lammbe · 7 years
mengabu di perbatasan waktu bukan begitu maumu?
hilang di pelataran malam bukan begitu maumu?
aku hilang kau senang
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lammbe · 8 years
Sedia 2 kemungkinan. Satu di dekati, satu di dekati. Satu mengabai, satu menganggap. Satu ditinggal, satu ditangkap. Dua di dekati, satu dianggap.
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lammbe · 8 years
[13 Minutes] Music Series/Preview MV Belle Kemisara
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lammbe · 8 years
[Indo Sub] Trailer Love Songs Love Series part Belle-James
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lammbe · 8 years
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Judul: Fakir “Like” Karya: Adambinangun & Sarah Santosa
Maaf bukan kehabisan tema Bahasa dunia sampai pingsan koma Jejaring sosial mirip panggung drama
Diriku mengaku sekurang-kurangnya sebagai sosial Selebih-lebihnya anti sosial Tak ada ruang antara nyata dan dunia maya Mulai dari yang kenal sampai tak kenal Sama-sama mengalami gangguan mental
Jaman ini sudah edan Galau sedikit langsung posting Boleh saja asal jangan merendahkan Kalau tak mau dicap cari perhatian
Jangan seperti mereka yang selagi emosi Semua hujatan ditulis layak caci-maki Berharap banyak kasih jempol Menurutku tindakan mu malah kayak orang tolol.
Hei kakak minta likenya dong Kalau tidak katanya sombong Diri ini meronta akan popularitas semu. Sungguh malangnya diriku. Atau, mirisnya hidupmu.
Mengetik ini itu Membuat cerita, berharap banyak yang setuju Kau pikir semua manusia pola pikirnya sama sepertimu?! Percuma, bila handphonemu yang pintar tapi kau tetap dungu!
Haus akan pujian sebanyak-banyaknya Haus akan terkenal karena kebodohannya Najis! Hidupmu kurang seru ya? Pantas saja sampai segitunya!
Tak ada beda antara si fakir jempol Dan si iri hati yang menghina si fakir Kemunafikkan kalian sama-sama sejajar tolol! Dan hidupnya selalu penuh dengan mencibir.
Kurang-kurangilah sebelum kawanmu memblock Kurang-kurangilah goblok!
Seperti kematian sudah di depan mata, bila status sangat sedikit yang menyukai. Semakin menyedihkan melihat mereka, yang mengemis jempol kesana kesini.
Lelah bila ku perjelas diriku sendiri Lebih lelah lagi, melihat mereka yang berpura-pura tak butuh jempol tapi hanya berani simpan didalam hati!
AH MUNAFIK LO SAMPAH?! Berkata pada diri sendiri.
Singapore & Jakarta, 2016.
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lammbe · 8 years
New MV. 15 06 16
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lammbe · 8 years
[Eng Sub] Diary of Tootsies EP.10 Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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lammbe · 8 years
[Trailer] I See You
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lammbe · 9 years
Tapi pikirkanlah
Aku melepasmu Bukan karena aku egois Bukan karena aku tak suka Tapi pikirkanlah Jika aku tetap menahanmu Apa yang akan terjadi? Jika aku tetap bersamamu Apa kamu bisa meyakinkanku?
Aku hanya ingin semua menjadi baik lagi Baik seperti dulu Saat kita hanya saling menyapa, tertawa tanpa ada yang tersakiti
Aku takut jika aku tetap menahanmu Kau akan menganggapku sebagai apa? Mungkin iya sekarang kau anggap aku jahat Aku mengakui Tapi pikirkanlah
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lammbe · 9 years
Ingin kutampar kamu, biar kamu tau ada orang yang menunggu untuk kamu benci. [Setidaknya].
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lammbe · 9 years
Sampai Dimana Aku?
74 hari. 1756 jam lagi. Sampai disini. Sebelum hari dimana kita melepas dan menuangkan semua ingatan dalam sebuah kertas. Kertas yang akan menjadi tiket masuk untuk sebuah dunia baru, dunia yang di pintu masuknya akan ada kejadian yang sama. Baju putih celana hitam. Perkenalan. Senior. Junior. Tugas. Sudah terbayang bagaimana kita berkenalan, bagaimana kita saling tersenyum dan mengangguk ketika bertemu lagi. Tapi, dimana nanti dunia baruku berada?? Entahlah. Sampai dimana aku? Masih di 74 hari. 1756 jam lagi.
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lammbe · 9 years
Ohh Boss
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Link: SS1 | SS2 
1. They had spent around 7-8 months on writing this season screenplay since September 2014 (source) 3. They were even hesitated to make season 3. Then P’Yong concluded that they were gonna make this the final season, so they decided to make it. (source) 4. The reason why it was the final season was because the team has reached their saturation points with making it. They felt like they wanted to try doing something else already. And if there is Hormones 4, but this same team doesn’t do it, P’Yong then doesn’t know anyone else he should assign them to anymore. (source) 5. In case you didn’t noticed, if you switch the first and the last syllables of Pop’s and Kanompang’s surname, Chaijindachoke, it is Top’s real surname which is Chokejindachai. Also, Phao’s and Phu’s surname was from March’s surname, Pattarakampol , but they changed the last syllable from ‘pol’ to ‘porn’. 6. The idea of how to make the character’s student ids up is that they wanted the cast to easily check that they’re theirs without having to remember. (source) 7. P’Cook, one of the scriptwriters, and her sister are the ones who do English Subtitles for you guys. (source) 8. In the scene in EP.1 where Boss discussed the homework reduction idea with a teacher, actually that teacher should have been Mr. Sakol, not Mr. Ping (Played by P’Ping Kriangkrai, Hormones director). 9. Mr. Sakol was played by Ping Adisorn, a director of GTH, who directed Fanchan, Stupid Cupid, Bangkok Traffic Love Story, and etc. 10. The last scene of EP.2 was the first scene of all the scenes in this season they filmed. (source) 11. The reason they were back to using Hormones’ names as Episode titles was simply because they liked this way better. (in season 2, they just wanted to try something new, that was why they named each episode the character’s name.) (source)  12. The rooms which are Koi’s and Dao’s bedrooms, are actually next to each other. (source) 13. The bathroom in EP.2 wasn’t the real school’s bathroom. They just set it up in a studio. (source) 14. The school principal’s name was Songyos Sugkmakanan. (It’s P’Yong’s full name guyssss) 15. The Chinese teacher is one of Hormones 1 & 2 scriptwriters. He was the one who wrote PhuThee story. 16. Phao was named after Bodyslam’s guitarist. (source) 17. Phao’s old school was the school Mint (Mhog’s ex girlfriend in Season 1) studied in. It was the same school in Seven Something. Seems like they changed the full name from ‘Facebookwittaya’ to ‘Farbowon’ (in season 1, P’Yong himself said that Mint’s school was Facebookwittaya) Plus, actually Ton was appeared in the movie as F.B.W student, too.  18. Ben was played by Naerng’s older brother in real life. His name is Thanin. (source) 19. Rolex spent a month on practicing singing this song. (source) 20. Pikul was actually a lost dog. First asked his parents to raise her when he was a kid. (source) 21. The movie Sun watched in EP.9 was The Swimmers 22. Gungging was named after P’Cook’s sister. (source) 23. This person is the director of Suckseed & May Who? 24. This song was composed by P’Ping and the mv was directed by P’Sua, co-directer of hormones 3. (source) 25. The issue that the scriptwriters also wanted to bring up in this season was the life of a fangirl. And they even planned that Mali would have been the one who had a fangirl life. But there weren’t enough episodes to talk about it. (source) 26. Actually, Boss was a member of Journal Club. And He and Dao knew each other. (source) 27. They planned that Boss would have been the one who made Dao confused if she actually liked girls or boys. (source)
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lammbe · 9 years
The lipsync Belle
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lammbe · 9 years
Menyesal di keterbatasan. Selalu.
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lammbe · 9 years
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Udah lama gak coret coret kok tetep gak bagus :|
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lammbe · 9 years
Kata orang menunggu itu membosankan, tapi beda denganku. Menunggu itu seperti 'Iseng iseng berhadiah'. Kadang dapet kadang rugi.
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lammbe · 9 years
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Sendiri di antara luasnya langit.
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