ladyljd · 6 years
This is the only decent clip I managed to take of Peter’s panel today at ReGeneration Who. Here is Peter taking the stage. Enjoy!
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ladyljd · 6 years
These pictures are amazing!  And so sad at the same time.  I’m still in denial about Peter leaving Doctor Who so I need images like these to keep me sane.  
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Peter Capaldi photographed by Ray Burmiston for RadioTimes (Dec. 2017) | (x)
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ladyljd · 6 years
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the Capaldi era
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ladyljd · 6 years
Thanks for posting these links. I really wish he’d done one this year as well.
Oh how I hate this regeneration!
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From 2014 to 2016, here’s Peter Capaldi wishing everyone good cheer and fortune throughout each holiday season as himself and the Doctor.
A Thanksgiving Message From Peter Capaldi - Doctor Who Christmas Special December 25th on BBC America (November 27, 2014)
PETER CAPALDI Saying Merry Christmas Earth To The Camera (December 22, 2014)
Merry Christmas from Doctor Who - BBC (December 22, 2015)
Merry Christmas to all @BBCSeeHear from our friends across the BBC! (December 7, 2016)
Merry Christmas! - Doctor Who (December 24, 2016)
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ladyljd · 7 years
Not Enough Twelve on my Dash..Part 2..Sexy While Sitting
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Oh my Dash is looking better but it is still not enough….More in another five.
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ladyljd · 7 years
I love all versions of 12′s hair.  Although, the wilder it is the more I love it!
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twelve days of twelve – day six: twelve’s hair “My hair is a nightmare. My hair is visible from space.  It does what it wants…I just let it go, really.” - Peter Capaldi
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ladyljd · 7 years
Yet another brilliant piece of writing and acting criminally overlooked during the Capaldi/Moffat era.  
I’m not looking forward to how the 13th Doctor will be showered with praise just for being.
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12 Days of 12 Day 7: Favorite Scene How to be kind.
I’m going to be dead in a few hours, so before I go, let’s have this out, you and me, once and for all. Winning? Is that what you think it’s about? I’m not trying to win. I’m not doing this because I want to beat someone, or because I hate someone, or because, because I want to blame someone. It’s not because it’s fun and God knows it’s not because it’s easy. It’s not even because it works, because it hardly ever does. I do what I do, because it’s right! Because it’s decent! And above all, it’s kind. It’s just that. Just kind. If I run away today, good people will die. If I stand and fight, some of them might live. Maybe not many, maybe not for long. Hey, you know, maybe there’s no point in any of this at all, but it’s the best I can do, so I’m going to do it. And I will stand here doing it till it kills me. You’re going to die too, some day. How will that be? Have you thought about it? What would you die for? Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand, is where I fall. Stand with me. These people are terrified. Maybe we can help, a little. Why not, just at the end, just be kind?
Since, in this era, the Doctor is a promise, a name chosen and a mantle taken up, some of the best moments have been when the Doctor tells us, the audience, how to be Doctors. We know not to be cruel or cowardly, but here he teaches us what to do. He teaches us how to be kind. 
Kindness is underrated in a world full of sarcasm and indifference. Kindness is selflessness. Kindness is doing the right thing, merely because it’s right. Kindness is tough to pull off, and frequently there’s no reward for it. But kindness is what you have to do to be the Doctor. 
I want to live by these words, but it’s hard. But that’s the beauty of it: I don’t have to just look up to the Doctor. With these words in my mind and my heart, I can be a Doctor. 
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ladyljd · 7 years
*whispers* you know you wanna retweet this...
More retweets can’t hurt, right? C'monnnn, Titan!! C'monnnnnn. https://twitter.com/fronkensteen/status/892762922115641344
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ladyljd · 7 years
Beautiful!  Peter’s hair must be admired from every angle.  So should the entirely amazing man! 
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The Peter Capaldi Adoration Series:
The hair.
Pictures edition.
“I hide behind the sofa because of my acting. I am terrified of my acting and my hair.”
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ladyljd · 7 years
Wow.  This is spectacular work.  Bravo!
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I like this scene in “The Doctor falls”, so I drew it. It took me about 14 hours.
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ladyljd · 7 years
Hi there.  Thanks for the thoughtful discussion on series 10.  I wanted to reply because I’ve noticed this series has been particularly tough for Clara fans.  It’s a trend across many of my favorite fandom sites and your post has triggered some thoughts for me.  
While I really liked Clara, it was the 12th Doctor that intrigued me enough to start watching Doctor Who and taking it seriously.  He is the character I like most of all no matter how much I enjoy the companions.  Perhaps that’s why is have a much different view of things in s10 than many of my online friends.  
Starting with Bill, I don’t see her as having any less of a backstory than Clara did in her first series with 11.   And I really enjoy how 12 was interested enough to pick her out of a crowd of students with the intent of bettering her education.  I absolutely love the platonic teacher/student vibe between then.  Even though I liked Clara, I didn’t like the uneven relationship between she and the Doctor.  From the second 12 became aware and saw Clara’s face, he knew she was rejecting him.  12 always loved Clara far more than she ever did him and that always rankled with me - as did her decision to stay with him only after his younger, cuter self asked her to.  But I digress...  Bill is refreshing for me because 12 found her interesting and Bill eventually found him interesting (and eventually amazing) too.  I can relate to that.
And I felt there was much unseen in the 12/Bill relationship development - perhaps too much.  But it’s obvious they spent quite a bit of time getting to know each other before the arrival of Heather and the sentient puddle.  By the time she finally sees the TARDIS, 12 had already gone out of his way to make her happy by taking pictures of her mother.  That made me like Bill even more and y affection only grew through Smile, Thin Ice and Knock Knock.  Then Oxygen was an amazingly original story of Capitalism running amuck yet still managing to show how 12 was willing to risk all to keep his student safe.  Yes, he’s still putting her in danger too but that’s just what the Doctor is all about.  :o)
For me, this is where the series really takes off (and crashes a bit).  I absolutely LOVED Extremis.  Seeing Steven Moffat display his cleverness has never bothered me and I found him particularly brilliant and hilarious (the Pope) here.  And I really loved the Pyramid story too.  The idea of a worldwide apocalypse starting accidentally was chilling and the ending dilemma compelling.  I disagreed with Bill’s choice but was impressed with her making the choice that was setup in Thin Ice when 12 told her he worked for her.  
I agree Lie of the Land was a disappointment.  Not for the ending but for 12′s horrible behavior toward Bill.  His fake support of the Monks went way too far when Bill was standing right in front of him expressing her support.  And the fake regeneration was pure crass marketing done for trailers only.  It was truly awful and took me completely out of the story.  I had no trouble with Bill shooting 12 under those circumstances because he’d really earned it by then.  And it further displayed her maturity and speed in making tough decisions. 
For Empress of Mars was even worse than Lie of the Land because nothing much happened to further the 12/Bill story.  They hardly did anything in the episode  Even worse, Gatiss inserted the new mystery of why the TARDIS suddenly decided to fly off on it’s own without any intention of ever explaining why or connecting it to the larger story.  That was kinda sad because it was a pretty good episode story otherwise - just a waste of the Doctor & Bill’s time.  And their barging in on NASA was kinda childish and annoying.
However, the next few episode were simply divine.  I loved Eaters of Light because it started with an intellectual debate over the 9th Roman Legion and finished in beautiful Scottish Lore about Crows.  Who saw that coming?!  And in between Bill displayed more of her survival instincts and learnings from the Doctor while he was delightfully back to series 8 levels of blunt and impatient.  I loved seeing my grumpy 12 return after that poor kid shattered the last of his patience. I really loved seeing his tough love conversations with Kar, too.  People have always mistaken his gruffness as being uncaring but this episode put the lie to that with his willingness to guard the portal thru his last regeneration.  Again Bill (& Nardole) were right in stopping him but I loved his attempt at noble self-sacrifice while in full series 8 mode.  
I won’t go on and on about how much I loved the finale episode except to say, I loved The Doctor Falls more than World Enough and Time.  Both are excellent but we get to see more of the Doctor in the last episode.  Again we see 12 push Bill to go on an adventure of his choosing and again it goes horribly wrong in a way he’s not able to fix.  He’s defeated by the sheer physics of the situation and is forced to face the consequences of his folly.  The fact that the final episode leaves him believing he’s failed on every front is just emotionally crushing for him.  He never gets to see Bill rescued by Heather Puddle or Missy’s attempt to stand with him.  For me, it increases the pathos to an unbearable point and reminds me of how awful I felt when Clara faced the raven.  And how angry I felt when she happily flew off with Lady Me who arranged the scenario in which she died and 12 was imprisoned for billions of years.  Admittedly, this greatly reduced my love for Clara.  I’ve rewatched Hell Bent several times but that moment angers me every. single. time.
Yet I still miss Clara very, very much.  I thought she and 12 were amazing together and hated the sudden development of them being toxic for the universe if they stayed together.  For me, they’re still the best Doctor/companion pairing in the show’s history.  And I’d be happy to see her return to see 12 thru his regeneration.
Anyway, I really enjoyed Bill’s ending for the most part and all of her travels with 12.  I don’t believe Pearl Mackie is the 2nd coming of Merryl Streep but I believe she’s a find actor and deserves to have a wonderful career in better and better roles.  
For me, the Clara fandom’s dislike of her comes down to an unwillingness to welcome another companion.  I believe this also explains the strange hatred of The Husbands of River Song.  That episode is a wonderfully funny romp with some truly heart tugging moments.  I’ve enjoyed watching it more than 6 or 7 times and it leaves me smiling every time.  But if you are so dedicated to Clara that no other companion will do, I can see where the episode I enjoy would bother you. 
And that’s just fine because I feel the same way about Peter Capaldi’s 12. Unless Chibbers does something interesting like cast a woman or a non-white male, I’m sure I won’t be watching Doctor Who any further after Christmas.  I will absolutely NOT appreciate easily predictable fan adoration of the inferior Tennant/Smith clone Chibbers will most likely be casting.  I will be just as stubborn and closed minded about ever watching that actor try to fill 12′s shoes.
In fact I’ll be the worst among us because you at least gave Bill a chance by watching her before judging her.  I won’t be extending the same courtesy.  
Sorry for my long rambling response.  I hope it made sense to you and you’re open to further discussion on this.  Peace.
Season 10 - the verdict
If you’re just reading this to pick a fight because your taste differs from mine, then I suggest you don’t read further. However, if you’re up for a civilized discussion and exchanged of opinions, then go ahead :) I’m certainly not one to critize just for the sake of complaining, but I’d like to express my views on the latest season that has let me down.
Keep reading
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ladyljd · 7 years
I'm a huge fan of Steven Moffat for his creativity & his courage. But most of all for his decision to cast Peter Capaldi. For that I can never thank him enough!
Reblog if you want to thank Steven Moffat for the wonderful years he gave us being the show runner of Doctor Who and if you're gonna miss him.
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ladyljd · 7 years
I love every frame of this.  12 is my bad-ass Doctor!  I’m going to miss him SO very much.
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Doctor Who - 10x12 - The Doctor Falls → “Telos! Sealed you into your ice tombs! Voga! Canary Wharf! Planet 14! Every single time, YOU LOSE! Even on the Moon!” ▬ The Doctor
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ladyljd · 7 years
The future former Doctor Who.
Peter introducing himself at the Christmas read through. (DWM)
(via ladylibra66)
(via millerdoc)
Oh my. I would have burst into tears at this. I guess it would have been rude to shout "no, Peter, don't go!" in a room that probably also contained the next Doctor, right? 😭
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ladyljd · 7 years
Trump is compulsive liar.  Period.
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Just for giggles … Trump … Promises…. Heh heh heh.
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ladyljd · 7 years
He's so very, very beautiful!
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ladyljd · 7 years
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Sitting in my Cardiff hotel over excited about seeing DWE & the TARDIS (!) tomorrow. It's all this guy's fault! 😀
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