ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
Marco will end the series as a Batman-like character of the multiverse, with a lot people who are in love with him but it never works out as he is constantly trying to save people with little rewards to himself except for a kick butt cape. Hopefully his parents don't die.
We already have someone to play the Joker though.
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
Follow this blog instead for my DC lockscreens and ships and anything DC related :)
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Batman lockscreens! Hope you like like it :) Credits to bobhertley and Jckspacy on DeviantArt for the renders. Request if any of you want! :)
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
See what your followers think of you.
BLACK = I would date you. GREEN = I think you’re cute. BLUE = You are my tumblr crush. GREY = I wish you would notice me. PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog. TEAL = We have a lot in common. YELLOW = I don’t know you at all. ORANGE = I don’t like your blog. BROWN = I don’t like you. PINK = I think you are unattractive. RED = I hate you with a burning passion. WHITE = You scare me. RAINBOW = BED PLZ. SCARLET = You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something. MAROON = You taught me something new. CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar. PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh MAUVE = You are really talented BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better. CYAN = We have very little in common THISTLE = I only just started following you INDIGO = I’ve been following you for a long time FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold COPPER = Your blog content is trash (and I love it) VERMILION = You make me feel passionate HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname LAVENDER = You inspire me CORAL = You’re a meme UMBER = I want to know more about you FORGET-ME-NOT = You remind me of somebody RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you ARSENIC = I don’t know how to describe the way I feel about you WINE = You make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class SAFFRON = I love your ideas TIMBERWOLF = I trust you FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you PLUM = I’d like to chat with you TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic SAGE = You make me cry CRIMSON = We should collaborate on something! VIRIDIAN = I wanna hang out on your blog CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
Angela (can I call you that?) okay, hands down, you are one of the sweetest people I have known here. I teared up when I saw this because I was so touched that you'd think of me and include me in the 8 people💖 Thank you so much, you truly made my day!
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
Dear white women feminists who loved Wonder Woman–
Listen, I also loved Wonder Woman. But I also think that Diana would be the first to note that we are not free until we are all free. So if you posted a thousand times about how important WW was for little girls to see, then I hope you are also prepared to post a thousand times about how important the new Black Panther movie is for black kids- girls and boys- to see.
I saw Wonder Woman, and I teared up the first time she stormed the battlefield in her full regalia. But, as a black woman, I couldn’t not notice that the women who looked like me played supporting, and largely non-speaking, background parts. Black Panther is the chance for women who look like me to see ourselves as the heroes in our own story. To see ourselves as warriors, as epic royalty, as fully actualized superheroes. In a major studio blockbuster, no less. Never- not ever- has that happened before.
We are looking forward to your support.
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
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Angelica, Eliza, aaaaand Peggy!
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
Confess something you've thought about me on anon
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
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Batman and Robin.
“Don’t touch anything” “Imma touch whatever I want”
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
Hey, I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I think your blog looks really cute!
Omg, you really think so? That's so good to hear! I'm still pretty new to Tumblr and I'm still trying to figure out how to set themes and appearances, so I'm not that confident with how I made everything yet hahaha. Thank you so much for this compliment!!! Made me really happy :) 💖💖
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
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Zuko going into an angst coma because he made the right decision.
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
How to: Add links to your Tumblr description/sidebar
In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through adding links to your theme’s description that often displays in the header or sidebar.
Step one: Open the “edit theme” page
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1. Log into Tumblr and click on the ’human’ cog icon and Select your blog from the right-hand column.
2. Click the Edit appearance option.
3. Click Edit theme
Step two: changing your description
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I’ve highlighted the box where you can add your description.
To add to your description, simply type something in the box.
When you want to add links, copy and paste this into your box:
<a href="http://quickguide.tumblr.com/">Link to Quick Guide</a>
Replace “http://quickguide.tumblr.com/” with the website you want people to go to (make sure you include the http:// part, or the link won’t work), and replace “Link to Quick Guide” with words you want people to see.
For example, in my site description box, I’ve added two links to a Tumblr blog, and Instagram account:
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Now, when I open my Tumblr blog, you can see the links:
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Other tips
To make a line break (a “gap”) in your description, paste the following code in your description:
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
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[Robin v4 152]
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
All’s Fair in Love and Pillow Fights
Prompt: (I’m sorry, I’m just a huge nerd and couldn’t help myself!) So for a super fluffy prompt, I was thinking that the girls on the Young Justice team (Artemis, M'Gann, Zatana, and the reader) are just having a casual slumber party pillow fight, because they may be superheroes, but they are still teenage girls! Could possibly end with all of them passed out on the couch and them just leaning on each other and the guys are just like “Should we give them a blanket or…?” Thanks! by @pinkiepie125
“I am so tired right now.” Y/N moaned as she flopped face first onto one of the couches in the common room.
“It is only nine o’clock, how are you already tired?” Zatanna asked as she sat on the edge of the couch
“Sheer skill, I assure you.” Y/N joked as she rolled on to her back.
“I think I know what can solve that problem.” Artemis said as she grabbed one of the pillows.
“Don’t you dare.” Y/N cried out as she watched Artemis inch closer. Artemis smirked and hit Y/N on the stomach with the pillow.
Y/N sat up and grabbed another pillow. She and Artemis started hitting each other with the pillows.
Suddenly their pillows flew out of their hands. “M’Gann! We were having fun!” Y/N whined as she looked at the martian who had stolen their pillows. M’Gann just smiled and made the pillows fly at Artemis and Y/N.
They dodged them and grabbed couch cushions.
“Truce?” Y/N said as she held up her shield to fend off one of the levitating pillows.
“Truce.” Artemis said. They turned back to back and worked to keep from getting hit by the pillows.
“Hey Zee? You wanna jump in at any time?” Y/N called out as she and Artemis continued fighting.
“I’m actually having a lot of fun watching if it is all the same with you.” Zatanna answered. She was sitting on the counter in the kitchen watching all this play out in the living room.
M’Gann sent a pillow flying into the kitchen. Zatanna quickly said a spell that enchanted all three of M’Gann’s pillows.
In no time at all, Mg’Gann, Artemis, and Y/N were fighting off Zatanna’s pillows.
After about forty-five minutes of pillow war, they decided to end in a four-way draw.
“Well, now I am tired.”Artemis said as she collapsed on the couch. The other three muttered their agreements as they dropped on the same couch. In no time they were all out of it.
Fifteen minutes later, Nightwing and Conner walked in. They found the living room in a mess, like a hurricane had swept through, and all four girls asleep on one couch.
“So do we try and move them or do we put a blanket on them?” Conner whispered.
“From the looks of the room, I would say putting a blanket on them is our safest choice.” Dick replied with a slight laugh.
Conner went to grab a blanket, but Nightwing stood there and studied the sleeping faces. He pulled out his phone and took a couple pictures. He looked at them and smirked. “We’ll laugh about this someday.”
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
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The ‘Wonder Woman’ Cast Respond To Internet Trolls: “She isn’t even feminist.”
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ladystarwings-blog · 7 years
the purest part of my wonder woman experience was hearing all the women in the theater laughing when Diana said men were unnecessary for pleasure
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