lafayeggte · 5 years
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female awesome meme: [3/20 female dynamics] ➝ Molly & Amy
If you ever say anything like that about yourself again, I will fucking lay you out, okay? You are the strongest, coolest, smartest, most stunningly gorgeous creature this high school and this earth has ever seen. And Nick Howland would be so fucking lucky to be a footnote in your story.
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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That actually took a while. I had to put more and more nickels into his handset, until he got used to the weight. And then I just took them all out.
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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Depression is a very serious illness.
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lafayeggte · 5 years
Slap slap slap slap SLAP SLAP SLAPSLAPSLAP
the sound of my big fucking shoes hitting the pavement as i run at terminal velocity to give you a hug
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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lafayeggte · 5 years
*proposes with this*
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lafayeggte · 5 years
In 2019 we wear whatever we want whenever we want. There is No holding back. I’m talking about wearing that super fancy victorian maxi dress to the city, wearing those stripper heels to school, wearing those 15 cm platform demonia shoes even if it makes you super tall and you’re hanging out with short people so you’re scared you’ll feel like an awkward giant. I’m talking full camouflage to the supermarket if that’s your thing, wearing skirts that you love but your mom tells you “it’s way too short” I’m talking FULL CLOWN OUTFIT. (Including nose if you want!!!)
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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I hope this posts in order! @twink-on-the-brink​ @gracefulvaudeville​
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lafayeggte · 5 years
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This gif is good luck! By reblogging this post you will get good luck in exams, in life and good fortune!
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lafayeggte · 5 years
You have survived all of your hard days! That's a 100% record!
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lafayeggte · 5 years
I am just on top of the world right now … I just. I want everyone reading this who has or is going through dark times right now to know, it gets better. I know they say that and when you’re in a dark tunnel it’s impossible to see the light at the other end. I know what it’s like to be going through a dark tunnel and not knowing how far it stretches or when it will end but the thing about tunnels is that they’re just a way to get to the other side. Tunnels, like your dark moment right now always come to an end. Opportunities will come up for you, I promise. You will meet people who love and care for you, I promise, but the thing is, you have to be willing to take a chance and help yourself get out of that tunnel. 
What people don’t tell you, is that you also have to let yourself exit. You have to take risks and learn how to sometimes make the best out of things that go to shit. Because the light at the end of the tunnel is there, I really do promise things get better, but it doesn’t always happen on it’s own.
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lafayeggte · 5 years
be the person you wish someone else would be for you. get up early so you can go get your coffee from your favourite coffee shop on your way to work. pick yourself back up when you fall down. be soft and guide yourself out of the dark places you fall into within your mind. stop waiting for someone else to come into your life before you start living it. stop assuming that being single is a storm that you have to wait out until someone comes along to pull you out of it. get to know yourself. learn to enjoy spending time by yourself. be so in love with the life you have made for yourself, so that when someone does come along, you’ll have no doubts about whether you’re in love with them or in love with the idea of not being alone. because being alone won’t frighten you anymore. because you’ll know that being alone will be better than being with the wrong person. because you’ll have learned that being alone will help you choose the person who’s right for your heart. and after everything you’ve overcome, that’s what you deserve.
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