ladybell9095 · 2 years
Oh my gerd. Look at those sizzly hoofs.
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"War-bearer", inspired by Ruin of "Darksiders" -- for Neighvember on Insta
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ladybell9095 · 2 years
Strife:If Fury and I were drowing who would you save?
Death: You two can’t swim?
Strife: It’s hypothetical question. So?
Death:My time and effort.
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ladybell9095 · 2 years
Scenario: (Reader X Horsemen) You are involved in a close encounter with an explosion that separates the two of you. (Basically my take on how it would go down.)
War: He wished it could’ve happened differently. The area of effect and the amount of power from this one bomb wasn’t as he predicted. He had just enough time to cushion the contact the blast had on you by standing directly in between. When the chaos finally settled War was the one to come to his senses. Freshly dazed he immediately knew that that him and you are separated. How far and for how long wasn’t something he wanted to think. Still shaking off the daze and stumbling with each step he took; he begins calling your name.
“Y/n.”, a dry rasp. “Y/n!”
Each call was becoming more frantic. Though the search became longer his voice never lost its power. Opening your eyes to the darkness from the rumbling your ears picked up you were starting to wake. As you focused the rumbling sound got clearer. You could make out the sound of your name.
In response you whisper to your caller, “War…”
It was short as it was quiet, but he heard it. The answer he’d been waiting to hear. All his attention pointed in the direction of your location. Tossing away the rubble, with tiring muscle, that concealed you and pinned you by the leg he quickly grabs you. Keeping you close and saying nothing, due to shame, he quests to find you aid.
Strife: The gunslinger predicted the explosion just in time for him to push you away from its most. However he had no time for himself. Built stronger than a human he takes most of it; not enough for him to die though. Just at its end there began a terrible ringing constantly going off in his ear. His vision settled faster than the ringing. As he moved around he could hear a muffled cry, that he knew could only be from you.
“Strife!” Your cries are fueled with terror from how long it takes for him to find you. “Where are you?! Strife?!”
Though struggling, he hears you. “I’m here!”, he responds. “Keep talking to me honey!” He encourages you to keep talking so that he may find you.
You continue to cry out for him. When the fear got to be to much you just sobbed aloud, but you kept going.  Once he turns a pile rubble you jump into his chest.
He holds you tight. “I got you. I got you.”, he soothes.
Death: It was far too late to keep you completely safe. The best he could manage was use himself as a human shield. When it went off he turned his back to it and huddled you near. The two of you were blasted away. In between the free fall he felt his arms loosen and you slipping away. No matter what he told his body to do it refused him. Some time had passed as the last of the debris settled. He wasn’t sure how long he was out, but he wasn’t waking. Faintly he felt a small tremor and the ghost of a whisper saying something. As he listened in on it he heard his name.
He bolts up like the dead coming back to life once he heard you clearly. Your shriek forced him to turn and face your traumatized outlook. You are a bit banged up but lived. He’s silent and no matter what you said he didn’t move. You lay your hand on his shoulder. Feeling the warmth radiating onto his flesh made him realized that you were no illusion. Finally grabbing your hand he realizes you’re safe.
Fury: She tried to rush to you before it went off, but she was late by an inch. The two of you get caught in its impact and suffer it’s consequences. She strains to get up as she woke. Her body wasn’t moving. She was stuck looking to the ceiling. Grunting, fighting to stand she manages to move her head. To her left there’s nothing but scorch marks and debris. To her right is when her body locked up. There she saw you. Your clothes were singed, body stark and turned away from her.
She calls. “Y/n!” As she feared, no answer.
With whatever she could muster she dragged herself to you. With a cry of pain she turns you on your back. The hand she had on you trembled immensely.
Your name faltered every so often from her lips, “Y/n…..y/n…y/n”, as she determines if you live or were on your last breath.
The motion caused by her was enough to rattle you awake. Your eyes opened to what you thought was muffled crying. There is a heaviness on your chest and a blur of a magenta like flame when you look the slightest bit down.
You take in what little breath you can and say, “Fury.”
The muffling cries got even louder after she told you to stay quiet and rest.
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ladybell9095 · 2 years
Should I be offended if my animal crossing neighbor, Tutu, gives me an old commoners kimono and her saying this afterwards "I heard that you like stuff like this."? Like who the flip told you that? Who else on my island thinks I'm some sort of commoner peasant? T_T
All I did was gift her a cassette player in her favorite color. Man, animal crossing neighbors they do be savage sometimes.
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ladybell9095 · 2 years
·         Imagine you are the only being who the Horsemen could break down in tears in front of. Yes, they are thankful to those who are trustworthy enough for them to vent, but there’s really nothing else after that. In the end they would share their burdens and they would receive wisdom or some sort of solution. Although grateful, it’s not what they were really looking for. At first they didn’t know what they were looking for, but they knew something wasn’t being given.
Then there came you. A mere human currently surviving the aftermath of the greatest tragedy humanity could ever face, the apocalypse. Even with all you faced there was always room and concern for each Horsemen who had gone through centuries worth of hurt and pain. It wasn’t easy for them to tell you the dark things that they’ve seen, the things they were forced to do for the balance, but each of them came around when the time was best for them. The first talk each of them got from you was when they realized what was missing.
It wasn’t just someone who would listen but someone who would express genuine concern, worry, and sympathy…hell even empathy if you felt that you related to their problem in some similar way. Even though most of the time it was sort of impossible. They found security in your support, a caring soul in your eyes, and acceptance in your words.
To all of them you were something special and in their own attempts they try to return the same kindness you’ve given them.
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
My take on the sleeping positions you’d find yourself with each Horsemen. (This thought literally came as i was on the verge on falling asleep.)
When you go to sleep he goes to sleep. No questions about it. No matter how many times you told him he didn’t have too. But all his response is that the day wouldn’t be the same without his sweetheart. Your always the first to get on the bed and make yourself comfy. Strife then joins and starts moving closer. His arms would always find its way around you. They’d hold you firmly and closely with your arms and hands pressed against his chest. He’d then hook your leg and drag it in between his, locking your legs together so that there was no space left between.
Whether the two of you retire to your bedroom together or if one shows up later than the other you’d always find yourselves in a peaceful slumber. Each night he’d be on his back in the middle of the bed with your head laying on one of his shoulders. Your hands press softly against the side of his chest as you get comfortable. In the middle of the night, with closed eyes, you can feel him moving his other arm over and laying his warm hand over the both of yours. From above you feel the slightest weight as he carefully lays his chin on your crown.
Rare that the two of you go to bed around the same time, but to your pleasure it’s the same old routine. You are always first in bed, waiting for your partner when she is good and ready to doze off. You’ll sleep on your side facing near the beds edge. You’ll know when she joins the bed and how she keeps enough space for you to toss and turn. Just as you are falling into a deep sleep you feel two arms coming from underneath and above you. She’ll pull you to the middle of the bed where she is now, she’ll bring her knees to the back of yours, and press your back against her chest.
Never really getting any sort of sleep you find that the two of you always go to bed together. As you get ready for bed Death will already be lying down with his back laid against two pillows. As you crawl into bed his arm begins to guide you to the place where you never fail to lay your head. With your head on his chest and an arm starting from his chest then ending to his stomach you slowly fall to sleep. He enjoys holding you in his arms and watching the moment when you fall deep into slumber. Every so often he will find that he himself has dozed off and wonder why it would happen in the first place.
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
So you know how Samael gets the last heart in the first game and then he goes on boasting about being that unto a god and sucking marrow out of bones and all that unsaid jazz? Well, i’m currently in the process of writing a scene about him, inflicting such, although not that kind of hardcore,...tragedies...on my OCs.
So far the scene is more like a form of fun or torture because lets face it the demon lord ain’t no push over. I plan for there to be broken bones and limbs, one of them is push to the brink of death to where they just completely black out, there will be like severe to almost fatal wounds, and lastly, which is the one i’m not really sure is possible and is very experimental, is that he siphons or in a way cuts off the magic of a caster.
Anyway so what i’m basically asking is that does this seem plausible? Does this sound like this can happen? Is there any other way you view Samaels, uh..idk what to call it, like punishments? If anyone has any input it’d be much appreciated. It could be a yes or no, a few or a lot of words. I’m just stuck and would like another opinion. Obviously you don’t need to give one.
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
An Angelic Scribe, posing for a portrait: Draw me like one of your humans of french origin!
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
I’d imagine before that chart was set up, that there was rather a few violent ways (*coughs loudly* Fury) or some crazy non-violent ways (*more audible coughing* Strife) to fix their dilemma.
Imagine the Horsemen getting into a familial tiff and refusing to be near each other.
Unfortunately, they then start to argue over who gets custody of the human.
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
Day 27: The Three Amigos
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The originals lol
Prompt by @imagine-darksiders​
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
Drunk Strife
Strife:*drunk in three asses* Big bro. I have a problem.
Death:*heavy sigh* What is the problem?
Strife: When I close my eyes I didn’t see anything.
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
The moment it happened excitement overtook everything. You got up from the couch and went straight to the hallway cupboard. Going to the lower left side of the four door cupboard you open it and squat down to two medium cardboard boxes. You took one out, swiping a layer of dust off the top, and flung open the flaps. Inside were numerous puzzles accumulated from years ago. Same went for the other unopened box. The was a variety of puzzles that differed from design, shape, and number of pieces.
There was a moment of reminiscence for each puzzle you pulled out of the box, all enjoyable you can assure. The only unenjoyable thing was the fact that you couldn’t do all the puzzles for it would take ages all on your own, but you digress. Taking your time with the first box you chose two one-thousand-piece puzzles. Onto the next box you took out one seven-hundred-and-fifty-piece puzzle. Before taking them away to the living room, you remembered that there was another box in the cupboard. Opening the top right cupboard door you step back to find what you were looking for.
Just out of reach was a large box that contained your two thousand plus piece puzzles. Most of the time you wouldn’t even look in that box because you knew for sure that you only had time for one of those puzzles and that puzzle alone. However, you’ve been skipping out on those puzzles for two years straight, but not this year. You were determined to complete at least one of them. Seeing how the box was so close to the edge of the shelf you stand on your tippy toes and stretch your body as far as you can to try and swat at the corner of the heavy box. It took a while, but finally a corner of the box was protruding over the shelfs edge.
Relieved to make some progress you jumped as high as you could to grab the box’s corner. Inch by inch the box got closer to the edge. One more time you thought to yourself. Mid jump you then found out that someone was with you.
“Do you need any help with that?���, said a familiar raspy voice.
“Ahh!”, you yelped. On the fall back you managed to teeter the box to fall down with you. At the same time you fumbled on your landing.
Instinctively Death had caught you in one arm while balancing the box you were jumping for in the palm of his other hand. He looked down at you and said, “Careful”.
“Christ Death! A little warning next time?”
He laughed. “I’ll make sure to knock next time.” He got you up on your feet and lowered the box to you. “What’s in it?”
“I’ll show you.”, you said taking the box with a smile on your face and returning excitement. With a thud you placed the box on the table. Now taking several swipes the layer of dust was removed, and the flaps opened.
Death took out one of the smaller boxes inside the bigger one. “Puzzles?”
You nodded. “Yep. It’s raining. Which means its puzzle time!” When looking through this hodgepodge of puzzles you took your time.
“What does rain have to do with beginning a puzzle.”
While still deciding which puzzle to choose you told your reasoning. “When I was little I would do puzzles with my grandparents. Once its Autumn and that first rainfall happens they would break out their card table and open up a puzzle box. They did it every year and I would always try my best to help them,” You quietly laughed to yourself. “Even though it was a bit more challenging for me, seeing how it had so many pieces and my bad attention span when I was a kid. But they passed and then there were no more puzzles.”
“So out of fond memory you continue this tradition.”, Death said solemnly.
“Yeah.” For a moment you stopped your rummaging. Death had said or did nothing until he felt needed to. “Puzzles are fun, especially with others. Don’t you think?”
“I agree.” Taking two puzzles in his hands he looked to you and asked, “Which one?”
“Why not both?”, you asked with your returning smile Death silently adored.
“With these many pieces?”
“With your help I’m sure we’ll get them done.”
“Not too soon I hope.”
“Don’t worry.” You walk back to where you left the first few chosen puzzles. “There are more.”
“Determined aren’t we?”, Death smiled behind his mask.
“Maybe. Now,” You held up the two puzzles Death held earlier. “Basket of cute puppies or massive fighting dragons?”
Death pondered for a minute. “Puppies.” You stared at the puzzle and then at Death questioningly. “I’ve seen enough fighting and dragons in my lifetime. The basket of pups are a nice change of pace.”
“Sure.”, you giggled while opening the puzzle box and moving the curtains aside to view the harmonious rainfall.
Puzzles are my favorite pastime during the fall and winter season. Have six bad boys waiting and ready to be put together. Still buying more puzzles on top of that. Anyone else make the fall and winter season, basically, into puzzle season?
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
Death: Creator, give me patience.
Strife: Shuldn’t you say “ Creator, give me strength”?
Death: If Creator give me strenght you will be deat by now!
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
An excerpt from Darksiders The Abomination Vault (Chpt. 18, Pg. 214) that i absolutely adored after reading the chapter.
[Putting a keep reading tab just in case for those who haven’t read the book]
“Can you question any of them, brother?”
Death nodded slowly. “Not immediately. I need some time to gather my strength and to heal. Soon, though. In the interim, a bit of searching wouldn’t be wasted times, I think. We might just turn up some hint of where Hadrimon and Belisatra have gone. And by the way...” He’d raised his voice, clearly no longer addressing his brother. “... you can come out now.”
Dust plunged from the highest passageway to alight upon Harvester, feathers puffed proudly erect and head held high, as though he himself had repulsed the demon horde.
War chuckled softly. “Don’t encourage him,” Death demanded.
My own words
Seeing Dust in such manner was great to see. Not to mention War and Deaths reactions to the prideful feather puffed, head held high crow. All the scenes where Death is communicating with Dust fantastic to read about. Oh, and in chapter 12, page 152, what an appropriate way to say, “Hey fuck with the bird, then i fuck with you.” For me that shows that Death cares, even though he’d deny it anytime the topic is brought up.
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
Why is it the more i look at this the more it makes sense and is slowly beginning to become fact?
Demon Fleas are just Hell’s version of Furbies, aren’t they?
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ladybell9095 · 3 years
I'm thinking seriously about writing some Darksiders fanfic. They've been among my many comfort characters for awhile. Anyone interested in reading some one-shots, maybe?
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