lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
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history won’t die no, you’re still alive && you are a part of us forever in our minds
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
last chance to stop me fuckers
but like,,,,,, what if i made a multimuse ???? ( likely muses under the cut pls lemme know what you guys think )
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
but like,,,,,, what if i made a multimuse ???? ( likely muses under the cut pls lemme know what you guys think )
benjamin walker friedrich von steuben george washington harriot washington james madison james reynolds john parke custis lawrence washington louis-auguste louis-joseph margaret shippen margarita schuyler maria reynolds marie antoinette martha washington mary ball washington nathan hale phil hamilton philip schuyler sally fairfax samuel seabury i william north
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
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A well-armed militia. #colonialwilliamsburg #fanofcw2016 http://ift.tt/2k3lZG9
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
It was clear that Dolley was not pleased with the answer she got. Her nose scrunched up, eyebrows coming closer together in a look of annoyance, neither was exactly great.
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–“ Sir, with all due respect, ” she paused, trying to figure out how to calmly say what she wanted to 
–“ I’m not leaving until I can directly help. Not from my house - not from - from the sidelines! ” she sounded offended to even say sidelines. Her look of annoyance had shifted to anger. Hell, even if he continued to say no, she was fully prepared to stay and do it anyways. She’d just have to stay hidden and out of sight. That was her plan. Not a very good plan, but it was a plan nonetheless.
–“ I’m not leaving until you allow me to fight. ” she said sternly, crossing her arms over her chest, it was hard to tell if she was determined or stubborn, but either way, she was dead set on kicking some British ass
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he flinched back at the first sign of anger. he had always been too aware that the wrath of a woman was dangerous; martha only furthered this delicate respect. but this woman, dolley, strayed from her name. she was not a delicate doll in the least.
his attempts to calm her did not help, in fact it seemed they only exasperated her further. ❝—- ma'am, i cannot do that. ❞ washington took a small step away from the tiny woman before him, holding up his palms to her. he wasn’t looking for a fight with this, && didn’t want it to escalate any further than it already had. diplomacy shifted to a gentle tone. ❝—- believe me, we need all of the soldiers we can get, && i would gladly welcome you into camp if i could. but i could lose my commission if i allowed you to fight. ❞
of course, his commission didn’t matter too terribly much to him. a million men could preform better than he on the field. it was a matter of stability, of maintaining that he believed in the cause && endorsing this to the rest of the nation. of course, it didn’t hurt that he would feel like he was letting his brother down if he took his leave.
❝—- please, you must understand that there is nothing i can do for you. ❞
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
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LIKE this for a starter from pre-revolutionary war george bc el hecked me up !! 
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
“So? Has it occurred to you that maybe I just don’t care?” Benedict pulled himself a little further up the bed, effectively pulling his foot away from George. He regretted it the instant he did since the massage had really been helping, but it still didn’t stop him. “You drink all the time.”
he didn’t protest against ben pulling away, simply folding his hands in his lap instead. attempting to force him to be still would do nothing but agitate him. ❝—- i care, benedict. ❞ the quip about his own relationship with the bottle went ignored. this wasn’t about him, it was about benedict. ❝—- this isn’t going to help you. this hasn’t been helping you. what makes you think that’s suddenly going to change ? ❞
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
from here with @hamil-fam-rp
apparently sarcasm wasn’t present in the other country.
rather than point out the fact that he had not been serious in the least, he sighed && tapped his pen against his paper, leaving tiny scratches of ink marks across it. there was little use for it anyways. their options were limited, && almost all of the solution was in the other man’s hands – or rather, the hands of parliament. why had this responsibility fallen on his shoulders ? he had never even wanted this.
❝—- there is very little compromise available on the behalf of the american people. ❞ washington dropped his pen to instead pinch the bridge his nose, eyes squeezing shut. the prospect of war was not a favorable one. he had seen enough battle already to last a lifetime. aside from that, america was already in debt; they could not afford to fight. ❝—- you are well aware of our demands. i see no solution that will stifle an uprising against us both other than your full support. ❞
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
He let out a sigh of relief when George removed his boot. His old injury had been more irritating than normal for a good part of the day; it was a big reason why he’d been drinking in the first place. The alcohol would make it worse to the point he would likely need his cane in the morning but the temporary relief and pleasure it provided were well worth it. “Why not, hm? ’M just fine so what does it matter? It helps me, Georgie.”
❝—- no it doesn’t. ❞ he looked up at him, brows knit together with worry. ❝—- it’s killing you slowly, you know that. ❞ there was the hypocrisy – george had his own abundant issues with alcohol. perhaps that was why it was so frustrating to see benedict taking the same path as himself when he knew that it was so dangerous. certainly it helped for a little while, but the pain that would come was only proof that this was beyond dangerous.
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
from here with @americanfrancophile​
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it wasn’t terribly out of character for george to partake of a few too many sips of alcohol. what was odd was for him to make a pass at his secretary of state immediately following. a palm had worked its way without full awareness over to thomas’ lap. his thighs were warm, with just enough doftness over the wiry muscles built from work at monticello. george found himself unable to clear his mind of how much he wanted to bury his face between them.
fingers trailed further up his inseam until there was a protest, && even then his hand lingered close to the junction of his legs. ❝—- i know what ’m doing, ❞ he mumbled softly, the whiskey slurring his words a touch. ❝—- just relax. ❞ the urging was paired with his fingertips again creeping upwards, && flushed cheeks dimpled with a crooked smirk as the president leaned closer.
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
from here with @theonlyenemy
george was hunched over a book, never looking up from the words as he spoke to alex. ridiculous as it may have sounded, he was determined to be able to at least carry a conversation in french by the morning. his father’s premature death had prevented him from being able to get much schooling, && he only knew the bare necessities: bonjour, oui, && non. he would not admit it, but he always felt horribly stupid about never having learned a second language unlike his older brothers. now that he had an aide from france, it only gave him motivation to finally educate himself.
only at the younger man’s offer did his gaze finally lift. another wave of embarrassment washed over him, but he bit it back. help would be nice… after a moment’s hesitation, he nodded. ❝—- i want to surprise gilbert, ❞ he explained, moving his chair over so that alex could move a chair to his side.
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lackedcontrol-blog · 7 years
@lackedcontrol liked for a lyrical starter
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–“ I just want to make a change. ” She said, eyeing the other with caution but determination at the same time. She knew it wasn’t ‘proper’ for a woman to fight in a war, hell she would bet even being a spy would earn her distasteful looks from her peers if they knew, but this meant much more to her than she could express. One way or another; soldier, spy, or anything else, she was determined to help the fight.
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washington only sighed. god, he hated turning anyone away. he couldn’t afford to, with morale dropping along with their numbers. most men had already died or left the army, && what few remained were clumsy fighters at best. if etiquette did not demand that he turn this woman away, he would have supplied her with a tent that instant. but, unfortunately, it did.
❝—- ma’am, i understand, && i am overjoyed to see that the people still care. ❞ arms folded behind his back, && he breathed a sigh, shaking his head. ❝—- however, i’m afraid that i cannot grant you a position in the continental army. i recommend that you simply continue to support the troops from the safety of your home. ❞ whatever safety still remained. raids on boston, new york, && philadelphia had the nation petrified of what city would fall under siege next.
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