ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
Fhshddbs I would draw something but I'm lazy and stupid take this short fic instead
Ladies in waiting week: day 3, Maggie!
"Let's make some noise for Maggie!"
That was her cue. Her job, play the guitar, and woo the audience. Sometimes Anne would even wink at her or smile as she passed by. Usually the other queens didn't, but it wasn't what she expected so she wasnt surprised. Joan was above her, with Maria and Bessie on the other side. Sometimes Maria would wink and pretend to play the guitar when her beats weren't needed. But Maria played a lot during the show, she was the percussionist, after all. Bessie would sometimes glance at Maggie during her solo, but that was it.
She didn't know if Joan's ever done anything of the sort, Joan's always been more focused on Jane anyways. Making Jane presents, painting her pictures. Following her around like a duckling. But Jane was a particularly mean goose.
With all this, Maggie sometimes felt pity for Joan. The girl seemed lonely most of the time. Maria took care of her though- or she tried to. Maria was good at taking care of people, but also deathly afraid of someone getting just a little too sick. So it worked out. Joan however, was either oblivious to this or decided to ignore it in favor of Jane's acknowledgement. The last show they performed, Joan's cue had to be yelled by Aragon because Jane seemed to falter, much to Joan's horror.
But Maggie wasnt playing her guitar right now. Her guitar, one of the only things that seemed to comfort her, wasnt in her hands. It was in her room. Far, far away from the little restaurant they were at.
"Pass the salt?" Bessie asked, her eyes flickering, clearly disinterested, to Maggie then back to the wooden table. Maggie obliged, sliding the salt to her. Bessie glanced at her in thanks and started to pour a bunch of salt on her food. Maria tried to stop her. "Maybe you shouldn't eat so much salt-" but Bessie shut her down quickly by sliding the salt back to Maggie and picking up her fork. Maria rolled her eyes, smiling, and turned back to her own food.
This was one of the things Maggie was good at. Watching the world around her turn without being able to stop it. Sometimes it was good, and sometimes it was bad. And right now, Maggie felt like the world turned upside down, and she was about to fall off.
Maggie felt a tap on her shoulder. "You okay?" Joan mumbled. Maggie's eyes widened in surprise.
Did she look like she was- "you seemed lost in thought, and by the looks of it, the thoughts did not sound good." Joan interrupted. Maggie shook her head and patted Joan on the back. "I'm fine, kid."
Joan frowned. "I'm not a kid :("
Maggie laughed, her head reeling back. "I know."
"But seriously, I'm fine! Go back to Jane, I'm sure she needs you."
Joan's smile seemed to falter, but she did what she was told. "Oki doki!"
But as Maggie watched Joan return to where the silver queen was sitting and shuffle as she asked her some question Maggie didn't know the answer or the words to, she felt a pang of regret for pushing her off so easily.
Friends were hard to get for her, especially ones that wouldnt have a sword end their friendship.
@moan-jeutas @ladiesinwaitingweek
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
Day 3: Maggie
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Eh, I think this isnt one of my good ones. I'm sorry Maggie
@moan-jeutas @ladiesinwaitingweek
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
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Make some noise for Maggie! @ladiesinwaitingweek​
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
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Maggie is a compulsive clothes-stealer, you can't change my mind
She's afraid of losing her friends like she lost Anne, but having their clothes comforts her (not that she'll ever admit that)
@moan-jeutas @ladiesinwaitingweek
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
LiW week day 3- Maggie!
hehehe have a slightly angsty fic… as a treat
and yes the title of the fic is refrencing Bessie buuuut you’ll see why, i promise its abt Maggie heheh >:}
Wordcount - 1947
Triggers - slight blood and injury
Tour universe!
                                        Pop goes the Bassist…
      The Theatre in Glasgow was almost dead silent, with the exception of the plucking of bass strings and soft notes of a keyboard. The Ladies in Waiting arrived early to try and set up before the queens so they could start warmups a bit earlier than usual. Without the Queens’ normally loud laughter and voices filling the air, it was peaceful for Bessie and Joan to practice and set up in peace. The two light-haired musicians were enjoying the low energy of the theatre, Maria was out on a walk so there were no loud drums and Maggie was… nowhere to be seen? They had seen her get out of Joan’s car when they arrived, hell they even saw her enter the theatre and put her stuff down, but after that she just dispersed without a word. At least that what they thought until a loud bang erupted from the door by the stage, to reveal the guitarist with her hands behind her back.
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
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Day 2: Bessie
So day 2 of ladies in waiting week is Bessie so here is some art
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
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Ignore her faces in the comic thing, I did our girl dirty 😔😔
@moan-jeutas @ladiesinwaitingweek
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
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Aussie!Bessie (with Maria) for @ladiesinwaitingweek​ week!
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
Day 2- Bessie
Terri: has gorgeous straightened hair Me, drawing Bessie: hehe hair go poof
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Have a little doodle dump for this day because I’ve been stressed for most of today and Bessie ofc makes things better
(First one is from today, the next three were my first practise doodles of her, the last two are from a foster au I made to project onto both Bessie and Joan. I was supposed to post all the writing I did for the au but I didn’t know if people would like it?? There’s a lot of animal crossing)
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
The ending seems kinda rushed but I did change the end like 5 times. This also may seem like a weird duo but I felt in a way Anne could relate to Bessie of being Henry's mistress.
Hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 1059
Bessie woke with a pit deep inside, rooting from her stomach. She saw him again.
She felt like she couldn't talk to anyone about it. Maybe Anne she questioned in her mind. She had been through familiar experiences being called all kinds of names and being judged on who she slept with because of her assucsations, rather than who she was as a person.
She was wasn't her. No Bessie realises she was a 13 year old girl. She wanted it. No she was a child. She knew she wanted a husband back then but Henry...
She remembers the night so vividly.
The Masque.
The masque is when Henry first became aware of her. She remembers dancing, having a good time, she also remembers singing oh so vivid in her mind.
Bessie remembers she was always high-spirited and just full of energy which matched Henry's at his age.  He was 23.
There was always concern amongst people for intercourse for those who were really young. Bessie wanted it. No. No. She couldn't consent she was 13. THIRTEEN, A CHILD.
"I WAS A CHILD!"Bessie screamed sitting in her bed with her knees tucked into her upper chest area.
"A child." She said in a soft whisper. She could feel the tears slowly fall down her cheeks.
Wiping the tears away. Bessie got up and walked to the bathroom in order to splash her face with water to let herself feel refreshed of the feelings she was feeling at that prior moment.
She opened the door and the mirror was facing the door as she walked in.
And there written in bright red lipstick.
Bessie slammed her back against the door which closed behind her due to leaning her back on it.
She was breathing heavily. So heavily that's all she heard.
It wasn't until she closed and reopened her eyes. The lipstick was gone like it was never there in the first place.
Bessie thought she was still sleeping, she pinched herself on her arm about 5 times just to make sure. She felt every single pinch.
Bessie walked over to the sink and splashed cold water on her face to waken herself and get the horrid memories out of her head.
My beautiful Bessie.
No. No. Stop.
You are so pretty aren't you.
Bessie remembers nodding at his words. A small, vulnerable child infront of the King of England.
A knock at the door startles her.
"Hello? Bessie?" She recognises the voice.
"Yeah, it's me. I'll be out in a moment Anne."
She finishes washing her face and dries her face with the towel next to her on the radiator. She puts the towel back where she picked it up and slowly walked to the door.
Maybe this was Bessie's chance to talk to Anne about being called names that still clouded her mind to this day.
She takes a few seconds before finally opening the door to Anne leaning on the wall opposite to the bathroom.
"Hey! Everything okay Bessie?"
"Yeah sorry I just felt a bit warm when I woke up so I went to splash my face with water."
The next thing that comes out of Anne's mouth. She is it a bit taken back.
"Bessie, I heard you screaming." Bessie looks to the floor.
"Anne... I am sorry if I woke you it wasn't my intention. Sorry." Bessie keeps her eyes on the floor. With her fingers fidgeting with each other.
"Bessie, I know if you don't want to talk about it."
Bessie still looking at the floor unable to look Anne in the eyes.
"I know I can't relate to you any way of what happened to you. Apart from the mistress part even though that contained no intercourse between me and Henry."
"I never knew you were his mistress." Bessie in small quiet tone unsure if Anne even heard her.
"Yes so not my scene. I did refuse. I was never his mistress in that way. I like to class it as friends. Then we got married and a whole bigger scene happened. But oh my god enough about me!"
Bessie walks to her room away from Anne. Knowing where the conversation is going.
"Bessie?" Anne says in a worried tone.
"Come in. We can talk and stuff."
Anne walks after Bessie and goes to sit on her bed with Bessie sitting beside her.
"I was like you Anne. I was good at dancing, had a beautiful singing voice as some would say. I even wrote songs. I was a happy girl in my teen years. Until...."
Anne takes Bessie's hands into hers and turns to face her.
"Take your time Bessie, there is no rush."
Bessie takes a deep breath and continues on.
"It was at the time when people realised, Henry was falling out of love with Catherine."
"And from that moment in a very short time he fell in love with me. Some say I meant everything to him. By that time I was only 13, he being 23."
Bessie tightenes Anne's grip around her hands. "Please Anne you have to know I never wanted it. I never wanted him. I was a girl barely just begun life. Then the King he took a interest in me. I thought I was special."
Anne can see tears forming in Bessie's eyes.
"Oh Bes, you are special but you don't need a man to make you feel special. All those things you did. The dancing, the singing and writing songs that is what makes you special." Anne said with a hand on Bessie's cheek. With her thumb slightly stroking back and forth.
Bessie smiles at Anne. "Thank you I needed that. Will you-"
In a shaky tone. Bessie continues and says "Will you stay and listen... Anne?."
"Of course Bes. I will stay here and listen for as along as you need. After this if you want we can have ice cream, get cozy on the sofa and watch a movie."
Smiling directly at Anne's face. Bessie says, "Yes I would like that."
Bessie let's go of Anne's hands and wraps her arms around her, it seems she will never let go.
Anne rubbed her back slowly, comforting her which is something she has never done before for Bessie.
"Thank you." Bessie whispers softly into Anne's ear.
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
LiW week day 2 - Tour!Bessie!!!
Y’all I love Kat Bad with my entire heart like she’s adorable and her hair is just 🥺
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Ngl I kinda don’t like how it turned out buuut I’ve been burnt out for a few days so that’s prolly why
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
Day 2 of ladies in waiting week: Bessie
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I kinda like this one actually...
@moan-jeutas @ladiesinwaitingweek
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
Day 1- Maria
Do I always do this pose? Yes. I’m just soft for it ok? Ok. And it’s easy
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I would’ve skipped this day it wasn’t for Maria’s hair but I just think it looks very soft so I’m posting it late instead of ignoring it
Headcanon that Maria gets nervous whenever Catalina’s asleep. Lina’s been up a lot helping Joan with nightmares and the exhaustion makes her pass out and Maria catches her. Cue Maria panicking and thinking she just dropped dead in her arms again.
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
Second attempt at posting my LIW week Maria fic! It's going to be completely different from what I originally wrote cuz I didn't save it! FUCK
Baseball AU cuz that's all I write anymore (Maggie - he/him)
Maria gave a small smile to Maggie as he passed her a small bundle of matches, some string, and a pack of gum.
"what's this for Mags?" Maria tilted her head to the side do her "innocent routine" and Anne called it once.
"you're out on injury but you're stuck in here. To keep you from driving us crazy you might as well play some pranks." Maggie shrugged his shoulders and walked away from Maria.
Maria usually wasn't one for pranks, that was usually Joan's territory, But Maggie was right. She's going to drive everyone crazy if she isn't given something to do.
Maria looked at the matches in her left hand and over to Anna and Bessie, both of whom were leaning against the dugout railing watching Aragon's at bat. Maria gathered a few of the matches together and tied the small bundle together with a segment of the string she had been given. She popped a piece of gum in her mouth and chewed it up a bit before taking it out and placing it on the matches.
"who are you gonna get?" Maria jumped and turned to see Anne standing beside her looking towards Bessie and Anna.
"thinking Anna. Bessie will notice me first and kick me in the face again" Anne nodded her head and patted Maria on the shoulder.
"good luck. I'll be standing by with an ice pack." Maria rolled her eyes as the older woman walked away.
Slowly Maria walked towards Anna, hoping that Bessie won't say anything when she notices Maria.
When Maria reaches her intended target. She carefully stuck the bundle of matches to Anna's shoe, making sure the gum held it on. Once it was Maria backed up a little and took another match out, this time striking it and using it to light the bundle on Anna's shoe.
When it lit, Maria smiled and looked towards the cameras that were definitely aimed at her. She waved, pointed to Anna, and walked away to sit on a bench.
It took a couple seconds for Anna to realize that she had anything on her shoe. But when she figured it out, she slammed her shoe against the wall - effectively putting it out and getting it off - before whirling around to scold Joan.
"for once it wasn't me!" Joan had her hands up in a 'I surrender' motion, showing she had neither matches not gum.
"if it wasn't you then who was it?" Anna looked around the dugout scanning her teammates face in an attempt to find who would dare prank her.
"probably Maria, Anna. I mean, she is injured and Maggie handed her something earlier." Bessie nodded her head towards the playing-innocent-but-failing-at-it Maria who looked over rat the mention of her name.
"probably me who did what, Bes?" Bessie rolled her eyes as Anna stalked over to Maria.
Before Maria could move to avoid Anna. The other woman quickly grabbed her and pulled her close.
"you know. You're lucky your injured right now, because it would be an ass move to throw you on the ground while you have a shoulder injury." Maria looked up at Anna and gave a small smile.
"but it wouldn't be an ass move to throw an uninjured teammate on the ground?" Anna playfully shoved Maria away from her.
"fuck you, Salinas. I'll get you back." Maria giggled at Anna's poor attempt at a serious face.
"you know, I don't fancy being fucked by a teammate, especially when I already have a girlfriend!"
@ladiesinwaitingweek @moan-jeutas
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
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A sketch of Aussie!Maria for @ladiesinwaitingweek​! I know it’s not very detailed, but that’s because I a) can’t draw faces and b) plan on adding detail once I’ve drawn all of the Ladies on their respective days. On the last day, I will have the full picture in colour and detail (except faces lol). I based it off this picture:
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And I’m going to draw the other ladies in as the week progresses! I know I said I wouldn’t do any other art, but I love the LiW so… yeah.
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
LiW week day 1 - Maria!
its not very long buuut i procrastinated and didn’t start till like 1pm and got interrupted halfway through by my brother. I hope this is good and i can’t wait for the rest of the week!
Words - 1099
                        There’s more than just Skeletons in a closet
   The morning started normally for Maria, granted it was only 9 AM and only her and Bessie were even awake. It was like that most days since Maggie sleeps like a log and Joan sleeps with ambient music so noise doesn’t really ever wake her up. Maria was always the first to rise only followed by Bessie at most 30 minutes later.
   The drummer went straight to the coffee machine while the bassist plopped herself on the sofa. “How’d you sleep B?”, the bassist turned so she could see the curly-haired women, “It was okay I guess, had a weird-ass dream though..”. The Spaniard took her warm mug of coffee and sat on the leather recliner to the left of the sofa, looking to her raven-haired friend curiosity for elaboration. The shorter woman took this as a cue to explain, “So it started as us getting ready for a matinee-” “Sounds pretty normal to me” “Wait it gets interesting..”, Bessie takes a moment to breathe and sit up straight. “So we were all in the dressing room getting our makeup on, but Joan was nowhere to be found”, the slightly taller woman raises an eyebrow but lets her continue. “So Maggie asks where she is but refers to her as blondie for some reason? Not even 5 seconds later the door bursts open and there stands Joan in a  horribly made Mickey Mouse costume-”, Bessie is interrupted once again but it’s by Maria’s hysterical laughter, and soon a hiss of pain as she spills some of her coffee on her beige nightshirt. “Ah-shit”.“Bess can you run upstairs and get me a new shirt while I put this in the wash?”, Bessie stand up and gives a quick nod and started towards the staircase but stopped dead in her tracks. “Uhh where do you keep your tops?”, “In my closet on the left side, just get any old shirt, thanks by the way!”, and with that, the short women flew up the stairs.
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ladiesinwaitingweek · 4 years
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I am fully aware that I can't draw, but unless you guys want a song dedicated to them, as a musician this is the best I can do 😅😅
@moan-jeutas @ladiesinwaitingweek
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