lairofmxnsters · 6 months
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Yeah, save yourself, you’ll burn in Hell
                          For what you’ve done but never die
                                           One day you’ll stand for something
Permanent starter call for my OC Oron, AKA Ironclad! Give this post a like or a reblog for me to check out your blog! Multimuse friendly OC friendly Mutual Only
Follows through @monster-or-man
Art Credit: Ironclad: Snailtrain, Oron: Sea_Rift
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
"Makes sense." Oron took a glance at the other. "Looks Japanese in design, pretty sleek, almost seamless plating with very little visible bolts on the hull." He commented before turning to fully face the captain.
"Ah, where are my manners. Commander Oron Eaton of the Australian Spec Ops group, Lost Boys." Well... Former commander...
He did give a formal nod before eyeing up the ship once more. "Is it military designed?"
"You sure got an eye for engineering. As a matter of fact, yes it's a top-grade military vessel. Got missile silos, laser turrets, the drill's not just for show either." Gordon explains to Oron, before hearing the man's introduction. So he's a military man as well. A commander no less. He was not as well-versed with the Australian military, so who was he to comment?
"Well, the honor's all mine then, meeting a fellow commander." he'd huff out, before he'd stand tall, at attention. "Captain Douglas Gordon. Formerly of the Earth Defense Force. Now? A relic of better times."
His posture did slump as he reminded himself of his heydays, before he'd reach into his coat to pull out a pack of Cuban cigars, chucking one into his mouth as he'd bite the end off it, spitting it out, and then putting it back in his mouth before offering the pack to Oron.
"Want one? It's prime Cuban, top quality. Afraid I don't got a cigar cutter with me."
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
A whistle escaped the glowing blue haired Australian as he inspected the Gotango. Orons eyes performed a scan while he put his hands on his hips.
"Hell of a ship ya got here! Top tier materials, Anti grav tech. Who the hell made it?" (MusesbyKai -> Captain Gordon)
What the- He had thought he had landed the Gotengo far away enough from any civilians picking it up, but... looking at this mountain of a man, he figured he was not an ordinary civilian. That just made him more tense. Could he be working for someone?
Still, he'd give a brief, gruff reply; "The Japanese. They're all about this sort of advanced tech." Gordon's hand reflexively wandered down to his waistband, where he had his katana sheathed, in the clever disguise of a walking cane.
"And who do I have the honor of speaking to, hm? You look quite interesting yourself."
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
[[DATA LOG: 2023-04-24]]
They really kept trying to go after me, didn't they? Even after all I did for them nearly two decades ago, I'm still seen as a criminal on the run. A forgotten soldier. A lost cause to our planet. When it was in fact I who saved this whole rock pebble of a planet all those years ago... well I ain't about to lie down and be forgotten.
Ozaki. If you somehow find this... heh, if you're even still out there, I want you to know. You're a good kid. Just keep doing what you do, and leave your old captain to his demons, alright?
I'll be fine. I've gathered myself a decent skeleton crew, but they work twice as hard as any regular soldier, all of 'em. I've got enough munitions to last me for a long while, thanks to the few remaining contacts I have within the E.D.F. This is gonna be a wild ride... but hey, I've been on a few dozens of 'em, right? And now with good ol' 'Tengo up and running again...
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Titans... Kaiju... whatever the hell you wanna call those monsters. If any of 'em try to mess with Earth, they'll find out that they don't know of the one thing they should know about Earth; and that is ME.
Captain Douglas Gordon. Signing off.
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
"Heh, oh sure ya have~" Titano chuffs playfully, teasing his friend a bit. He just could not help it, after all. Anguirus gave the best reactions after all! And he knew it was all in good sport, at the end of the day. The taller titan would then nod as Anguirus asked about having more juice prepared by the time he wakes up.
"Oh certainly! I'll whip up a batch for ya and store it in one of the nearby caves in the mountains here! Should be fresh and cold even when you wake up later!"
How great it felt to have another friendly monster visiting him again after so long! It was almost too good to be true! Titano was absolutely beside himself with glee, but he'd let Anguirus go for now. He needed time to sleep after all!
"There uh... should be a nice big ol' clearing in the middle of the woods further inland! Ya won't miss it! Have a nice ol' nap now, ya hear!"
Titanosaurus fell uncomfortably silent after the whole thing passed over, looking sheepish and meek as he felt like just shriveling up and vanishing. But thankfully, Anguirus knew just what was needed to comfort him, and as he felt the nuzzle against his side, he’d smile and let out a soft chuff of his own, reaching a hand down to pat along Anguirus’ head.
“H-Heh… y'really know how to make me feel better, you know that? I guess that’s why you’re my best pal and all that!” he chuckles softly and lets the Ankylo keep nuzzling him for a bit, before he heard the yawn.
“Oh! Heheh, someone still feeling a bit drowsy even after all those years napping, eh?” he’d tease Anguirus with a gentle smack of his tail against the other’s armored back, but he’d nod firmly. “Sure, knock yourself out! And if you need anything, just call for me! Alright?”
     Some part of Anguirus’ heart swelled with pride as he was told that, and the Ankylo had to put a stopper on it before he actually ended up puffing his chest out. He was happy to be Titanos best friend, just as he was with Goji- after all, he had been around when he heard that the poor guy had been brainwashed and used as nothing more then a mindless beast, and he’d be damned if he didn’t try to help out. To think that they’d have grown so close… Well, it made Anguirus happy.
     Of course that thought was derailed again as he felt another yawn escape him, and he’d give a sluggish nod only to jump slightly at the thunk of the bigger monsters tail against his shell.
“Hey, I’ve gone through a lot today, I’ll have y’know!” He’d try to protest, stifling another show of tiredness as he’d shake his head and gave a faux chuff, “…I’ll keep that in mind, Titano. I’ll see ya in a bit, just lemme get a bit more rest. Think ya can have some more of that amazing juice ya made up by then?”
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
The titanic monster just chuffs out a soft chuckle as Shale awkwardly realizes what he meant, before he'd notice her grow a bit more nervous and anxious. He could feel the dread in her words and the concern of losing herself to the transformation. But to that, he'd merely lower himself until he was almost laying flat against the ground, his head being at level with Shale, as he'd look right at her.
"Shale. I wish for you to take a real... good... look at me. Recall all the battles I've been through. All the injuries I've taken. I do not mean to offend when I say this, understand that, but I do believe that nothing you could do to me would compare to the likes of it. But that is a positive thing. It means that we can train and spar without you ever having TO worry about that risk."
He spoke truthfully. Godzilla had been through a lot of physical punishment in his life, from other titans fighting him and injuring him, to high-caliber modern weapons being fired en masse at him. And he was still here, and alive. What worries Shale had about losing control was non-concerning for the King.
"Besides, if you would try and divert your attention to your troopers, I will hold you back with ease. It's the reason why I made this arena as large as I could. To keep you focused on me. But, if you have troubles bringing it out... well, outside of getting shot at, what do you think could bring it out?"
He thought on it himself for a bit, before he seemed to have an idea.
"... Shale. Tell me... what is your biggest fear?"
“Ah, right.” An awkward smile crossed Gloria’s face at the Titan King’s clarification. That did make more sense in hindsight. Perhaps her apprehension had also made her temporarily deaf to his true request. The claws of her feet flexed to gently dig at the freshly tilled and churned earth.
“Heh, I.. must confess I don’t really know how to trigger my Titan state. Short of what happened last time when I suppressed the shift. And that required being shot.” Not an ideal method to rely on. “I uh.. also worry about injuring anyone. If my Titan state is anything like Bruce’s, I will be functioning more on instinct and hunger than on cognition.” A flowery way of staying she feared not having control and losing herself.
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
Godzilla chuffs softly as he had just about finished up clearing their 'training space' as he'd look it over a few times; a large, leveled and cleared area of woods just for the two of them, as he figured she'd be more than enough to fill out this fighting spot. Just then, he would hear her voice call out, and he turned to greet her... only to not find anything.
"Hrrff?" he'd churr out in confusion, before he'd turn his gaze downward and look at Shale, in her hybrid form, as he gave out a bit of a nervous chuff/chuckle, as he'd look down at her. "Shale, while I appreciate the enthusiasm you give off... this is not exactly what I meant."
"I apologize if I was unclear. But no, this is not about your hybrid state. We both know that there's far more power hiding under that hide of yours, Shale. And that power is something that could cause trouble, if not harnessed and trained properly. I want you to unleash your FULL Titan form."
“Understood, Sir.” The formal moniker came out without notice from her both during and after it was said. Gloria turned away and jumped immediately into getting base camp set up and organized. For such a small team that was visiting, the process was efficient and smooth. Everything was in place and running with three roomy tents, a space meals, an area for research and mechanical work, and a perch for guarding and taking atmospheric measurements. MECH was nothing if not thorough.
With the last camp check cleared, Gloria turned her focus to the point of the trek. Nervousness twisted in her stomach as she worried for her people and for any potential damage she might cause. Harm was the last thing she wished to bring.. but that was point of all this. Make peace with, and learn to control, a state she was not at all familiar with.
Shifting into her hybrid state, she began a run to the site where she could hear Godzilla making preparations. The trek felt short, but well needed. Free running in a jungle terrain was just as liberating a feeling as it was in the desert. Albeit more humid. When she arrived at the arena-like site, she was puffing quietly and her ponytail slightly sticky from the sweat on the back of her neck.
“I’m here!”
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
Godzilla gives an amused chuff and nods deeply, realizing that despite all the tension he could sense from that snout-nudge, she was more than prepared for this. Which was good. Preparation is key in everything.
"Good, good. I will allow you and your men to set up camp then. The moment you are, though... may I request that you transform? It'll be a good indicator for me that you are indeed ready, and I do not like to dawdle for too long."
With that, he'd lumber off slightly to the side, starting to make his own preparations as he managed to find a big clearing in the jungle-like vegetation that surrounded Monster Island's inland parts, as he began to dig and claw his way at the ground ,scraping out trees and pushing loose dirt aside with claws and snout alike, preparing a make-shift 'arena' of sorts.
Whilst the vessel was making its passes, Godzilla would be approaching slowly but surely, his heavy footsteps shaking the ground as he went on to meet Shale and whichever people she had with her. A small group of people, but they were of no concern for now. Now, he had his attention fully on Shale, as he’d chuff softly when he’d finally spot her, slowly lowering his head down towards her, and ever-so-delicately bumping his snout against her forehead.
“Little Titan.” he greets her with a deep, rumbling ‘purr’ noise. “Welcome to Monster Island, Shale. This is my domain, and it is here that I shall do my best to teach you to be a proper Titan. Are you prepared to embrace that other side of you?”
While the Titan King took his final approaching steps, Gloria gestured for her comrades to get started on unloading and setting up camp. She then turned to step forward for a proper greeting. 
Despite the knowledge she was in a generally safe place, some instincts were hard to ignore. Such as the stiffening that came with watching something truly gigantic looming in to make contact. The Captain reminded herself that if Silas could hold his ground and confidence around the Titans, then surely she could do. Godzilla was a friend and mentor after all. As they made contact, she tipped her head forward in a respectful nod and offered him a smile. 
Are you prepared to embrace that other side of you?
That was question of the hour. One that sparked both dread and determination in her. “I will do everything in my power to follow your training.” Gloria answered, “Can we have a moment to set up camp? Then I’ll be ready to begin.”
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
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"Hrrfh. Don't know if I am 'adorable' per say... but Mosura seems to enjoy calling me that. So I guess this confirms it." There is but a tiny bit of bashfulness on Godzilla's voice.
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"HEEEEEEELL YEA'~! Tha's what's up fellas! I'm such an adorable bastard!"
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
Whilst the vessel was making its passes, Godzilla would be approaching slowly but surely, his heavy footsteps shaking the ground as he went on to meet Shale and whichever people she had with her. A small group of people, but they were of no concern for now. Now, he had his attention fully on Shale, as he'd chuff softly when he'd finally spot her, slowly lowering his head down towards her, and ever-so-delicately bumping his snout against her forehead.
"Little Titan." he greets her with a deep, rumbling 'purr' noise. "Welcome to Monster Island, Shale. This is my domain, and it is here that I shall do my best to teach you to be a proper Titan. Are you prepared to embrace that other side of you?"
The flare could be seen by miles away, and for a good reason too. It was intended for a very large ally to be seen, and it was indeed. Godzilla would crane his head upward to spot the flare as it bloomed out, and he’d let out a small chuff of satisfaction, seeing that Silas had indeed taken up on his offer to let Shale get the training she needed.
He arose from his resting spot, soon being visible for the vehicle on approach as he’d tower over Monster Island, letting out a loud, yet soft “SKREEEENK!” as he acknowledged the vehicle’s presence, before he’d march his way towards the location where it’d make for landing.
It wasn’t long before the vessel was making several passes over the beaches, searching for the best landing zone. A space on an elevated megalith that jutted out over the beach. It was plenty wide and flat, safe from high tide, and gave a great view of the immediate space. Sand still churned and stirred up during its landing, though.
Once the engines began their thrum down into a powerless state, the cargo hatch opened with a hydraulic hiss. Gloria was there, along with three other operatives that she was chatting with. Two more, the pilots, eventually joined them before stepping out onto the formation and into the view of any onlookers. Immediately most of them squinted and moved to throw on either their goggles or sunglasses. Gloria herself went for the goggles she almost always had perched atop her head.
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
Titanosaurus fell uncomfortably silent after the whole thing passed over, looking sheepish and meek as he felt like just shriveling up and vanishing. But thankfully, Anguirus knew just what was needed to comfort him, and as he felt the nuzzle against his side, he'd smile and let out a soft chuff of his own, reaching a hand down to pat along Anguirus' head.
"H-Heh... y'really know how to make me feel better, you know that? I guess that's why you're my best pal and all that!" he chuckles softly and lets the Ankylo keep nuzzling him for a bit, before he heard the yawn.
"Oh! Heheh, someone still feeling a bit drowsy even after all those years napping, eh?" he'd tease Anguirus with a gentle smack of his tail against the other's armored back, but he'd nod firmly. "Sure, knock yourself out! And if you need anything, just call for me! Alright?"
“… O-Oh, right, ahahaha… probably oughta realize you’ve actually been asleep all this time! Sorry, my bad Angi!” Titanosaurus apologizes sheepishly, rubbing his neck a bit with his cheeks gaining an ever-so gentle rose tint of embarrassment. “But, I mean… ‘least she’s being helpful now, and Goji’s actually more or less considered her his half-sister, sorta! So! That’s good! Right?!”
But, about that metal doppelganger… “Well I’ll be, I didn’t hear of that! They got around to makin’ a robot or something?! That’s insane!” the last bit was spoken with a bit of genuine fear, and if Anguirus was still able to read the other kaiju’s body language, he could tell that Titano was starting to grow REAL anxious now. The whole topic of humans making super-monsters left and right was getting to him.
“I-I don’t know if they’ve been makin’ more, I swear!” he blurts out, a bit more panicky than he would’ve liked. “I-I… I’m sorry, Angi, I shouldn’t have brought it up… I uh… I-I hope the drink was to your liking?! E-Ehe…”
     Anguirus fell silent, the Ankylosaurus uncharacteristically quiet as he pondered over everything that he had heard today. He considered warning Goji, but he figured that Gojira probably already knew all of this, and it was enough to get him to grumble to himself. He wasn’t sure at this point if he should be thankful for the fact he had slept so long, or if he should’ve been awake for all of it… Maybe he owed Gojira a bigger apology then he initially thought.
     However, his head perked up when he heard that apologetic and flustered tone enter Titanos voice. Already he shook his head, stumbling over his words a bit as he’d muster a reply, “N-No, it’s fine, Titano! I’m glad ya told me, just cause things have gotten a bit… Weird don’t mean nothin’ to me!”
     He felt a bit bad for making Titanosaurus feel bad, and Anguirus would stand himself up entirely before moving over and gently nuzzling into his friend in an attempt to try and reassure him.
“Let’s try to put this behind us, yeah? We both ain’t gotta worry about it, and I mean it ain’t like anything of the humans could come here, right?” He’d offer before feeling a bit of drowsiness hit him, and a yawn soon came from the Ankylo as he’d shake his head afterwards. “Ugh, man though… Long day, mind if I take five here, Titano?”
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
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The thrum of engines approaching Monster Island cut through the usual song of the sea and its waves. A vessel, large by human standards and painted in MECH’s colors, was on approach. It cruised smoothly through the air. One it was a short distance out, a green flare was sent up and blossomed out like a smoky tree. Inside the Hippogriff vessel was Shale and a skeleton crew of operatives cleared for such an outing. Weapons were kept to a minimum and supplies for a temporary base camp were aplenty inside. However long this would take, they were ready.
The flare could be seen by miles away, and for a good reason too. It was intended for a very large ally to be seen, and it was indeed. Godzilla would crane his head upward to spot the flare as it bloomed out, and he'd let out a small chuff of satisfaction, seeing that Silas had indeed taken up on his offer to let Shale get the training she needed.
He arose from his resting spot, soon being visible for the vehicle on approach as he'd tower over Monster Island, letting out a loud, yet soft "SKREEEENK!" as he acknowledged the vehicle's presence, before he'd march his way towards the location where it'd make for landing.
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
I like how yer.. claiming you'd do anything ye can to get back in good faith with Rodan, but you're so poorly mistaken. Poor guy is running out of time in their pathetic life and you haven't much of done anything to soften that realization or even attempted to help.. What King does that?
... What?
Rodan is... running out of time? He had not noticed anything too wrong with him lately, other than the wounds and obvious fear and anxiety from their recent awakening and multiple battles he's been in since then. That he could understand had taken a toll on him. But to be running short on his life-span... how? Had he really been alive for that long...?
Granted, he has been around for as long as Godzilla himself. So sure, he was up there in terms of age, but surely he was not about to kick the bucket just yet? It made the King worried. What was he supposed to do now? He still felt he wasn't in good talking graces with him since their last meeting, and starting a conversation with "So I know you're slowly dying..." is NOT a good idea either.
"... What do I do? I can't lose him... not now."
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
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Gigan doodles I did a month ago. I love this guy sm
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
Aaah, yes. That was fairly understandable, all things considered. But the King was not alone in this train of thinking. Hell, there had been multiple times recently where Rodan had believed he was done and over with, especially from Mothra's stinger... the wound had yet to heal, a large gouge in his chest still present, but he was covering it up for now.
"Hey, hey hey hey Gojira! Desacelerar, slow down for a bit. Walkin' back and forth like that will just drain more out of you. Just... sit or lie down for a bit, would you? For me?" he tried his best to soothe Gojira, or at least get him to be still. And once he did stop, he'd look up at the scar across Goji's chest.
"If they win..." he started, before he'd look up at Godzilla, his king... his closest friend and partner... with a fiery conviction burning within his eyes, beak grinning. "If they win, then they's got to deal with me! And Anguirus, and Mothra! And everyone else! We will fill the gap you leave, Gojira. It's a promise."
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This human language that Rodan is picking up from his native homeland is still very confusing to the king, he simply gives the fire demon a bit of a look before he releases a sigh.
“The humans have nearly killed me twice over the past couple of years.” Gojira started to move, pacing along the beach. Though it was easy to tell just how exhausted the king is with his struggle to even stay up. He has been awake for several days.
“It just has me thinking.” Stopping just in front of Rodan, Godzilla moved his hand up to touch one of the large scars that now rested against his chest. “What if they do win, what will happen? To the world, to the titans and the humans. If I fall, there will be no one here to withhold that crucial balance needed for this planet to function. The humans seem to want to try and plunge the world into a place that I fear it’ll go once I’m gone.”
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
Gigan kept being amazed by the signs of battle around them, before hearing the Alpha grunting loudly as he watched his stance slump a little. "Ey, Big G', y'holding up?" he asked cautiously, before he'd explain that he needed rest... and then was offered to follow him 'home'.
It's been a while since he heard that word. And it got him rather caught off-guard before he'd respond. "H-Home, huh? Heh... nev'r really 'ad one since Ghids came 'long and decided t'conquer my planet, heh..."
"B-But uh... s-sure, G! I'd love to come with'cha!"
Gigan seemed to be genuinely growing more and more happy by each passing minute, the more Goji spoke of his son and how he’d love to set up a meeting of the two. His grin just grew wider, and his visor blinked with excitement.
“Aw hell yea’, that’ll be awesome! Ah promise t'be on my best behavior, ‘G! I mean, I might look menacin’ as all hell, but I’m truly a real nice guy.”
Gigan would then look around themselves, a bit of an impressed whistle leaving him as he saw the destruction from Goji’s nuclear pulses.
“Geeeeez, tho! At leas’ Ghid’s wasn’ kiddin’ when he said y'were a real menace in terms o’ power! You really gave me a run fer my money!”
“You don’t have to convince me, I can tell.”
     Goji would reply a bit cheekily, a throaty chuckle escaping him as his eyes followed Gigans gaze, admitting to himself that he had been a bit more destructive then what he had intended on being… Thankfully his natural radiation would heal things before too much longer, but he noted that he had indeed grown stronger again.
“Well, I’ve earned the title of ‘Alpha’ for a reason. If I couldn’t stand up to Ghidorah, we wouldn’t have fought to begin with.” He’d admit before grunting, exhaustion starting to settle in from how he depleted his energy, “Hhmmh. I need to get back home and rest, though. If you wish to accompany me, I can show you to my home.”
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
"... O-Oh, right, ahahaha... probably oughta realize you've actually been asleep all this time! Sorry, my bad Angi!" Titanosaurus apologizes sheepishly, rubbing his neck a bit with his cheeks gaining an ever-so gentle rose tint of embarrassment. "But, I mean... 'least she's being helpful now, and Goji's actually more or less considered her his half-sister, sorta! So! That's good! Right?!"
But, about that metal doppelganger... "Well I'll be, I didn't hear of that! They got around to makin' a robot or something?! That's insane!" the last bit was spoken with a bit of genuine fear, and if Anguirus was still able to read the other kaiju's body language, he could tell that Titano was starting to grow REAL anxious now. The whole topic of humans making super-monsters left and right was getting to him.
"I-I don't know if they've been makin' more, I swear!" he blurts out, a bit more panicky than he would've liked. "I-I... I'm sorry, Angi, I shouldn't have brought it up... I uh... I-I hope the drink was to your liking?! E-Ehe..."
“Glad ya like it, buddy! Haven’t had a lot of other Titans try it out, so I’m glad this is to your likin’!”
Titano grins widely as Anguirus enjoys his drink, clapping his hands together a bit happily as his tail gently swishes behind him. Very gently, so he does not whip up any storms. He was a bit surprised that Anguirus has not heard of Biollante, but then again, he had been asleep for a LONG time!
“Oh yea’, so she’s a weird one, but she’s real nice too! See, she was originally human, according to Goji! Can you believe it?! But, when she died, her dad wanted to keep her alive by mixin’ her DNA with a rose, and some of Goji’s DNA. And, well… she became a giant plant-kaiju-thing! She was outta control until Goji fought her, but for now she’s just struck up a home in the Amazons, and she’s making the whole forest thrive!”
      Anguirus nodded his head, licking his chops to get what little of the drink remained off his lips. However, he was given pause at what Titano said, and the look he had said everything as the most incredulous tone entered his voice at what the other Kaiju had said.
“The humans’ve done what? You’re tellin’ me they’ve, in essence, created a plant-gojira-human hybrid AND a metal doppelganger?” He’d look away then, a slight tone of terror entering his voice then as he’d muse aloud, “Remind me to scrape up any spare clippings or spines I leave behind. I ain’t having them make some kinda Anguirus clone. No sir, not on my watch.”
     Already the thought put a fear into Anguirus’ heart that not even Ghidorah was able to provoke in him. The ingenuity of humans was something to both be admired, and to be absolutely terrified of.
“Next thing you’re gonna tell me is they made some kinda super organism of some sort.” A pause. “That was a joke. Please don’t tell me if they did, I’d think I’d have a stroke.”
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