The granola bar incident
When I was in 5th grade I was eating lunch with my friends one of my friends who we will call Ketchup but a piece of cake in the microwave. Then she came back to the table I asked her if it was good when its warm and she said “Yes its very good”! I was eating a granola bar and shes says “You should put the granola bar in the microwave” I went up to the microwave and put my granola bar in and my dumb butt set it for 3 minutes. I went to sit down and 3 minutes later I saw smoking coming from the microwave. Keep in mind I go to a very small school so this lunchroom was probably the size of a living room so everyone saw the microwave smoking. I opened the door and black smoke just came flying out and filled up the who room. The teacher came up to me and I was crying she asked me what I put in there because at this point it disintegrated. I mumbled a granola bar and she was like what the frick everyone started coughing and we had to evacuate the lunch room but luckily the fire alarms didn't go off because if they did I would of ran straight to Mexico. I was crying and hypo-ventilating and my friend Mayonaise came up to me and was like its OK and I’m like no its not I single handily burnt the school down and she was like no you didn't. The next day we were sitting at lunch again and the teacher went up to the microwave and was like who did this to the microwave and everyone like Insanity did it (Insanity is me) and she was like you have to clean it up and I started crying again because I just got Vietnam flashback then I had to sit outside for lunch because YOU DONT BUT GRANOLA BARS IN THE MICROWAVE!!!
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First Post
Hello for my first post I’m going to tell y'alls how I broke my tale bone
So, one day I was running out of my room and I fell backwards cartoon style onto my back and no that is not how I broke it. The next day I was sitting on the couch with my mom and I was watching sponge bob and I saw sponge bob fall like how I did so then I was like “oh I fell like him” then my mom was like what do you mean? So I got up right in front of her picked up both my legs then my butt hit the coffee table on the way down and while I was laying on the ground in pain my moms like you good and I’m like yeah but everything hurt why sponge bob why? :(
And you may thing I was pretty young when this happened nope I was 13 years old thank you
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