lacilia · 2 months
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“And if you want me to stop trying, tell me right now and I will stop. But I will always be here for you regardless”
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lacilia · 2 months
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“You are 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 and I have not even once in my life believed that I could ever be enough to you, that standing next to you was a privilege in itself that I had to earn. Because you deserve everything”
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lacilia · 2 months
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“You have always been so gentle, kind and giving. I always wondered why your dad called you little butterfly until I realized that you aren't able to see all the beauty you hold yourself. You always find it in others, in everything”
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lacilia · 2 months
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“I don't even know if ‘like’ is the right word when you have adored a person for most of your life”
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lacilia · 2 months
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Isabella could see the inner turmoil all over his face when he did try to speak “Like…I know this might not be the best time but..”
It took him a few deep breaths and all the courage he could muster to say the next words out loud.
“I really like you”
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lacilia · 2 months
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Noah got a bit lost in his thoughts before Isabella managed to pull him out again “Pinky promise?”
He hesitated for a moment “What if…we could be something else?”
“Like what?”
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lacilia · 2 months
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“But thats not what I was trying to get into” he began again, after taking a deep breath “What I’m trying to say is that you were always there for me. No matter how I looked or how popular I was”
“Because you are my friend and nothing will change that”
He nodded “Yeah, nothing”
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lacilia · 2 months
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“Because it wasn't fair! You never did anything to them!”
“That’s how people unfortunately are sometimes. They hate you because you dress weird, like things they don’t like or simply exist. They don’t care about what is fair or what isn’t”
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lacilia · 2 months
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“Those are mean people, like the ones that bullied you” Isabella argued, some kind of fire returning to her voice.
“I remember how you roared at them to scare them away so they would leave me alone” Noah couldn’t help but laugh, even if his face hurt during it.
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lacilia · 2 months
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“You were the first person that wanted to talk to me” he began, staring off into the distance as if he could see the memory in the clouds.
She answered like it was the most common thing in the world “Because everyone deserves kindness”
“Not everyone thinks like that”
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lacilia · 2 months
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The silence that settled between them wasn’t uncomfortable, but it made Noah wonder “I have been thinking about a lot of things”
“Sad things?” she asked with wide eyes.
“I wouldn’t call it that, maybe bittersweet?” he chuckled. “Remember when we first met right here?”
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lacilia · 2 months
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“You are helping me much more than you think” he said, staring right into her eyes to make sure she knew that he meant it.
“But how?”
“Just with being you”
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lacilia · 2 months
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“I’m a horrible friend, I came here to check on you and not for you to take care of me”
“You will never be a horrible friend, you are actually the best person I know” he admitted, “Besides that it always helps when you are here.”
“I feel like I’m never there when you need me”
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lacilia · 2 months
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The sobs coming out of her surprised her more than him. Was it because it was her fault that he got hurt? Or because she was angry at Dima?
“It’s not your fault” he answered as if he had heard her thoughts, pulling her closer for comfort when he was the one actually needing it.
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lacilia · 2 months
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Her worry overweighted all the anger and let it die down like a fire without oxygen. Slowly and then all at once.
Noah shook his head slowly “It’s okay, it’ll heal”
But Isabella was having none of it “But you are hurting and it’s all because of ME-”
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lacilia · 2 months
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“Uhh sure, just don’t look too close at my face” he agreed, reluctantly.
Isabella spoke softly, almost as if her voice could hurt his fragile face even more “Let me see”
It pained her to see him like that, so much so that tears welled up in her eyes.
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lacilia · 2 months
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Noah had always been the quiet shy kid that would rather stick his nose in books than play with the other kids.
Too scared that they would push him around because they could.
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