Tumblr help!
I am looking for an artist who paints really controversial religious paintings on really big canvases. He uses a lot of purple paint for shadows and a lot of golden leafs, so they look really rich, like they were ordered by Vatican itself. They looked very classical
They depicts bishops, priests and nuns in sexual way but it reads rather like critical commentary on modern Christianity and hypocrisy of people of church when it comes to sex
I remember the one when one bishop was kneeling on all four, while being on golden leash and trying to drink, like a dog, from a golden goblet whish is used in Christian mass.
The other was a bishop, clearly in extasy while a white dove was flying under his robe.
I have seen it on tiktok, I think the artist might be Spanish but I am not sure. He showed the whole process of painting on his videos
Please please please help! I loved those paintings and I can't stand it that Ive forgotten his name
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Magician Shokyokusai Tenkatsu and her Flower Heaven Troupe wearing a strap-on hooked into a 300,000 volt Tesla Coil to shower bolts of artificial lightning on the girls below holding conductor rods, part of the Japanese artistic movement called Eroguronansensu (literally “erotic-grotesque-nonsense”)
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I really can’t believe they have tumblr in Poland or check or wherever you are
Yeah we do have it but its pretty limited :/ My richer friends can afford buying a few kg of Tumblr from the local Pewex with us dollars whenever they want to but i have to wait for my uncle that lives in germany to bring us a few buckets. they usually last us half a month. we browse tumblr in text only form to make it last longer
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