lanarodress12213 · 4 years
Myth Fects
FACT: Many people who get COVID-19 will get it later Most people receiving COVID-19 have mild to moderate symptoms and can recover after further care. If you have a cough, fever or shortness of breath, see a doctor early - call your healthcare provider first. If you have a fever and live in an area with malaria or dengue fever, seek treatment immediately. FACT: Thermal scanners do NOT detect COVID-19 Thermal scanners effectively detect people with fever (i.e., body temperature is higher than normal). They do not see people infected with COVID-19. There are many causes of fever. See a doctor if you need help or seek immediate medical attention if you have a fever and live in an area where malaria or dengue is common.
more about covid-19 FACT: COVID-19 is NOT preventable or effective by adding pepper and soup or other dishes Hot peppers in your diet, while delicious, will not prevent or cure COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself from the new coronavirus is to stay at least 1 meter away from others and wash your hands often. It is also good for your health to eat a balanced diet, be well hydrated, exercise regularly and sleep well. FACT: COVID-19 was NOT transferred in flight So far, there is no evidence or information to suggest that the COVID-19 virus has been transmitted by flies. The virus that causes COVID-19 is usually spread through droplets that form when an infected person sneezes, sneezes or talks. You can also be infected by touching an infected surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands. To protect, keep at least 1 meter away from others and disinfect normal surfaces. Thoroughly and frequently clean your hands and avoid eyes, mouth and nose. FACT: Spraying and applying bleach or other disinfectants on the body is NOT safe from COVID-19 and can be dangerous. Do not experience or spray bleach or other disinfectants on your body. These substances can be toxic if ingested and irritate and damage the skin and eyes.
Bleaching and disinfecting agents should only be used with caution when disinfecting surfaces. Remember to keep chlorine bleach and other disinfectants within reach of children. FACT: COPEN-19 should NOT be prevented or cured by taking methanol, ethanol or bleach and it may be harmful. Methanol, ethanol and bleach are toxic substances. Drinking can cause disability and death. Methanol, ethanol and bleach are sometimes used in cleaning products to kill viruses on surfaces, but you should not drink them. They will not kill the virus in your body and will destroy your internal organs.
To protect against COVID-19, disinfect objects and surfaces, especially those you come in contact with often. You can use dilute bleach or alcohol for this. Make sure you clean your hands thoroughly and often, avoiding the eyes, mouth and nose. FACT: 5G networks broadcast NET COVID-19 Viruses cannot travel over radio waves / cellular networks. COVID-19 is widespread in many countries without a 5G mobile network.
COVID-19 spreads through the airways when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. People can also be infected by touching an infected surface and then the eyes, mouth or nose. FACT: Sun exposure or temperatures above 25 ° C will not be protected from COVID-19 You can catch COVID-19 in any sunny or hot weather. COVID-19 cases have been reported by countries with hot weather. To protect yourself, clean your hands thoroughly and often and avoid eyes, mouth and nose.
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lanarodress12213 · 4 years
myth busters
The infodemic curve is recommended We are all exposed to a huge amount of information about COVID-19 every day and not everything is reliable. Here are some tips to spot the difference and avoid the spread of misinformation. FACT: Studies show that hydroxychloroquine has no clinical benefit in the treatment of COVID-19 Possible treatments for COVID-19 have been investigated in the treatment of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, malaria, lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. Current data show that this drug does not reduce mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and does not help those with moderate disease. * The use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine is generally safe for patients with malaria and autoimmune diseases, but unless indicated and without medical supervision, their use can cause serious side effects and should be avoided.
more update about covid-19
* More robust studies are needed to assess whether patients suffer from mild disease or prophylaxis of COVID-19 or pre-exposure. Is Dexamethasone Treatment For All COVID-19 Patients? Dexamethasone should be kept in patients who need it most. Not to be completed.
It has not improved in patients with mild symptoms. Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid used for anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. Some COVID-19 patients with ventilators improve their health with a daily dose of 6 mg dexamethasone for 10 days. FACT: People should not wear body masks People should wear TRIPS because masks can decrease comfortable breathing.
Sweat can get a mask that gets wet faster, making breathing difficult, and it promotes the growth of microorganisms. It is an important precaution to keep a distance of at least three feet from others.
Fact: Water or swimming does not spread the COVID-19 virus The COVID-19 virus does not spread in water while swimming. However, the virus spreads among humans when a person is in close contact with an infected person.
Avoid the crowds and stay at least 1 meter away from others, even while swimming or swimming. Wear a mask when you are not in the water and you cannot stay away. Clean your hands often, cover your cough or sneeze with a napkin or bent elbow, and stay home if you feel sick. FACT: The odds of spreading COVID-19 shoes are very low COVID-19 is unlikely to spread in shoes and infect people. As a precaution, consider leaving slippers at the entrance of your home, especially in homes where babies and young children climb or play on the floor. This helps prevent dirt or grime from the sole of the shoe. FACT: The coronavirus (COVID-19) is caused by a virus, NOT by bacteria The virus caused by COVID-19 belongs to a family of viruses called Coronaviridae. Antibiotics do not work against viruses.
Some people who develop COVID-19 may also have a bacterial infection as a complication. In this case, your doctor may recommend antibiotics.
There are currently no approved drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. If you have symptoms, call your doctor or COVID-19 for help. FACT: Proper use of medical masks * DO NOT cause CO2 poisoning or oxygen starvation Prolonged use of medical masks can be stressful. However this is not caused by CO2 poisoning or lack of oxygen. If you wear a medical mask, make sure it fits properly and is tight enough to allow for normal breathing. Do not reuse the disposable mask and always replace it with a damp cloth.
* Medical masks (also called surgical masks) are flat or folded; they hang from the head or have ear lobes.
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lanarodress12213 · 4 years
COVID-19 Supply Chain System
What is Program-19 Protection? Global cover 19 reduces the reliability of basic equipment. At the request of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Secretary-General of the World Health Organization, and with the support of the United Nations Crisis Management Team, a working group on humanitarian action was set up to monitor the development of operational programs. COVID-19 force.
Since the release of COVID-19, the WHO has worked closely with hospital support team partner organizations to provide a vehicle to countries requesting critical assistance. The COVID-19 service portal was launched in May 2020 and now has access to personal protective equipment, biomedical equipment and vaccine equipment.
How to apply for stocks? To order equipment, the state must register at least one service provider and at least one partner / applicant. For more information on the application and application process, see:
Who can run? National officials and all service staff supporting the national COVID-19 action plan can register for the required items. Please note that your country must register a partner / applicant to act as an advice and service provider.
Support team The responsibility to the service provider includes the calculation and processing of local requests. The service disciple must be chosen by a domestic assistant or an external assistant who must be a trainer and report to the service.
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Participating countries / applicants The National Partner / Applicant is responsible for submitting applications to the COVID-19 port as appropriate. (Please note that membership services may not apply.) Local partners / applicants can apply directly from the COVID-19 distribution network.
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Review these questions or use general terms to learn more. Relatives can be found in the "Supported Chat Centers" section below.
What accessories can be ordered? FMCG now has access to about 50 key products, including personal protective equipment, biomedical and medical devices. Below you will find a link to the full catalog and more information on availability.
The product list contains a complete list of available products and measured prices. Prices are calculated on a weighted average cost (WAC) basis and may differ from the actual price offered at the time of payment. The product is subject to change, so make sure you refer to the final model.
Some key products are still declining worldwide as the problems caused by COVID-19 continue. The World Health Organization has been able to open a pipeline for some products (the system is not specified), but shipping is limited to others. The dreaded products are small in size and in high demand, resulting in a limited quantity and longer delivery time. We will try our best to complete the product you ordered, but we cannot guarantee it. Business notes include an indication of the quantity of goods.
When will I receive the product? Due to availability and availability, the stable time before converting an order to a confirmed order may not be changed. The overall expansion of the market, including planned delivery times, has been announced several times. When you submit your application, you will be notified each week by email of the status of your application.
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