laiaferdesign · 5 years
Global Local | Brand intro
This is a short animation I made to support the brand activation for Mr.Porky. This would be how the audience would be introduced to the brand prior to positioning the vending machines over the city. Introducing the packaging and branding for the brand to be recognised when they encounter the vending machine. I have also included beers as if they were sheering to suggest the location (izikayas) and introduce the idea of sharing as a brand value
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laiaferdesign · 5 years
Sound and Vision | Development (1)
This is my first attempt at an animation for Body Form, my aim was to produce something funny and visually shocking to some extent to normalise the idea of getting your period. Especially, being able to joke about it, I feel is a really good way to get over an awkward situation. My target audience will be just getting their periods and or in high school simultaneously so I wanted to make something that would be humorous to take the awkwardness away. I really like how it turned out, I am not too sure about the sound as I feel I need an upbeat song to match with the brand personality further as the cartoony sounds do not really agree with Body Form. 
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laiaferdesign · 5 years
Sound and Vision | Development
This is another development piece, I made it more dynamic and decided to add the song bleed on by deluxe as it went with the narrative and helped sell the message. The words at the end make reference to both the fruit and the audience as a woman. Telling them to feel powerful and sassy even on their periods, to not be embarrassed. I finished the statement with period which can have a double meaning (full stop and menstrual cycle). It fits in well with the language and. message as well and ends on a sassy note. 
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laiaferdesign · 5 years
Sound and Vision | Development 
I went back to my original video and tried out adding the music as it has. the same feel as ‘Viva la Vulva’ and fits in well with the brand. Although I do like the composition, I think it would work better as a post rather than a video. There is not enough depth or change.
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laiaferdesign · 5 years
Global Local | Vending machine
This would be displayed on the interactive screens in the vending machines. Encouraging people to get a free snack to share amongst them. 
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laiaferdesign · 5 years
Sound and Vision | Blood normal campaign.
Brave and honest. campaign about periods being normalise.  The idea that we. all bleed for some reason or another and just because we have periods we should not be embarrassed about it. Using real life. situations to make the audience feel identified and understand that periods are natural and should be normalised. One of the main focal points being that they use a red liquid for the pad rather than the conventional blue liquid. Why is it even abnormal to show blood when advertising periods? 
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laiaferdesign · 5 years
Sound and Vision | Animation Workshop
I was not happy with what I ended up creating in class, I decided to practice the techniques and came up with this little animation. I found the process simple but quite hard as you have to try to match the frames so that when it is all put together it makes sense. I want to explore this further as after looking at Body Form’s instagram I think this would be a really good idea for my outcome. It will be easy to create an animation for an instagram story and the visuals will agree with both their feed and my intended audience which is 14-16 year olds.
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laiaferdesign · 6 years
Sound and Vision | Viva La Vulva Campaign
In this campaign, Bodyform encourage women to get to know themselves and their vulva and be proud of it. Their aim being to enlighten everyone about the idea that every vulva is different. They do that through humour, having powerful women as well as objects acting as vaginas and moving as if they were singing along to the song. The song is called, Take Yo’ Praise  by Camille Yarbrough which has been slightly adapted to appear as if we are talking to our vulvas and being thankful for being women. There are so many scenarios and contexts which makes it hard for anyone to feel excluded as they cover all ages and have different aesthetics such as having fruit act as a vagina all the way to origami.
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