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PM:  That’s incredibly generous of you to do, Cress...the Foundation thanks you.  As do I.
...of course.  
Do you know what you’re doing, Henri?
PM: Screening hasn’t even begun yet so the simple answer is: yes, we are!
Also…I am very sorry if I was a little…forward yesterday. Wine has that effect on me sometimes.
PM: Fantastic. I’ll also be making steady payments towards the research fund when I can. 
I don’t mind, Boss. So long as you know what you’re doing.
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PM: Screening hasn't even begun yet so the simple answer is: yes, we are!
Also...I am very sorry if I was a little...forward yesterday. Wine has that effect on me sometimes.
Private Message || Henrietta
PM: Are you still in need of subjects for the neglect study? I’d be more than interested in helping out any way I can.
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Text: Wednesday it is. I shall mark it reserved. I shall see you then Henri.
Text: :-)
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Diana heard the announcement with intrigue. A clinical study for neglect? It sounded like important research that should happen, especially with the devastating effects that it could have on the individuals affected by it. After thinking it over, Diana pulled out her phone to send a quick email to Henrietta. 
Dear Lady Somerset, 
I’m intrigued by your announcement of the study of neglect. Would it be possible to meet and find out more about what that would entail?
Thank you for your time, 
Diana Montague
Hello Diana,
The researchers will begin screening later this month; once I have that date, I will inform you.  In the meantime, I would be delighted to meet with you and answer what questions I can!  I am available next Tuesday evening, if you are able to swing by my office at the University.
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Text: I would enjoy that. Perhaps next week? An intelligent conversation would be a delight.
Text: I am close to the owner of The Priory, and I’m sure he can set aside a table for us.  So, let’s go there.  How does Wednesday sound?
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“I never suffer from neglect.  Therefore I would be a very boring subject,” Lottie said with a smirk.  “And who knows where they will be in one year let alone ten?”
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“If that is actually true, and not hyperbole, we’d actually be very interested in including you in the study.”
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Text: He was. I remain astounded they do not appreciate him. I find him rather spectacular personally. Text: Quite all right. There are so few in this City I can share such thoughts with that I appreciate the chance to bend your ear. Text: You are likely correct. Text: Will I see you at the fair?
Text: Why don’t we do dinner soon.  Text is too difficult to discuss such things with.
Text:  You will!  I’ve entered Sansa in the pet contest...cone of shame and all.
[a pause]
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PM: I’d have to wholeheartedly agree with you there. She’d be a hit. 
I’ll make arrangements trade rounds with another Watchman. I’d hate to miss seeing her take the crown and all the glory that follows. 
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PM: ...and perhaps we can share a celebratory glass of wine once that crown is placed on her noble brow?
PM || Henrietta
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PM: Speaking of Sansa...I’ve been considering entering her in the pet contest for the fall festival tomorrow.
What do you think her chances are?  Personally, I think her cone makes her look quite regal~
PM: Thank you again for your wonderful company yesterday, Cressida.
PM: It was an absolute pleasure. And I’m most entirely jazzed to hear that Sansa will be alright.
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“This sounds like an excellent study, and I look forward to learning the results in the future. I would love to discuss how I may best be of assistance, Lady Somerset, whenever is most convenient for you.”
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“I...yes, of course, thank you, Dr. Capulet.  Perchance we may ask for assistance from any of your office staff trained in phlebotomy, if we amass a large sample of subjects...”
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As an anthropology student, Abe always found these kinds of studies interesting. “Miss…” Abe said with a raised hand. “I’m just curious what you’ll be looking out for in these interviews and blood tests. And what criteria you’re looking for in willing participants.” He also vaguely wondered if the wiling participants would be paid anything. Abe was always a bit strapped for cash, but in all honesty, he was genuinely interested in the study and planned on following it regardless. 
“While out of concern for bias, I cannot tell you what in particular will be involved in the interviews and blood tests just yet, but what I can tell you is that we will be screening subjects for age, family designation history, and the subject’s medical history among other things.”  A moments pause.  “We plan to offer financial compensation during the initial screening phase in hopes of attracting a diverse group of possible participants.”
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Admittedly this sounds pretty interesting. What exactly would it entail if someone considered being a participant, Miss?
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“If one wishes to participate they would first undergo screening; a simple interview and review of your medical history.  If you are determined to be a good subject you would then attend regular medical screenings at three points out of the year, for the duration of the study.  These screenings would last no longer than an hour at a time, and would involve a survey and blood screen.  Our research staff will then collect and trend the data. 
 The truth is that this study is merely the beginning of several in depth investigations into the nature of neglect.  Simply put, this particular study will generate several hypotheses regarding neglect that we will explore in the future.”
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“Sounds fascinating I’m sure….but you are definitely talking to the wrong person.”
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“Oh?  And why is that?”
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Private Message
Mr. Capulet - On behalf of the Foundation, thank you for your generosity! We will be in touch.
Lady Henrietta Somerset
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“As Executive Director of the Designation Foundation, it is with great excitement that I announce our newest research initiative: a longitudinal cohort study, taking place over the next 5-10 years, that would provide us with an intimate, clinical understanding of the biochemical machinations of what we all know as ‘neglect’.  Subjects will be followed through regular interviews and blood tests.  Our research team will look for trends in serum levels as a relative function of the subject’s D/s activities.
At present we have enough funding to commence the project, but we are actively seeking long term financial supporters.  
As well as willing participants, of course.  I should hope that you all see the merit in such an undertaking, and will continue to support the laudable efforts of the talented staff at the Designation Foundation.”
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Text: Benvolio was tossed out of the Oberons. Now he is a Montague and I am proud of that boy. And yes, I worry about him too, although Benvolio knows himself and I trust him to understand his limits. I am less sure of this new one.
[a moment of surprise]
Text: He was *tossed out*??
Text: I can’t believe they’d do such a thing to their own son...
[another pause]
Text: I am sorry I haven’t been more helpful in this matter, Oz.  I haven’t been so good about monitoring my own Dominance.
Text:  Still.  :\
Text: All I can suggest is perhaps tackling the issue head on and talking about limits as plainly and bluntly with him as you can.  Despite how uncomfortable that might be.
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“As Executive Director of the Designation Foundation, it is with great excitement that I announce our newest research initiative: a longitudinal cohort study, taking place over the next 5-10 years, that would provide us with an intimate, clinical understanding of the biochemical machinations of what we all know as ‘neglect’.  Subjects will be followed through regular interviews and blood tests.  Our research team will look for trends in serum levels as a relative function of the subject’s D/s activities.
At present we have enough funding to commence the project, but we are actively seeking long term financial supporters.  
As well as willing participants, of course.  I should hope that you all see the merit in such an undertaking, and will continue to support the laudable efforts of the talented staff at the Designation Foundation.”
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Cress shrugs. “Suit yourself, lame-o.” She teases with a smile, the booze helping her to relax a bit within the situation although she was still on guard. Minding their surroundings, as a good Watchman should. Of course, drinking on the job wasn’t ever really taken lightly, but technically she was off.
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“I’ll probably be on duty.” She rubs at the back of her neck, pursing her lips. “Let me know when you’re going, though. I’ll make it my lunch break.” She promises.
Henri bites back a small smile.  Even at this hour, and with a little alcohol in her veins, Cressida had a unique charm.
“Around 1:30...”  Henri said shyly.  “By the fountain.”
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