ladeputy · 5 years
You deserve people in your life who understand you at your core. Who don’t have misconceptions about your personality or your intentions. People who not only “get you” but also care about your wellbeing and won’t betray your trust.
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ladeputy · 5 years
“Do not tell everyone your story. You will only end up feeling more rejected. People cannot give you what you long for in your heart. The more you expect from people’s response to your experience of abandonment, the more you will feel exposed to ridicule.”
— Henri J.M. Nouwen (via purplebuddhaproject)
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ladeputy · 5 years
“You can’t find intimacy—you can’t find home—when you’re always hiding behind masks. Intimacy requires a certain level of vulnerability. It requires a certain level of you exposing your fragmented, contradictory self to someone else. You running the risk of having your core self rejected and hurt and misunderstood.”
— Junot Díaz (via thelovejournals)
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ladeputy · 8 years
I had to correct that last one because this is the best movie ever
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ladeputy · 8 years
#unapologeticalluRAW: 121190// #25 was my darkest year to date. i was constantly confronted with heavy truths. layers and layers of sadness were shed. layers of sadness continue to shed. 25 reminded me just how resilient i am. 25 forced me learn to dance with darkness, rather than allow myself to drown in the midst of it all. 25 reminded me of my magick– how powerful i am when i move with intent. 25 was affirming. 25 prepared me for necessary planning and action. 25 was my worst & best year to date. what better day to share w you a video introducing #unapologeticallyRAW (a project so deeply impacted by my 25th year) than my solar return? your continued support is greatly appreciated. cannot fully express that enough. here’s to #26– a year of movement, a year of abundance. ⚡️
watch full video here. 
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ladeputy · 8 years
*gets distracted psychoanalyzing myself*
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ladeputy · 8 years
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ladeputy · 8 years
Who the fuck has made will mcavoys Twitter
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When Trump talks…
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ladeputy · 8 years
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ladeputy · 8 years
Earlier I called up the offices of several state senators
I spoke to several staffers and asked if their bosses planned to join the growing list of senators voicing their opposition to Steve Bannon being on White House staff
Do you know what one of them asked me?
“Are you keeping a list of senators who don’t speak out?”
We can put pressure on these officials.
Organize an event, get some friends together, order a pizza for lunch and start making calls.
Call their state offices. And then call their DC offices.
Don’t send an email. Don’t write a letter. Call.
And if they say nothing, put them on a list. We will remember who they are and what they didn’t do.
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ladeputy · 8 years
Why does this make me fear for her safety even more???? Like you know its not gonna be seen as self defense when she puts her hands on the bigot and then someother fool bigot standing by will intervene saying she harassed them and fuck who knows what can happen with that. Fuck scared for all scenarios of this
Learn to defend against a bigot grabbing your hijab from behind!
In this post-election hate-crime spike, self defense is more important than ever. Practice this move until it becomes muscle memory and teach your body to react before thinking.
(via Zee Abdulla)
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ladeputy · 8 years
Just because you have two good weeks doesn't mean the depression and anxiety is gone. It doesn't mean you stop doing what has been helping. It doesn't mean you stop going to therapy. It doesn't mean you pretend you're okay or stop trying to be better. It'll creep up. Because that's what depression is. What you reach for when it creeps up is what you need to be aware of. & I'm scared that when I say I'm fine and yes I'm sad and crying but I'll be okay, that it won't. That my fake it till you make it reaction is just a learned response and not something i believe. And it's all so shitty its getting hard atm to believe it will be. Im scared of what I'll reach for, currently I can control it and I touch nothing harmful but i know if I do that one cigarette that one drink or even that one pill of medication wont suffice. I'll be good in the morning as usual, I am okay and I'm not stupid. Despair can get the best of of any of us.
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ladeputy · 8 years
my friend told me I should think of my Anxiety as one of my little emotion characters like in Inside Out. A nervous scared guy who has the ability to take over and shut everything down. The only way forward is to compromise, include him, and not ignore him like they did sadness.
And although anxiety is probably a derivative of sadness and disgust and fear, I think it’s helpful to think of Anxiety as someone to include and love. 
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ladeputy · 8 years
I am so afraid of disappointing the people I love, I often forget that I am someone I love too. And I need kindness just as much as I believe the people I love do.
Nikita Gill
i matter
(via serious)
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ladeputy · 8 years
Its so lovely finding people..finding someone vibrating in the same key as you. 
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ladeputy · 8 years
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f1x-2 (Josan Gonzalez)
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ladeputy · 8 years
Don't laugh at him! He is a fierce warrior
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