lacosmonauta · 5 years
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lacosmonauta · 5 years
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Adèle Exarchopoulos by Pierre-Ange Carlotti for Interview, December 2018
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lacosmonauta · 5 years
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lacosmonauta · 5 years
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Sevdaliza for L’Officiel November Issue
ph. Petrovsky & Ramone
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lacosmonauta · 5 years
dancing around your room to music is one of the ultimate forms of self care
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lacosmonauta · 5 years
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lacosmonauta · 6 years
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Nancy Holt, Views Through a Sand Dune, Narragansett Beach, Rhode Island, 1972
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lacosmonauta · 6 years
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Sandrine Bonnaire in À nos amours (Maurice Pialat, 1983)
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lacosmonauta · 6 years
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lacosmonauta · 6 years
“Fall in love gently. Remind yourself that you are the longest relationship of your life. Remind yourself that you are a child of this universe and that you are worthy of happiness. Fall in love with the way you feel things deeply. The color of someone’s laughter. The texture of someone’s kindness. The nostalgia of going back to places that caused you so much pleasure and pain. You are an old soul trapped in a body that’s slowly, slowly decaying. You are a traveler of both the outer world and the inner world. Fall in love with your failures. The events that shaped you into becoming who you are today. Embrace your shortcomings for they serve as a lesson in your formless memory. Forgive yourself for everything that is causing you so much pain. It is a brutal process, and you must get through it. Self-hate can only generate more worry in your life. Let it go. You don’t have to carry it forever. Fall in love with your body. Romanticize it. The freckles on your face are constellations. The heart-shaped birthmark right behind your hips. The positive aura of your gummy smile. The way that your body is working hard to keep you alive like electricity lighting up a whole city on a cloudless night. Fall in love with your existence. The little things that make you who you are. The poetry that you write. The instrument that you play. The way you put your makeup on as you face another challenging day. These little things that make you who you are come from the way you express your being. Fall in love with yourself until you finally feel like home.”
— Juansen Dizon, This Is How You Should Fall In Love With Yourself
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lacosmonauta · 6 years
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the greatest love stories on Friends
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lacosmonauta · 6 years
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Pleurotus djamor - pink oyster mushroom
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lacosmonauta · 6 years
Oils I reccomend and how to use them
Rosehip oil: It absorbs quickly, brightens and evens out skintone overtime. Can help heal (acne) scars and PIH. A source of trans-retinoic acid, vitamin A. -Use: Fading undereye darkness, fading acne scarring, brightening the skin, evening out skintone, moisturising, fading the appearance of strech marks. Suitable for all skintypes.
Argan oil: High vitamin E and fatty acid conten. Smoothes out the skin, seriously you get baby soft skin and its noticeable after one use. A good source of oleic acid that wont clog your pores. -Use: Moisturiser for dehydrated skin, as well as dry skin which is also acne prone. Also good for oily and combo skin as a moisturiser. Reducing the appearacne of strech marks. Light undereye moisturiser.
Hempseed oil: Its high in linoleic acid and its a drying oil, which means it absorbs quickly and hydrates the skin well. The linoleic and Alpha-linoleic acid percentages make it suitable for oily skins which are short in linoleic acids. -Use: moisturiser for oily/combo and acne prone skin. (seriously this is the best oil for oily skin, i sometimes apply 2 layers of this)
Safflower oil: contains about 78% linoleic acid (which is very high), which makes it great for the oiliest of skins. Absorbs very well (drying oil). -Use: oil cleanser, moisturiser for oily acne prone skin (you might need another oil to really moisturise)
Perilla oil: contains very high levels of n-3 linolenic acid (over 50%) an essential fatty acid that plays a major role in regulating inflammation in the body as well as the skin. contains high amounts of omega-3 essential fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid. Is considered an antioxidant and great for acne prone skin. Again, a drying oil, you will need another moisturising layer. -Use: a moisturising layer for acne prone skins, oil cleanser.
Neem oil: helps reduce redness and inflammation. Has antibacterial properties. The high fatty-acid content in Is said to prevent and treat scars. High in vitamin E (improves the elasticity of the skin) Be aware that this oil smells HORRIBLE. -Use: Spot treatment for acne, reducing stretch marks.
Evening Primrose oil: It’s rich in omega-6 which helps produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins (fatty acid compounds that have hormone-like effects).When used topically it can relieve cystic hormonal acne. Most people see immediate results. EPO supplements are used to treat the cause of hormonal acne and PMS. -Use: Cystic acne treatment, PMS relief, oils cleansing.
Emu oil: Very thick and high in oleic acids. Does not Absorb fully, shouldnt be used on acne prone skin. Used to treat scabby, very dry, inflamed skin. Reduces the appearance of fine lines. -Use: Undereye moisturiser, Moisturiser for very very dry skin, moisturiser on dry patches.
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lacosmonauta · 6 years
How to be a Delicate Angel
use sugar scrubs on every part of your body
wear lip balm all the time
apply scented lotion frequently (use the same scent each day)
decorate with empty perfume bottles
use face masks twice a week
keep lavender candles on your nightstand
listen to soft rock
try a poetry book from an upcoming poet
brush your hair multiple times a day
keep flowers around
use bath bombs and bubble bath
watch old films
wear knits
go barefoot when possible
wear matte and dusty rose nail colors or get a French manicure
sleep with a lot of pillows
drink tea with honey
go to cafes by yourself with a good book
write with gel pens, preferably glittery
sit outside and read
write in a diary every night
brush your teeth 3+ times a day
dance when you feel like dancing
do what feels natural and be confident in your beauty!
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lacosmonauta · 7 years
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lacosmonauta · 7 years
This is LIFE
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Life With Dogs.
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lacosmonauta · 7 years
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