ladyxestacado · 5 years
Is that who I think it is?
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Where did you just go? It’s like you disappear…
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ladyxestacado · 5 years
Art things u shouldn’t feel bad about:
-not getting your art right 100% in one shot
-making mistakes in a new medium (or even in a medium you have experience in)
-drawing self insert art
-drawing you oc’s with characters from a show
-drawing what you love
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
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Mun: Caring, wonderful and very awesome
Muse: Kind, cool and badass.
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
send me a 🌼 and I'll name three things I like about you
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Finding an RP partner who runs with your batshit crazy ideas is like finding the holy grail.
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Reblog if you are shipping trash and proud of it
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. )
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Aww thanks bud
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Send me a ✔ if you enjoy seeing my muse(s) on your dashboard.
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Reblog this if you want a short/long anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
what is ONE THING you like about the way i play my character?
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Reblog this is your muse has straight up actually died
Optional: they’ve returned from the dead
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Why Aren't We Roleplaying?
Send me a symbol to say why we aren’t making sweet threads together!
● - You seem so busy …
○ - I ship our characters but I’m a little embarrassed about it
□ - I don’t have any thread ideas
■ - I have some ideas, but I’m scared you won’t like them
▲ - I’m not sure how our muses would meet
▼ - I don’t know if you like my muse
▶- I think you don’t like me …
◀- Let’s do an AU!
◆ - I’m really shy so please don’t hurt me …
♧ - I’m like? So lazy? And haven’t like? Replied in like? Forever?
◇ - Other/idk just wanted to say hi
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Reblog this if your muse has family issues.
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Feel free to follow my other account. I also love crossovers too so don't be shy ^_^
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
Poor baby. But glad it only did that
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Tiger gets a bad baby tooth removed
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ladyxestacado · 6 years
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