lailagreene · 3 years
message  ✉ logan & laila.
logan: It does, actually. Do you not get that from people?
laila: I definitely do. But then they get blocked.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & laila.
Liv: Oh, totally. Nothing changes my mind faster than a guy backtracking and telling me he never wanted to fuck me anyway. I could retire next week if I could invent a dating app that does social media background tracks on dudes before letting them join.
Laila: I'm sure. You're definitely onto something there. I could set you up with some people who I know that create apps, but, honestly, most men, and some women, wouldn't join if they knew the rules.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message ✉️ laila & khalil.
khalil: Nah, just humble.
khalil: Good choice. It's hard to think that shit comes from real meat.
khalil: I'm gonna need some receipts.
laila: Are you? Humble?
laila: Even when I glance in the direction of a butcher cutting up meat at the store, I still don't believe it's real meat.
laila: I don't have the time to look up receipts. But, they're there.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message  ✉ logan & laila.
logan: That's very true. There's a lot you can tell from a person's grammar and how quickly they go from asking you your favorite restaurant to wanting to know what you're wearing.
laila: Talk about forward. Does that happen to you often?
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lailagreene · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & laila.
Liv: Most of them totally aren't worth it. It's so much easier to block and never think about them again. Usually I'll tell them it's not going to work and then block so I don't need to deal with whatever dumb questions or excuses they have.
Laila: I definitely agree.
Laila: Getting the last word. Bold and smart.
Laila: Or, my favorite, that they were never interested in the first place. That always gets a chuckle from me. It's such a joke.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message ✉️ laila & khalil.
khalil: Oh, I already got plenty. I'm keeping count.
khalil: Damn, okay. Not bad. What kind of sandwiches?
khalil: Definitely just once.
laila: You have low standards if you think I've given you plenty already.
laila: Usually whatever I have in my apartment, but never any deli meat. It's not trustworthy.
laila: I will let you think that.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message  ✉ logan & laila.
logan: Is that why you downloaded this app?
laila: You could say that. People tend to show their true colors quicker through texts, believe or not.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & laila.
Liv: Direct is good too, but some men aren't even worth the see ya text.
Laila: Exactly. Sometimes texting them at all, fuels their ego.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message ✉️ laila & khalil.
khalil: Wow, you're just full of compliments tonight.
khalil: What do you normally have?
khalil: Okay, so that's a lie.
laila: Give it some time, I'm sure you'll get one.
laila: Most days I go for the traditional breakfast. Eggs, bacon or sausage, toast. Other days, I'm not in the breakfast mood at all and it being 2pm doesn't help, so I'll either order in or make a salad or sandwich. It depends.
laila: At least twice.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message  ✉ logan & laila.
logan: I have no doubts of that.
logan: Very true. Glad I could pass the test. I'm sure if I didn't, you'd be more than willing to put me in my place.
laila: Well, I do like a man who gets that vibe from me, instantly. I'm too old and too busy to play games.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message ✉️ laila & scarlett.
Scarlett: honestly, I don't know how business owners can deal with all of that. I don't think I'd be able to run my own, or at least now on my own and without the right people and before learning how to be more organized and handle the stress it comes with it. it's really impressive.
Laila: I have always been skilled at taking on multiple projects at once, so being a club owner came almost naturally. I'm at the point in my career where I couldn't imagine having a less demanding job.
Laila: And, thank you.
Laila: What is it you do?
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lailagreene · 4 years
nyilu 📲 lenny & laila.
LENNY: okay, sundance
LENNY: i'll check it out for sure
LAILA: Is that supposed to be an insult?
LAILA: You won't be disappointed.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message ✉️ laila & olivia.
Olivia: You can't go wrong with a malibu sunset or a daiquiri especially if that daiquiri is strawberry.
Laila: Malibu sunset.
Laila: I like that suggestion. Quite a lot, actually.
Laila: I haven't seen it in a bar or club in a while. And plus, it's gorgeous.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message ✉️ laila & scarlett.
Scarlett: thank you!
Scarlett: then nope, I haven't been there but I'll be there at some point, colorful drinks or not.
Scarlett: how does it feel to be the owner of a club? is it as stressing as I think it is?
Laila: I'm always happy to see new people walk through my doors. Once you're though, it's very rarely a one time thing.
Laila: Like any job, it's stressful at times but I've been at it for a couple of years now so it's not anything I can't deal with. As long as my service staff keep on promoting the expensive drinks, I can deal with everything else.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message ✉️ laila & britt.
britt: not me. pink brings out my eyes 😊
britt: did you end up finding something to add to your menu?
laila: Cute.
laila: Nothing exact yet, but I have a few ideas floating around. Most likely something bright.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message ✉️ laila & khalil.
khalil: Nope. Already used to it.
khalil: If you compare me to Kevin Hart, I'm out.
khalil: Damn, I hope you don't miss breakfast too.
khalil: It's never happened before ever.
laila: Good luck with that.
laila: I definitely wasn't going to. He's loud and obnoxious. I don't think you're either. Yet.
laila: I have breakfast, but it's just at 1pm or 2pm. It's not ideal but there's not much I can't do during the morning that I can do in the afternoon.
laila: It's happened twice with me. Maybe three times.
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lailagreene · 4 years
message  ✉ logan & laila.
logan: At least you're getting money out of them.
logan: That's not really for me to decide, is it? I like to think I'm not coming across that way, though.
laila: It does help me sleep at night, that I'm getting a nice wad of their money.
laila: It was a trick question, I'm afraid. But you passed. For now. One of them would go straight to the defense.
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