Iā€™d like to think of myself as a geode rock
On the outside I have a rough exterior that can be hard to break through. It might not look the best. But once you get through, Iā€™m beautiful and pretty great overall. I think lots of people are like that, you just have to get to know them.
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A new story idea
Someone should write a story like Hansel and Gretel accept the kid who goes to the witches house has a super high metabolism and doesnā€™t get fat, so the witch keeps feeding them all this junk but it doesnā€™t work and she just gets really frustrated while the kid eats enjoys all the free food
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Every time I see ā€œguiltā€ or ā€œsinā€ associated with food I roll my eyes so hard Iā€™m worried theyā€™re going to get stuck.
ā€œ5 Super Bowl Snacks you Donā€™t Have to Feel Guilty About!ā€ Dear God Brenda just eat the nachos. Theyā€™re special, they make you happy, and some nachos for the Super Bowl are not going to make or break anything.
By all means, make the lettuce wraps too, but do so because theyā€™re healthy and yummy, maybe they align with your goals better. But guilt and shame and sin shouldnā€™t never be associated with food. It is not healthy. It should not be normalized.
Food does not have morality. Food does not change your worth as a person.
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A malfunction of the mouth
Aka when you the sentences in your words mix up
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When your friends don't get tv/movie references
My friend snapchatted me "kill me." And I replied "sorry my license to kill was revoked. Issues on the Kazakhstan border." And she didn't get the psych reference
.... I've never been so disappointed
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I need someone who takes pictures of me when I'm not paying attention. I'm so much happier and cuter when I'm not trying
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Ya know that annoying thing when you introduce a friend to someone and they become besties?
Ok so basically I run distance in track. I convinced two of my friends (twins) to run it with me. I introduced them to everyone on the team and helped them fit in. And flash forward a few months and they are friends with practically all the guys on the team. They always hang out with them and don't invite me now. It's great that they get along but I feel left out. Like they wouldn't be friends if I hadn't convinced them to run track. Also it took me weeks to convince them to run ughhh. Not to mention, they are my coaches favorites
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What parents don't get
Often times my parents will say stuff about my appearance, they think they are being helpful but really they are just hurting my self confidence. For example when my skin breaks out my mom will say something like ā€œhave you been washing your face? It looks really bad.ā€ As if Iā€™m not aware of the breakout that isnā€™t really my fault. Or today I went to get something from their bathroom and forgot what it was and my mom said ā€œteeth whitening strips??.ā€ So that makes me self conscious about my smile because my teeth arenā€™t pearly white. My dentist even told me that some people have naturally discolored teeth (me), yet my parents still make me feel like I donā€™t brush my teeth right or need to floss more. Iā€™ve also been told by my parents that I need to ā€œwatch my sugar intakeā€ and ā€œcut down on carbs.ā€ And Iā€™d just like to say that Iā€™m a very active person and I need to intake a lot of calories but they make me feel bad about how much I eat. I know I should probably eat a little healthier but they shouldnā€™t push it, Im young let me enjoy it. I donā€™t think they understand how stressful it is. Teenagers are under so much pressure to look perfect all the time and I donā€™t think parents should be making it worse.
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Me: *looking into the mirror*
"Dang I'm so attractive I'm surprised more people aren't trying to get with this" Me: *puts contacts in* "Ahhhh yes that's why, I'm actually ugly"
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Camping sucks
Ok so I went to a running camp this week. I brought some snacks. (Trail mix, goldfish, granola bars, and fruit snacks). This camp had a serious raccoon probably. I was sharing a tent with 4 other girls. We all went to take showers, I was the first to come back. I heard rustling in the tent. Oh crap, is that one of the girls or a raccoon? I opened up the tent and to my despair I saw a raccoons trying to make a getaway with my goldfish. The dumb thing started running around and couldn't find his way out. After I finally got him out, I waited for one of the other girls to get back- guarding the tent. Finally one came back and we decided to put all our untouched snacks in the bathroom to keep away raccoons. The next morning all of our pre-packaged snacks were gone?? (Trail mix was still there so it wasn't a janitor) some other camper seriously stole them?!? The heck dude. Eventually the raccoons stopped bothering us though
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Crape diem- sneeze the day
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Beets taste like dirty purple carrots
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I'm bored and I was thinking about eating food but then I remembered this is why I don't have absšŸ˜•and I really want abs
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Things your parents tell you as a child
When I was a child my mom told me to never touch the panic button on her car keys because the car would explode if I did so. I believed it for so long...
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I'm trying to massage my shoulders by laying on a tennis ball but my dog is trying to steal it. He literally has 50 tennis balls but he only wants the one I'm using....little piece of crap
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Sometimes I think jokes about midwestern people are over exaggerated but then I remember how there is a corn field with a giant TRUMP carved into it not too far away from my house
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What I do when I'm alone
So for the past 20 minutes I've just been blasting music from the 80s and 90s and screaming the words to every song....then my favorite-eye of the tiger- came on. I started jumping, I heard the beat. Next thing you know, I'm running around, dancing (if you could call it that), rolling on my floor, and screaming Eye of the Tiger on the top of my lungs....oops
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