lahelasaveiro · 6 months
wait eddie finding someone with similar interests actually goes beyond buck's jealousy or anything else because he's finding someone who embraces these parts of him that that previously were framed around his trauma (or rather, he's finding someone to embrace these parts with, even if tommy isn't necessarily aware):
the army
like...this isn't just him getting a new friend. it's also him embracing all these things as hobbies rather than the depths of things he struggled with. (army, being shot out of the sky, street fighting, crashing his dad's truck/buying one with illegal money, etc)
anyway im gonna go cry about him
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lahelasaveiro · 6 months
I think I realized what bugged me with Buck's coming out story in 7x04.
It's that he's "rewarded" for "bad behavior".
Don't get me wrong I was probably one of the loudest advocates for Bi!Buck, and I'm deliriously happy we got that.
But the fact that 7x04 went almost exactly the same as 2x01, behavior wise, that bratty, how am I not the center of attention? I'll show you your place, (the respect your elders crap) was very disturbing for me.
Like, aside for the fact that Buck finds out that he likes to be railed by boys as well as doing girls, there's no real character development here.
He knew, intellectually, at first that he was jealous of the attention Tommy got from Eddie, which really, considering everything that predated that was completely understandable that Eddie will look for that friend to do stuff with that they both enjoy somewhere else.
At first, it was the "She sees me," and as we can comprehend from "welcome back to the world of the living Buck, you were missed." Means that Buck was absent from their lives while he handled his death in the form of a relationship with a death doula, that he immersed himself in, completely leaving Eddie to deal with his trauma and loss, of Buck's death, and the consequent heartbreak of Buck choosing Natalia, on his own.
And now Eddie finally has that new friend, who's so much like him, to hang out with, that is worlds different than Buck and suddenly wide awake Buck realizes he's "losing" his best friend.
And I'll be the devil advocate for a minute and ask the Theo (teen wolf) question, come on Buck was he really still your best friend?
Because Eddie and Tommy have been hanging out for almost two weeks? (Though pretty sure more, considering that they have the basketball get-together more often than not and Chimney was probably the one who introduced Tommy and Eddie) it reached a level where Christopher met and loved Tommy (because seriously dude's awesome) almost instantly, but Buck didn't know that until he babysat Christopher and the kid told him about it.
Which makes me ask, where was Buck all that time? Absent? Taking Eddie for granted in that he will always be there?
Eddie has kept his mouth shut through a lot, Buck's sprem donor adventure, the death doula, the she sees me line, through months of separation because Buck cut himself off from everything they were outside of work.
On the surface, they were fine. But Eddie loves Buck enough to welcome him with open arms to everything, Vegas (you know he would have been ecstatic if Buck could go with them), basketball, babysitting Christopher which is world's different than 3x05-3x09.
He even forgives Buck immediately for railroading him on the basketball court.
Not mentioning the whole posturing at the firehouse, I have yet to manage to watch the entire scene (or 2x01 posturing) without cringing and fast forwarding it.
When Tommy goes to see Buck, he's there to figure out what is happening and to apologize in his and Eddie's names because THEY didn't mean to exclude him?? (In the two weeks they were building a friendship? And it's not like Eddie didn't invite Buck to play basketball. It's that Buck didn't want to.)
And Buck, even though Maddie told him he was wrong in what he did, didn't go to see Eddie and apologize. He immediately assumes that Eddie wouldn't want to see him.
First off, that's crap, he made you his son legal guardian, and second, at this point, you're a grown ass adult, do the right thing and even if he's mad at you call to APOLOGIZE!
It's not hard, it's supposed to be the easiest thing in the world, you hurt someone you love, you apologize.
How did Gibson tell Maya in Station 19 after she hurt Carina (emotionally) "You'd be surprised how far an apology can get you".
Buck should have apologized.
Now that kiss was something else, Tommy was super sweet and Buck proved himself to be an adorable bossy bratty bottom, the railing will be epic.
BUT! That relationship will come at Eddie’s expanse. This time excluding Eddie.
So not only Buck was mad that he was excluded, he's the asshole who befriended his best friend's friend cause he wanted the attention (of whom? Will be debated for months around this fandom) And now he excludes Eddie from his life again and disconnects him from the new friend he made.
That is isolation. Because as experience taught any of us, when our best friend gets a boyfriend/girlfriend they are busy! Either dating them or doing them or both.
Trust me I have had enough breathy phone calls answered by my gay best friend to learn to text first, and it didn't matter how many time I told him to stop answering during sex.
My girl friends knew better, but they also didn't call back until after they broke up with whoever the dude of the month was.
So yeah, I am mad on Eddie’s behalf, because Buck has not only done to him what he hates being done to himself, but he also reverted in the behavior to Buck 1.0 in 2x01.
I wish the Tommy/Buck pairing will be sweet and fun and explore new avenues for Buck.
But I want to see some growth damn it! Being out as Bi is brave.
But it is not a character growth if the people around you get hurt so you can get your way.
A lot like the lawsuit story (which, by the way, I was on Buck’s side for that one) but this is different, this is 4 years later and so many things happened.
Eddie went to therapy, and he reacts differently to certain situations now, when 5 years ago, he would have lost his head.
Buck did therapy, but nothing was solved, he's still reacting the same way he did in S2 and I am over it.
So yay to Bi!Buck!
But I wish the writers didn't make so that the growth won't be as significant as it should have been with giving him the same patterns of crappy behavior he exhibited in 2x01.
And there is no, "you're badass under pressure brother" here to cultivate Buck’s praise kink, just a kiss from Eddie’s friend.
Eddie who is sitting injured at home, alone, again (no, Marisol doesn't count) and Buck hadn't even apologized to him, but he was rewarded for making googly eyes at the wrong guy, because it's perfectly normal to be this jealous over not getting the attention of someone you just met, over the attention of your best friend of 6 years.
I understand this may offend a lot of people, but I had to get it out of my system.
No offense is intended, I just call it the way I see it.
I feel like Bi!Buck deserved a better intro story than what it got in 7x04, that kiss shouldn't have been made bittersweet, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one seeing it.
Anyway, I'm hoping for some kind of resolution and at least a heartfelt apology from Buck to Eddie in the next episode, coz it doesn't look like Buck will go to Eddie to apologize.
He and Marisol will stumble onto them at the restaurant and then there will be the whole why didn't you tell me drama, and I love you anyway thing, and it will all be about Buck, again.
Which fair. But does not absolve him railroading Eddie physically to get God knows who's attention.
Even Tommy didn't think it was about him, he literally asks bewildered "My attention?" I love him even more for that by the way.
And Buck should tell the firefam on his own terms, not because he has to.
But we reach another point, where the boys talk about their relationships with their significant others, only when they are forced to, again. Which is not normal at all for any kind of best friends.
Anyway, if you managed this far, thank you❤️
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lahelasaveiro · 6 months
A thing i think a lot of people are missing in the sea of the "bucktommy is great stop hating just because of buddie" and "just be greatfull for bi buck!" (Which i don't necessarily disagree with) is that some people are a bit afraid of what that means for eddie as a character.
For a lot of people it was important for buck to get to be bi - regardless of buddie - because they see it as an important aspect of his character, which i totally agree with! but i think some people, like me, have the same idea about Eddie's character, so that's why seeing all of that happen with tommy makes us feel scared that we won't get to see Eddie have it too! For me it's less "ugh i hate tommy i want buddie canon" (although we all obviously want that), it's more about wanting to see eddie also get that much deserved realization/coming out arc!
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lahelasaveiro · 6 months
still thinking about ryan's "closer than ever", "I can only say that much", "something brand new for both of us", "giving the audience what they want", "the writers have taken note as well", "this goes beyond friendship and I love you to the core". he was so giddy and glowy all throughout those interviews? could've been his excitement for buck's bi arc (💕) but he was asked about buckandeddie, so... I have a feeling another thing must be coming that will completely knock us out
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lahelasaveiro · 6 months
I think my frustration rn comes from being a mono shipper. Once I have a ship, I'm pretty much devoted to that, like a kind of hyper-fixation. So it's really hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of just abandoning a ship the second some other bloke comes along.
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lahelasaveiro · 9 months
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lahelasaveiro · 10 months
Me @ my fellow Dutch people :
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lahelasaveiro · 10 months
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buck: overshares eddie: babe please stop
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lahelasaveiro · 11 months
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lahelasaveiro · 11 months
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head empty no thoughts only gorgeous palestinian thobes
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the details!!! the colors!! and all hand-embroidered!
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and the use of the patterns on jackets and blazers are just *chefs kiss* gorgeous, and the accessories,,, so small but made with so much love and care
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anyways, support palestinian-owned fashion businesses <3
Deerah, Falastini Brand, Dar Noora, Anat, Balady Stitch, and more and more and more
+ a bit of a crash course on the historical value of thobes for whoever is interested, here
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lahelasaveiro · 11 months
decolonizepalestine.com is an easy to navigate website run by two palestinians which breaks down common myths about palestine and provides a reading list organized by a wide variety of categories ranging from history and culture to media and censorship. it’s a good starting point to use if you want to learn more about the modern day situation in palestine and understand the truth behind myths that have been perpetuated about israel’s occupation of palestine.
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lahelasaveiro · 11 months
As always, the Irish speak nothing but facts.
How many more innocent civilians have to be killed by Israel before you condemn that for it?
That is a genocide.
That this is a crime on all accounts.
And deserves to be punished to the full extent off the law.
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lahelasaveiro · 11 months
Felt that it’s important to share videos like this too.
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lahelasaveiro · 11 months
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Palestinian lady collects gas bombs fired by Israeli army. She grows flowers in these bombs.
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lahelasaveiro · 11 months
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Hundreds of thousands of people came out today in London to March for a Free Palestine. Hundreds of thousands of people disagreeing with the current government stance on the war. Don’t let the media fool you, people in the UK stand with Palestine.
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lahelasaveiro · 11 months
There is still hope. Say it out loud. Palestine will be free. The Palestinian people will celebrate their culture and heritage with each other. We will love and be loved. Do not fall into the trap of despair.
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lahelasaveiro · 11 months
there’s absolutely nothing better than reading a 100k word fanfic, that is until you remember you have a body that is starving, thirsty and incredibly sleep deprived and hasn’t used the bathroom since the sun set 8 hours ago
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