lambsden · 5 years
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Progress on the puppy redraw!
(References are used only for anatomy reference when drawing, we do not own these photographs)
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lambsden · 5 years
My dumbass keeps reading favor of, as flavor of... Flavor of Bast anyone?
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lambsden · 5 years
Oof. I'm not into clean breeding, I only have clean studs to get requests, but hearing that anyone essentially has a role just to point out which people to pick on is seriously fucked up. I don't care what the reason, you're literally painting targets on people's backs and humiliating them and you make that a literal feature of your clan chat? Fucking gross. Might as well just make them leave the clan. Instead you're putting them in the stockades and throwing tomatoes at them
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lambsden · 5 years
Putp Screencap
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Quote from Yams on their own server in the vent channel. Managed to nab this before they purged the channel during an argument.
One user left the server after this because they felt unwelcomed and uncomfortable. 
Not allowed to discuss sexuality is only the beginning.
Responding/adding to what the other anon said about what happened.
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lambsden · 5 years
Am I the only one who buys an heir and then finds a different one a week later but can’t get rid of the others? At this point I have 8 subs, 6 of which I bought to be my heir
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lambsden · 5 years
COPPA laws
So I am going to go on record with this; COPPA is a big deal and you that are under 16yrs old need to understand this.
See here in the US 13yrs of age is OK for certain sites like say, Facebook or twitter….even Youtube is fine. However; Lioden is stationed out of the UK and their laws are stricter with children and the internet. Many other countries are as well and tho is why 16 was the age chosen for Lioden.
Now I don’t care that there are 12yr olds on Lioden many are mature and ho under the radar and you can never tell they are that young. But those that admit to being under 16yrs old must be banned by law because if the admins do nothing and that child is harassed, sexually or otherwise, and that child’s parents can prove the ad mins knew the child was that young then they can get into legal troubles,and so to can the child, their parents really.
Parents and admins can both be fined; admins might even be ordered to shut the site down. In fact parents don’t even need to know their child is online, I’m 28yrs old I can report this site if I so wanted to for not following COPPA, not that I personally would because I don’t want that, but someone else could.
So while I don’t mind if you’re underage; don’t brag about it and act all high and mighty when someone that knows the law is telling you to get lost before you or someone like you causes issues for everyone on the site.
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lambsden · 5 years
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lambsden · 5 years
My favorite detail is the fur on his paws, over the paw pads. What an amazing attention to detail there. I want to try this myself but I just don't think I can do it yet.
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Hi guys!  We just wanted to let you know that we’ve heard your feedback about the puppy art and we will be adjusting appropriately.  For now, here’s another wolfo ❤️
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lambsden · 5 years
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Hello I made a Primal Smilus Scar doddle
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lambsden · 5 years
asiatic lion Blijdorp 094A0125 by safi kok
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lambsden · 5 years
Hyena Ratings
Spotted Hyena: The classique hyena. Definitely what we all think of when we hear “hyena”. Very good round ears and a really big and cute nose. Also, very powerful jaws that make it a very good eater. Has a very beautiful laugh that deserves to be heard. The perfect doggo imitator. 15/10
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Striped Hyena: Pointy ears that do a great job picking up sounds. Loves the night and enjoys hunting in the darkness and being home before sunrise. Loves to scream, and scream loudly. Owner of a set of two beautiful eyes. Also, a wonderful actor, able to fool other animals by playing dead. 13/10
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Brown Hyena: Beautiful, beautiful hair! Most likely has a very good hair care routine. The rarest hyena there is, so it deserves to be cherished. Very strong jaws, capable of breaking bones shortly after birth. Very scary to even larger predators, but they have a heard of gold. FANTASTIC snoot. 14/10
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Aardwolf: The SMALLEST of hyenas. Please be gentle! Really loves insects, especially termites. Has a long and sticky tongue used for eating termites, making it one of the world’s most profound bleppers. Has a cute fuzzy tail that should be considered one of the wonders of the world. Has tiny ears, tiny paws, and a tiny nose. Overall very dainty but also, very tough. 13/10
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lambsden · 5 years
Sometimes people realize after it's sent that they sent to the wrong stud, wanted to breed for something else, the marking was in the wrong slot. Shit happens, at least you didn't waste energy.
directly @ people who take off stud requests before a solid 5 minutes pass, fuck off!
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lambsden · 5 years
I don’t know what’s going on but NOBODY should be that obsessive over someone having a rare marking. Stop acting like you have to be the only one with that marking and go out your way to police or block others from getting it too. I don’t care if you want your special little lion to be the only one, if someone else has the marking then there’s nothing you can do.
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lambsden · 5 years
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tried doing my own take on the heavenly base just for kicks
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lambsden · 5 years
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lambsden · 5 years
when u realize you were only put in the plot to die
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lambsden · 5 years
i just realized you could randomize decors in the wardrobe & i’m having the time of my life
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