lainyyyy11 · 8 months
Lastly, I want to talk about some charities you can donate too. If you know this, you can help even more! First of all, don’t be afraid to call 911 in this type of situation. You can also call a child abuse hotline. There are also many charities you can donate to to benefit children all around the world. Remember, child abuse is very traumatic and hard to forget. It’s hard to experience and can be so difficult to get past. So please take that into account. No child deserves that, and even donating a little money to a charity can possibly help out a child in need. Thank you so much!
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lainyyyy11 · 8 months
I’m going to talk about how you personally can help out with the problem. A very effective method is to have a conversation with the child you suspect is in distress. Make sure they feel comfortable speaking to you about it and also make sure the conversation stays open and friendly. (Cleveland Clinic- Child Abuse) Let them know that it is okay to tell you, even if it may be scary.
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lainyyyy11 · 8 months
Ok, now that we have covered some signs, let’s talk about the types of abuse. Physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect are some of the main types. The are all scary and 10% not ok. That’s why we have to stand up for what’s right and work together to help out these poor children. Who’s with me?
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lainyyyy11 · 8 months
Now that you all know that I have been researching this problem, let me tell you more about how you can tell if a child may be a victim of this terrible behavior. As stated in the Child Welfare Information Gateway, the main signs of physical abuse include visible bruises, unexplained injuries, fear of parents, and bad mental health. These are definitely things that you can look out for. However, this is just one type of abuse. We will get into the types of abuse in the next post.
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lainyyyy11 · 8 months
There are some extremely unsafe and unsettling situations in our world, one of them being child abuse. I’ve spent the past 6 weeks or so drilling on this specific issue. The results are crazy. If you’d like to find out more, check out my page.
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