I'm a confident woman who is sure of her self worth but it seems that I'm not... Since I don't demand better.
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I need a safe space to vent
I dont like to upset people especially when I need to vent about them. I've been going out with this guy since January but we didnt make it official until May. We met at the building we both work at. He works under someone separately from my program. The way we met was we joked with each other at work casually and I thought hed be a cool friend. Then I eventually realized that I liked him. I'm pretty sure our first date was either a movie or dinner because that's all we do. Eat... And watch movies. I think that this relationship is convenient for him because he doesnt have to do much or see me much. He doesnt really make an effort when we arent at work together. Whenever we go out, it's usually during the week and the weekends are his own. He hasn't really done much outside of his comfort zone and ivr tried to ask him to do something here and there. I'm upset because I'm sick today and left work but waited until he came in to tell him. Then I ask him if he could take me to the patient first but he dismisses it by saying I should just rest. Then hebfinds out I dont have food and just dismisses because I say I'll just sleep through the hunger. I did that before he was around and still find myself doing it. Intry not to be a burden on anyone and this just hurts. So many people in my life treat me this way because I allow it. I dont know how to demand better. My family has treated me the same way. I asked for more growing up but I became complacent with what I was given. The only thing I ever demanded was my education and a decent job to make my own money so that inwouldnt have to ask for anything. But now I'm stuck with a bunch of people who are content with mediocrity and I dont know what to do.
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