You recently taught yourself morse code, but now you wish you hadn’t as the birds keep pecking at your window telling you that “it’s coming.”
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You're eyes are better
my favourite song
-Badflower, Only love
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jane austen really just repeatedly said “the sexiest thing a man can be is kind, selfless, attentive and honest about his feelings” and, as always, she was correct every single time
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When OCD kicks in...
A large piece of ice or a piece of metal. These are the best ways to smash the heads of people who infuriates me. Or just force them against the wall. Their heads get smashed and blood starts to flow down.
A voiceless atmosphere. Fairly lit and the air well conditioned. Fresh air, glass ceiling. A good book.
A white canvas . Alone . Lots of colours. No-one to interrupt. A beautiful painting.
Well organised kitchen. Alone. No-one to interrupt. Good food.
Why can't this universe just turn around and start anew. Sometimes I feel like I'm big enough to throw this planet into the sun. People sucks. Especially the family.
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The tin man
This world is a lie
It's a big fat lie
Don't live your life
On this massive lie
It's about me
I want you to know this
I am the tin man
Writting this to you
Straight from the Oz...
With my rustic hands and legs
I stand here
In this rain
Beneath the sun
Letting the snow to freeze my tin body.
They took my hands first
For taking everything
In the means of love
Then my legs...
For walking to love
Then they took my head
For thinking about love
All of these
They did by replacing
Them with tin
At last...
They took my heart away
Squeezed it
Drained it out of its red
Draining the very last bit of love
They took it for knowing love
For letting it light my heart
They didn't replace it
Nor did they cover it
They left a void in there
A void which can't be covered
Which can only fill with love
Without being able to move
Without being able to see
Or hear
Or talk
I stood there
Lived my rusty life
On hope.
Yes, hope
Do you remember her?
That final bit of light flew
From Pandora's box
Letting those dark and evil
Ninety nines flew past her
Pandora was so devastated
"what will I do?"
She panicked...
Then came that tiny light
As an answer to her question
It said: I am hope
For all those dark things you set free
I am the remedy
I am the answer
I am the light
I am hope
It is a beautiful thing
It lit the darkest of alleys
Don't let the dark ugly lie devour you
Let the hope light your way of life
From hereafter...
With love,
Tin man.
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