lala-world23 · 3 years
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This is Citrine 13FA and this is her most recent redesign! She’s one of my oldest characters so she’s gone through many different designs but this one has got to be my favorite! I might post her partner soon!
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lala-world23 · 3 years
I’ve survived. Maybe. I’m not quite sure yet, I’ll have to get back to you about that.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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lala-world23 · 4 years
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This is Mercury!! She was a adoptable my friend bought for me and I absolutely adore her!! I decided to play with thicker lines as well as coloring them and I think it turned out great!! Also! The words are a piece of lyrics from “Misery” by Maroon 5 because that’s what I was listening to when I was drawing!
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lala-world23 · 4 years
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I’ve been watching SMP Origins Mod and I’ve fallen in love with the mod itself!! I decided to make a Origin Sona so to speak and chose the Blazeborn Origin! I’m considering making a short story about her so that’ll be fun!
Here are some traits I came up with that I think will fit the Blazeborn category!
• They all have metal like patches on their skin that is hot to the touch (Mainly seen around their eyes, arms, and legs. Different variations are possible!)
• Blaze rods also float around them as well though not as fast as their full blooded brethren, more like lazily float around them.
• They are extremely hot blooded, especially around their patches of Blaze skin, so there is a likelihood of being burned by just touch.
• All Blazeborn’s can float! Though not very high like full blooded Blaze’s, but you will commonly see them floating a few inches off the ground.
• When angered to extreme measures they can literally set themselves on fire, though it takes a lot of rage and stress to do that.
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lala-world23 · 4 years
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I decided to show off some more of my ocs, these ones being Pokémon ocs of mine! They’re all type trainers with personality traits or a trait that doesn’t correspond well with their type! Their names are, in order from left to right, Hamako, Kaji, and Warren! Kaji has given me some difficulty on his outfit so the second drawing is sketchy version of his new outfit which I think suits him much more! I’ll talk about them in depth on a later date! (I also practiced blushing on them so that’s why they’re so blushy)
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lala-world23 · 4 years
This is so cool!!! I absolutely adore Vitiligo and I always want to draw characters with it!!! This will help me so much!!!
incomplete (and incoherent) list of tips for drawing vitiligo
- unless your character is pale the patches won’t be just a couple shades paler than their skin color. it’s the destruction of melanocytes, not an opacity filter. they won’t be pure white but they’ll be pretty close and just looking at photos of ppl (especially in different lighting) will help
- that said don’t be afraid to give pale characters vitiligo, it’s definitely not as noticeable at first glance but still cool
- pls... don’t draw patches pink.. it makes my skin hurt. unless ur character is sunburned just don’t
- vitiligo is, in MOST cases, symmetrical TO AN EXTENT. you obviously don’t have to follow this rule bc there’s real life exceptions, but most patches will have a patch/other half similar in size and shape on the other side
- idk if other people have this but the right side of my patches are bigger, which is why i say TO AN EXTENT
- patches can’t have freckles. i actually have a freckle that’s cut in half by the edge of a patch currently
- vitiligo can happen anywhere on the body but it’s most common around the eyes, mouth, hands and feet. also armpits but ppl don’t usually draw characters w visible armpits. that said not everybody has face patches most famous example i can think of is jon hamm
- patches can have smooth and/or splotchy edges, even on just one person. for example the bottom of my eye patches are v smooth but my forehead patches are all over the fucking place
- there’s a theory that trauma to the skin can trigger a new patch of vitiligo to form (which i’m prone to believe cause my forehead patch came in after i got a bad habit of popping pimples LMAO) so if ur character has a cool facial scar along w vitiligo u could give them a patch originating from the scar (or an acne patch like me.......)
- adding on to that the reason for this theory is bc it’s an autoimmune disease and while most ppl with vitiligo won’t have another one there IS a corrolation w other autoimmune diseases so like if u wanna maybe draw ur character also w a diabetic pump that would be kinda cool (they said diabetically)
- it also spreads with age, so if ur drawing a younger/older version of ur character keep in mind how it has changed over the course of their life. example mine started out small in the corners of my eyes and spread into what i call my superhero mask in the span of three years, for others that kind of progression could take way less time or way more time. it’s up to you to decide
- it can affect hair color as well so if patches go over the hairline of ur character feel free to give them cool white streaks
- draw more vitiligo in general it’s pretty and makes me like characters instantly
if this post actually gets any traction and u also have vitiligo feel free to add anything! every case is unique and i’ve only got my perspective and this is just my rambling thoughts
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lala-world23 · 4 years
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Next up is my Zora oc, Lume! She’s based on a Copper Shark! She’s my curious girl and i adore her!
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lala-world23 · 4 years
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I’ve decided to post some of my Botw Ocs! This is my Rito, Bazli! He’s a depressed boi but I love him! I hope you guys like him too!
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lala-world23 · 4 years
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Still love this Big Buff Cheeto Puff even after the show ended!!!
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lala-world23 · 6 years
I immediately squealed when I saw them, I can't stop smiling. I absolutely love them and I can't wait to spend time with them ^^ thank you so much 💙
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@arttoxic7 Here are your bitties~ I have to say, these guys are a joy. 
*Horror, just having recently lost a leg, relies on his best friend Original for mobility help. They became friends after bonding over their similar injuries.  They’re practically inseparable at this point.  
*Horror only really likes to talk to Original, but Original’s happy to communicate his needs to you. 
*Change Horror’s bandages twice a day for about a month until the magic has stopped seeping through. Then you can switch to once a day, until it’s mostly healed (a soft glow). (If it’s fully healed it should stop glowing all together.)
Read more about Horror Beni bitties here!
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