lainface-blog2 · 5 years
sex a human right? but it depends on what you mean by sex really
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Healthcare, fair trials and education are human rights we readily embrace
Unlike fresh air and food, we can actually go longer without water without school or experimentation, but of course nobody wants to give up on these things. These rights are not as important as peaceful protest, voting and a life without slavery.
Gender should be included in this list. This is just as important as the exercise of the right of selected religion or non-discrimination. It should be included on this list because, like religion, no one should be forced to participate, but no one should be denied access.
Of course, this assumption is highly controversial, as demonstrated by Scarlet Road in the new SBS documentary.
Think of sex as a human right, touch, happiness, orgasm as a human right, our concept of rights becomes blurred; when we need to start a conversation about arousal, happiness and satisfaction, our passion for human rights and defense defend Need to be cut more hot.
Gender may be good, it may even be wonderful, but survival is possible without it, desires do not meet needs, and the state of rights stipulated by social conventions is rarely granted to people with so many reservations.
Our culture is not a culture, and gender can be with anyone we want, as long as we want it, so treating sex as a human right is a difficult statement to make.
I don't plan to put sex in the same category as food or water, obviously nobody will be without it. But without property rights or privacy violations, people don't die, and we still think they are fundamental.
Instead, I would argue that for many people, quality life requires sexual contact, and in a civilized, compassionate society, public transportation or postal services for people with disabilities are essential, and access to sexual needs is considered to be related to Other rights are just as important. I would also argue that when I feel uncomfortable talking about a topic, there is never enough reason to postpone it.
Before advocating sex workers for the disabled, the elderly, loneliness, weirdness, and horny services, I realized that putting sex as a right raises some very obvious questions about consent and the provision of sex; issues that I would definitely reject , But still need to submit.
By treating gender as a human right, rape may be justified: for example, it can be said that a man is just defending his marriage rights; a woman is just exercising her orgasm right. Exercising these rights may open up Pandora's legal protection box: Suddenly the excitement suddenly sounded more like a legitimate tabloid laughter.
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lainface-blog2 · 5 years
Queer erotica
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"Jane Eyre Laidback" includes sexual scenes, although the novel is aimed primarily at a direct female audience. For strange people (homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and others of different sex and gender), visibility issues and sexual expression are an important aspect of this visibility.
Strange humor is the mechanism of survival and contempt. Combined with pornography, this is consistent with Brian McNair's definition of sexuality:
Sex-while it has been mainly in the exploration of fantasy, and in the rules of fantasy being broken, sinned, crossed borders, including those not only set by the patriarchal predatory baron, but also. .. through radical feminism.
With this, I want to end the work of an author published by Chuck Tingle himself. Tingle is the creator of gay erotic Brexit and Pokemon. Not surprisingly, he turned his hand and sense of humor to another contemporary and political event: the rise of President Donald Trump.
A mix of several genres, including the dinosaur erotic, its storyline is simple, the protagonist of the fake.
This is obviously ridiculous, but it is a pornographic literature that makes a leader who supports censorship fun, and many weird people live with uncertainty. Ironic eroticism, like laughter, is just a way of surviving this reality, as suggested by Amazon's review.
Tingle's story is unique in its own way and is a return to porn that has been censored in the past. It explores a terrain, fifty degrees, all its fame, and dare not venture into it.
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lainface-blog2 · 5 years
How being a gay man or lesbian impacts on your earning power
The study of different population groups in the labor market is mainly about the size of the wage gap between men and women and its causes.
However, the subject of anti-discrimination laws in many countries, including Australia, is another important characteristic of sexually oriented individuals.
Unlike many studies on the pay gap, few studies have attempted to estimate the extent of the difference between the Australian and the minority majority.
This partly reflects the lack of sufficient data sources for definitive minorities. To correct this shortcoming, Australia's most recent Household, Income and Labour Dynamics Survey (HILDA) is Australia's only large-scale group household survey, which recently includes sexual identity issues.
In particular, the 12th wave (conducted in 2012) included a question on independent components of the study, in which respondents were asked to indicate whether they considered themselves "heterosexual or heterosexual", "homosexual", "bisexual" Or, in addition, "Unsure / Don't know" and "Don't like to say" answer options are provided. Just over 15,000 people answered this question. Of these, approximately 1.4% were identified as homosexual or homosexual, and another 1.4% were identified as bisexual.
Armed with these answers, researchers can now begin to correlate sexual identity with other data collected in HILDA's survey of economic and social outcomes, such as labor market gains.
This is the subject of a recent collaborative study I conducted with Joseph Sabia, an associate professor of economics at San Diego State University. In particular, we studied the annual income of Australians between the ages of 18 and 64 (but after excluding full-time students) to quantify the systemic income differences of people of different genders, the source of any differences and the level of wages. The trajectory of the past decade has followed different paths depending on sexual orientation.
What did we find
First, according to a US study on this issue, Australian gay men earn far less than heterosexual men, while lesbians earn far more than heterosexual women. For gay men, the size of this "penalty" is about 20%, and when we consider personal and work characteristics, the difference is small. For lesbian women, their premiums are about 40%, but when we take into account the selected features, it drops to about 33%.
Second, the wage penalty for homosexuals is due to lower employment opportunities and lower hourly wages. On the other hand, the wage premium for lesbians is almost entirely due to the fact that they work longer hours; this is not because lesbians pay more per hour.
Third, gay men living with same-sex couples face the worst wage penalties. In fact, the annual income of a gay man is not lower than that of a similar heterosexual man.
Fourth, there is some evidence that the wage penalties faced by gay men are partly due to growing income differentials. In other words, wage increases are not as rapid for gay men, suggesting that they face greater barriers to promotion and career development than heterosexuals. Taken together, these findings support the claim that gay men continue to face discrimination in the Australian labour market. In contrast, lesbians do not seem to be the case. What explains this very different result?One explanation is that attitudes towards homosexuals, especially heterosexual men, are less favourable towards lesbians. And, of course, men are still more likely to hold positions than women, and they are responsible for deciding who to hire, fire, and promote.A second possible explanation is that, on average, lesbians are more likely to hide their sexual orientation than gays.
Finally, it must be noted that while lesbian women are not discriminated against in the labour market, they still face discrimination elsewhere in society. For example, other studies have consistently shown that the LGBT population is much more at risk for depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders, and the extent of this connection does not appear to be strongly gender-dependent.The findings of this article are based on a joint study with Joseph Sabia (San Diego State University), published in Sexual Identity, Income and Labour Market Dynamics: New Australian Longitudinal Data, Melbourne Institute Working Paper 8/15It in turn uses unit record data from the Australian Household, Income and Labour Dynamics Survey (HILDA), a project initiated and funded by the Australian State Department's Department of Social Services and run by the Melbourne Institute.
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lainface-blog2 · 5 years
Better lesbians, please, and screens to watch them on
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Back in 1992, while I was still in high school, I persuaded a friend to sneak attack on my R-rated movie "Instinct". "I have to admit that this action plan was not driven by the acting of Michael Douglas, but because the widely publicized lesbian scenes spread throughout the film.
It seems very unfortunate for me today that in a major movie of my high school era, one of the few non-heterosexual female characters was portrayed as a killer with an ice cone. Where are more realistic representations, including happy lesbians?
The 2015 Melbourne Queer Film Festival (MQFF) runs until March 30, providing a perfect opportunity to reflect on possible changes in the representation of lesbians in films since the 1990s, and more broadly Look at the role played by Queer Film Festival.
Australia is well received by these events. 2015 marks the 25th anniversary of MQFF, making it the oldest such event in Australia. Since the Gay Festival in 1978, Sydney has hosted the Queer Film Festival in one form or another.
Today, various shows are held in Sydney, under the banner of Queer Screen. The Brisbane Queer Film Festival 2015 entered its 16th year, and many other places in Australia host queer film festivals, including various places such as Bendigo, Hobart and Lismore.
Who's weird experience? The curators of Strange Film Festival assume the best film choices, reflecting what is a difficult task for a very diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, androgynous and queer (LGBTIQ) community. Here very important
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lainface-blog2 · 5 years
Lesbians – but what about lesbians for life?
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I recently found myself boarding a plane at a bookstore in Sydney's internal airport less than ten minutes ago. Looking frantically at what was read, my eyes immediately turned to a new science book, a shop in a prominent place at the entrance.
The cover of the book didn't catch my attention. Instead, it is the title of the book: Lesbian Year.
The book's exciting title by journalist Brooke Henfer led to the fact that the author has not stopped being advertised since his release. After I introduced the book at the airport for the first time, I heard discussions by the radio section and also encountered some newspaper commentary to explore its premise.
The back cover of "Lesbian Year" outlines the plot of the book as follows:
What happens when a young heterosexual woman wakes up one morning, a red hot hangover and a naked woman haunt her?
This is the heart of her book when Brook Hemphill decided to start a year of exclusive dating with women.
It is clear from the advertisement that Hemphill's book is not interested in revealing the broader social and political implications of lesbian or bisexuality. This is a shame because, as I wrote elsewhere, public attitudes towards homosexuality have changed significantly in Australia, and such publications will be timely in the past few decades.
The book also does not address the effects of homophobia, a process that is familiar to many people or the role of the gay community in modern society. It also does not take into account the existence of bisexual phobia, a prejudice that minimizes the experience of bisexuals.
Instead, Heimfell's book is a casually written autobiography telling her readers about dating history, including relationships with women. This book is a good example because it is a good example. It will be very It's easy to use this book as an exciting attempt to take advantage of the wider social fascination with lesbians. There is no doubt that such a hobby exists.
Lesbians must be the mainstay of the porn industry, and they are still not adequately represented in other media.
I suggest that publishers of Hemfield's book seek to capitalize on heterosexual curiosity about lesbians. The title is unfortunate because many young people acting as homosexual (or homosexual, bisexual, transgender or homosexual) are seen as their direction is a stage they are going through and not a meaningful and sustainable sexual activity form.
The title implies that the author's homosexuality is a passing illusion and certainly will not help challenge this prejudice.
The bright pink headline on the cover only highlights two elements Hemphill has recently provided readers. First, she explored lesbians. Second, it means temporary restrictions on the study, including "one year". The look on her back also clearly shows that the lesbian encounter that triggered her one year of lesbianism was under the influence of alcohol.
It can be said that under this heading, Hemphill proposed to the general reader a non-threatening and socially acceptable form of lesbianism. We understand that the author's story dating involves serious relationships with men, and that the text emphasizes her traditional appeal in a few points. The author eventually fell in love with the conclusion of a man in this book.
Headlines and ads have sparked major controversy on Twitter and other online forums as to whether the book is a legitimate exploration of the author's sexual and romantic experience, or an attempt to leverage her "travel" through lesbian culture
Twitter user Pearldragon 啾啾: "I like the idea of ​​dating a neat, organized person (ie. A woman), but I don't think homosexuals between a year gap will be fair to another person."
Neil Wei also criticized the book's premise via Twitter, saying, "I'm a proud gay man, and I don't agree with the opposite view. I don't know why heterosexual men or women.
Difficult to judge Hemphill's intentions
But the debate surrounding this book has at least two purposes. It provides insight into how the modern Australian public views homosexuality; it illustrates a shift in the wider sexual identity perspective.
I don't believe the Hemphill manuscript will be published in its existing format ten years ago. Back in 2004, when John Howard modified the marriage bill to prevent same-sex couples from getting married, it would have been difficult to imagine that the word "lesbian" in the title of a book was highlighted and casually displayed in an airport bookstore.
Currently, same-sex marriage has great public support, and TV shows such as "Orange and New Black," which are characterized by some lesbian relationships, seem to be popular with audiences of all sexual orientations.
Hemphill's book, though not sold as such, is instructive as it shows that many young Australians are beginning to think outside the "gay" and "straight" categories. "Although this seems to have escaped publishers who used the term" lesbian "extensively to promote the book, Hemphill herself pointed out the complexity of human sexuality, and her experience seems a bit symbolic.
I must admit that I am contradictory to this book. Perhaps the fact that a book with the word "lesbian" in its title was widely disseminated was positive. However, I am concerned that the book is popular because it presents a specific, unquestionable (actually narrow) lesbian idea.
Next time I am at the airport, I would love to see a book explaining what it looks like to be a lesbian life, not a year.
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