiot. It was in true Lacey form to be too open with people, it was a switch she couldn't shut off. Yet with Daniel, she had an even harder time. It might have been the intensity of his bright eyes, maybe it was the constant look of sorrow on his face. She wasn't sure what it was about him, but he seemed to make her nervous.
Her nerves hit an all time high when he kept glancing over at her, seemingly examining her body. There were two reasons she could think of for the young man to be staring at her with such intensity. One was that he was attracted to her and was looking over her assets. The other way was a phenomenon described as "coyote ugly"; when a man was looking to chew his arm off to get away. She felt her face flush as the thoughts entered her head. "Uh, it's kind of like a bridge with a dead-end, a really long dock, basically. You just walk out there to enjoy the ocean." She loosened the connection between the two of them as her mind began to fill with self doubt. It always happened this way, being attracted to someone. Everything always seemed to hit a wall in her mind, after all, everyone ended up leaving her. "We should be there soon, it's not that far from campus"
Hit The Ground Running || Lacey & Daniel
Daniel let out a small, sarcastic chuckle when Lacey commented about him seeing a ghost. You have no idea, he thought to himself quietly. “No, no hospital or anything,” he assured her easily as they exited his room. Habit caught up to him and Daniel patted his front pocket for his keys and his back pocket for his wallet, just in case. When all was secure, he turned to Lacey and added, “No stitches, no glue. Just a bandage.” He did his best to put forward an encouraging smile but it quickly turned to a look of surprise when Lacey linked her arm through his. The physical connection threw him off guard and he momentarily stopped in his tracks. Get it together, he admonished himself, wanting nothing more than to appear (and function) as a normal high school student.
“Let’s walk,” he told Lacey decisively as they made their way out of Montgomery Hall and into a sickeningly bright and sunshiney day. Daniel winced as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight but he tried to keep his spirits high. “The Pier’s not that far away, right?” He waited for Lacey to take the lead once they reached the courtyard—he honestly hadn’t ventured off campus yet and didn’t want to start off the day by walking them in the wrong direction. As they walked, he couldn’t help but steal a glance at the girl on his arm. She was probably around Allison’s height, give or take heels or something. Lacey’s hair was bouncy and full of life, whereas Allison’s usually hung straight, Lacey’s eyes deep brown while Allison’s were blue… Daniel violently shook his head to rid himself of the inevitable comparisons. With a deep sigh, he tried to push the invasive thoughts out of his head and desperately turned to Lacey for a change in topic. “So, what can I expect at this place anyway?” he asked her, genuinely curious. “I’ve never been to a pier before.”
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
Oh please, Daniel. You actually cared?
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My god, you're social enough to have two other friends? I'm so proud of you, babe, really.
Oops, I did it again...
Hey, no more of that disappearing, Lace.
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Your sudden disappearance brought my friend list here down to like…two.
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lacey-ingramxo-blog · 11 years
Oops, I did it again...
Disappeared, I mean. I'm back now, obviously.
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