lakefeperd · 6 years
Man I really don’t know how to use this website, I tried responding to @blazehedgehog ‘s post but there seems to be a character limit so, i’m doing this here. I feel like I have to respond to it, so I will, not only that but I feel like this could be helpful to someone out there that wants to know some of the thinking that went into Fark. First, about sections that you only hold forward for too long, well, you'll be surprised how many people have a problem with that so I decided to make sure the early levels are levels were the player has to get comfortable with it. If you think there's no way that this is possible, let me explain it, have you ever seen someone that isn't good with video games try to play a racing game? If you did so you might notice that they overcompensate their turning, as in, they will turn left too much, notice it, freak out and turn right really quickly eventually crashing into every wall. Something similar happens in fark but to an even bigger extent since you don’t have an acceleration button, or a boost button, you’re always holding the analog forward and there’s only so much tweaking I can do to compensate for it. That’s why the first stage has very small running paths with railings, so this isn’t much of a problem, even if people overcompensate they can still have a reasonable experience. The second one doesn’t have running sections like the first and is supposed to introduce people to a more open stage with no places to really fall to their deaths. Now the third is supposed to get people used to the running, it starts with bigger paths that require some control and hazard avoidance, albeit, easy ones and later moves on to a big path, this time, with no railings. Now when it comes to the combat, the game previously had forced combat sections but due to how free the movement system is, I found myself skipping all those sections during play testing, they just didn’t work for me. Due to that I decided to make the combat mostly optional but it does have its rewards, it’s just that, aside from the buff system, which give you more speed on the dash, double attack and defense plus collectables, most those aren’t on this demo, I won’t reveal what they are though, since they are still under development. Still, it’s important to consider that not everyone is here for the combat and i’m trying to do my best to balance platforming and combat trough the whole game, so, to me, it’s okay it feels more skewed toward the platforming in the early levels, I will likely add more combat in the late game. Another thing you might want to consider is that skipping enemies was also the same way the original Spark played like, it’s just that it was fairly easy to kill most, the game really only stopped you to fight enemies on rare occasions. Mini bosses were also easier to implement in a 2D game, since a couple of them didn’t require more then a couple of sprites, since a couple of them where big monsters. This time, I just don’t have as much resources and time to implement lots of mini bosses. I won’t talk much about the story tho, I rewrite the whole thing every time I get to doing anything cutscene related so it’s likely going to be very different in the final version. The same happened with the original game as well.
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lakefeperd · 7 years
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Version 1.1 is out! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw7vgPrOLeTHSGxEQWdUbGFYYWM/view?usp=sharing Made to fix an issue with crashes.
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lakefeperd · 7 years
It’s out folks!
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lakefeperd · 7 years
I just got this engine, and don't know what to do. I need help. This is my first game and first time making one, please help me use simple sonic worlds
Ask for help in here: https://discord.gg/VjGERvM
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lakefeperd · 7 years
Get it here: https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showtopic=37097
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lakefeperd · 7 years
I love the game, but i wanted to ask something. There's a way to play as Super Fark, (and a very satisfying way at that), but howcome we can't play as Super Spark? (By "play as", i mean in normal levels/ levels outside from where you first see them.)
You CAN, play as super spark in the way you describe it.Just beat the whole game bro.  ;)
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lakefeperd · 7 years
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Metal Sonic versus the Mecha Sonic Bros.
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lakefeperd · 7 years
Did you not get my other questions about the URL or something? Sorry
No Idea what you were talking about buddy and I don’t think I care.
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lakefeperd · 7 years
Hey dude sorry for the asks but I just deleted the blog with the canon name. It's there for you if you want it. I just know I'm probably too lazy to keep it up... Thank you for the wonderful game, anyhow! Best wishes
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lakefeperd · 7 years
We’re almost there!
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lakefeperd · 7 years
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lakefeperd · 8 years
New version is up! Links: http://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showtopic=36171
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lakefeperd · 8 years
How do I make tile card using a simple Sonic Worlds?
There are a lot of ways to do it. Back in the ATS days, my title card was a frame by frame animation.Also, make sure the object that has your card is on the highest layer and you uncheck the “follow the frame” box on the proprieties.
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lakefeperd · 8 years
HedgePhysics is a open source 3D Sonic engine made in Unity made by Me with some coding help from damizean.
You can download it here: Playable exe: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw7vgPrOLeTHbDkxQVgzQXlBd0k/view?usp=sharing Engine Source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw7vgPrOLeTHUzM3SWt1QzNmRUU/view?usp=sharing
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lakefeperd · 8 years
I am using your Simple Sonic Worlds engine and I must say It is the best out there, but I have problems with the water, while running to the left the water looks like it's cut off, how to fix?
No idea. Maybe try making the water thingy bigger, keep in mind the animation hot spot in the image editor, though, make sure it’s in the right place.
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lakefeperd · 8 years
Hey, Lake! You're a really talented guy. Sonic BTS/ATS are cool that it should me labeled as "sequels" of the classic games. Plus, Spark TEJ is just... WOW! Man, really... It feels so uplifting, freshy and fun! Definitely, it will become a sucess. Wait for it. As for the question, I've read a lot of things and got confused: btw, is Spark coming February 2017 or is it delayed a bit more? And there will be another demo? A hug and sucess, man!
February 2017is still the date. I think I'll be able to manage it.I know I've been inactive and not posting any updates but that’s cause I’m working on end-game stuff and I plan on leaving all of it a surprise.
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lakefeperd · 8 years
Thanks you for you answer, but I just want to know one thing, why you removed the parallax object ? I don't ask how to add it like previous version, no, I just want to know why ? Maybe it's better ? Or something like that
Multiple Reasons, that Object stops working at levels larger than 30k pixels and is fairly complicated to add and change for new users.Adding it back is not that hard, though.
Also, It is an extension, even if it comes with the software.
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